What Neptune means in Astrology: in signs, houses and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What Neptune means to Astrology

Neptune in Astrology shows the desire each person has to achieve the divine in their lives, while highlighting the humanity of people in general. This is a planet that provides insight that one should be careful not to indulge in an illusion.

Thus, Neptune speaks a lot about the desires that people have to achieve goals that seem, or in fact are, unattainable. In this case, it shows the person's desires to reach the heights and also the frustrations and limitations brought by material life, which prevent this from happening. See more below!

Neptune meaning, mythology & symbolism

Like all planets for Astrology, Neptune has its own symbols, stories and mythological visions. This is a very complex planet and at the same time shows great freedom, as it symbolizes art and everything that is inserted in this sector of people's lives.

This star is associated with the 12th house of the astrological chart and co-ruler of the sign of Pisces. Therefore, several of its details show that even though Neptune influences a lot on the individuality issue, it also provides some positive and important points for collective issues. Read on to know more about the planet Neptune!

General observations about Neptune in your birth chart

In the Star Chart, Neptune will highlight some very valuable aspects, which will show talents. It is a planet focused on the arts and everything related to this in some way, such as books, movies and other ways of expressing yourself artistically.

Thus it is a planet which has a strong influence on the lives of artists in general, and benefits these people to be increasingly creative with their talents and abilities. In addition Neptune also provides clarity and new ways of looking at things.

Neptune and mystical energies

Mystical energies are part of this planet and that is why it favors and brings so much creativity to those it influences. Moreover, Neptune favors a lot for natives to have a stronger attraction to mystical matters due to the sensitivity this planet provides.

The signs that suffer a direct influence of Neptune due to the house in which it is positioned and have a predisposition to mysticism, tend to be even more attracted by these issues such is the strength of Neptune's action over these people.

The discovery in 1846

The discovery of Neptune happened on September 23, 1846, after several mathematical calculations were made for it. The existence of the planet had been suspected since Uranus unexpectedly changed its orbit.

This led astronomers to believe that the orbit had been affected by some gravitational disturbance from another planet, as yet unknown to them. Credit for the discovery of Neptune caused many disputes between the French and British, but authorship has continued to be disputed over the years.

Mythology and symbol associated with Neptune

In Greek mythology, Neptune is known as Poseidon, the sovereign of the seas. Carrying a trident, he was the great ruler of the waters and caused many storms, besides being responsible for the emergence of the springs.

The way Poseidon ruled his empire was of an enviable and unwavering calm and even at the bottom of the oceans he could perceive everything that happened on the surface. Son of Saturn and Reia, brother of Jupiter, at the creation of the Universe he received the task of ruling the waters and so he did, with strength and courage.

Areas of life ruled by Neptune

The main areas of life which are ruled by Neptune are those which involve in some way the arts, creativity and mysticism because this planet favours these issues. In addition, Neptune provides natives with the necessary strength to go after their desires and goals, at the same time as it guarantees the necessary knowledge to understand their limitations.

Because of this strength, Neptune can have a great impact in areas which are in some way involved with work, career and life goals in general.

Signs of dignity, exaltation, detriment and fall

In astrology, the planets are in harmony when they are where they should be, which in this case are the signs they rule, and the further away from them, the weaker the planet is. In this case, when it is in the opposite of its house, it is exiled. In the case of Neptune, this planet aspected in Pisces, for example, will be in harmony.

As it moves away from its origin, it begins to deteriorate. Domicile and exile are the terms used to show the proximity or remoteness of the planets. And exaltation and fall show what happens in the surroundings of these extremes.

Planetary rules in Pisces

The ruler of Neptune in Pisces shows the needs and interests of this sign. The power of this planet is so great that it can also impact people who have ascendancy in Pisces and not only those who have the Sun positioned in this sign.

The influence of Neptune in Pisces highlights some aspects of the sign because it provides idealism and creativity to the native. But in an innocent way one can get carried away by the pleasures of the world. Pisces natives have a much greater facility to develop their spiritual side due to the influences of Neptune.

Neptune in Signs

Neptune in the signs can cause different impacts, since the signs have their own characteristics. But because this is a planet that involves sensitivity, intuition and creativity, it can provide natives who do not have these aspects very strong in their own characteristics the necessary for them to develop in these areas.

The matters dealt with by Neptune in the life of the native are quite subjective and therefore it is not very easy to clearly understand and even explain its influences. But some points are notable and can be highlighted for a greater understanding of the impact of this planet. Read more below!

Neptune in Aries

Natives with Neptune in Aries are very attracted to matters relating to mysticism in general. This is because it is common for these people to feel they have a spiritual mission.

