What is the spiritual meaning of the marimbondo? Check this and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Know what the marimbondo insect represents!

The marimbondo, also known as wasp, is an insect of the order Hymenoptera. This order also includes bees and ants. Marimbondes live together in nests and are organized in structures similar to those of these other insects mentioned.

Its system has a reproductive queen and worker marimbondes. Collectivity characteristics, something in common with bees and ants, make this insect symbolically associated with organization and protection.

Some cultures attribute the meaning of control, regency and order to these insects. Efficiency, fertility and intelligence are other attributes often linked to marimbondos. Their presence also heralds new beginnings and important transformations. Check out the spiritual meanings of this insect throughout the article!

Primary meanings of marimbondo

We will know some meanings of the marimbondo from its symbolism, as seen by spiritualists, and we will see how its symbolic character is relevant, among the insects, because they are mentioned even in the Bible. Check it out!

Spiritual meaning of the marimbondo

The marimbondo is an insect with a great presence in the spirituality of ancestral peoples. Mentioned in several cultures, it appears as a metaphor for divine presence, but also as a symbol of civilization, for its characteristics of collective organization and fertility and for its role in pollination.

Spiritually, therefore, it is an insect that is associated with order and protection. It is believed that seeing a marimbondo nest, for example, is a sign of good luck.

The bite of a marimbondo, however, indicates an alarm to be cautious with some situation or person. Another spiritual attribute of the marimbondo is energetic cleansing. Insects of protection are linked to spiritual renewal.

Meaning of marimbondo in the bible

The marimbondos are present in the Bible, in the Old Testament, and appear in episodes of spiritual cleansing, that is, in moments when God expels evil from the nations.

Their presence should be read as metaphorical, that is, the attributes of the marimbondes represent divine qualities. In particular, the marimbondes demonstrate, in these texts, to have the function of hurting, with their stings, all the enemies of the Israelites.

It is an insect that causes pain and fear. It is even believed that they are referred to as one of the plagues that Moses cast upon Egypt. They are adjectivized as "the terror of God" and therefore carry a strong spiritual connotation related to justice, strength and renewal.

Meaning of the marimbondo in shamanism

For Shamanism, the forces of nature teach man a path of spiritual development. They are linked to inner strength, energy and human identity, revealing paths of self-knowledge.

The marimbondos are insects that occupy an important place in shamanic beliefs. When they appear, they are interpreted as messages about bonds, especially family ones, and this is due to the collective structure of work and organization in which they live and reproduce.

As a spirit animal, marimbondos encourage the opening of new paths, but change is achieved through vigorous work, with much focus and determination. The sense of protection and survival is very strong and will guide someone spiritually connected to marimbondos.

Spiritual meaning of insects in general

In general, insects are very present beings when we talk about the physical manifestations of spirituality. When they appear in domestic environments, it is believed that they are related to the vibratory frequency of these environments, being attracted by specific frequencies.

Biological characteristics often form the basis for insect symbologies. For example, the butterfly is related to changing cycles, moths represent sucked energies, and marimbondes manifest energies of control and protection.

Interpreted as bearers of signs and alerts, or of confirmations of something to be expected, insects are perceived by various spiritualist currents as messengers or intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Spiritual messages from the marimbondo

We will learn about some of the spiritual messages attributed to the marimbondos and how these messages are connected to the ideas of protection, community, organization, among other notions. Follow the meanings below!


The link between the marimbondo and protection is ancient and dates back to several ancient cultures, such as the Jewish culture, for example, but it is also present in shamanic beliefs, which relate the human spirit to nature.

In the Bible, they are referred to as protectors of the people of Israel and serve as symbology of divine action in bringing ruthless justice to those who transgress the laws of God. As protectors of the Hebrews, they exercise a warlike function, i.e., they are insects related to protection by force.

In modern spiritualist currents, they correspond to spiritual protection, being responsible for energetic cleansing and indicating a sense of collective protection. That is, their organizational structure in group fosters a meaning of family protection.


The notion of community is an idea strongly associated, in spirituality, especially in Shamanism, with some groups of insects. In cultures of antiquity throughout the world, insects are referred to as manifestations of collective ideals.

