What is the order of the zodiac signs? Dates, elements, energy and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the importance of knowing the order of the signs?

The signs are a great way to discover characteristics about yourself, make predictions about the future and even get advice and tips on various aspects of life, such as dating and work, for example.

However, it is essential to know the order in which the signs of the zodiac are distributed, because the twelve constellations follow their own calendar. Thus, the sign of individuals are determined by the day of their birth.

In this sense, knowing the order of the signs will help you identify which sign is yours and also those of the people around you. Learn everything in this article!

Horoscopes and their origin

To know more about the signs, first of all, one must know the history and symbology of the horoscope, as well as how the horoscope's predictions are based. See below a little more about this!

History of the Western Horoscope

Since the first millennia, human beings have been looking for answers in the sky, in the stars and in the planets. Thus, over the years, studies based on this have been developed and from them astrology originated.

In this sense, the horoscope was born, fruit of diagrams that trace the route of the planets, the natural satellites and the stars, relating it to the most varied aspects of the life of individuals and their personalities and defining the order of the signs.

At first, the horoscope-based chart was only for the nobles or those who had the money to buy it, but soon newspapers popularized the predictions and made them known worldwide.

Symbology of the horoscope

Horoscope diagrams are based on schemes that follow the path of the stars in the sky. Thus, conventions were developed to relate signs, ascendants, and moons to figures.

Therefore, each of these figures corresponds to a sign, that is, to a constellation or to a planet of regency. Thus, the twelve figures of the zodiac were established, which are presented as symbols of nature in the order of the signs.

Thus, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces, Leo and Gemini are represented by their namesakes. Aries is the ram, Cancer is the crab, Virgo is an angel, Libra is a scale, Sagittarius is a centaur, Capricorn is a goat, and Aquarius is the waterboy.

How are horoscope predictions based

Horoscope predictions are based on the trajectory made by the stars in the sky, that is, on astrology, which is a pseudo-science that studies the planets, stars and sets of constellations and their influence on people's lives.

Thus, the order of the signs was established along with the specific dates for the zodiac sign and therefore also influence the assembly of the sign diagrams, as do the planets and the stars.

In this way, the chart is formed based on dates and the positions of the stars. Thus, the reading becomes feasible and possible with the date of birth of the people who want the predictions.

Order of signs and horoscopes

The order of the signs is very important in the horoscope to guide the reading that makes the predictions. In this sense, read on to understand the order of the elements, the energies and the signs!

Order of elements

The elements of nature strongly influence astrology. Therefore, they can also say a lot about the order of the signs. In this sense, the elements mentioned are the classic quartet: fire, water, earth and air.

Thus, the four elements have the duty to reveal a perspective on how the individual sees the world around him and himself. Each of the signs are arranged in four groups. This division follows the separation of the four elements.

Thus, we have the Fire group, which includes Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; the Earth group, with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; the Air group, with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and, finally, the Water group, with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Order of energies cardinal, fixed and changeable

There are energies that propitiate certain behaviours and stimulate some inclinations related to the external world of the signs. These are the cardinal, fixed and immutable energies.

Firstly, the cardinal is related to the signs of Libra, Cancer, Aries and Capricorn, representing the most active of the zodiac. The fixed energy is linked to the signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, thus representing introspective individuals. Finally, the mutable energy comprises the signs of Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini, related to renewal.

Order of the signs

The signs are assigned to individuals according to their date and time of birth. In other words, by following the mapping of the sky at the moment of birth of the individual, their sign is discovered. In this sense, the order of the signs is based on a specific calendar, to guide people when putting together their birth chart.

The order is as follows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Aries - March 21 to April 19

The sign of Aries is that of all individuals who were born between the 21st of March and the 19th of April. Below, you will discover what their general characteristics are, what their element is and also their energy!

General features of Aries

People with the Sun in Aries are incredibly stubborn. They don't give up on their goals and do everything they can to be the best version of themselves. As such, they are very competitive. In addition, Ariesians are very focused on their purpose and always put themselves first, just like their position in the order of the signs.

However, this characteristic can be seen as self-centeredness. In general, the Sun in Aries forms very genious individuals who do not give up easily on their positions, opinions and stances. Thus, they are born fighters who do not know defeat in any situation.

Fire Element

The element of fire embraces three signs and one of them is Aries, the first one, according to the order of the signs. In this sense, the general characteristics of the sign will be influenced by the element of fire. Thus, for Aries, fire will provide very temperamental moments in relation to their struggle to maintain their opinions and prove that they are right in arguments.