For this reason it is common for these natives to experiment with different religions and practices in this sense, to discover new paths in their lives. If Neptune is in a bad aspect in Aries, it can unfavorably influence this person to be proud and even selfish. Therefore, the advice is for the native to follow his or her heart more.

Neptune in Taurus

Neptune in Taurus influences those born in this position to be much more idealistic. These people have big dreams and goals in their lives, but are easily frustrated when they cannot achieve what they want.

Spirituality is present through your work, which shows dedication and contact with nature. If badly aspected, Neptune can cause a lot of worries for Taurus, especially with financial matters. You need to be more careful with this area and calm when deciding for an investment.

Neptune in Gemini

With Neptune positioned in Gemini, these natives have a great capacity to express themselves creatively. Their spirituality is shown through their communication and knowledge. They are very restless and curious people, who want to live as many experiences as possible in life.

But if Neptune is wrongly aspected, the native can be very anxious and will show extreme self-cherishing behaviour. There can be many problems in relation to practical thinking and communication. Furthermore there is a strong tendency to create an imaginary world.

Neptune in Cancer

Natives who have Neptune in Cancer have a very strong attachment to home and family. They are people who as their main characteristics show some tendency to be overprotective of those they love. The spirituality of these people is very developed.

Besides, they are people who are always willing to know new ideas, mainly mystical and religious. But if Neptune is badly aspected in the sign of Cancer, the tendency is that these people show themselves more pessimistic and even have difficulties to live in the real world.

Neptune in Leo

Neptune in the sign of Leo shows natives who have a great need to express what they feel. Therefore they are extremely communicative and it is from this point that comes all the creativity of these people, who in general have talents in the arts, such as theater and interpretation.

The spirituality of these people is very great and this makes them have to be very careful with the tendency to fanaticism. But if Neptune is badly aspected, the sign of Leo can end up acting in an authoritarian and extravagant way.

Neptune in Virgo

Natives with Neptune in Virgo are hardworking and put a lot of energy into everything they do in their lives. They are people who believe that life is only worth living if they can fulfill all their dreams and desires.

As far as spirituality is concerned, these people are looking for something which will be of real use to them in practice and not just in theory. Life for these natives is a real search for balance between reason and emotion. If Neptune is in a bad aspect, there is a tendency to be very emotionally preoccupied.

Neptune in Libra

Those born with Neptune in Libra have great willpower and run after their dreams without blinking. These natives value and put their ideals above all else and can even be seen as rebellious for this way of acting.

These people find spirituality through love for others, and seek relationships which bring them satisfaction. If Neptune is in a bad aspect, it is common for these people to become very questioning, and this can harm the inner peace which they normally cultivate.

Neptune in Scorpio

Natives with Neptune in Scorpio are very liberated people in terms of sexuality, but on the other hand, they live their emotional side in a very intense way. This characteristic is what makes this native seek relief in the use of substances harmful to their health.

Their spirituality is directed towards the mediumistic side and they feel within themselves this presence. But if Neptune is badly aspected, these natives tend to create unnecessary ties as a way of protecting themselves.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Neptune in the sign of Sagittarius shows natives who have a very hopeful and even optimistic attitude towards life, besides being very truthful people. They are always searching for the true meaning of life and know more about the world around them.

The spirituality of these people comes through occult studies, in which they get to know themselves in a deeper way. They are studious and love to learn about their interests. Neptune badly aspected, however, can cause excessive mistrust against people, but they believe in false prophets.

Neptune in Capricorn

Natives who have Neptune in the sign of Capricorn are very attached to spirituality in general. They are people who cannot tolerate situations that bring them insecurity and do everything to keep it out of their lives.

Furthermore, spirituality for these natives is something very serious and comes in a pragmatic way, as they believe only in what can be lived in fact and not in theory. If Neptune is badly aspected in this sign, the natives can face great difficulty in living in society.

Neptune in Aquarius

Those born with Neptune in Aquarius are very intelligent and are always looking for improvements in their lives. Therefore, there is a relentless quest to change everything around them for the better.

Spirituality for these natives is felt in a broad way, even if they question religions and what has been said before. This happens because they are always searching for answers. Neptune in a bad aspect makes them lonely and reserved people, because they are afraid of everything.

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune in the sign of Pisces shows a romantic native and this does not only apply to the love relationships of these people, but in life in general. The mission for these natives is to ensure peace and positivity for humanity.

Neptune is ruler of Pisces and therefore is in domicile in this sign, which makes him much stronger and causes much more influence. They are people turned to arts, like music and poetry. But if Neptune is badly aspected, the tendency is that they are extremely sentimentalist and dreamers.

