What Venus means to Astrology: in signs, houses and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What Venus means to Astrology

For popular culture, Venus is known as the planet of love, for the Romans it was the goddess of beauty and love (an interpretation of the Greek Aphrodite) and for astronomy it is the second brightest star in the solar system. For astrology, Venus is the star that expresses the ways of loving, of expressing beauty and, in a certain way, creativity as well.

But the star's influences don't stop there. Its representation is directly linked to fertility, and the equivalent to a good harvest these days is money, so the Venus analysis also indicates the individual's connections with material gains. Read more below.

Meaning, mythology and symbolism of Venus

Venus is a star commonly associated with the beautiful and loving aspects of life. Due to the representation of Aphrodite in Greek mythology and the goddess Venus in Roman mythology, its symbolisms have become popular. Understand it better below.

General information about Venus in your birth chart

To understand the different ways of interpreting Venus from the astrological point of view, it is necessary to discover its position, which can be done by drawing the natal chart (the chart that shows the position of the stars at the time, date and place of birth).

The house in which the star is located indicates the area of life which has greater connection with the characteristics which are represented by it. The zodiacal house, that is, the sign in which the star is located, expresses the way that the Venusian abilities and elements will be expressed in the personality of the individuals in question.

Relationship, beauty and harmony in Venus

The popularization of the figure of Aphrodite associated the goddess with beauty and vanity, and her attributes until today can be reduced to the aesthetic elements, but for astrology, they are much more complex. Astrologically, the analysis of the position of Venus can explain the tendencies in relationships, artistic interests, and also the aesthetic attributes.

However, the concept of beauty in this case, does not apply only to aesthetic practices such as makeup or the appreciation for a good look. The beauty related to Venus extends to various areas of life, and may be present in the harmony of a home decor, or admiration for visual arts, and even in the search for harmony in relationships.

Mythology and symbols associated with Venus

The main symbolism of Venus is also the representation of the female sex. This association can be interpreted astrologically as the beautiful and loving energy present in the star. The same symbol, consisting of a circle with a cross below, can also be read as the triumph of the sublime over the concrete.

Another interpretation of the Venus symbol is to read the image as a hand mirror held by a woman admiring herself. However, this interpretation can be reductionist and again summarize all the elements of Venus to aesthetic appeal or the practice of futile vanity, erroneously.

Areas of life ruled by Venus

The influence of the planet Venus can be felt in some areas of life, they are: the relationship with arts and culture, money, emotional relationships, social life, appreciation of the pleasures of life and sensuality, besides beauty and harmony, as mentioned before.

Understanding which are the tendencies dictated by Venus in the astrological chart is essential to break negative patterns present in the characteristics of the signs that are connected to the star. It can also be a tool to explore our own potential, through the paths that are outlined according to the astrological positioning of Venus.

Signs of dignity, exaltation, detriment and fall

When a star is associated with a sign that shares similar elements, the astrological term used is "exaltation", in the case of Venus, the sign of Pisces is its exaltation. If Venus in Pisces is shown in an astrological chart, it indicates that the characteristics of the planet will be experienced in a harmonious way.

The opposite combination to this is called "fall" or "exile" and is observed when Venus is in Virgo. In this case, the characteristics of the star find it very difficult to flow. The domicile or dignity of Venus happens in Taurus or Libra, because these are the signs ruled by the star and express its characteristics perfectly.

The detriment, on the other hand, occurs when Venus is in Aries or Scorpio, making the harmony of its aspects difficult.

Venus in the Signs

Depending on the sign or house of the zodiac where the star is, it can have harmonic or chaotic energy. Knowing the positive and negative aspects present in Venus can be interesting for the improvement of some areas of life. Understand about Venus in the signs here.

Venus in Aries

When the sign aligned to the planet Venus is Aries, the pioneer vibration and intense energy, so striking in the first sign of the zodiac, are reflected in the aspects of personality ruled by Venus. This is reflected in social relationships, through extroversion and absence of inhibitions, but in love relationships the impetuosity of Aries can become a problem.

Venus in Aries is one of the astrological positions called "detriment". This means that the characteristics of the star find it difficult to flow, in this specific case the harmony sought by Venus may find as a difficulty the restlessness and impulsiveness brought by the Arian energy.

Venus in Taurus

Venus is in Taurus, this indicates that the characteristics of the star can flow gracefully. People who have this astral combination have a refined aesthetic sense, have an appreciation for luxury, seek harmony and are connected with artistic practices.

