What it means to dream of jealousy: of ex, friend, brother and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of jealousy?

There are several meanings to dream of jealousy, and everything will depend on the context in which the dream is applied. For example: to dream that you are jealous of your partner is different from dreaming that you have a jealousy crisis. To fully understand the meaning of your dream, you must remember all the details of it and understand its message.

It is important that you read all these meanings carefully until the end. In this way, you will understand everything that your dream wants to tell you. Apply all the advice of these meanings and you will know how to deal with the moments that are coming or the difficulties that you are already dealing with.

Read this article very calmly and check the meaning of your dream!

To dream of your jealousy

There are several interpretations to dream of your jealousy. It is extremely important that you remember the details of your dream to understand its real meaning. They can reveal good or bad moments, show the difficult phase in which your life is or congratulate you for your dedication and effort.

Read this section carefully to understand what dreaming of water reveals to you!

To dream that you are jealous of your partner

To dream that you are jealous of your partner means that you have been distrusting your partner, and this has made you sad because you feel very dependent on this person. Your dream warns you that there is no reason for so much distrust and that if you continue in this way, your relationship may come to an end.

Be careful with your actions and especially with your words, because they can seriously hurt your partner, and you can lose him forever. Reflect on your attitudes and change them from today. Your dream is your inner voice - listen to it and apply the advice it has been giving you.

To dream that you have a jealousy crisis

When you dream that you have a jealousy crisis, you should be on the alert, because a difficult time will come upon your work. This new phase will greatly sadden you, but you should be happy at the same time, because this difficult time will serve to mature you. Only with this maturation you will be able to achieve new opportunities in your life.

Remember all the details of your dream and so you will understand everything it has to tell you. Prepare yourself for this moment to come, but do not be afraid, because it will be brief. Maturity and evolve materially and spiritually. When you go through all this, your dreams will be realized.

To dream that you are jealous of your ex

To dream that you are jealous of your ex, you should be alert, because your past is saddening you today. A mistake you made back then for which you regret a lot is preventing you from moving on with your life and achieving your goals. Your dream is here to warn you that there is still time to change and heal the past.

To free yourself from the chains of the past, you must make peace with whoever you've hurt, reflect on everything that happened, and tell someone you trust. That way, this burden will be off your back. Don't pretend that everything is fine, because this suffering feeds on your memories and won't stop as long as you're at war with your past.

To dream that you are jealous of your brother

To dream that you are jealous of your brother indicates that you have been having problems with your relatives, because one of them has recently done you a wrong, and it has hurt you a lot. Your dream shows you that soon your relative will ask you for forgiveness. Be prepared to accept it, because this forgiveness will change the life of your family.

Family is one of the most important things in life, so take care of yours and forgive your relative. Make peace with him/her and don't feed that anger anymore, because it will only give you sadness and pain. Forgiveness is a rare remedy for the deepest pain.

To dream that you are jealous of a friend

When you dream that you are jealous of a friend, it means that you are alone and feeling very lonely. This need for affection has been making you sad and lacking motivation to follow your journey and fight for what you want. Your dream asks you not to stop fighting and continue to be determined, because the future will reward you.

Along this path to conquer your dreams, people will come in your way and transform your story. One person in particular will love and care for you for your whole life, and with him, you will form a beautiful family. So, you should not give up on yourself, because the future holds beautiful moments.

To dream that you are jealous of colleagues

To dream that you are jealous of colleagues is a sign of passion. You are in love with a great friend, but you think that this will affect your friendship with her, because you believe that she does not feel anything for you, but you are mistaken with this thought. Your dream tells you to devote a day together with her, so that you can talk.

In this conversation, you will realize that she also has great feelings for you, and has for some time now. But don't be anxious, because you will be together in the near future, so just wait.

To dream that you are jealous of someone else

The meaning of dreaming that you are jealous of someone else is that inside you there is a great love for a person you have only recently met. This person does not yet feel anything for you, but over time, they will realize that you are everything they have always dreamed of.

For now, keep focusing on your goals and dreams, and don't stop your life because of this love, because when it's the right time to declare yourself, you'll know.

To dream that you are jealous of an acquaintance

To dream that you are jealous of an acquaintance indicates that you are suspicious of a friend. You think that this friend is jealous and wishes you ill, and this mistrust is damaging your friendship. Your dream shows you that this doubt has no basis, and is saddening you and sucking your energy.

If your friend has rebuked you for any of your decisions, it is because he only wishes you well. He does not envy you, but admires you very much. If you continue with this unfounded attitude, you will lose a great friend, and in this day and age, friendships like this are hard to find. Therefore, value this one very much.

To dream that you are jealous of a stranger

The warning that comes with dreaming that you are jealous of a stranger is that you have been having problems at work. Someone on the inside has been giving you great headaches, because this co-worker wants a promotion that you also want and therefore has been making up things about you.

But don't be worried, keep being dedicated and hard working, and your dedication will prove to everyone your competence to acquire this new position.

To dream that you are jealous of someone's success

To dream that you are jealous of someone else's success indicates that you have been envious of a friend of yours, and this has been undermining all your self-esteem. You look at your life and compare it to your friend's. This is making you unhappy and discouraged to keep striving for what you once dreamed of.