Neptune in the Astrological Houses

Neptune in the astrological Houses causes a great impact and brings its main characteristics to these. In this case, the planet will show in the houses the way each person expresses himself in a spiritual sense. Knowing the positioning of Neptune in your Astrological Chart is important to notice these aspects.

It also shows some other important aspects and reinforces that regardless of the house in which it is positioned, there is a need to act in a more altruistic way in that specific area. Therefore, it is necessary to know a little more about the influences Neptune causes in each astrological house. For this, read on in detail below!

Neptune in 1st House

Natives born with Neptune positioned in the 1st house are people of great spirituality. They are sensitive and have an enormous capacity to absorb the energies of the environment in which they live, so they must be very careful not to absorb negative energies.

Medianimity tends to be very much in evidence for these people, who find in their lives a great need to follow mystical paths. The creativity of these natives causes them to have brilliant ideas, but not very practical to be actually executed.

Neptune in 2nd House

Neptune in the 2nd house of the astrological chart makes the native to be a detached person who does not have deep connections with material goods and money. This house has a relationship with financial matters.

But people who have Neptune's position are usually very generous and give away their possessions to other people who need it most, so it is common for them to be people who obtain large amounts of goods and riches, but in general, just as easily as this comes into their lives, it also goes away.

Neptune in 3rd House

Natives born with Neptune in the 3rd house, in general, live intense searches for spirituality in their lives. They are studious, and want to know much more about the world than just material and even basic matters.

They are sensitive and can easily identify bad energy in the environment, besides having their senses much sharper than usual. But these natives need to be careful because they suffer from a tendency to inattention and learning difficulty that needs to be considered and evaluated more deeply.

Neptune in 4th House

People who have Neptune in the 4th house are very connected to their family and this connection happens on a spiritual level. However they have some karma that needs to be balanced in this sense so that family problems do not occur.

It is common that the life of these natives also ends up being surrounded by family secrets. This position guarantees these people a very great intuitive capacity, as well as a strong connection with the earth and nature, as they have a very strong desire to protect the world.

Neptune in 5th House

Neptune in the 5th House shows that this native has many aptitudes for the world of the arts. In their relationships they are people who seek to get involved with others who give themselves entirely to the relationship and seek spirituality together.

They have a very strong desire to be valued through love and romance. The tendency is for these people to invest in something which gives them fun and happiness in general. There is a strong tendency for these people to get involved in secret relationships.

Neptune in 6th House

In the 6th house, Neptune shows a native that sees the order in life through the spiritual field. They are people very connected to this and can even work with spirituality, as in therapeutic areas, for example.

However, they may suffer from bad influences, in terms of health and diseases. Therefore, it is important that they always adopt alternative practices and therapies. These people are very connected to animals and have a great ability to understand these beings and even to communicate due to their developed spirituality.

Neptune in 7th House

Neptune positioned in the 7th House shows that this is a native who has a very strong connection with their partners and may even influence the people they are involved with to develop this spiritual side in a stronger way.

Neptune, however, can cause a little confusion for the marriage of these natives, and can even influence issues such as infidelity. The capacity of intuition of these natives is something very developed and even leads them to possess artistic talents as a result.

Neptune in 8th House

Natives with Neptune in House 8 have a great need to go through spiritual transformations in their lives. They are always looking to learn more about this sector. They are very restless people who do not like to stay in one place because they want to get involved in everything and evolve more and more.

In general you have knowledge and interest in occult matters and can even have a certain clairvoyance, so there is a tendency for you to follow negative paths in this respect. Temptation must be resisted.

Neptune in 9th House

Natives with Neptune in the 9th house have a great tendency to follow the occult and esoteric in their lives. But they can also turn to other religious aspects, so they can become priests and nuns or even scholars of subjects related to spiritual matters.

They are people who have a very active and brilliant mind and can even be considered geniuses. Due to this profile, they have a strong connection with sacred places and sanctuaries, so they love to visit these places all the time.

Neptune in 10th House

Neptune positioned in the 10th house shows a person who has a very great spirituality, but who turns this to their work and career side. They may even pursue areas in which religion and spirituality will be the focus.

These people even believe that they have a mission and have very little focus on the materialistic side of life. They are people who play a very big role in society and can become psychologists, psychiatrists, priests and even astrologers due to this strong connection with the spiritual side.

Neptune in 11th House

Natives who have Neptune positioned in the 11th house are very altruistic and come into life with a specific mission to help people around them who need their support. Thus they are idealistic people who participate in associations which aim to help people.

Generosity is a very present characteristic in the personality of these natives, who are always willing to offer guidance to those in need. They are sensitive to human needs and do everything to provide support to those in need.

