9 of Wands Tarot card meaning: in love, at work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the card 9 of Wands

In the Tarot game, the card 9 of Wands represents obstacles, but on the other hand, it also represents the strength to overcome them. Drawing this card in the Tarot shows that people have a special energy that helps them better deal with adversity.

This card floods people with good vibrations that lead them to great achievements. They will feel they have an enormous disposition to overcome obstacles and limits put in front of them by life. And most importantly, they will do all this with wisdom and without losing balance.

Another characteristic of the 9th card of Wands is that it shows people that all the stagnation, difficulties and oppression they are facing can be overcome.

This Tarot Arcane is represented by nine sticks, and this suit is connected to the element of fire. It also represents the forge, transformation, willpower and power of change. In this Tarot card there is also the Pythagorean interpretation of numerology, which says that the 9 is the symbolism of the end of a cycle and the beginning of another.

In this text you will find the meanings brought by the card 9 of Wands in Tarot. Follow!

The positive side of the card 9 of Wands

Like everything in life, the 9 of Wands also has a positive and a negative side. It represents bad omens, but also the strengths to deal with them. Below we will find the positive information that this card brings!


The card of the 9th of Wands shows that it is necessary to work to increase self-confidence - and also confidence in your surroundings - and thus not fail to take advantage of opportunities that arise.

You must not let past events, situations where things have gone wrong, paralyze you, because it does not mean that these negative situations will occur again.

Strength and courage

The 9 of Wands in the Tarot is a card that suggests courage. However, it is necessary to pay attention to this aspect, because this courage should not be accompanied by impulsiveness. When there is a situation that requires the use of courage, it is necessary to analyze the whole situation. Do not act without thinking, check the possible consequences, analyze the pros and cons, and only then make your decision.

After analyzing the situation, use the courage suggested by the card 9 of Wands and take advantage of the opportunities presented.

Work and persistence

This card shows that challenges and barriers may occur in the area of work. However, using your persistence and perseverance, you will be able to overcome these difficulties, and in the end you will achieve the expected success.

Although the card 9 of Wands represents these obstacles in professional development it also shows that you have the tools and elements necessary to overcome the challenges.

Negative side of the card 9 of Wands, reversed

As we said before, everything in life has a positive and negative side. So, from this excerpt from the text we will see what the negative points of the 9 of Wands inverted. Let's see below!

Tiredness and stress

One of the interpretations of the card of the 9th of Wands in the Tarot is about encouragement. Even if it seems that you no longer have the strength to finish something, it is possible to stop and rest for a while and find the necessary energy to continue to the end.

However, it is necessary to be careful with all this effort so as not to generate work overload and stress. Remember that balance is always very important.

Overly defensive posture

The card of the 9th of Wands brings, in this case, the message that you have to be careful not to assume an exaggeratedly defensive posture. This is bad because it can put up barriers and prevent good people who only want to help you from approaching you.

By this we are not suggesting that you let your guard down completely, but it is important to analyse each situation. Sometimes it's good to believe in people. The balance between trusting and defending yourself is important so that relationships flow naturally and you can enjoy the best of them.


Self-sabotage is present in many moments in people's lives. Therefore, you have to be careful not to assume a perfectionist posture and thus judge what you do as something that is not good enough. This happens when you impose a rigid limit, a highly technical level or a high standard.

This behavior is also called imposter syndrome: you demand too much of yourself and end up believing you don't have enough capacity. So, believe in yourself, in your capacity and competence.

9 of Wands in love

In this area of life, the 9 of Wands means that you are ready for challenges, even if it means changing routes and adapting. Let's see below what this means!

For singles

For people who are single, you have to be careful not to close yourself off completely to the people you get close to. Keep living naturally, and believe in the possibilities, as a passion may soon arise. Believe in yourself and in your capacity for conquest and attraction.

For committed people

The 9 of Wands represents a broken heart and a disturbed mind when it comes to love. For people who are in a relationship, this card brings the need to make changes to solve problems and feel inspired again. These changes can be big or small, the important thing is that you need to start and soon.

It is possible that you are feeling wounded, hurt. But you will still have the strength to face the obstacles. And so you will continue to look for solutions to improve your state of mind and the relationship.

At this time it is important to analyze your way of communicating and look for a calmer way to express your feelings. Another problem that can affect the relationship is the financial one. The suggestion is to look for ideas to have an extra income and also create ways to cut expenses together with your partner.

9 of Wands at work

At work, the card 9 of Wands indicates obstacles and professional barriers, but on the other hand, it shows that with perseverance and following the path that you have outlined, you will achieve success. Let's see more details!

For employees

For people who are already working, this chart says that work always brings challenging situations, and can put people in unfavorable situations. However, by keeping your dedication and effort, you will soon be rewarded for that effort.

Even if problems arise, know that you will be able to find the best solution. It is important to keep your mind calm and not despair at conflicts.

For unemployed persons

For those who are out of work at the moment, do not lose hope, believe in your ability and potential and keep searching for your dream job. For a moment it may seem impossible to get a good job, but there are great chances to achieve your dream goals.

So, stay strong and with faith as you will be able to overcome this lack of work, and most importantly, keep an eye out for opportunities that may arise from where you least expect them.

Combinations with 9 of Wands

In the Tarot reading there are other cards that, in combination with the 9 of Wands, bring more messages, which can be positive or negative. Below, we put the possible combinations and their teachings!

Positive combinations

First, let's understand what positive combinations are possible with the card 9 of Wands in the Tarot.

  • 9 of Wands and The Emperor: means that you will have a prestigious position at work;
  • 9 of Wands and The Force: Difficulties will arise but you will be able to overcome them. Try to control your impulses;
  • 9 of Clubs and The Tower: do you know that reward you've worked so hard for? Think about the celebration, it's coming;
  • 9 of Wands and The Star: you are very sincere, you are always willing to tell the truths that no one has the courage to say.
  • Negative combinations

    As everything in the world has a counterpoint, the combinations of the card 9 of Wands in the Tarot also have their negative points. Let's understand what they are and their meanings.

  • 9 of Wands and The Justice: your life is experiencing problems, you have struggled to have the basics, the essentials, you need to gain greater security;
  • 9 of Wands and Death: indicates that you are resisting change, you must understand that they are necessary and can do well. The best thing to do is to accept and move on;
  • The Nine of Wands and the Four of Cups: it has a similar meaning to the previous card. You want things to remain as they are, but changes may be necessary and do well.
  • Is 9 of Wands a positive card?

    As we have seen throughout this article, the card 9 of Wands in the Tarot has numerous meanings, and often ambiguous meanings. It shows that difficulties will arise in people's lives, which is something negative. On the other hand, it says that they will have all the necessary condition, strength and perseverance to overcome them.

    Another factor that influences the meaning of the 9 of Wands to be negative or positive are the possible combinations at the time of the distribution of the cards.

    Although it is not a very important card in the Tarot, it does show small positive changes, but they are welcome. It represents small happiness, such as winning a pay rise and meeting interesting people. So, know how to appreciate the small positive events in your life.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.