One of the greatest sources of pleasure for those who have Venus in Taurus can come through food. The sign of Taurus is very linked to the senses, so touch becomes very important in the interactions, social or amorous, of people with this sign. The challenge of this combination lies in controlling the Taurus stubbornness that is expressed in relationships.

Venus in Gemini

Those who have Venus in Gemini find their pleasure in novelty. The sign which is driven by communicative energy delights in new discoveries and dynamic social or love relationships. In this case, love interests may be more connected to intellectual than physical aspects, establishing their relationships initially in the mental field.

Curiosity encourages the search for new experiences and moves the Venus in Gemini native towards satisfaction. For this reason they may find it difficult to remain in stable relationships, always trying to find happiness in novelty.

Venus in Cancer

Sensitivity translates the profile of the relationships of those who have Venus in Cancer. They are individuals who always try to be attentive to the needs of the other person and do everything to meet them. Excessive emotions can get in the way of relationships, making them very sensitive and easily hurt.

Affection is what the native of Venus in Cancer seeks as a form of satisfaction in life, for this reason he tries to express his emotions whenever possible and may even have an excessively maternal profile in his relationships. Kindness and sympathy are part of the charm present in these individuals, who tend to be delicate and polite in society.

Venus in Leo

For Leo, life is a big stage and his native is the big star. When the sign is associated with the planet Venus the dynamic is no different, because those who have this combination make great demonstrations of love and are admirers of parties. Given the theatrical perception of existence, the need for applause arises, present in these individuals.

Receiving compliments is one of the great pleasures in the life of the Leo Venus native. This characteristic can become a challenge to be faced as soon as it presents itself in the form of an inflated ego, which puts its own needs before those of its partners.

Venus in Virgo

The combination of Venus in Virgo expresses a case in which the star is in "fall" or "exile". This translates into difficulty in expressing emotions in individuals who possess this astrological characteristic.

The search for perfection in relationships can lead to a long journey without establishing relationships. Excessive rationalisation and difficulty in getting in touch with one's emotions without much analysis are also characteristics which become challenges for these natives.

Among the interests of these individuals are health and hygiene, areas that are often related to the sign of Virgo, for this reason, they can be great professionals in the health area.

Venus in Libra

Venus finds its domicile in Libra. The combination, which can also be called astrological "dignity," results in Venusian characteristics flowing with ease. An appreciation for beautiful things, the arts, love, and social relationships are food for the heart of a Venus in Libra native.

Harmony in relationships and social life are paramount for these individuals, who avoid conflict or confusion whenever possible. The only challenges are a tendency to excessive frivolity and hedonistic propensities, which clash with the sensitivity present in the personality of these zodiac artists. However, they are not in the habit of harboring great sorrows.

Venus in Scorpio

Venus in Scorpio is a sign known for intensity, a characteristic which can lead your native to dive into deep emotions and see only his or her own needs. Venus in Scorpio also indicates mystical tendencies in relationships and intense sexual interests in love, which can demand the search for balance.

Insecurity, generated by possible rejection, can trigger vengeful behaviour and nullify the empathic and harmonious capacity represented by the star. However the same intensity can be optimised when directed towards dramatic arts, which require a dive into deeper emotions.

Venus in Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius is a combination which can be anything but boring. Natives who have the star of love at their side with the most adventurous sign of the zodiac take pleasure in discovering new cultures and exploring the world. They tend to take relationships lightly, with good humour and positivity, always avoiding pessimism or controlling personalities.

The challenge present in the relationships of those who have Venus in Sagittarius consists in the control of jokes, which can hurt sensitive figures, or create embarrassing social situations.

Venus in Capricorn

Capricorn is a sign which presents a constant dispute with itself and the demanding profile translates into insecurity in the sphere of relationships, a characteristic which can be wrongly circumvented through the constant need for material acquisitions. Emotions are in the background for Capricornian Venus natives, who appear to be constantly cold.

The need to occupy a responsible role can lead to establishing serious relationships and carrying out your commitments with great integrity. For self-improvement, those with Venus in Capricorn should try to cede some control or seek non-material expressions to demonstrate affections.

Venus in Aquarius

Venus in Aquarius seeks ways to revolutionize relationships, either by breaking conservative patterns or by the freedom to explore new experiences. Individuals who have this astrological combination find pleasure in intellectual stimuli and in the multiplicity present in collective coexistence.

