6 of Cups in Tarot: meaning, history, love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the 6 of Cups card mean in Tarot?

The cards of the suit of Cups are associated with the element of Water, thus representing the feelings and emotions of people. So, with the 6 of Cups this would be no different and this minor arcane has a light tone, almost fun, and very connected to the idea of nostalgia.

Thus, he brings up the happy memories of childhood to serve as learning about the present of the consulter. Once free of the worries of adult life, he can see his ways from the spontaneity and freedom of those who have no major obligations.

Throughout this article, the fundamentals of the 6 of Cups will be explored, as well as its historical meanings, which can help in Tarot reading. In addition, the messages of the card for various areas of life will also be commented on. Read on to learn more about it.

Basics of the 6 of Cups in Tarot

When the 6 of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, it asks the consulent to analyze all the cycles of his life. Through this analysis he will be able to understand what connects past and present, something that is marked in the card since its iconography.

This minor arcane is stamped by two children playing in freedom. They represent these two times and bring a message about gratitude, revealing that the past was the great responsible for bringing the consulent to the present moment of his life.

The following will discuss some more aspects related to the fundamentals of this arcane, especially considering its history and iconography. Read on to learn more about it.


The 6 of Cups is a card that speaks about nostalgia and about the connection that the consulter has with his own past. Thus, childhood and history are strongly present in the readings that count with the presence of this minor arcane.

In a way, the 6 of Cups is a representation of security and familiar comfort. Because of this, he does not have the same worries as adults and has great willingness to learn, which is supported by his incurable optimism and able to open a number of paths.


The 6 of Cups card features two children enjoying a free and sunny day. They are representations of the past and the future, as well as old friendships, loves, and also past experiences.

Moreover, around these children it is possible to see some cups filled with white flowers. One of them is in the hands of one of the children, who hands it to her companion, indicating an offering of love and gratitude. The scene suggests harmony and peace.

6 of Cups Meaning in Tarot

Due to its simple and childlike way of seeing life, the 6 of Cups is a card that tends to bring positive meanings to the life of the consulters, almost always linked to optimism and the ability to open paths through spontaneity.

However, like all Tarot cards, it also has a negative side, capable of trapping those who find it in their readings in a very harmful world of illusions. Therefore, the 6 of Cups also highlights that although the past is bright, the most important thing is to look forward.

These aspects and some others concerning the messages brought by the minor arcane will be discussed in the next section of the article. Proceed to discover everything.


The 6 of Cups is a card linked to simplicity, which, in turn, manifests itself in an almost childlike manner and through a youthful energy. Thus, this arcane has a rather puerile look and brings good vibrations to your path due to the way you look at life.

Because of this, the consulent who finds the 6 of Cups has everything to be able to follow a simpler and happier path, which will be marked by the innocence present in the figure of the arcane.


The presence of the 6 of Cups in a Tarot card game is a sign of satisfaction. Soon you will go through a phase marked by happiness and goodness. Much of this is linked to the spirit of youth present in the arcane, which will make you dream and perceive things in a way very similar to what children perceive.

Therefore, take advantage of this joy of life and face life in a light way. This is something that can also contribute a lot to your personal evolution.


This will be a phase marked by harmony. The 6 of Cups is a card which indicates the ability to find possibilities and to feel genuine contentment with the paths which open up. Therefore, your vibrations will be the best possible and you will feel more willing than ever to cultivate your dreams.

So always try to make progress and find ways out of obstacles that may be present in your routine now. The chart indicates this ability and shows that you should not get caught up in the past.

Bright side

The 6 of Cups tends to be a positive card, especially when it speaks of the ability to value past experiences. However, this appreciation does not happen in the sense of being trapped by these experiences, but of knowing how to look back at what was left behind, being aware that everything contributed to your arriving where you are today.

The optimism present in this minor arcane is one of its greatest qualities and can represent an opening for more enlightened paths in the life of the consulent.


It is possible to affirm that the negative side of the 6 of Cups is also connected to the way the arcane looks to the past. The nostalgia present in its way of seeing things can end up creating an illusory universe and, thus, the consulent can end up realizing that reality is very different from what was in his imagination.

Therefore, the key to dealing with this side is not to lose focus on the future and to use the youthful energy of the 6 of Cups to move what needs to be changed in the present.