So, your dream shows you that all this happiness may be just a front for some pain he feels. But, even if it's not that, you should focus on your life and wish your friends to evolve too. So, don't compare yourself to someone else.

To dream that you cause jealousy

Here are 5 different possibilities that bring interpretations to dream that you provoke jealousy. These dreams indicate what phase your life is in, if you have some pain and some skill to be improved. Therefore, it is important that you read carefully to understand what your dream wants to tell you. Follow!

To dream that someone is jealous of you

When you dream that someone is jealous of you, be alert, because some relative is about to betray you, using some secret that you told him. Remember the last relatives with whom you talked. The one to whom you told a secret is the one who will betray you, but do not worry, because you will come out on top in this story.

You don't want to do anything against him now, because the hatred he feels for you will spill over into his life. But in the future, he will ask you to forgive him for everything and you will reconcile again. So don't make any hasty decisions.

To dream that you provoke jealousy in your current or ex

When you dream that you provoke jealousy in your current partner or ex, this is a sign that you have been using someone's feelings to get revenge on someone else who hurt you in the past. If you continue with this attitude, the biggest hurt in this story will be you. Your dream is a warning for you to stop playing with other people's feelings.

Correct your mistake while there is time and let fate judge the person who hurt you, but do not leave scars on someone who only did you good. Revenge is never the remedy for pain, and forgiveness is the best medicine for the wounds of the past. Apply the advice of your dream and then you will be truly happy.

To dream that your loved one is jealous of you

To dream that your loved one is jealous of you reveals that you have not yet made a commitment to this person, but you are already jealous. However, this feeling only hinders your future relationship, delaying more and more the happiness of your relationship.

Leave this feeling aside and mature, so you can have a serious relationship with someone. Remember your past relationships and learn from your mistakes so you don't make mistakes again. Listen to the voice of your dream and control your jealousy so you can have a happy and mature relationship.

To dream that your friend is jealous of you

When you dream that your friend is jealous of you, the message is one of neediness and loneliness. You have a friend who has always taken care of you, but now he is moving on with his life and leaving you behind. But this does not mean that he has forgotten you, he is just following the dreams that he has. Do not stop your friend from leaving, for he will return.

So, your dream asks you not to feel sad about this departure. Feel joy that your friend is succeeding. Soon, new people will arise in your life, and this neediness will leave you forever. Keep pursuing your dreams and do not let anything or anyone stop you from conquering them.

To dream that someone is jealous of your success

When you dream that someone is jealous of your success, you should be on the alert, because some friends are plotting against your triumph. They want to see you well, but not better than them. So analyze well to whom you tell your dreams, because revealing your secrets to those who do not want you well can greatly harm you.

No one envies the success of someone far away, a famous or important person. People envy those around them, and your friends have grown along with you, but have not succeeded in some areas, so they don't want you to prosper. It is essential that you keep your dreams and goals to yourself. Work quietly and let your success speak for you.

To dream of the consequences of jealousy

There are several meanings to dream about the consequences of jealousy. It is extremely important that you remember the details of your dream to understand everything it has to tell you. Read this article carefully and apply in your daily life everything that your dream asks you!

To dream that your partner is assaulted because of jealousy

When you dream that your partner is beaten because of jealousy, this indicates that some friend of yours has been having serious problems, and you have taken their pains for yourself, which hurts you very much. You want to help your friend, but you also need care. So before you love someone, you must love yourself. Before you help a friend, you must help yourself.

Your friend is going through a moment in which nobody can help him, because he needs to mature and evolve in some points of his life, and you shouldn't interfere yet. So, wait for a while, and you will know the right moment to extend your hands to him. Soon, all this pain will be out of your two lives.

To dream of a fight motivated by jealousy

To dream of a fight motivated by jealousy may seem like a bad dream, but it is a good sign for the future of your story. You have been fighting for your goals, and this has made you tired and unmotivated. But do not give up fighting, because soon, a renewal will come over your life, being a moment of rest so you can continue your journey.

Your dream shows you that your dedication will make you achieve what you want, so wait patiently and keep striving. In the future, you will rejoice that you have not given up on having a better life.

To dream that you end your relationship because you are jealous

When difficult times arise in life, people often forget the good parts that have passed. So, to dream that you end your relationship because of jealousy means that you are in a sad time and have forgotten the good phases of the past. Your dream asks you to be strong and resist this time of trials.

Wait patiently, because soon a renewal will come over your history. This sad moment is for your maturation and for you to reflect about your past mistakes and learn from them. Continue to follow your path, because this bad moment will pass and a phase of happiness will begin.

To dream that someone kills you out of jealousy

The message of dreaming that someone kills you out of jealousy indicates that you have been very suspicious of the people around you. This feeling of mistrust has been keeping you from good friendships and creating intrigue between you and your family members. This mistrust has caused you to take bad actions in your relationships with other people around you.

So talk to your friends and tell them your problem, get together with your family and ask forgiveness for your wrongdoings. Heed the advice of your dream and soon you will feel your life flowing again, towards a better future.

