What it means to dream of doll: broken, cloth, possessed and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of a doll?

Dreams that involve dolls reveal the need to pay attention to one's own feelings. Then, the dreamer may end up receiving some revelations about his intimacy that have been kept for a long time in the unconscious.

Thus, the alerts are linked to the need to surround yourself with loved ones. They also reveal that you need to think more calmly about your wishes so that you don't end up suppressing them for the sake of others and once again neglecting your feelings.

Throughout the article, the meanings of dreaming of doll in different situations will be detailed. To know more about it, continue reading and find the interpretation that suits your case.

To dream that you see and interact with the doll

There are a number of details of dreams that can modify their general meaning. Therefore, although the general idea remains, the meanings are deepened from these aspects. When talking about dreaming that interacts with doll, this would be no different.

Therefore, the interactions practiced with the object bring distinct messages that also talk about the dreamer's relationships, indicating from lack of affection to the need for more openness to the people around.

In the next section, these meanings will be deepened. So, if you want to know more about the meanings of interacting with doll, keep reading.

To dream that you see a doll

If you dream that you see a doll, you feel nostalgic about your childhood. The dream may indicate a period of greater reflection for your current life and in which your thoughts will turn to how things were during that phase of life.

This could be linked to the fact that you're not quite the person you want to be yet, and you feel lost, not knowing what to do to achieve your goals.

To dream that you are playing with a doll

To dream that you play with a doll brings some messages about the interpersonal relationships of the dreamer. In this sense, the unconscious indicates that your relationships with others may not be happening the way you would like them to be.

Much of this is connected with your deep connection with your inner world, which makes you prefer to inhabit it rather than come into reality. This generates a deep fear of life's adversities and causes this detachment in your relationships. In this way the unconscious indicates that you need to mature in order to be able to improve these aspects.

To dream that you are buying a doll

The messages brought by dreaming that you buy a doll are very positive. The dream points to interesting future possibilities and appears as an indication that the dreamer can get new professional offers, especially those that he had been wishing for a long time.

If you are already in the job you want, the dream points to the chance of a promotion, since your efforts will be recognized by your superiors. Therefore, the moment is positive and should be enjoyed and celebrated by the dreamer for being the fruit of your dedication.

To dream that you stab a doll

If you dreamed that you stabbed a doll, the unconscious is sending a message about your own personality. More specifically, it is warning you about the immature way in which you have been conducting your life and what this is causing.

Thus, the warning of dreaming that you stab a doll is especially connected to your relationships. Your partner and family are being affected by the immaturity indicated by the dream and this is creating insecurity about your presence. Try to reverse this situation before they move away permanently for fear of harming themselves.

To dream that you find a doll

If you dreamed that you found a doll, you are receiving a positive message from the unconscious mind. This dream is indicative that you will achieve great achievements in your life and may receive some positive news in the coming days regardless of whether you are waiting for news or not.

In addition, to dream that you find a doll also indicates that this will be a period of great connection with your family. Your worldviews will be aligned and this will make it much easier for the coexistence to be positive and enriching for all parties involved.

To dream that you win a doll

Dreams involving winning a doll bring happy omens. They function as warnings of the arrival of a new life in your family nucleus. In addition, it is worth mentioning that there are some details that can change its meaning and give more layers to the dream.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that if the doll received in the dream was a baby, this represents an uncontrollable desire to become a parent. This desire may be occupying a good part of your thoughts and the dream indicates that the time has come to talk with your partner.

To dream that you give a doll to someone

The act of giving something to someone requires detachment. Therefore, to dream that you give a doll to someone indicates that you feel ready to leave in the past something that does not fit in your life today. The unconscious mind is alerting you to the need for renewal for the sake of the future.

Therefore, the moment should be devoted to re-evaluating all areas of life. In the face of the messages you receive, don't think twice before discarding what no longer makes sense and don't let yourself get caught up in nostalgia.