6 of Cups in the Tarot in different areas of life

In a Tarot run, the consulent needs to ask questions regarding the areas of his life and then the cards will bring him some more specific advice. Thus, when associated with different sectors, such as love, work and health, they bring different messages.

With the 6 of Cups this would be no different. Therefore, when connected to love, this arcane brings messages about the importance of not being attached to a past relationship. In health, it warns about the need to prioritize psychological aspects and, finally, when talking about work the arcane indicates the urgency of greater responsibility.

To know more details regarding the influence of the 6 of Cups in all these areas of life, keep reading.

In love

For people who are in a relationship, the message of the 6 of Cups is clear: you are still stuck in a love from the past or what your current relationship was when you two met. This is not the most positive way of looking at things and you need to start living in the present.

Those who are single, on the other hand, should take advantage of the energy of youth and fun to meet new people. Be aware of the people around you to have the opportunity to find someone who shares that happiness with you.

At work

The consulent who finds the 6 of Cups linked to the field of work receives a message about the need to focus on what needs to be done. The card is indicative of dispersion due to its connection with youth.

It is therefore necessary to remember your experiences as an adult so as not to lose sight of your goals. Furthermore, for those who are unemployed, the 6 of Cups indicates that this is about to change. This phase of facilitated communication could help you win a good job opening soon.

In health

In terms of health, the messages given by the presence of the 6 of Cups in a reading are linked to the psychological of the consulter. So, it is always necessary to remember not to be too focused on what has done you wrong. The arcane has the tendency to make you revisit the past, but the purpose is not to nurture sorrows but to learn.

In addition, when talking about the physical aspects, it is recommended that those who find the 6 of Cups in a Tarot game try to maintain balance in their diet and remember to exercise regularly.

A little more about the card 6 of Cups in Tarot

It is worth noting that the positioning of a card in the Tarot game influences its reading. So, whenever a certain arcane appears in its inverted position, it is natural that the meaning and messages brought by it become different. This is repeated with the 6 of Cups, which leaves aside its optimism and begins to talk about the risks of getting stuck in the past.

In addition, all the cards in the Tarot deck carry specific advice and have challenges that will need to be faced by the consulters who encounter them. So, the next section of the article will also be dedicated to talking a little more about this. Read on.

Inverted card

In its inverted position, the 6 of Cups is indicative that the consulent is refusing to let go of the past and wants things to go back to exactly as they were before. This sense of comfort found in memories prevents him from looking forward and taking new directions in his life.

Furthermore, the arcane in its inverted position can also function as a warning regarding the seriousness present in your life. Thus, you may be forgetting to live a little more spontaneously and have been worrying too much.


It is possible to highlight that the main challenge for the consulent who finds the 6 of Cups in his reading is to deal with the issue of nostalgia.

This card brings back situations, people and memories from the past, creating the illusion that everything was happier at other times in life. In addition, the feeling that it was possible to move on spontaneously and free from pressures is something that will pull the consulent to this illusory place.

It is important to keep in mind that good times, as well as good memories, are important, but you cannot live only from that. The present is happening and it is that time that needs your attention.


The presence of the 6 of Cups in a Tarot game asks the consulent to be attentive to the various cycles of his life. It is necessary to make an analysis about them, especially about everything that still keeps you connected to the past.

These lessons, in turn, must be internalized because this knowledge will be responsible for leading the consulent towards the changes he desires. Therefore, even if this arcane takes you back to the past, do not let yourself be trapped by it. Take advantage of its phase of harmony to advance your current projects.

Does the 6 of Cups mean I need to reflect better on my actions?

The 6 of Cups is a card that asks for some reflection on the part of those who find it. It is mainly focused on the need to take advantage of optimism and the opening of paths for the present, leaving aside its nostalgic bias that can end up trapping the consulter in moments of the past.

Thus, those who find this minor arcane in their Tarot reading should remember that a more childlike gaze, freer from adult compulsions, can be positive, but not if it is focused on treating memories as more important than actions with the potential to transform reality.

So, try to avoid looking at previous moments of your life as better and remember to live your current phase, which has everything to be positive if the energy of the 6 of Cups is channeled in the right way.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.