In addition, fire will contribute to increase even more the obstinate side of the Aryans, putting them in a constant state of struggle, which can generate friction, by the defensive behavior that others need to assume around the Aryans.

Cardinal energy

The cardinal energy in the sign of Aries obeys the order of the signs and represents the four most active that are present in the horoscope. In this sense, Aries has many characteristics that marry with this energy.

First of all, it acts as an extra fuel in people's lives, which drives them and provides the gas they need to live life. Thus, Aryans count on the strength of cardinal energy in the pursuit of their goals.

Moreover, the remarkable motivation of this energy in individuals who have Sun in Aries presents itself in their relentless behavior with everything imaginable.

Taurus - April 20 to May 20

Taureans are the people who are born between April 20 and May 20. In this sense, those born in this period have Sun in Taurus, with earth element and fixed energy. To know more about these characteristics, keep reading!

Taurus General Features

According to the order of the signs and the astrological calendar, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Thus, people who have Sun in this sign are calm, patient and convey an aura of peace. In addition, one of the main characteristics of Taureans presents itself as the attachment to riches and material goods.

The Taurus' calmness can often be uncomfortable in his personal relationships, so his calm way of dealing with everything and everyone can sometimes appear as inactivity or even indifference to the situations which present themselves to him.

Earth element

The earth element encompasses Taurus, just as the order of the signs and elements predicts. In view of this, the influence of the third element is extremely welcome for Taureans. In this sense, their calm manner combines with the influence of this element to give them a kind of unwavering confidence. Thus, these people become stable and centered individuals.

Furthermore, as far as changes and transformations are concerned, those who have the Sun in Taurus approach such situations in a slow and gradual way, thus ensuring that everything goes smoothly in important stages and phases.

Fixed energy

According to the order of the signs, the energy corresponding to Taurus is the fixed energy, which is related to internal issues of the individual. In this aspect, Taureans are exceptional.

The combination of fixed energy and the manifestation of the influence of the earth element gives Taureans the attitude of always thinking before acting. Therefore, they first resolve issues internally before manifesting their decisions.

In addition, these individuals seek security and stability in their relationships, looking for the calmness of themselves in other people. Furthermore, conservatism is also striking, in the sense of being resistant to abrupt changes.

Gemini - May 21 to June 21

Geminians have a birthday between May 21 and June 21, reaching the middle of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Learn what the general characteristics of this sign are and how the element of air and unchanging energy can influence you below!

Gemini General Features

Established as the third in the order of the signs, Gemini is a sign linked to communication. Therefore, there is in these individuals an ease to keep old friends and to make new ones of them. For sure, the social skills of Gemini are their most outstanding characteristic.

But they are also known as the chameleons of the zodiac. This metaphor relates to the fact that people with Sun in Gemini can radically change their personality according to the people or environment in which they are present.

Air element

The air element comprises the third sign, Gemini, so its influence on it is related to the inventive and creative characteristics which are present in Gemini. In this sense, these individuals demonstrate the influence of the air element in their lives by always being involved in various projects, each with a different personality.

Because they have a creative behavior and their minds are always working on something, Gemini people can appear inattentive or contemptuous.

Changing energy

The nature of changeable energy only enhances all the main characteristics of the sign of Gemini. In this sense, the third in the order of signs has the energy of hyperactivity of ideas. Therefore, Gemini people show constant change of interests, personality and also thoughts.

Thus, they are always looking for new directions and new paths to follow and find something new. Finally, mutable energy is the ideal complement for people who have Sun in Gemini, as it will work to nurture all the best qualities of this sign.

Cancer - June 22-July 22

The sign of Cancer, represented by the crab, is the sign of those born between June 22 and July 22. So, learn more about this sign, what it means to be a water sign and how the cardinal energy manifests in it!

General features of Cancer

The sign of Cancer is one of the most sentimental of the twelve signs of the zodiac, so all the characteristics of those with the Sun in the fourth sign are related to their sentimental side, and one of their greatest characteristics is to be attached to past events and the emotions they left in the mind and heart.

In this sense, Cancerians are extremely spiteful. Moreover, these individuals are usually very jealous and take seriously the bonds they establish with people. Thus, Cancerians take very good care of loves ones, friends and family members.