To dream that you give birth to a doll

People who dream they are giving birth to a doll are receiving messages regarding conflicts about their sexuality, so it is possible that you may make some discoveries in this regard in the near future. If you are already feeling confused about this, try to direct your thoughts to this area as a way to resolve the impasse as soon as possible.

There is another interpretation to dream that gives birth to a doll that indicates fear of pregnancy. So if this is a possibility in the life of the dreamer, try to prevent yourself to avoid an unwanted situation.

To dream that you are a doll

People who see themselves as dolls in dreams are receiving warnings about the way they are dealing with their feelings. It is possible that you are inert in the face of some situation because you do not want to suffer from the events that will unfold if you take the action you need.

Therefore, the unconscious puts you as a figure that does not move exactly to show you what you are doing. Therefore, dreaming that you are a doll works as a warning that standing still ignoring the problems will not make them disappear.

To dream of doll in different conditions

It is possible to see dolls in different conditions during dreams. Thus, this influences the meaning, making it more refined and pointing to which areas of the dreamer's life his efforts should be directed.

There are several possibilities of dreams involving the conditions of dolls. Soon, they can come to life, they can go through unusual situations or even suffer breakdowns that will modify their meaning for the unconscious, adding other symbolisms.

So, if you want to know more about the meanings of dreaming of doll in different conditions, continue reading the next section of the article to discover other possibilities of meaning.

To dream of a doll coming to life

Anyone who dreams of a doll coming to life, is receiving an important warning. There is a person who you consider easy to manipulate and to keep under control. Thus, you usually do not think twice before exerting this influence. However, this person is becoming aware of his behavior and will begin to get rid of this control.

Therefore, to dream of a doll coming to life warns you that you should let it happen. It is good that the person learns to think for himself. However, do not withdraw from her during this process, repair your mistakes and try to transform her into a partner.

To dream of a broken doll

Be aware of the messages brought by dreaming of a broken doll. These dreams function as warnings that a series of problems will soon arise and they will be the fruit of your choices, which will be the worst possible for your current moment.

Your decisions can have very negative effects, and they tend not to be restricted to your life only, so they will impact those around you.

To dream of many dolls

If you dreamed of many dolls, the unconscious mind is trying to draw your attention to your relationships in the work sphere. The suggestion is for you to be careful with those around you and not be so innocent and open with everyone, since this could end up hurting you.

So, try to measure your words and watch your working relationships carefully. Don't share so much about your achievements and be careful to keep your peace in this space that could create problems in the future.

To dream of a doll full of blood

To dream of a doll filled with blood is a warning about the stress that is present in your life today. In this way, the unconscious uses the doll as a symbol of a breakdown that is close to happening and can be of a physical, emotional or mental order.

It is possible that all of this is so complex to you that you have been ignoring it. Soon, the situation is understood as hopeless and you continue to overlook the damage it can cause and live with what makes you stressed.

To dream of a doll turning into a monster

The omens brought about by dreaming of a doll turning into a monster are negative. The unconscious mind indicates that you are going through a dangerous situation, but are not yet aware of it. This scenario was caused by someone you consider a friend, but in reality, this person is not being honest with you.

The doll turning into a monster indicates that you are going to be significantly disappointed in the near future. One way to avoid this kind of thing would be to open up for dialogue whenever it proves possible.

To dream of a doll of different types

There are many types of dolls in the world, from the famous, like Barbie, which have become brands and are part of the reality of many people from the simplest to the traditional, such as cloth and porcelain dolls.

All these details will resonate with the messages brought by the unconscious, adding new layers to the overall meaning about relationships that dreaming about dolls carries. Therefore, there are some very important warnings in dreaming about doll of different types.

These warnings will be explored in more detail in the next section of the article, so if you want to find more interpretations for these dreams, read on and learn more about them.

To dream with Barbie doll

If you dreamed of a Barbie, it means that social demands are making you try to fit into a standard imposed by others. These attempts have become heavy on your life and make you feel nostalgic for the time when you were a child.

During childhood everything was simpler and there was no need to mold yourself so much to be accepted. However, now everyone around you seems to have a different opinion about your behavior and it has become difficult.