The challenges to be faced by natives with Aquarius Venus are in the expression of emotions, a difficulty which creates an image of coldness and detachment, even if in contradiction with the inner emotions. Artistically, the tendency in this profile is to appreciate works with innovative aspects.

Venus in Pisces

In Pisces, Venus is in exaltation, that is, its characteristics find an environment conducive to fluidity. In this case it is not possible to love alone, for the native of Pisces Venus the demonstration of romance in relationships becomes crucial, as well as the constant need for confirmation of the love that is professed.

The great sensitivity present in these individuals is also a source for creativity, and connects with the poetic arts and the admiration of beauty and love directed towards others. When the strong empathic tendency is not channelled, you may feel the need to create bonds of emotional dependence or become someone with exaggerated sensitivity.

Venus in the Astrological Houses

The planet of love can affect different areas of life in an astrological chart, depending on the Astrological House in which it is located. To better understand the impact of the planet in the Houses, read below.

Venus in 1st House

The first house of the zodiac deals with the "I", in which resides the ascendant and the personality characteristics that are seen first by others. When Venus is in the 1st house, the elements of the star are also expressed in the "I", thus creating a figure of great charm and sociability, as well as an appreciation for beauty and the arts.

However, care must be taken not to give in to Venusian hedonistic tendencies, which can create overly lazy and even selfish behaviour if the astrological aspects are unfavourable. This combination also tends to express individuals who are comfortable in beautiful surroundings or are flirtatious.

Venus in 2nd House

The 2nd House presents the material aspects of the astrological chart, when Venus is in this position it is a sign of luck in finances and appreciation for material gains. However, this combination indicates that this search is not due to personal or external demands, but rather by a desire to transform satisfactions into concrete goods.

Individuals who have Venus in 2nd house may feel inclined to work in artistic or aesthetic areas, or those involving social interaction. If there are negative aspects in the chart, they may present wasteful behavior, feeling the need to show off materially due to their great vanity.

Venus in 3rd House

The third house zodiac brings the issues related to communication and the location of Venus in this position is an indicator that communication flows gracefully for individuals who possess such an astrological combination. There are tendencies to develop writing skills and great intellectual creativity.

Venusian energy also makes social contacts and interactions through communication more fluid, intensifying the persuasive potential of the individual. However if negative aspects exist, there is the possibility of creating an exaggeratedly superficial or even false behaviour, which seeks to please the other person but is not authentic.

Venus in 4th house

The 4th house of the astrological chart is also called the Sky's Deep, in this area are expressed the themes related to childhood, with the way the individual feeds his soul and his domestic needs or preferences. When Venus is in the 4th house, the elements that are present in the star are reflected in this area of life.

In this case, it is essential to have a house where beauty and harmony prevail, not only in the decorative elements, but also in the relationships that are established in the home. However, if the astrological aspects are unfavorable, there can be excessively possessive and controlling behavior.

Venus in 5th house

In the astrological chart, the House that indicates the source of pleasure in an individual's life is the 5th House, so when the star Venus is in this position, it is a sign that creativity and the arts can be a promising source of joy and yield beautiful fruits.

The same zodiacal House expresses the relations with children, having Venus in the 5th House possibly the relations with the little ones will be a reason for joy.

Both love relationships and unpretentious flirtations tend to be successful for individuals who possess such an astrological combination, which favours the art of seduction. However if there is any negative aspect, difficulties will be faced in the creative and love areas.

Venus in 6th house

The astrological 6th house is the house where questions of self-criticism, organization, and the abilities connected to daily work are dealt with. Venus in the 6th house indicates harmony in work relationships, either with colleagues or employees.

This astrological combination also represents people who have great self-indulgence, and because they have perfectionist traits they do not see their own faults or are willing to change them. Venus in the 6th house also indicates a tendency for artistic work and appeasing behavior in relationships, such as choosing a position of mediator in conflicts.

Venus in 7th house

Known as the "House of Partnerships", the 7th house deals with the areas of life that present exchange relationships, whether they are amorous or professional. The position of Venus in this astrological house expresses a fluidity in relationships, that is, both material and emotional aspects can benefit from Venusian energy in the 7th house.

When the aspects are harmonious in this area, there is a great facility for social interaction, and the person who has this combination tends to have great power of attraction in love, and can establish serious relationships easily.

However, if there are negative aspects to the sector in question, there may be tendencies towards negative emotions such as building up resentment or even persecution mania.

Venus in 8th house

For astrology, the place where deep transformations happen is in the 8th house, and it is also related to the sexual aspect of relationships. The 8th house is a good position to have the planet Venus located because the harmony expressed in it brings softness to the dense themes addressed by the 8th house.

