Bay tea: what is it for? benefits, with cinnamon and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why take bay leaf tea?

There are several reasons why you should take bay leaf tea. But you should keep in mind that this leaf will not help you lose weight overnight, because that is a myth. The bay leaf is well known in Brazilian cuisine and is used to give more flavor to beans and some types of meat, for example.

In addition to the flavor it gives to food, the bay leaf also brings benefits to the health of those who consume it. It is a medicinal leaf, which is effective in combating digestive problems, infections, stress and anxiety, but these are just some of the benefits it can give you. Want to know more about the health benefits of bay leaf tea? Check out this article!

More about Laurel Tea

Few people know, but the Bay Tea is an excellent option to take advantage of all the benefits that the bay leaf brings to health, especially with regard to digestive problems, anxiety and stress. Learn more below!

Properties of Laurel Tea

In tea, the bay leaf has several properties that are able to combat digestive problems, as well as ease the symptoms of excessive stress and also anxiety. However, the benefits of bay leaf tea are not only limited to these.

Most anti-inflammatory drugs contain a substance called eugenol. It can be found in abundance in the bay leaf and is therefore effective in fighting inflammation as well.

In addition, those who consume bay leaf tea will also have access to the analgesic properties of this leaf. It alleviates various types of pain, such as headache, joint and even menstrual cramps.

Origin of Laurel

The bay leaf is a spice that originated in the Asian territory and was brought to the sides of the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is widely used in Brazilian cuisine and is known for having a very characteristic smell that draws attention.

In addition, bay leaves were also widely used in ancient Greece. They were used to make crowns, which were given to the athletes who stood out in Olympic competitions. Because of this, the leaf ended up being associated with victory, because they were placed on the heads of the athletes who stood out in the sports that were part of the Olympic competitions.

Side effects

Among the side effects of the consumption of bay leaf tea, it is possible to mention the abortifacient properties. Excess consumption of this tea can cause drowsiness. This is due to the fact that bay leaf has calming properties, which are capable of slowing down the nervous system.

Bay tea can also cause changes in the digestive system, as well as abdominal cramps and headaches. However, it is worth noting that all these side effects, and others, only happen if the individual consumes bay tea in excess. Therefore, try to keep an eye on the amount of tea you consume. The ideal is to ingest 3 to 4 times a day, not more than that.


bay leaf tea is strictly contraindicated for women who are pregnant. This is due to the fact that the bay leaf has abortifacient properties, that is, pregnant women can not ingest it in excess. Even for people who do not belong to any risk group, it is necessary to avoid consuming in large quantities.

This is due to the fact that excessive consumption of Laurel Tea causes severe headaches, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Therefore, it is essential to keep an eye on the amount of tea that is consumed, because even what is good, like Laurel Tea, can generate bad consequences if consumed in excess.

Benefits of Bay Tea

The bay leaf tea has several health benefits. Among them, we can mention the fight against digestive problems, the control of blood sugar levels, the relief of anxiety and stress, in addition to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Check with more details in the topics below!

Helps digestion

The bay leaf tea has properties that aid digestion, and this is due to the fact that it helps the liver to produce bile, which is a fluid that aids in the digestion of fats and improves the absorption of nutrients. The bay leaf also has properties that enhance the action of digestive enzymes.

In addition, bay leaf also helps speed up the metabolism, making digestion work better as well as the body's absorption of nutrients. This will make you feel good.

Good for diabetes

Possessing properties that help regulate blood sugar levels, the bay leaf tea is very suitable for those who have type 2 diabetes, which is the one that presents resistance to insulin. The indication of the tea for those with this type of diabetes is due to the fact that it is able to control and even reduce glucose levels in the body.

According to some studies, bay leaves have polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects, so bay leaf can help, regulate and even prevent diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

Good for the liver

Laurel Tea has properties capable of fighting inflammation in the liver. This is due to the fact that this leaf is rich in potassium, vitamins B6, B9, and C, magnesium, besides having a diuretic action, fight fungi, prevent rheumatism, be anti-inflammatory, aid in digestion and more.