To dream of a possessed doll

To dream of a doll possessed is indicative of the fear that the dreamer feels of a certain person who is part of his life. However, there is a chance that the omen is also related to a specific place or situation. Therefore, it is up to each person to determine what best suits his current life.

It is worth pointing out that the fears you are facing are unavoidable, so the only way to get through this situation is to accept them and face whatever it takes to overcome the adversities along the way.

To dream of an erotic doll

Dreams with erotic dolls are directly linked to the sexual life of the dreamer. Thus, there are two distinct possibilities of interpretation for them. The first, speaks about an immature and risky behavior, which may end up compromising your health and that of your partners. Therefore, the dream is a warning and asks you to reexamine this behavior.

The second speaks of insecurity in this sector. You are not satisfied with your relationships, because you are unable to let go and do what you feel like in your intimate moments.

To dream of a beautiful doll

Messages involving beautiful dolls differ depending on the gender of the dreamer. Thus, if a man dreams of a beautiful doll, it indicates that happy times are about to come into his life. They are connected with love and suggest that the dreamer will meet a very special woman in the near future and hook up a romance with her.

However, if the dreamer is female, dreaming of a beautiful doll indicates a pregnancy in the near future. The other message brought by dreaming of a beautiful doll has to do with sharing knowledge, something that can open doors for you.

To dream with a voodoo doll

The unconscious mind is sending a message about the importance of opening your eyes to the people around you, because some may be trying to manipulate you. The message can be applied to various areas of life, such as family and work.

There is a chance that someone is using you and convincing you that they are doing things in your best interests. But, that is not the truth and you need to find out who the dream refers to.

To dream of a talking doll

The warnings brought by dreaming of a talking doll are very important. They talk about the demands that the dreamer makes on himself and highlight the possibility that he can not see his qualities clearly. Thus, the unconscious mind asks him to open his eyes and realize that comparing himself with others is something without purpose.

Try to keep in mind that there is no ideal lifestyle, there is what makes sense for you, so trying to emulate the "perfect person" can be more of a frustration.

To dream of a killer doll

Whoever dreams of a killer doll is receiving a negative omen. The unconscious mind is trying to warn of a relationship present in the life of the dreamer that will soon turn negative, generating a betrayal of great proportions. To make matters worse, everything will be done in a disguised manner.

The person who will have this attitude will try to convince the dreamer that his attitude will be beneficial to him. Therefore, the betrayal will be a surprise and will generate a significant knock if you do not start paying attention to the way others treat you.

To dream of an evil doll

To dream of an evil doll is a warning from the unconscious mind about someone who is trying to harm the dreamer. If the appearance of the doll is frightening, this is enhanced and indicates that a person of your acquaintance is responsible for this attempt to hurt you and you simply do not suspect that she is capable of this.

However, the dream is clear in indicating that you will soon be betrayed, so try to reevaluate your relationships to at least have an idea of who may be thinking of doing something against you.

To dream of an antique doll

If you dreamed of an antique doll, this means that life has taken you in a direction that you had not planned to follow. However, you are not resigned to this and find yourself in a process of denial by rejecting this path and the transformations it has brought about within you.

Therefore you feel ready to make changes and get back on your old path, but to achieve this you will need to overcome the feeling of powerlessness and insignificance which has crept into your life at present.

To dream of a doll made of different materials

Dolls can be made from many different materials, from plastic to wood, in the case of older toys. Therefore, these details also reflect on the meaning of dreams and can open up other possibilities for interpretation.

It is worth mentioning that the general sense of dealing with feelings remains, but the unconscious points to the need to review friendships and the way the dreamer relates to others, especially when he tends to overprotect those he loves.

So, these meanings will be expanded in the next section of the article, which will also talk about other interpretations for dreaming about dolls of different materials.Keep reading.

To dream of a rubber or plastic doll

The plastic or rubber dolls function as representations of false friendships in the dreamer's life. You may have already realized this, but currently your routine is filled with toxic people who do not care about your well-being, something that will get worse and worse if you do not make an effort to change the scenario.