Water element

The signs which are influenced by the element water carry a strong emotional charge. In this sense, the fourth sign in the order clearly demonstrates this characteristic.

Thus, the element of water confers a great influence of feelings on the intuition of Cancerians. In this sense, their findings are not linked to concrete facts, but, in their vision, based on their personal emotions.

In this way, Cancerians' judgements are often called into question by those around them. After all, they can be strongly biased and mirror their own emotions, whether negative or positive.

Cardinal energy

In the order of the signs, the energy which is over the sign of Cancer is the cardinal. This means that the signs ruled by this energy are very active and are always ready to act and take charge of the situation.

According to astrology, the cardinal energy acts by boosting the emotional side of people who have Sun in Cancer. In this sense, they show initiative in solving sentimental problems and don't like to leave anything for later.

Thus they will constantly take the initiative to resolve emotional conflicts in love relationships, with family or even in the professional environment.

Leo - July 23-August 22

Between the dates of July 23 and August 22, are the leonines, that is, people who have Sun in Leo. So, find out more about the general characteristics of this sign, the influence of fire and its fixed energy on those ruled by it!

Lion General Features

The fifth sign, Leo, is the most self-confident of all and is very famous for it. Leonines are like lions: they love to show off their jubilees and all their other attributes, whether they are physical, material or intellectual.

However, vanity is not the only quality of individuals with the Sun in Leo. These people are extremely sociable and outgoing, and have no problems involving shame or shyness. In addition, their concern for the satisfaction of others is remarkable. As well as putting themselves first, Leonines greatly value the happiness, well-being and success of the people they love.

Fire Element

Following the determination of the order of the signs, the element of the sign of Leo is fire. Therefore, the element brings some information about the way the Leo people relate to each other and their temperament. Just like a fire, people who have Sun in Leo have difficulty in containing themselves.

Therefore, everything with them happens in a tremendous intensity, without stepping on the brake or even looking back. In this sense, passion happens in a rapturous way, but their incendiary temperament can become a problem in more delicate situations.

Fixed energy

The energy which acts on the sign of Leo is the fixed energy. Thus, in the order of the signs, Leo is one of the four which are influenced by this energy, which is linked to a conservative behavior. In this way, Leonines keep within themselves the fire which feeds their intense way of being and acting.

They do not change their personality for anything in the world, being that this is one of the things they cherish the most. Thus, the temperamental behavior of people with Sun in Leo provokes situations in which one side needs to give in, but it will never be the Leo who will make this sacrifice.

Virgo - August 23 to September 22

Virgoans are people born between the dates of August 23 and September 22. This sign has the influence of the earth element and unchanging energy, so keep reading to understand more in detail about it!

Virgo General Features

The sixth sign of the zodiac is Virgo. Individuals with the Sun in this terrestrial sign are extremely dedicated in their tasks and, for them, the most important thing is to always surpass themselves. Thus, the search for constant perfection can end up disturbing Virgoans, with a too heavy vigilance over themselves.

Despite this, being involved in a new job is a pleasure for them. Also, Virgoans are a very loyal type of person who inspires trust and is as dedicated as possible to others in the relationships they are involved in.

Earth element

The order of the signs defines the elements which have an influence on them. In this sense, in the case of the sign of Virgo, the element which sharpens its general characteristics is the earth. It influences directly the practical and objective side of Virgoans. In this way, they become people who do not need much ceremony to solve their affairs.

Furthermore, earth brings the firmness that Virgoans need to sustain their confidence and also to inspire and convey these characteristics to the people around them.

Changing energy

The mutable energy is the one that acts on Virgoans according to the order of the signs, so it will work to sharpen some important aspects in individuals with Sun in Virgo.

In this way, the drive for change will manifest with the Virgoans' desire to always be involved with new projects, discoveries and things where they can develop their potential more and more.

Therefore, the shifting energy will act as fuel for the hunger for improvement of Virgoans, who are always prepared to embark on new journeys of discovery.

Libra - September 23 to October 22

Librians are born between the dates of September 23 and October 22, reaching the end of the year. Thus, they are influenced by the rulership of this sign, the air element and the cardinal energy. Learn more about all this below!

General features of Libra

In the order of the signs, Libra is in seventh position. It is a sign that relates a lot to communication, human relations and diplomacy. In this sense, Librians are very good people when situations call for empathy, that is, the need to put yourself in the other person's shoes. In addition, they are great people to resolve conflicts.