In addition, it is also important to note that bay leaf tea has antioxidant and expectorant properties. However, it is always important to emphasize the contraindications. If you consume too much bay leaf tea, instead of offering healing to the body, it will bring harm.

Relieves stress

Among the main properties of bay leaf, it is possible to mention its ability to reduce stress and relax the mind. However, excessive consumption of bay leaf tea causes a certain drowsiness in the individual. This tea is ideal for those who are feeling overwhelmed because of the hectic daily routine.

In addition, the tea is an ally of people who need to calm the mind and relieve stress. It is also a great alternative for those who suffer from anxiety. So, whenever possible, those who suffer from any of these ailments should drink bay leaf tea before bedtime.

For the stomach

One cannot ignore the benefits brought by Laurel Tea for the stomach. Unfortunately, not all people know the potential that the Laurel leaf has to improve the digestive system. It is important to emphasize that these leaves are able to assist in the production of bile by the liver.

In addition, they work as an enzyme enhancer, whose main function is to aid digestion. Just one cup of Bay Tea is enough for you to get rid of stomach discomforts.

Helps treat kidney stones

Bay leaves are popularly known for helping people lose weight. This is due to the fact that bay leaves tea has a diuretic effect, which makes the swelling and fluid retention by the body decrease. Consequently, this generates a feeling of weight loss and also measures in certain areas of the body.

Thus, this tea also has properties that help in the functioning of the urinary system, which prevents the appearance of kidney stones. Ingesting 2 to 3 cups daily helps prevent problems such as kidney failure and hypertension.

Wound healing

In the body, Laurel leaves have properties that can assist in wound healing, so if you have any injuries, it is recommended to take Laurel tea as a way to aid in healing.

The action of this tea is due to the fact that the bay leaf has a substance called eugenol. The eugenol has the ability to ease inflammation, which helps in the healing process of wounds, and also in many other cases.

Analgesic effect

It should not be forgotten that the bay leaf is rich in antioxidants. This means that it is fully capable of reducing the symptoms that cause inflammation and pain in the body. The bay leaf tea is the most suitable to combat menstrual cramps and headaches and joint pain.

Therefore, the bay leaf tea is an ally of people who suffer from physical and mental wear and tear due to work or some other activity. However, it is always worth noting that excessive consumption of this tea can generate the opposite effect.


Laurel leaves are rich in substances such as potassium, selenium and various antioxidants, which help the individual to have a healthy skin. Laurel tea is a great source of antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which are able to reduce blood sugar levels.

Therefore, consumption of Bay Tea is ideal for people who are prone to diabetes or already have it. Antioxidants such as selenium and potassium are also key to fighting free radicals.


The bay leaf has anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, many people don't have this knowledge, but bay leaf tea is a rich source of eugenol, which is a compound used in several anti-inflammatory drugs. This substance is responsible for the anti-inflammatory action of the tea.

Due to lack of knowledge, many people end up suffering with inflammations all over the body and resort to various types of medications. But they can also count on the performance of bay leaf tea, which, besides being natural, is more affordable than a drug.


Many people are not aware of this information, but drinking 2 to 3 cups of bay leaf tea daily helps fight fluid retention in the body and combat problems such as hypertension and kidney failure. In addition, the fact that this tea works as a diuretic helps people not to suffer with swelling in the body.

These swellings are due to fluid retention in the body, so bay leaf tea combats this feeling. The bay leaf also has properties that help the urinary system function.

Laurel Tea

As you may already know, the Bay Tea has a number of benefits, such as, for example, fighting diabetes, especially type 2, besides preventing diseases related to the urinary system. Want to know how to make this tea? Check it out!


Bay leaf tea is an excellent option for you to enjoy all the properties of the bay leaf. This is a great school in combating problems such as poor digestion, anxiety, stress, problems in the urinary system, inflammation in the body, among others.