This position of Venus guarantees relationships with good material fruits and even benefits from inheritances, as well as expressing harmony in the sexual aspects of relationships and indicating fluidity and tranquillity in moments of great transformations such as death. However if negative aspects exist, there may be excessive behaviour in sensuality and eating or alcoholic compulsions.

Venus in 9th house

The 9th house deals with various themes, including the outer world in the geographical and symbolic sense. When Venus is in the 9th house, one can see an indication of relationships with people of different cultures, or even a deep need to connect with or study foreign cultures more extensively.

Culture, arts and studies are important elements in the life of individuals with this astrological placement. In the case where there are negative aspects in this area of the birth chart, overly negligent behaviour arises, or it shows an individual who is comfortable with positions in which they do not need to act.

Venus in 10th house

The tenth house in the astrological chart is where issues related to social status and professional career reside. For this reason, the influence of a planet that deals with harmony in relationships, such as Venus, tends to be expressed in a positive way.

Those who have Venus in the 10th house are usually well-liked socially, may seek social status in marriage, and are popular in affairs of the heart. The need for harmony present in Venus is expressed in the diplomacy of relationships of those who have this astrological placement.

The need for social acceptance is an issue to be worked on in these individuals, however, this desire tends to be easily satisfied by the great social aptitude and ease in relationships.

Venus in 11th house

This astrological placement expresses great ease in establishing bonds of friendship and fluidity in interactions in love relationships. As this House has a connection with connections that are created throughout life, the planet Venus in this House encourages naturalness in the creation of these bonds.

Venus in the 11th house also shows a tendency for easy relationships in the artistic field, and can also be the space for the creation of love relationships. If there are negative aspects in this placement, friendship ties can be a source of suffering for the individual, or the same may choose to seek contacts that cause harm to him or herself.

Venus in 12th house

The last astrological house holds the mysteries of transcendence. The themes that reside here address the deepest emotional aspects and connect with the collective. Venus in the 12th house signals a deep and compassionate personality, someone who takes pleasure in helping others and does so naturally.

However, such sensitivity may require moments of solitude to find oneself again, for the emotions of others can become a heavy burden for these individuals. They tend to become involved in mysteries and hidden situations.

In the case of negative aspects present in this combination, dangerous behaviors can arise, such as involvements with compromised people.

Venus in Aspect in the Birth Chart

One of the territories dominated by the planet Venus is love. By analyzing the aspects of Venus in the birth chart we can understand how this sector can be affected. Find out more below.

The Planetary Aspects

Planetary Aspects deal with how the position of Venus in relation to other planets can impact on different sentimental and love sectors. The observation of Conjunctions shows how these positions affect feelings and love, while the Square shows the challenges present in these affective sectors.

The understanding of perception, or lack of it, about feelings can be observed from the Opposition. In the case of the analysis of the Trine or Sextile positions, softness and fluidity in the love and affective area are seen, while the Quincunxes or Inconjunctions indicate the transformation necessary for sentimental materialization.

Venus conjunct Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Venus conjunct Mars expresses the need for freedom to achieve wholeness. The Martian energy demands a lot from relationships, but also inserts a lot of dynamism and passion, expressing itself through sensuality and daring postures.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus indicates an extravagant and rather charming personality, as well as popularity and tendencies towards moralism or religiosity and self-indulgence.

In the case of Saturn conjunct Venus in the birth chart, a disciplined and rigid personality can be observed. In this case, individuals seek security and stability, which can lead to establishing the relationship with someone older.

Venus conjunct Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

The conjunction of Venus and Uranus is translated into the search for uniqueness. For this reason, individuals seek to stand out for their originality. In relationships, they avoid the traditional, seeking more than one partner.

Neptune is the planet that rules the sensitive universe, so its conjunction with Venus brings poetry to relationships. It can also indicate a great affection for the arts, especially music, which should be used as a way to express emotions.

Venus conjunct Pluto is expressed in deep emotions. The search for intensity is also seen in relationships, which can become possessive, demanding from the other the same intensity that belongs to you. With negative astrological aspects, subversive behaviour can surface.

Square and opposition in Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

The square and opposition aspects of Venus to Mars indicate passionate behaviour. Individuals who have these aspects in their chart may demand the same intensity from their partners and be disappointed if this expectation is not met.

