What is the spiritual meaning of the snake? In Shamanism, Umbanda and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the snake and its spiritual meaning

Despite all the stereotypes of fear, negativity, venom, bad personality traits, etc. that our culture perpetuates, the symbology of the snake in the spiritual world is much greater and more complex than these myths and conclusions about the animal. Besides representing a sacred being, where its existence is part of an entire chain and ecosystem, it also brings diverse meanings depending on itsspecies.

And that is what will be unraveled in this article, you will discover what it means and what special messages spirituality has for you through the species of snakes and their meanings, check out everything you need to know now.

Spiritual, religious and mythological meaning of Cobra

If your first reaction to coming across a snake in a dream is to think that your partner or friend is cheating on you, know that despite the fear placed upon these animals in movies and stories, snakes have much to offer you on the astral plane.

The snake is an exotic animal that is almost impossible not to arouse some feeling in people, a shrewd, agile and mysterious creature, present in much of the faunas of the world. There are more than 3.7 thousand species spread in various climates and their adaptation has become something essential to them and these forces are what this animal carries more.

Since the most ancient peoples, snakes have always been represented in their cultures and beliefs, their healing energy has crossed the barriers of various religions and remains until today, being a symbol of medicine and nursing in the world. Discover below how powerful this animal is and how it can be used for your benefit.

Religious meaning of the Snake

In Genesis it is written that a snake came to paradise to tempt Eve to eat the apple, in this context the representation of the snake can be seen as consciousness itself, the negative thoughts and duality. Even in this context the snake brings mental wisdom and shows us the representation of knowing how to deal with our emotions and thoughts.

Alongside great leaders and gods of various religions the snake was present, next to Buddha as the serpent king. The feathered serpent of King Quetzalcoatl, the caduceus of Hermes and still several situations in important moments in the Bible. This animal is magical-religious and transcends religions because its representation is greater.

Spiritual meaning of the Snake

For millennia snakes have been represented in various peoples and cultures, each in its own way, but always converging on the symbolism of healing, wisdom, renewal, protection and transmutation. Feared by some, loved by others, the animal snake brings different sensations to each, but all can absorb its energy.

Snakes have suffered a certain stigma in society that has simplified for years that dreaming of a snake means betrayal, and this could not be more wrong, in general the snake brings warning signs, but it also represents renewal and transmutation in your life, it can mean healing and wisdom, so do not be afraid of this powerful animal.

Meaning of the snake in Buddhism

Buddhism is a transcendental philosophy of evolution and wisdom, Siddhartha Gautama the first Buddha after reaching his enlightenment began to be protected by a king snake called Mucalinda. This fact, brought to the practitioners of Buddhism the archetype of the snake in the form of protection during their challenges, especially against negative energies.

In addition one of the tools of Buddhism is the feng shui that has the snake as an animal that can attract good luck and health into your home. In feng shui the main goal is to create a positive energy flow that surrounds your home and bring harmony to each environment, thus bringing harmony, health, luck and prosperity to your life.

Meaning of snake in Hinduism

Kund = Burning, Kunda = Orifice, Kundala= Spiral Coil these meanings come to explain the word Kundalini, which for Hindus represents the serpent that dwells in each of us, which is activated to burn within us, from the base of the spine to the head, representing a state of spiritual elevation, achieved through much meditation and development.

Kundalini is the apex of spiritual evolution within Hinduism, it is desired and sought after by all its practitioners, and having a snake as a symbol shows how powerful and important this animal is. The fire that burns your spirit comes from the bottom up in a circular fashion just like the movement of a snake, having this visualization can help.

Meaning of the snake in Greek Mythology

Whether in a sacred symbol of a God as in the Caduceus of Hermes, or in ruthless monsters like the heads of the Hydra, the snake has always been present in Greek culture, representing healing in the case of the caduceus (used to this day as a symbol of medicine) or in the Hydra as a symbol of spiritual willpower over the dominance of the ego.

Besides the Hydra you will observe the snake featured in another mythological being of extreme importance to the Greek pantheon, Medusa. A woman who was cursed by the Gods and had her hair replaced by several snakes with the power to turn anyone who looks directly at her, into stone.

Meaning of the snake in Egyptian Mythology

In Egyptian mythology the snake is associated in the figure of Ouroboros, the serpent that swallows its own tail, this symbol represents for millenniums the cycle of life, immortality and cosmic forms that contains everything in itself and is everywhere. The circumference represents the force without beginning and without end, the omnipresence, the Divine unity.