Therefore, it is important to reflect on your friendships to realize who really likes you and who only wants to put you down. The process may be lonely, but it will be very important.

To dream of a porcelain doll

Porcelain dolls are extremely delicate and therefore require extra care for their preservation. Therefore, the meaning of the dream is connected to the idea of an excessive zeal for someone important, whether it is your partner or even someone close to you who is very dear to you.

In this way, to dream of a porcelain doll indicates the need for more lightness to conduct the relationships present in your life. This excess care can end up making people feel suffocated and move away from you to be able to breathe and feel free.

To dream of a wooden doll

Those who dream of a stick doll are getting a warning about the things they have been focusing on. It is possible that your thoughts are turning to areas of your life that don't need attention right now out of sheer complacency on your part.

Thus, dreaming of a stick doll also acts as a warning to your laziness, which can become very harmful in the long run and should not be looked at as if it were something insignificant. This can cost you the direction to your goals, which need to be realigned right away.

To dream of a rag doll

There are two possible meanings to dream of a rag doll and they depend on the appearance of the object. Thus, if the dreamer has seen a beautiful rag doll, the unconscious is sending a message about her innocence and sweetness, which are still very similar to what it was in childhood.

However, if the doll in your dream is ugly, this indicates that you need to be careful with your relationships and pay attention to the people who are around you now. It is possible that you may feel vulnerable.

To dream of a fashion doll

Those who dream of a doll that is fashionable receive a warning about the need to look inside yourself. The dream suggests that you need to look at your own beauty and be able to recognize it, something you have not been doing at present.

Being able to realize what is good in you will bring you an impressive strength. It will also bring new perspectives to your life and can help you to abandon some ideas that are already outdated and should not find space in your head.

To dream of doll things

Although it is more unusual, it is possible that the parts of a doll appear in the unconscious to bring messages about the feelings of the dreamer and how he has been dealing with his current life. In addition, the dolls have some accessories, such as houses, which can bring very rich messages about the wishes and expectations of those who dream with this toy.

Therefore, to further expand on the meanings of dreaming of doll, these aspects will be commented in more detail in the next section of the article. If you want to know more about it or find the interpretation for your dream, continue reading.

To dream of a doll's head

If you dreamed of a doll's head, the unconscious mind is warning you that you need to address some issue that is bothering you. To do this, you may need to challenge a person who is part of your life and will not want to hear what you have to say.

In addition, dreaming of a doll's head also warns that you are putting much more effort than you should to stay on the surface of this situation and this is getting in your way of getting to the roots of your annoyance, something that makes it difficult to resolve the impasse.

To dream of doll clothes

Be on the lookout for dreams involving doll clothes. Through them the unconscious mind sends a message about someone who is sucking up your energy and hindering your quest for balance and harmony. All of this has made you feel overwhelmed by your problems, even when they are not exactly complex.

So, try to identify who this person is so that you can prevent them from continuing to rob you of the will to move on. In the long run, this tends to turn you into an angry person who is constantly angry.

To dream of a dollhouse

Dreams about dolls' houses speak to the dreamer's desire to have a family. They also point to a strong idealization in this regard, suggesting that perfection is something the dreamer desires in this realm, more or less as if he and his family were living in a margarine commercial.

On the other hand, there is a less positive interpretation of dreaming of a dollhouse that indicates difficulties in this area of life. However, you are in denial about their existence and the problem will not be solved that way. An honest conversation is the best way forward.

Does the meaning of dreaming of a doll have to do with maturation?

The doll is an object associated to childhood and that reminds us of the past. Thus, in certain dreams its symbolism is linked to nostalgia and the difficulty of letting go of memories to move forward. Therefore, it suggests the need for maturation.

However, it is not only in these scenarios that the doll points to the importance of growing up. The toy is also a symbol of this when it indicates to the dreamer that he needs to learn to deal with his feelings, regardless of the nature, to be able to move on and build a good future.

Therefore omens have a lot to do with clashes that provide this maturation and need to be looked at closely.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.