The order of Hymenoptera, especially, composed of bees, ants and wasps, or marimbondos, receives spiritual attribution of community. This is because these insects demonstrate collaborative interactions for working and maintaining their groups.

The sense of collectivity is essential to the symbology of the marimbondos, which makes these insects be considered carriers of messages related to the need for unity, working together and collaboration of the entire species.


Organization is a highlighted factor when we observe certain groups of insects, such as the marimbondos. Their ability to form an organized system finds association, in the symbology, with the ideas of order, focus and perseverance.

These are qualities that contribute to individual and collective development, whether of humanity in its earthly life, or in the sense of spiritual evolution, which involves discipline, sense of justice, improvement and clarity of purpose.

Thus, the marimbondos are insects that manifest themselves physically, in the spiritualist perspective, as presences indicating the need for determination and commitment to order, revealing that organization is a divine attribute necessary for progress.


The marimbondos, as insects that stand out in the associations between nature and spirituality, emanate energies directed to action. In other words, they are insects that carry intentions of movement, related to personal and collective transformations.

Thus, as in all work that depends on the collectivity, the maintenance of the existence of these insects goes through daily challenges. Spiritually, the notion of challenge is present in the symbology of the marimbondo, especially with regard to small daily mishaps.

In this sense, the marimbondos are also related to the thought of "one day at a time" and when they appear in an environment, they come to remind of the importance of willpower.


For spiritualists, the purpose of incarnations is spiritual evolution, that is, the improvement of moral qualities and the gradual detachment from matter.

The marimbondos manifest, through their symbolism focused on collective work and perseverance, the idea of construction. At first glance, they are literally associated with material construction and physical labor.

But its activities and characteristics must be interpreted from a spiritual point of view. In this way, the sense of collectivity and the strength of the marimbondo mirror in the material life important and desirable qualities of the human spirit.


Marimbondes are insects associated with fertility especially due to their role in plant pollination, carrying the pollen of flowers. In addition, they contribute to the elimination of certain pests, which ensures the subsistence of species of flora that depend on them.

Their ecological importance would already be enough for them to be more recognized as valuable insects, as are the bees. But, in addition, they reveal, symbolically, an association with fertility not only biological, but also spiritual.

In this sense, the marimbondos symbolize the end of cycles, the death of what is worn out and the passage for a new beginning, that is, for rebirth.

Other meanings of marimbondo

We will get to know the specific meanings of the marimbondo, observing what they tell us, symbolically, the various forms in which they present themselves in our lives and in the environments in which we transit. Check them out!

Spiritual meaning of the marimbondo nest

The spiritual meaning of the marimbondo nest is considered quite positive and is related to good luck, but also indicates the spiritual cleansing of an environment or blocking negative energies.

Therefore, coming across a marimbondo nest in your home or yard is, from a spirituality point of view, the receiving of good vibrations.

As they represent strength and protection, they are insects that announce good luck related to stormy issues and promise victory to those who are willing to fight. Thus, they do not bring good news through passivity, but inspire to work with strength and patience.

Spiritual meaning of marimbondo sting

The marimbondo sting has a spiritual meaning related to warnings and signs that call for caution and change of perspective. This change of point of view concerns how you see a person or a situation.

To receive a marimbondo bite, in the spirituality sense, is to have your attention awakened so that you adopt more cautious positions in relation to something that is occurring or about to occur in your life.

As they are insects whose greatest spiritual function is protection, their bite, however painful, reminds us that it is better to go through a necessary discomfort that makes us awaken than to deal with the even more painful consequences of our mistakes.

Spiritual meaning of a box of marimbondes

Analyzing the spiritual meaning of a box of marimbondes depends on what the visuality of this figure shows us. First, we are before an agglomeration of insects. Individually, the marimbondes can be interpreted as messengers, either of warnings or good news.

When they appear grouped together, their collective qualities stand out. They speak to a sense of organization, collaboration, dynamism, effectiveness and development.

In other words, the vision of a cluster of marimbondos is positive, because it comes to awaken in us the force of will, especially towards work and collective consciousness. Moreover, it is a vision that ensures protection against negative energies.

Meaning of a swarm of marimbondes

The meaning of a swarm of marimbondos carries the connotation of insistence and the need for spiritual cleansing. People who find themselves facing recurring problems, who feel that their energy is drained and that they wear out easily may receive, through the vision of a swarm, a message that calls for action.