The circle is understood by several cultures as a symbol of the whole for thousands of years, curious to observe that in the universe the most circular shape is abundant, whether on the planets, stars, black holes or even in the galaxies themselves. After these observations the connection between the circular and the divine, the whole, became even greater.

Meaning of the snake in shamanism

In Shamanism the snake is a great power animal, it represents physical and spiritual healing, it is an animal that brings the power of transmutation and rebirth. The symbolism of changing its skin is very great in the spiritual world because it has the ability to leave behind what is old covering itself with something 100% new, reborn, transmuting and adapting, this is the energy that the snake brings according to theshamanism.

Besides also representing subtlety and cunning, rituals in the energy of the snake are widely used and are very good, because this power animal presents itself in an ancestral way to help each person who invokes it. Having this animal together can be extremely beneficial, whether represented in the office, in the home or as a form of amulet next to the body.

Snake in Chinese Horoscopes

The signs that we have in the West are represented in animal shapes in the East, bringing their own meanings. Wisdom, elegance, prudence, discretion, seduction, mystery and sensuality are some of the attributes of people born in the year of the serpent, if you were born in 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001, this is your Chinese sign.

The snake is the sixth animal of the Chinese horoscope, the snake has an enigmatic intelligence, sensuality and great beauty, these are the weapons that make it have a great seductive power, but do not think that the beautiful face is what stands out, often what really charms and falls in love is his agile mind.

The Spiritual Animal Cobra and the symbolism of the different species

The snakes have their main characteristics of healing, renewal, transmutation, wisdom, rebirth and protection represented in its great majority, but these meanings may suffer some kind of change depending on each culture or each type of snake, besides having different meanings depending on how they are used.

Understanding how to interpret each species can lead you to a greater understanding of yourself and how it is impacting your life. The snake is a very powerful and wise animal, understanding its symbolism is understanding what spirituality through this animal is wanting to show you, stay tuned to each symbolism below to interpret.

The Snake Spirit Animal

The universe was created in perfect harmony and communion, if you stop and observe nature, you will see that everything works perfectly and each being fulfills its role in that ecosystem. There is a long time the human being disconnected from this ecosystem and the negative consequences of this fact have been easily observed.

New diseases, depression and mental illnesses are on the increase, the lack of harmony among one's own kind, when you are disconnected from the world, you feel empty and weak, notice that this energy is not even associated with any God or religion, but something more elemental which is the connection with the world we live in, body, mind and spirit.

To know your power animal is to reconnect with these energies. A long time ago the human being created his connection with the animal world and learned from it, but was left aside, the invitation for you to meet your power animal is precisely to reconnect with the true essence of humanity. If the snake chose you know that it can mean many things, but mainly that your strength alwayswill be great and powerful.

Symbolism of the Anaconda

Detachment, this is the main message that Anaconda brings, she asks you to exercise your ability to let things happen and that you understand that you don't have the ability to control everything, don't just focus on the outcome, fall in love with the process of things, having a plan is great, but sometimes the unexpected can bring more than you expect.

Symbolism of the Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake symbolizes respect for your limits and especially the limitations of other people. Be kind and have empathy, understand that not everything should be your way. Another message that this snake brings is that spirituality will be more present in your life, be aware and work more on your intuition, have more confidence in yourself and the spirits that accompany you.

Symbolism of the Copperhead Snake

The Copperhead Snake is a species that comes to bring the message of internalization, she invites you to enter your inner lair and listen to your inner voice. Solve your inner problems so you can develop in outer life. She brings the call of your Self, trust your intuition and fight for what you know is right.

Symbolism of the Corn Snake

A powerful warning from the spirituality that you are on the right path! The Corn Snake symbolizes security and the opening of the paths. It is important to note that choices lead us to different paths, so be clear what you want, so that the spirituality can act together on the path you choose to take.

Symbolism of the Milk Snake

The Milk Snake is a symbol of recognition of your maturity, for it shows the moment that poisonous words no longer reach you. It shows that you no longer care about anyone's opinion and that you have security in yourself and in your path, not caring about negative people, your priority is to please yourself.

Symbolism of the Rat Snake

Have firmness of purpose and perseverance that everything will come true, the Rat Snake brings this message. It shows that you are now going through a time of accelerated growth, where clarity is your main friend. In addition, it gives you the warning to pay attention to hidden intentions and not get carried away by what it seems.

Symbolism of the boa constrictor

The same security that prevents you from losing can also prevent you from winning, the message of the boa is clear: don't smother the people you love with overprotection, everyone has their stories of right and wrong, and it is in the wrong that most people learn. Overprotecting is not a help, it is preventing the person from growing and learning from their own leg.

