7 slipper sympathies: tie the man, cross, behind the door and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do the sympathy of the slipper?

Amarrações e mandingas are spiritual techniques used for one's own good in order to a conquest in favor of the individual's ego. If you're the kind of person who likes to have contact and perform these rituals, check out 7 simpatias of the slipper to tie a man, let someone madly in love with you and more.

These spells should be done for those who seek to keep their beloved by their side, regardless of any circumstance. Spirituality is an outlet to satiate a desire that might not be fulfilled by the normal flow of events.

Besides the indications cited above, these rituals are intended to bring revelations of the loved one, provide protection for your home, give you more dominant strength in the relationship and other purposes. Come with the Astral Dream and know the indications, ingredients and preparation method of each flip-flop sympathy for your life!

Sympathy of the crossed and turned slipper

There are days when everything seems to be out of alignment, work and love are no longer enough to keep you happy and motivated. This can all be a result of a number of things, such as poor diet, routine, excessive work and too much responsibility. However, there is one factor that can be the main key, the evil eye.

If you are feeling discouraged and without strength to continue your tasks, do the crossed and turned slipper sympathy and get a shot of encouragement in your life.


This ritual is indicated for those who want to give a total up in their social, professional and love life, and who seek a new sense of walk. Get rid of all and any envy that plagues your day to day, with the intention of putting you down.


To do the cross and flip-flop charm you only need your pair of flip-flops. Very simple, isn't it? This is the quickest and easiest spell on this list and has an impressive result.

How to do

Take your pair of slippers and turn them downwards, placing them in the shape of a cross. Immediately afterwards, say the following words: "with my left foot and my right foot, I cross all bad energy and do not let it get to me. Then just wait and hope for better days in your life. Good luck!

Sympathy of the slipper behind the door for protection

To bring more security and quiet to your home, your most powerful weapon is the sympathy of the slipper behind the door for protection. This ritual acts mainly fighting negative energies and bad thoughts of people who frequent your home.


If you are a person concerned about your safety and your loved ones, the sympathy of the slipper behind the door for protection is a good choice. Serving as an amulet and blocker of bad intentions of any individual who enters your residence.


In this ritual all you need is:

- a pair of slippers;

- strings or cord.

With these two ingredients it is already possible to make a spiritual magic capable of bringing more tranquility to your home and guarantee safer days and nights, free of all envy from your visitors. After all, evil can be under your eyes and go unnoticed.

How to do

Start by separating a pair of slippers from your use, it can be new or old, you choose. Next, take a rope or string and tie the shoes to the doorknob of your front door.

You can leave the sympathy visible to the eyes of all, that is the very purpose. With this "amulet", will only enter your residence positive energies.

Slipper sympathy to get love back

This is a sympathy a little more complex and laborious to be done, however its resolution is very interesting. For you who want to have love back, count on the help of spirituality and have a helping hand to get your loved one again.

The sympathy of the slipper to get love back is a powerful binding for those who have not overcome the end of a relationship. Many of these people are incredulous and do not accept that they are no longer part of a couple.

Faith is one of the tools used in this ritual, making the correct preparation of this magic, having much hope, certainly soon your ex will be going to meet you.


Not always end a relationship is something practical and simplified, even more so when it comes to a solid relationship and involving much love yet. For those who are not satisfied with the end of committed status, the sympathy of the slipper to get love back ends up being a path of expectation to return everything that was before with the beloved.


The main materials for this manding you will have at home, it is not difficult to find. Get a pen, a pair of your slippers and a ball of black thread. That's it! These are the ingredients of the binding.

How to do

As mentioned before, as much as the utensils are easy to find, the way of

preparing the sympathy of the slipper to get love back is a little laborious. Follow the guide below and do it right now in your home.

1 - Take the conventional pen and write your ex's full name on the left foot of your slipper;

2 - On the right slipper of the shoe, write his name and yours;

3 - Place each slipper in front of the other, and with the help of the black line, wrap the slippers;

4 - Think about your beloved during all the time of the ritual;

5 - In a showy plant pot, bury the pair of slippers and leave it there. A very important hint: you can use a potted plant.

Simpatia of the slipper and red line for love

Being in love and love for sure is one of the greatest pleasures of human beings. Being able to have someone to share the pain, joys and uncertainties, certainly warm any heart.

If you can no longer stand the loneliness and want to have a true love to call your own, but have tried every way, on dating sites, dating apps, dating and parties, keep an eye on this jaw that can change your life.

The sympathy of the slipper and red line for love brings a new perspective and hope for those hearts discredited in love. Set a goal, have a defined objective, perform this magic and success.


This ritual can be confused with the sympathy to bring the loved one back, but the mandinga of the slipper and red line for love is indicated for those who want a new boyfriend.

Being lovingly involved with someone has its good and bad sides, but of course most people want to be able to sleep next to each other, have a tight hug in a delicate moment and a passionate kiss in the hottest hours.

So, if you're the kind of person who prefers serious relationships to flirting, but is having trouble finding a loved one, this magic will give you a new perspective.


