What the Capricornian likes to hear? In relationships, in bed and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is the Capricornian?

Capricornians are known as cold people, with the "heart of ice". But is this really an absolute truth about this sign or is it just a stigma? In this article, we will demystify some completely misconceptions about Capricorn and talk about everything important about this sign.

Soon, you will know the strengths and weaknesses of Capricornians. In addition, you can find out what these natives like or dislike. All this, of course, without leaving aside the most important thing: what they want to hear. So, take advantage of this information to come out on top with that person and check out the topics of the article!

More about Capricorn and the Capricornian

That prior knowledge is an advantage, everyone agrees. Therefore, thinking that knowing a person can help in the relationship, this topic will be focused on bringing more information about Capricorn and those who descend from it. Below, you will have access to information that can help you get the best from Capricornians!

General characteristics of the Capricornian

In general, Capricorns are reserved and centered people. Working seems to be the motivation of their life, and because they are serious like this, they do not live illusions. Despite all these very formal aspects, when you get to know them a little bit more and observe them more closely, they reveal a sense of humor.

Capricornian strengths

One of the strongest qualities of Capricorns is their determination. Capricorns tend to be hard working, hard working and very responsible by nature. It will be rare that you will see them shying away from work, especially when it is something they think is worthwhile. When they commit to something, they will move heaven and earth if they have to, but they will get the job done efficiently.

We can emphasize that another positive point is the way they are coherent in actions, speech and thoughts. In this way, what they think is what they say, and what they say is what they do. You don't need to analyze too much each of their words, nor be looking for things not said, because they are simple, clear and honest.

Capricorn weaknesses

As all is not flowers and nobody is perfect, Capricornians have their negative points as any person. They usually have a conservative profile, which is not bad, depending on the perspective. But their opinions, principles and concepts can be old-fashioned sometimes, contrasting a lot with people and situations that demand more "out of the box" thoughts or attitudes.

Besides that, they are rigid and critical individuals, they demand a lot from themselves and perfectionism makes them slow. Not to mention how suspicious they are, because they are always one or two feet behind other people, even those who are close to them. All these are points in which the descendants of Capricorn need to try to evolve.

Advice for the Capricornian

It is impossible to think of Capricorns and not visualize a person with a lot of potential. Even though they have excellent and wonderful characteristics, Capricorns themselves don't see themselves with propriety. They are always trying to prove their worth to other people and charging themselves to be the best at things. Little do they know that they are already enough and admirable.

So the best advice for a Capricornian is to trust yourself more and stop worrying so much. Slowing down from this life of hard work can be transformative. Often what we are looking for is nearby, but we get stuck in a routine and don't have time to see anything clearly. So it's important to allow yourself to live and enjoy the present moment.

Contrary to what many people think, Capricorn is very far from coldness. His heart is neither of ice nor stone. On the contrary, it is extremely intense. Nothing he feels is shallow: it will always be deep and involving. Therefore, when he likes, he loves; but when he dislikes, he hates.

Capricorns are also sensitive people who care for their loved ones. They take pleasure in serving and pleasing their loved ones and will show this love quite often. Of course, this same intensity will be reflected when they are dissatisfied with someone. But as long as they hold on to their affection, they will receive it in the most beautiful ways.

The Capricornian character

Owner of a reserved character, the Capricornian does not reveal his secrets to anyone. There is a little world which is entirely private and nobody is allowed there. To get permission to enter there is extremely rare and, for that, a very high level of intimacy is required.

Other than that, his character is also steady, determined, and cunning. He can be considered a symbol of willpower, as he is very persistent. When he has a goal, he will work until he conquers it. You will probably find him spending more time accomplishing than dreaming about whatever his ambition is.

Capricorn and the star Saturn

Saturn is the planet that rules Capricorn, so when Saturn and Capricorn are aligned, it's as if everything fits together in the most fluid way. Saturn's influence over this sign reinforces some of its strongest aspects, such as caution and appreciation for planning.

Thus Capricorn's routine tends to become lighter as he will deal with his responsibilities in a much easier and more practical way. Furthermore, it is possible to notice an increase in the appreciation of material security as Capricorn wants to feel comfortable and is always looking for stability.

Capricorn and the 10th house

Linked to the sign Capricorn and with the ruler Saturn, the 10th house is a comfortable position for the sign. Besides being the house that speaks of our place in the world and in society, it also represents the choices we make during life's journey, which guides us to our vocation.

Thus its influence brings awareness of your position in society, causing your role in this world to be revealed. It also brings the confidence necessary for the Capricornian to remain where he belongs.

Capricorn and the earth element

Accompanied by Taurus and Virgo, Capricorn is part of the triad of the earth element. It symbolizes what is true and stable, having firm roots well planted in the soil. Among the characteristics of this element that influence the sign of Capricorn is the ability to deal with reality without being tempted by illusions.

Moreover, the most striking aspect of this element on the sign of Capricorn is practicality. Therefore, doing prevails over dreaming.

Capricorn and the cardinal energy

Composed of the signs that begin the seasons, the cardinal energy is focused on initiative. This energy is extremely active and the predominant characteristic is attitude. In relation to Capricorn, it refers mainly to initiative in the professional field, since this is a hardworking and centered sign.

