What does the number 23 mean? Numerology, angels, Bible and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Have you seen the number 23 a lot?

Numbers are not simple characters used for additions, subtractions and other mathematical operations, nor are they only connected to weights, measures and finances in general, because each one of them carries an energy full of symbolism and conceptuality.

Understanding the amplitude of the meaning of numbers allows us to know ourselves better, since they are connected to us, as well as to the environments in which we are inserted, interfering directly in the events around us and in the way we act and react to them.

Have you often seen the number 23? Know that this is no coincidence! No number appears in our path by chance. Understand the different meanings behind this number and the way it can influence our lives.

Meaning of the number 23 for numerology

Numerology is an esoteric branch that studies the numbers in their essence, seeking to understand the influence they have on people's lives and their relationship with them, through the analysis of the vibrations emanated by them. Understand the meaning of the number 23 for numerology and find out why this number is so special.


The sum of the two numerals that make up the number 23 results in the numeral 5, which symbolizes vitality and freedom, the number 23 represents this vitality, embracing the broadest senses that this word can possess.

It represents both a vital force - linked to the body's basic functions, physical and mental vigour, endurance and great capacity for work - and a vital energy - which is related to enthusiasm for the world and everything around it, exuberance, youth and aptitude for life.


As previously mentioned, the number 5 (resulting from the sum of the numerals 2 and 3) also expresses freedom, whose amplitude of meanings applies perfectly to the symbolism and representativeness that the number 23 presents.

This number is linked to personal freedom, to an adventurous spirit, and is often associated with graciousness, the need and desire to explore and get to know new places, cultures and people. It also inspires self-knowledge through experimentation and new experiences.


Number 23 also carries in its essence elements which inspire companionship, since its enthusiasm and energy, combined with the desire to resolve issues in the fastest and most practical way possible, inspire diplomatic solutions and a strong sense of teamwork.

The companionship emanated by the energetic charge of this number is also associated with the friendly and cordial way of living with others, as well as the complicity and desire to work hard to achieve your goals, without leaving aside the characteristic loyalty and diplomacy.

Meaning of the spirit angel number 23

Angels are messengers of the Spirits' realm, bringing divine messages to assist the evolutionary process of humans.

Number 23 carries a very positive message that both the angels and the Ascended Masters (beings with great spiritual evolution acquired after several incarnations) are encouraging you to believe in yourself, to exercise your creativity and enhance your talents.

Believing in yourself

The message of angel number 23 is essentially a message of encouragement for you to maintain the confidence that the Universe will conspire in your favor in the same proportion as you work indulgently and patiently to achieve your goals and progress personally and spiritually.

Thus, it is necessary to believe in your potential and not hesitate to ask for guidance from your angels, who are accompanying you throughout your evolutionary process.

Creativity and spiritual growth

Angels themselves often use creative ways to convey messages to their receivers, especially when the receivers are not very connected to their spiritual side, being more focused on material aspects of life.

Angel number 23 also inspires and encourages the use of creativity in dealing with adversity and problems along the way. Looking at the situation from a different perspective and seeking a creative solution contributes to the spiritual growth of one who allows himself to explore new resolutions.

This shows itself both for individual situations, as well as contributing positively in issues involving the people around and other existing beings.

Talent Development

The angel number 23 encourages and stimulates the development of your talents and abilities so that they can be used to bring positivity, good energy and joy to your life and to all those around you, contributing to the coexistence in a light and harmonious environment.

To take advantage and, more than that, to improve the innate aptitudes, as well as those acquired throughout life is of utmost importance for the progress of the individual, since when you act seeking to evolve, you are emanating positive energy and this will return to yourself.

Meaning of the number 23 for the Bible

Not even in the Bible, considered by many people as one of the most important books in the world, the number 23 doesn't stop appearing in important moments. It appears both in the story of Adam and Eve's descendants and in the book of Genesis - related to the creation of the world. Keep following to know more about the number 23 in the Bible.

23 daughters of Adam and Eve

Although the Old Testament is not very specific about this subject, there is a belief that Adam and Eve had 23 daughters. So again we find the number 23 linked to the generation of life, continuity and renewal.

Creation in Genesis

The first chapter of Genesis of the Bible contemplates the creation of the world, and verse 23 is the closing of the act of creation. Thus, it is noted that the number 23, once again, appears with protagonism, carrier of a vital energy capable of performing great acts, besides also relating to the closure of cycles and, consequently, the beginning of others.

More about the meaning of number 23

Besides all the meanings already mentioned, (involving the numerological analysis, the manifestations in the personality, the spiritual messages and the biblical concepts) it is also possible to perform the interpretation of the number 23 regarding the age and date of birth, besides discovering several coincidences involving this number, whose aura is loaded with relevance and essence.

Meaning of the number 23 in years

A 23-year-old carries with him the vigor and vitality characteristic of a young adult. In addition, he also emanates the energies absorbed from the number 23, tending to be someone who interacts easily and resourcefully, open to different personalities, seeking to live harmoniously with all people, being free of prejudice or pre-judgment.

Meaning of being born on day number 23

People born on the 23rd are known for their determination. They do not give up easily on their goals and use their innate persuasiveness to achieve them. They are therefore persevering and can easily convince those around them.

Those born on this day also have an incredible capacity for adaptability and versatility, managing to get out of difficult situations with ease, while maintaining their posture. In addition, due to their charisma and natural gift for communication, they are very sociable and their presence is appreciated in the places they frequent.

Coincidences involving the number 23

When it comes to the number 23, there is no shortage of coincidences involving it, making it even more unique and enigmatic, causing many events, facts and curiosities to be related to the appearance of this number.

A good example is tragic events. Adding up the numbers of the date of the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, gives the number 23 (11 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1), as well as adding up the numbers of the date the Titanic ship sank - dawn of April 15, 1912 (1 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2).

The normal temperature of our body is 37 °C (Celsius). By converting this number to the Fahrenheit scale, it would be 98.6 °F, whose sum is the number 23 (9 + 8 + 6). Still referring to the human body, it is composed of 46 chromosomes, formed by 23 pairs, 23 received from the father and 23 received from the mother.

To complete, the number 23 is the first of the prime numbers formed by two consecutive numbers and also primes (2 and 3). Moreover, William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616 and, on April 23, is celebrated the Day of St. George, worshipped both in Catholic religion and in Umbanda (in the figure of Ogum).

The meaning of the number 23 is everywhere

As we can see, the meaning of number 23 is everywhere and covers the most diverse areas, whether in the religious sense, in the behavioral characteristics, in the messages it transmits or in the coincidences that involve it, making its energy a unique and very special number.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.