Symbolism of the Water Moccasin

The opportunity to travel to new and unknown lands, this is the prelude that brings the Water Moccasin. Moreover, it represents a change and rebirth in your life, but charges you to seek inner healing from past traumas and wounds, you must face your "demons" so that a new you is reborn from this experience.

Symbolism of the cobra

The cobra brings a warning sign for sudden good opportunities, be aware of variations that can bring you good fruit. At the same time be careful with impulsiveness and especially do not pay attention to others' opinions, if you believe then take the attitude that will take you where you want. Seek to have intelligence and strategy in your movements.

Python Symbolism

The Python brings you a realization: you are already powerful! However it is of utmost importance that you renew your power batteries, and for that the right way is to "change your skin" leaving behind everything that paralyzes you, that hinders you and weakens you. Remember that you have the power, but how you use this power is up to you.

Symbolism of the Viper

The Viper is the only snake that will bring you the direct warning of "betrayal", it gives the warning that someone in your cycle of friends or family is not being true. Open the eyes of your intuition to understand that not everything is what it seems, be alert and when you identify the person, stay away and do not participate in the negative energy, be superior.

Symbolism of the Aspid Viper

The Aspid Viper has been bringing the message for you to remember and become aware of the seeds that you have sown on your path, this is at the same time a good warning because it can mean that you can reap a positive seed that you have planted, but it can also mean something bad if you have planted negative seeds, which can come back to sting you.

Symbolism of the European Viper

Respect is earned and not imposed, when exercising a position of power, you must remember that you are dealing with people. This is the symbolism of the European Viper. People who make mistakes just like you and have feelings, be careful when giving your orders or asking something to someone, it is important that you have control and responsibility of the feelings caused to others.

Symbolism of Thamnophis

Good fortune for your most creative ideas. The Thamnophis brings the energy of creativity and realization in your life, take advantage of this energy to get all your ideas off the paper, the numbers of good luck are in your favor so do not worry and do not listen to the opinion of people who find your ideas crazy and misplaced.

Different Snakes as Totem Animal

The totem animal represents the energy that rules your spirit, each person has their personal animal that differs from the others and the best way to discover it is through a shamanic ritual of enlightenment, knowing your animal means knowing yourself and a new world of opportunities and discoveries, if your animal is the snake, see below what that means.

The Common Snake as Totem Animal

Much like people who have the beetle as their power animal, those whose totem is the snake are constantly going through changes in their lives, changes that they can easily overcome. People with the snake totem have a natural quality of balancing energies and are great for healing and spiritual regeneration.

Like a snake's walk, these people are usually flexible, open-minded and get along very well in any conversation circle. They are usually attributed a seductive personality because they exude confidence and their gaze is intense and mysterious, they are great to talk to and always give you a different and thoughtful point of view.

The Constrictor Snake as Totem Animal

Be careful not to suffocate the people you love. People who bring the constrictor snake as a totem animal are loyal and protective, a very good combination, but it needs to be dosed in the right way so as not to turn into a serious defect, their overprotection does not come from jealousy or control, but from the care they have for others.

These people have a veiled kindness, they do not worry about pleasing people right away and can often have a somewhat intimidating posture. They are focused, powerful, trust their instincts and have a very strong spiritual connection, they are dedicated and fearless, know what they want and do not measure efforts to reach their goal.

The Poison Snake as Totem Animal

Contrary to what it may seem, these people are extremely loyal and reliable, those who have a poisonous snake as a totem manifest a magnetic and extremely charismatic personality, they are excellent listeners when it comes to the feelings of others and are always available for good advice.

But their gentleness must not be confused with naivety, these people are smart and are not usually fooled, but they always warn before they strike, giving the opportunity to change things, they move in a smooth way between changing situations and always defend their position when things get difficult.

Can the spiritual meaning of the Snake be manifested in dreams?

Dreams have been studied for centuries and nowadays many scientists agree that they have a meaning. In spirituality as a whole it is practically unanimous the conclusion that God, the Holy Spirit, the Orixás, the Guides, the Divinities, the Mentors, etc., use dreams to communicate with us, bringing directions, alerts or connection.

The world of dreams needs to be analyzed and understood because its meaning can vary greatly from situation to situation. To dream of several intertwined snakes can mean a state of inner turmoil and requires you to pay special attention to internalize and

"untie" the knots that are in your mind, a confused mind tends to have wrong decisions.

To dream of a white snake climbing on something, for example, is a positive omen. The white snake represents healing, transformation and wisdom, so stay alert to renew yourself and have positive changes. As well as if the dream is with a coiled snake, it can mean that you need to be aware of new opportunities in your life and as soon as they arrive grab strong.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.