To dream that you kill someone because you are jealous

When you dream that you kill someone out of jealousy, know that this indicates that you have been feeling jealous of a friend of yours, and this has caused the two of you to quarrel. This disagreement will cause you to lose your friendship. Your friend has never wished you ill, so do not be jealous of him. Help him to grow and evolve.

If you're fighting, you can't help each other, so make peace with him so that you can help each other achieve your goals together. Reflect on your mistake in this friendship so that you won't make it in others. Friends are one of the most valuable assets in life, so don't lose them, because one day you may need a helping hand.

To dream that you see a jealous scene

If you dreamed that you see a jealous scene, this is because a friend of yours has suffered greatly at the hands of her boyfriend recently. This situation made you sad that you could not prevent what happened, but your dream congratulates you, because you helped your friend when she needed it most.

So keep helping the people around you. Your friend will soon get over this phase thanks to your help. So don't blame yourself for not having stopped her pain. Be happy that your help is freeing her from this pain.

To dream of jealousy of situations

In this section, you will learn more about the meanings of dreaming about jealousy in different situations. The interpretation of these dreams will depend on the context in which they are applied. Therefore, it is important that you read carefully to understand what your dream wants to reveal to you. Check it out!

To dream of jealousy of conversation

To dream of jealousy of conversation may seem like a bad dream, but it has a good meaning. You have been very dedicated in your work, but have not received due recognition for it, and people judge you and do not value you. But soon, all this reality will be transformed.

A time of happiness is about to come in your life, and this phase of sadness and pain will pass. Those who do not believe in you will be amazed at all the success you will have. So continue to be dedicated in your job and just wait patiently and reflect on all that you have dreamt of.

To dream of hug jealousy

There are times in life when a person no longer knows where to go and forgets his real purpose. This is the meaning of dreaming of hug jealousy: you feel lost and have no more dreams or goals. People say that you will never have anything in your life, and this has saddened you more and more.

Listen to your inner voice crying out for help and take some time somewhere you like to think about your future and what you want for it. Imagine yourself 10 years from now and whether you want to continue exactly as you are now.

Other dreams with jealousy

In this topic, we will discuss four different dreams related to jealousy. Most of the time, this dream will indicate something to be improved inside. Your feelings may be shaken by something that happened recently, and this prevents you from achieving your goals to have a better future.

But depending on the context, your dream may still indicate a good and happy time for your life. So, remember everything you dreamed and read the following topics carefully!

To dream of jealousy of a child

To dream of jealousy of a child indicates that you are stuck in the past. Someone hurt you very much before, and this wound makes you suffer until today. But you have not told anyone about this pain you are feeling, and this makes you dive further and further into the past. All this situation makes you forget how to be happy.

So, your dream shows you that you have reached the limit of pain. Therefore, forgive the person who hurt you so that this wound will close. Forgiveness is the best medicine to heal your past. Also reflect on other ways to heal your pain, but do not allow yourself to continue in this situation. Listen to the voice of your dream and change the course of your life so that you can have a better future.

To dream of jealousy at work

When you dream of jealousy at work, know that the bonus you received recently made your co-workers jealous. This saddened you, because you wanted to maintain good relations with your friends in the company. But you should not refuse opportunities to please the people around you.

Those who really love you will be glad for every dream you achieve. Don't change your way of being or recurse offers to please someone. Keep on being dedicated and putting effort in your work, because all this struggle will make you realize your dreams and allow you to offer a better future to your family and friends.

To dream that you are not jealous

Several times in life, people do not believe in their potential, because they think they are not able to overcome the past and overcome the mistakes that hold them in mediocrity. This is the meaning of dreaming that you do not feel jealousy: you think you can not achieve your goals, but your dream tells you otherwise.

You can achieve everything you've ever dreamed for your life, so forget that thought and start fighting for everything you've planned until today. Create achievable goals to realize your full potential. Don't listen to what people say about you and believe that your ability to achieve dreams is much greater than you think.

To dream of a very jealous person

To dream of a very jealous person indicates that you are in a possessive relationship, and this has taken away your happiness and hope for a better future. Do not submit to this person anymore and put an end to this once and for all. However, if you love them very much, sit down with them and explain how you feel.

If she understands and is willing to change, help her forget about all this possessiveness and jealousy. Then, if your partner improves, continue your relationship, but if not and he gets worse, end it once and for all. Just be very careful with your words, so that this person does not come to hate you. End the relationship, but without fighting or serious arguments.

Most often, dreaming of jealousy is related to insecurity, but it is important to be careful when analyzing this dream, because depending on the context, it can mean something other than insecurity. Therefore, remember everything you dreamed to understand if your dream is related to this vulnerability or not.

Understand that all these meanings indicate a prosperous and successful future for you, even if they warn about a brief moment of sadness. However it is important that you apply the advice that your dream gives you, because you will understand what must be done to achieve your present and future goals.

The information presented in this article gives the necessary understanding to understand what your dream wants to tell you. So do not give up fighting for your goals, because with great dedication, they will be realized. Do not listen to people who are contrary to your success and do not feel lonely, because important friends will come into your life!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.