As everyone knows the color red represents the passion, love, seduction and desire, so this color is always a stamped figure among the materials used in a sympathy for love.

Check out all the necessary ingredients:

- 1 red pen;

- 1 pair of your slippers;

- 1 ball of red thread.

How to do

Start by taking the pair of slippers and writing on each of them your desire, if by chance you already have some person in mind in which you want to relate, write her name. Soon after, put a slipper in front of the other and wrap them with red ribbon, it is necessary that the tape passes 7 times around the shoes.

It is of utmost importance that during the whole process you mentalize what you want to accomplish. Finish by burying the slipper in a plant pot, forest, garden or forest of your choice.

Simpatia of the slipper with two left feet

Do you know that saying that two left feet do not work together? Well, in this sympathy of the slipper, they not only get along as well as help you. This ritual is intended to leave you dominant in your relationship, or have control over your partner.

Let your love in the palm of your hand and make him fall even more in love with you. This is a powerful binding commonly done by some women.


Who does not like to have control over something, or some person, when the subject is relationship. For you who want to dominate your partner and make him "eat in your hand", as the popular saying goes, the sympathy of the slipper with two left feet is the most recommended.


Use the following materials for this manding: 1 black line, 1 pen and 2 left feet of pairs of old slippers that are no longer used (yours and your loved one's). You may be wondering why the pair of slippers are old.

So, when the material has more contact with you and your husband, the chances of the ritual working are greater. After all, nothing better than a shoe that has been in the middle of your relationship for months or even years to help you at this moment.

How to do

When you start tying, write on the soles of the left slippers the name of your husband. Put them together and wrap them in a black ribbon, so firm gives 7 turns with the ribbon to ensure that the shoe is really stuck.

To conclude, take the slipper to a vacant lot, abandoned wall, plant, garden, woods or forest and bury it safely. See how easy it is to do?

Sympathy of the slipper under the bed

The bed is one of the greatest symbols of a relationship, being the scene of many moments of desire, love and passion. Therefore, this item of your bedroom will be the main stage of the slipper sympathy.

Want to find out if your partner is cheating on you, or if he hides something from you? Then follow the complete guide and perform the ritual of the slipper under the bed and in a peaceful night's sleep from him, you begin to discover all the possible secrets.


This is for that person who is with a "flea behind the ear" and has begun to distrust the partner. After all, no one deserves to be deceived, even more by someone who shares the bed, shares life and still says he loves you unconditionally. Do not let curiosity aside and see what your loved one hides. Check out more details below.


Basically, you only need the slipper of the loved one to perform this magic. If you happen to be male, this spell also works with your wife. So if you distrust her, it does not hurt to try to find out the truth, right? Shoes or sneakers can also be used in this sympathy, replacing the slipper.

How to do

Regardless of being man or woman, for this ritual to work, it is necessary that the loved one is sleeping, especially in that "stone" sleep that does not wake up at all.

Start by taking the pair of slippers of your loved one and place it under the bed of the couple, it is interesting that the footwear is in the same line of the head of the sleeping person, this will help attract the necessary energies.

After leaving your shoes under the bed, watch your husband's sleep and observe the words he will start saying. Slowly he will start speaking his possible lies, stay alert and maintain complete silence.

The revelations will be told while the person sleeps, that's right! The loved one will "surrender" during a quiet night of sleep.

Sympathy of the cross slipper in the loved one

The lie has a short leg? Definitely yes, sooner or later you will know if you were cheated or not. The crossed slipper on the loved one is a technique widely used by men and women who want to know if their partners are lying.

Take your beloved and surprise and know everything he hides you without need of ideals and complex and miraculous rituals.


It is indicated that you do this sympathy while your love is asleep, because only then he will reveal everything he hides, if by chance he really hides something.

Many times your sixth sense or intuition alerts you to something, this is a sign of the universe warning that there is something wrong happening, and you do not want to go through this is not it? Even more coming from your loved one.


Practical, easy and foolproof these are the characteristics of the sympathy of the slipper on the cross in the loved one. For this spell you only need your sleeping love in a heavy sleep and his slipper to attract the answers you want.

How to do

It's very simple, after your husband or wife is sleeping, take the slipper and place it on the chest of loved one forming a cross. Be careful not to wake the loved one. During the sympathy, your love will begin to speak some little secrets that he hides, while the slipper is on your chest.

This is nothing more than the law of attraction, as spirituality helps to make the slipper pull the energies capable of making your beloved say some facts that you did not know.

What if the sympathy doesn't work?

Bring the loved one back into your life, with the help of the slipper charm, you will achieve this in a few steps. Just follow the recommendations, step by step preparation, emanate lots of energy and have lots of luck so that your wish comes true.

Well, that's how you wanted the spells to end, isn't it? But nothing is as simple as it seems. The spells do have their power, but they are not indefectible recipe formulas. Of course, the spells may not work. If this happens, review the whole process of preparing the ritual, make sure you used all the materials requested, also recommended.

In addition, other factors can cause this not to occur as desired, perhaps lack of faith, little spiritual strength, lack of energy and more. However, it does not hurt to try. Do it and find out the result!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.