Librians constantly weigh considerations based on their rational side to make their judgements. However, this behaviour can end up getting in the way of simple decisions and lead to indecision.

Air element

In the case of Libra, the air element comes to reinforce their rational side, which commands most of their actions. In this way, the air contributes even more to the intelligence of Virgoans. On the other hand, the element also potentiates negative characteristics, such as indecision. In this sense, the fluidity of the air contributes to the continuous change of opinion of people with the Sun in Virgo.

Cardinal energy

The cardinal energy relates to beginnings and arrivals. In this sense, the four signs which are under its influence correspond to the arrival of the four seasons of the year, according to the order of the signs.

Thus, Libra is the sign that is at the beginning of spring, where this energy brings the freshness of the emergence of new things. The cardinal energy is completely active and acts in Virgoans interacting with their diplomatic side.

In this sense, the cardinal energy can help Librians with their indecision by forcing an impulse with this active, commanding energy that calls for action.

Scorpio - 23 October - 21 November

The sign of Scorpio is one of the most famous signs of the zodiac and the people who are ruled by it are born between October 23 and November 21. Scorpians have the influence of water and fixed energy, so continue reading the article to understand a little more about these aspects!

General features of Scorpio

According to the horoscope and the order of the signs, Scorpio is in the eighth position in the chart. Scorpios are extremely intuitive people and tend to be very much guided by strong emotions, even if these are not correct.

On the other hand, they are very good at interpreting things not said by the people around them. In fact, with people, Scorpios are very good and very loving in their relationships. However, in some cases, this attachment can be too much, as the intensity of Scorpio sensations dictates, and go overboard, manifesting itself with jealousy.

Water element

According to the order of the signs, the element of water is the one which exerts its influence on the sign of Scorpio. In this sense, the element will increase even more the sentimental charge which is characteristic of this sign.

So, with water acting on the emotions of Scorpios, they feel even more confident in following their intuitions and become even more assertive when it comes to reading the intentions of others.

Moreover, this element contributes to increase the intensity of feelings of Scorpios in all areas of life. Thus, they will have more fuel to feed their obsessive behaviors.

Fixed energy

The order of the signs has assigned to Scorpio the energy of fixed character. Thus, this sign presents behaviors which indicate stubbornness and difficulty to accept changes in your life. In this sense, Scorpios will cling very strongly to opinions and positions linked to particular feelings.

Furthermore, the fixed energy influences the sign in its rejection to change, which provides Scorpio moments of pure stubbornness that generate a lot of headaches for the people around them.

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21

Sagittarians are born between November 22 and December 21, approaching Christmas, so they have with them the element of fire and changeable energy to bring out their characteristics. Read on to find out more!

General features of Sagittarius

Sagittarians are usually people that everyone longs for company and friendship. Joy and positivity are always at the side of these people, who exude good humor wherever they go.

Thus, people with the Sun in the ninth sign become very much in demand in social circles, for they have an easy conversation and can undo anyone with their smiles and their lightness. Therefore, Sagittarians love to have company, and for them there is an enormous pleasure in entertaining them or simply living with them in harmony, to squander their free spirit.

Fire Element

The sign of Sagittarius is influenced by one of the most reactive and strongest elements: fire. Therefore, it will act on the power of action of Sagittarians.

Fire is an element which cannot be controlled and, besides, its flames form without a specific pattern and follow unprogrammed paths. Therefore, their thirst to know new places, travel to unknown corners and leave without much direction comes from this influence of fire in the life of the Sagittarian.

Changing energy

Knowing a little about the characteristics of the Sagittarians, it is not difficult to understand how the changeable energy manifests itself in their personality. Since they love unknown paths and surprises, this is the perfect energy.

Thus, Sagittarians carry with them this energy of change, of movement and diversity at all times. By determination of the order of the signs, mutable energy potentiates the travelling spirit of the Sagittarians.

In this way, your physical body is always changing, with the exchange of social circles and experiences. In addition, your spirit also joins in the constant renewal and never stands still.

Capricorn - December 22 to January 19

From the 22nd of December to the 19th of January the Capricornians are born. They have the earth element and the cardinal energy on their side. Continue in the article to understand what this means!

General features of Capricorn

Capricorn presents itself as the tenth sign of the zodiac. Thus, Capricornians show themselves as extremely responsible and committed individuals with their personal and professional life. Moreover, people with Sun in Capricorn find it difficult to trust others and follow someone else's lead.