Jupiter square and in opposition to Mars shows a tendency to have many loves, sometimes simultaneously. Behaviour which shows exaggerated vanity and arrogance are issues to be improved in relationships. In the area of finances it is important to work on self-control.

When Venus squares or opposes Saturn, the challenges lie in the expression of emotions in relationships. Those with these aspects can be seen as emotionally distant, behaviour which can stem from their own insecurity.

Square and opposition in Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Venus squaring or opposing Uranus can express itself in conquering behaviour, and this tendency can become a problem in the love field as it results in unsuccessful affairs. However the aspect also presents itself in great power of attraction.

Whoever squares or opposes Venus to Neptune faces the challenge of discerning fantasy from reality. This need to escape from reality can also make the individual susceptible to drugs.

In the case of Venus squaring or opposing Pluto, issues related to intense desires deserve more attention. Whether sexual or material, when uncontrolled they can generate frustrations in relationships.

Trine and sextile in Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Those with trine or sextile Mars find fluidity in relationships thanks to their affectionate nature, which sees no difficulty in expressing what they feel. The position also gives great appreciation for the arts and family fun.

Jupiter in trine or sextile with Venus is an indicator of an outgoing personality and elegance, but can also express an imbalance to control finances. Several partnerships, loving or commercial, are sought by those who have this aspect in the astrological chart.

The individual who presents Saturn in trine or sextile with Venus achieves success in love and financial relationships through hard work. Partnerships with older or experienced people can bear good fruit for him.

Trine and sextile in Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Venus in trine or sextile with Uranus is an indicator of the search for innovation and creativity in relationships, whether commercial or amorous. This profile also presents great personal magnetism and power of attraction in love.

Neptune in trine or sextile with Venus is reflected in an empathetic personality, who finds pleasure in helping others and has great sensitivity. Romanticism is also another positive aspect present in this position, which can bear good fruit when expressed in the musical or poetic area.

Whoever has Pluto in trine or sextile with has great creative potential and a significant intuitive ability. The assertive opinions of this individual are clearly expressed in relationships from childhood.

The inconjunctions of Venus

The inconjunctions of Venus can be interpreted as challenges for relationships and emotions to flow smoothly. To analyze them it is important to know how to interpret which energies are related to the planet that makes an inconjunction with Venus.

For example, an inconjunction with Pluto, the planet of depth in emotions, can indicate a need for greater restraint and search for emotional balance in relationships, avoiding giving in to the intensity present in the planet's energy.

Venus Retrograde for Astrology

The retrogradation of a planet or star in the natal chart can indicate a kind of challenge to be faced by the individual. Learn how to interpret Venus Retrograde in the birth chart here.

Retrograde Planets in the Birth Chart

When Venus is in retrograde motion, the relationship between life experiences and the individual's reactions become conflicted, and issues related to relationships, loving or otherwise, tend to find it difficult to flow.

Understanding which stars are in retrograde motion is important to seek to break harmful behaviors that seem natural to the individual.

The Personality of Venus Retrograde

Those who have Venus Retrograde in their natal chart face several difficulties in the areas which are touched by the star in question. Venus Retrograde makes interactions with the opposite sex and the perception of loving gestures difficult, increasing distrust with figures which represent the opposite gender to yours, or elements which are related to it.

It is also common in those who have Venus Retrograde in their chart the difficulty to overcome hurts suffered in previous relationships. Individuals create repeating cycles of reactions connected to negative experiences lived, which should already reside in the past, but which tend to influence the present.

The Karma of Venus Retrograde

Those who have Venus Retrograde in their astrological chart face various difficulties in the areas touched by the astrologer in question. Venus Retrograde makes it difficult to perceive gestures of love and increases mistrust of figures which represent the opposite gender to yours, or elements which are related to it.

It is also common in those who have Venus Retrograde in their chart the difficulty to overcome hurts suffered in previous relationships. Individuals create repeating cycles of reactions connected to negative experiences lived, which should already reside in the past, but which tend to influence the present.

Which signs are ruled by Venus in Astrology

The rulership of the stars in zodiac signs interferes in the characteristics which are present or which stand out in certain signs. In the case of the rulership of Venus it can be observed the presence of admiration for the arts, connection or appreciation of beauty and predisposition to creativity. For Astrology, the signs ruled by Venus are Libra and Taurus.

In the case of Libra, the characteristics that stand out are the appreciation of aesthetics and the search for harmony in relationships. In Taurus, the attraction for art and beauty are also present in this case. But for Taurus, harmony is in enjoying the delicate moments of life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.