The revitalization of spiritual forces is important in such cases. The swarm of marimbondes represents the urgency to resolve a large number of unfinished business and at the same time indicates that the vibrations of the person involved need to be renewed.

In this way, seeing a swarm of marimbondes means a call to effective action, that is, that which involves planning, strategy and determination.

Meaning of marimbondo at home

The presence of marimbondos in a house reveals the need for energetic purification of the environment, as well as signals that the place is already protected by beneficial spiritual forces.

This interpretive contradiction should be resolved in the following way: if you see a marimbondo and do not recognize any sense of threat or feeling of distress, it came attracted by the good vibrations already present.

On the other hand, in moments of crisis, doubts, fragility and instability, the presence of these insects corresponds to a warning: the best thing to do is to seek to renew your thoughts to vibrate more positively. The energetic cleaning of the environment may be necessary.

Meaning of the marimbondo in the bedroom

The fourth, symbolically, represents the intimate, the inner truth and self-protection. As the marimbondo has spiritual connotations related to protection, especially protection against negative energies and vibrations, its presence asks for attention to your subjective issues.

In other words, to see a marimbondo in the room is to receive a message from spirituality that draws attention to psychological aspects and the field of emotions.

You may need to improve your self-esteem or even deal with unpleasant matters that you have been sweeping under the carpet. On the other hand, this presence reveals that you have the inner strength to vibrate on the best frequencies.

Meaning of the dead marimbondo

When you come across a dead marimbondo, especially inside your home, you should seek to improve the energies not only of the environment in question, but also the vibratory frequency itself.

The dead marimbondo represents the wear and tear of positive emanations and the disturbance of emotions, meaning that the person is in need of spiritual renewal. This renewal concerns mainly a necessary change of posture and perspective in relation to life, but the wear and tear can also be caused by excessive preoccupation with others.

Thus, the vision of the dead marimbondo recommends inner reconstruction in search of self-care through empowerment and positivity.

Meaning of dreaming of marimbondo

Dreams with marimbondo come to alert us about the need to look more into the spiritual aspects of our life. As insects related to protection and inner strength, marimbondos appear in dreams as powerful messengers of spirituality.

The good thing about dreaming of marimbondos is that its presence indicates that we are open to improvements, especially for energy renewal. From this notion, we can seek, on a daily basis, strategies to move away from things that do us harm.

Among them, it is important to learn to protect ourselves psychologically from toxic people and situations. These dreams reinforce our ability to block negative energies, but call for greater focus on spiritual matters.

Meaning of wasps and marimbondes as totem animal

An animal totem is a representation of spiritual and personality traits, a correspondence between a person's inner nature and the remarkable attributes of an animal. Thus, some cultures believe that all human beings carry animal spirits within them.

They are pure versions of who we are and, at the same time, they are entities that protect us. As totems, the marimbondos and the wasps reveal determined personalities, characterized by great claw and strength, and able to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

In addition, they are social beings, who value collaboration and have a keen sense of justice and empathy. When hurt or angry, they tend, however, to respond aggressively, as they are very reactive.

Meaning of wasps and marimbondos tattoo

Wasp and marimbond tattoos are interesting emblems for people with a more communicative, expansive and determined nature. These designs are a good choice for those who have a restless and adventurous spirit, but at the same time, find in themselves great resistance to suffering and empathy for others.

Those who like changes, especially those who value leaving their comfort zone, can have this kind of tattoo as a kind of reminder of what really matters in life for them. Remembering that the deepest transformations also depend on organizational capacity and intelligence, which are other qualities highlighted by these tattoos.

After all, does the marimbondo indicate luck or bad luck?

The marimbondo is an insect that symbolically represents strength, protection, collaborative ability, intelligence and progress. Thus, from so many positive characteristics, they are animals that, since ancient times, have stood out in the symbolism of various beliefs and cultures as protectors, but also as energy regulators.

Depending on how they appear or are perceived, marimbondos are indicative of excellent luck, but they can also reveal needs for change and inner re-evaluation.

They rarely represent bad luck and can only be considered negative apparitions when they appear dead. Even so, this vision does not correspond to the arrival of bad events, meaning only an alert for transformations in habits, postures and points of view.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.