Thus problems of trust can complicate friendships and work. Capricorns are usually very patient individuals. In this sense they can wait for the right moment as they understand that everything needs a development to come to fruition.

Earth element

In the case of Capricorn, the element selected for you is earth, which shows your firm and responsible character. In this sense, the firmness of this element helps Capricornians to stand firm to support all their responsibilities. However, this characteristic can generate work addiction.

In this way the firmness of the earth can also bring out the conscience and rationality of the Capricornian, but in excess this can translate into pessimism and hopelessness, so one must be careful in this respect.

Cardinal energy

In the order of the signs, the cardinal energy is the one that falls upon the sign of Capricorn and, therefore, upon Capricornians. In this case, Capricorn is at the beginning of summer and the heat of that season joins the cardinal energy and moves the sign always forward.

Thus this energy encourages Capricorns to take the lead in all their projects. The power of the Cardinal energy usually manifests itself most strongly with situations related to the individual's professional life and other aspects connected with it.

Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

Aquarians, although not the first sign in the order of the signs, are the people who are born in the first months of the year, between January 20th and February 18th. Besides the dates, other important information, such as the element and energy of this sign cannot remain unknown. Read on to find out more!

Aquarium general features

In the positions established by the order of the signs, Aquarius is in second to last place. His most striking characteristics are connected with his desire for independence and his friendships.

Thus, they are people who have a very strong desire within themselves to want to be independent and to be different from what most of society considers good, right or moral. In addition, they really like the feeling of being surrounded by friends and being part of something, like a group of friends. In this sense, they are always in search of that feeling of belonging.

Air element

In the order of the signs, the air element fits with Aquarius' general characteristics, such as his relationship with friendships and his desire to stand out in the world.

However, the element brings some different markers to these characteristics, such as the volatility of air and the tendency of Aquarians to abandon circles of friends for the need to fit in somewhere.

Also, the desire for independence can present itself as a trap and cause Aquarians to leave the safety of the nest before their time.

Fixed energy

The fixed energy that falls on the sign of Aquarius reveals some interesting things about the second-to-last in the order of the signs. In this sense, this energy points to the fixation of ideas. The strong opinion of Aquarians will prevent them from abandoning ideas that make no sense or have no chance of working out, just to maintain their independence.

Therefore, sometimes Aquarians need to fight against the force of this energy, lest they end up falling into traps made by themselves and their ideals, which work only in their own world.

Pisces - February 19 to March 20

People with Sun and Pisces are born between the 19th of February and the 20th of March, so their natural element is water and the energy that hangs over them is mutable. Read the topics below to understand what these denominations are about!

General features of Fish

Pisceans are very attached to love and loved ones. Thus, their joy is to make the individuals they love happy and ensure that they feel well cared for and loved. In this sense, people with Sun in Pisces love to take care of other people. Moreover, the latter sign also carries within itself a very great humility regarding its attributes.

In general, Pisceans are calm people, but this behavior should never be confused with passivity or indifference, because they are always attentive to situations, they just don't like to make a fuss for nothing.

Water element

Water is the element which is linked to the last sign of the horoscope, following the order of the signs, so the Pisces sign has the lightness of water, its transparency and its strength to make up its personality.

The element in question helps to potentiate situations related to the emotions of individuals. Thus, the incurable romantic side of Pisceans has its origin in this element. In this way, the surrender of people with the Sun in Pisces comes from the force of water and, therefore, they usually give their all in relationships and expect the same from their partners.

Changing energy

The energy of changing directions exerts its influence on the last sign of the zodiac. In this sense, speaking about Pisces, the energy will manifest itself mainly on emotions. Thus, the changing energy makes Pisceans have a strong flow of emotions, which constantly acts on their life.

This explains the importance and predominance of your sentimental side. In this sense, energy enables a channel in which these emotions increasingly surface within the Piscean, going in different directions and directing the actions of these individuals.

Is the order of the signs the same every year?

The order of the signs follows the Gregorian calendar and the Sayana, the western astrological calendar. In this sense, the order in which the signs are placed does not change over the years. However, what does change is the time of counting the first and last day of the sign dates.

That is, every year the times of these dates change, and therefore the time of birth is one of the main factors for the birth chart. Therefore, although the order does not change, people of the same day will not necessarily have the same sign, because if this date is the first or last day of the sign, they can fall into different houses of the horoscope.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.