Relations with the Capricornian

It is much easier to get along with someone when people understand each other. For this reason we will deal in this topic with how the Capricornian tends to manage their relationships in a natural way and how every relationship is different.

Below, you'll have access to detailed and specific content about your love relationships, friendships, family, work relationships and more.Read on!

Love with the Capricornian

The reserved personality of Capricorns extends into their love relationships, but this doesn't mean that they are not feeling love or passion. Quite the contrary, Capricorns have difficulty expressing what they feel precisely because they feel too much.

When they begin to get involved with someone, they are cautious. That is, they do not commit until they are sure that they and their partners will be compatible, considering aspects of thought, principles and lifestyle.

In a relationship with a Capricorn you will find a very empathetic partner who is sensitive to your needs, joys and sorrows. Even if it may not seem like it, they are very sympathetic to other people's pain as they identify their own.

Besides, Capricorns are the "to marry" type, that is, when they are with someone, they take the relationship seriously and rarely want to break up. Their motto is that any and all problems can be solved based on dialogue and effort. So, if you are looking for someone like that, find a Capricorn.

Friendship with Capricorn

It can be said that Capricorn is one of the zodiac signs that value friendship the most. However, they do not create this bond with just anyone, as they seek friendship with people who can teach them new things and provide different experiences.

Once your friendship is earned, Capricorn is a loyal friend who will accompany you through the best and the worst. He will always be willing to listen to you, even if he doesn't talk about himself much. Should a Capricornian open up to you one day, you may feel very important.

The Capricorn at work

Capricorns behave in a more discreet and objective way in work relationships. Work is an aspect they take very seriously, so they will value a productive and conflict-free environment. They are excellent partners because in whatever they commit to do, they will do it efficiently.

The Capricorn parents

It is in Capricorn's nature to be paternal, so when Capricorns really become parents, this role will fit them like a glove. Responsibility and care for the person who depends on them will be aspects of which they will be very conscious at all times. Because they cherish these principles so strongly, they can come across as authoritarian people who will not tolerate disobedience.

On the other hand, they will also be more than willing to teach their children things they consider important and hope that in doing so their children will learn the same principles that Capricorns carry. The character building of their children is a mission they will take very seriously.

The Capricorn children

The reserved personality and the difficulty in expressing feelings will make Capricorn children live in their own little world. But this does not mean that they are not paying attention to what happens around them, quite the contrary. They observe everything, and rarely something goes unnoticed.

Moreover, they are very sensitive, deep and intense people, who will internalize everything. They will need help to deal with their own feelings or with some task that is more difficult than they thought, but they won't know how to ask for it. This will be an adversity for them, but when they do, it is important that their parents take them seriously so as not to drive them away.

What would the Capricornian like to hear?

We've come to the key point of this article: we're going to talk about what Capricorns would like to hear. Saying the right thing is 1 step ahead to win Capricorns over and get along with them. Because of this, in this topic, we'll cover what they really want to hear from their loves, friends, during sex and more. Read on and find out everything!

What would the Capricorn like to hear during sex?

Capricornians aren't usually selfish in any aspect of life, but in bed, they show even more commitment to pleasing their partner. They'll focus on the pleasure of both of them and will be very determined to give pleasure, not just receive it. In return, they want to hear how good they are at what they do and how much pleasure their partners are feeling.

What would the Capricornian like to hear during the love relationship?

Capricorn wants to hear compliments and feel admired by his or her partner. They also want to hear how much that person is in love with them, or how much they like them. So try telling them how much fun you have with them, how handsome, intelligent and skilled they are in the things they do. Feeling that they are charmed by their partner is something that makes them very satisfied.

On the contrary, he wants to hear about how you feel, about your ambitions, your goals and your plans. He's the kind of person who will go crazy to see you talk about what you like, so don't be afraid to talk about yourself and what's deepest in you.

What would the Capricornian like to hear in their relationships in general?

In addition to honesty, one of the values that Capricorn most admires is loyalty. In addition to valuing it, natives like to talk about it. They expect to hear that people close to them share this ideal on the same level and that they can therefore count on them.

Plus, they also like to realize they are being taken seriously. Phrases that state how much you consider them and how much you care about them will be surprisingly good for them. Express how much you value their opinion, their support, their presence, etc., and you'll leave them on cloud nine.

Tips for a good relationship with Capricorn

Now that you already know about the Capricorn character, their personality, how they are in different aspects of life and what they want to hear, it's time to give the final tips, which can make a total difference in the relationship with a Capricorn.

To have a good relationship with Capricorn, it is essential that you understand and respect their nature. As very practical and objective people, natives don't like to leave any problems behind. Therefore, don't throw problems under the carpet, but call them to find a relationship. Noticing this disposition in your partners will be a more than welcome surprise for them

Capricorns hate lies as they value honesty above all other values, so the naked truth is the least they expect from you, so always choose to be honest. This is the best policy to follow with them.

Now that you know everything you need to know, you have a great advantage in your hands. Make good use of it, always using this knowledge in favor of your relationship. This way, you will have all the potential to build a harmonious, healthy and happiness-filled relationship!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.