Neptune in 12th House

Neptune in the 12th house of the astrological chart shows a native that came into the world with the intention of developing more and more his spirituality. They are people with little focus on material matters, but if they persist in giving emphasis on this they end up feeling totally empty.

Another important point about these natives is that they like to keep themselves isolated from other people in search of inner knowledge. They may have a very developed clairvoyance, and they are sensitive, which makes them devote themselves to the arts.

Neptune in aspects in the birth chart

Neptune in the birth chart shows several important aspects concerning the native. This planet can show both negative and positive aspects of these people. On the positive side, they are people of great kindness, show compassion for others and are full of creativity and inspiration.

On the negative side, natives can be apathetic. They show a more passive and naive behavior. In some cases, they can act in a narcissistic way, which is not easy when it comes to their relationships, whether they are in love or friendship. The lack of control in this sense transforms the actions of natives into destructive. See more below!

The planetary aspects

The planet Neptune in Astrology is represented by a trident with its points pointing to the sky and its handle is in the shape of a cross. The central aspects of this planet in Astrology favor individuals who have talents and skills to be developed, as it exerts a great power regarding people's creativity.

Another important factor regarding this planet is that it is considered generational, so it will only stay 13 years in each sign and can influence a whole generation in the same way.

Neptune conjunct Pluto

The conjunction between Neptune and Pluto can cause some distinct sensations throughout this period. Natives tend to feel more disoriented and as the period progresses, these people may find themselves increasingly immersed in the search for their beliefs in a deeper way.

They may even go through long periods in search of finding a true meaning for everything they believe in. It is important to keep these aspects in mind, as they can cause a lot of confusion for the native, as it is an intense period.

Neptune square Pluto

The cycle between Neptune-Pluto is considered to be the longest interplanetary cycle, taking almost 500 years to do so. This aspect can highlight some points, but it is worth mentioning regarding the quadrature, at this time it is considered that it does not refer to anyone.

This is because the last time a Neptune-Pluto square occurred that is on record was around 1560, so it is expected to occur again now only in the year 2055, so it is considered an aspect that at the present time does not concern anyone.

Neptune sextile Pluto

The sextile aspect between Neptune and Pluto began in 1942 and will only end in 2030. Currently this aspect speaks about many people and some points that can be highlighted regarding this sextile speak of courage, dedication and social justice.

This transit guarantees much more freedom of expression for people and causes a much greater development of collective consciousness, since it represents a moment of improvement for society in general, which will be in search of a spiritual breakthrough.

Neptune Retrograde for Astrology

When entering a retrograde movement, the planets present differences in their impacts and main characteristics that move away from what these planets normally provide to the native. Therefore, this is a more intense time, of changes and even problematic issues.

The effects are diverse. At some points, they can guarantee more curiosity to people, which is a positive influence, to a certain level. But because it is a planet that touches the sensitivity of the natives, this is a time of caution to understand things around more clearly, without running over the moment. Read some more details below!

What are Retrograde Planets

When a planet is in its retrograde motion, it means that its orbit is going through a deceleration. Thus, as the stars remain at the same pace, a certain imbalance tends to occur.

This is felt by the fact that people begin to have the perception that the planets are moving backwards due to this slowing down movement. Therefore, this feeling also guarantees the aspect of change in the characteristics and influences of the planets in the astrological signs and houses.

The personality of Neptune Retrograde

The time when Neptune is retrograde is definitive, because it provokes the native not to remain in the same way, standing still and putting up with certain situations that no longer fit into their lives, but which had been postponed many times.

So at this time he encourages people, whether for good or ill, to seek to move to end the repetitive and unnecessary situations that are hindering that person's progress in his or her life. And so the way Neptune influences this period is for natives to face the postponed problems without fear.

The Karma of Neptune Retrograde

Neptune retrograde karma shows that the native is carrying with him problems and issues from other incarnations to the present moment of his life. This is because in the first years of this person's life he can be more sensitive due to this influence, something that can be seen even through naive attitudes.

As he grows up, it becomes part of his nature, always shown in a serene way, full of compassion and care. Therefore, it is seen as the karma of these people, who have brought these issues from other lives and have to deal with them now.

Does the discovery of the Planet in 1846 subvert the meaning of Neptune for Astrology?

The discovery of Neptune, which happened in 1846, does not change in any way the meaning of the planet for Astrology, because it is also seen by another bias in this matter and using aspects such as mythology, for example, to give basis for these aspects.

This happens because the characteristics shown by Neptune through mythology are very much reflected in Astrology by its symbolism through Poseidon, the king of waters. Therefore, there is not this subversion necessarily regarding the central meaning that this planet has in relation to astrological aspects.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.