However, it is always important to remember that there are some contraindications that need to be respected. For example, women who are pregnant cannot consume bay leaf tea. Also, it is not recommended for anyone to consume this tea in excess.


To make Laurel tea and enjoy all the benefits that this leaf has to offer you, just two ingredients are enough:

- 3 dried bay leaves;

-1 cup of boiling water.

How to do

To make Laurel tea, you need to place the leaves in boiling water and keep them there for about 10 minutes. After that, you should schedule yourself to drink the tea 3 to 4 times a day. If you deem it necessary, you can sweeten the tea before drinking it. After that, just enjoy the best that Laurel tea has to offer you.

In addition, it is always important to emphasize that you can not consume this tea in excess, because it can generate unwanted effects. Be careful when sweetening the tea, because some substances can inhibit the action of bay leaf in your body, so you do not have access to all its properties.

Bay tea with onion peel

If you are looking for a mixture that brings several benefits for your body, then, you need to learn how to make bay leaf tea with onion peel. Besides being easy to prepare, you will spend little. Learn more in the following topics!


Just like any other tea that is based on the bay leaf, the tea made with onion peel should also be consumed in moderation. The excess of bay leaf tea in the body can cause some consequences, so instead of bringing benefits, the effect can be contrary if you consume this tea in excess.

Despite being very beneficial for health, bay leaf tea with onion peel needs to be consumed in moderation. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, because it has abortifacient effects and also for people who need to be constantly concentrated, because it can cause drowsiness.


The ingredients for the tea are quite simple and will not cost you a lot. The cost-effectiveness of preparing bay leaf tea with onion peel is extremely advantageous. Check out the ingredients below:

- 250 ml of water;

- 1 large bay leaf;

- 50 grams of onion peel.

How to do

To make the Laurel Tea with Onion Peel, you need to put the Laurel and the peels in a cup. After that, you should boil some water and pour it over the ingredients that are in the container. The next step is to put a lid on the cup and wait for about 10 minutes.

After that, just strain all this mixture and drink it right after. It is always worth noting that you should drink this tea and any other tea based on bay leaf in moderation. You should also not add sugar.

Bay tea with cinnamon

The Louro tea with cinnamon, besides being an extremely healthy drink, is tasty, because the cinnamon offers a very special flavor to this tea. Therefore, this is a perfect blend of benefits and flavor. Learn more below!


Bay leaf tea with cinnamon has properties that cause the metabolism to be stimulated, making the person able to lose weight naturally. In addition, this tea helps the urinary system to function properly and causes the body to be detoxified.

Despite all these benefits, it is important to emphasize that this tea does not make any miracle, as it is only a home remedy that fulfills an important role in the elimination of accumulated fats.


The ingredients of bay leaf tea with cinnamon are quite simple and can be found in the supermarket closest to your home. Check them out:

- 5 bay leaves;

- 1 cinnamon stick;

- 500 ml of water.

How to do

First of all, to start the Laurel tea, put the water to boil for some time. After boiling the water, turn off the heat and put the Laurel leaf and cinnamon stick in the pot. After that, let it rest for about 15 minutes. Then, remove the cinnamon and enjoy the benefits and also the taste of this wonderful tea.

Something recommended for the consumption of bay leaf tea with cinnamon is that it is consumed first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. After drinking the cinnamon and bay leaf tea, save the rest and consume it throughout the day.

Bay tea with clove

The bay leaf tea with cloves is an extremely fragrant and tasty drink, besides bringing several health benefits. This tea is able to reduce blood sugar levels and contribute to the treatment of diabetes. Learn more below!


The bay leaf tea with cloves is especially suitable for those seeking to relieve pain and prevent a wide variety of liver and kidney diseases. However, as with other teas in which the basis is the bay leaf, it is ideal that it is consumed in moderation.

This is due to the fact that excessive consumption of Laurel tea can cause headaches, changes in the functioning of the digestive system and abdominal cramps. Therefore, try to be vigilant with the amount of tea you consume.


As with most teas, clove bay leaf tea doesn't require a big outlay of money, and the ingredients are pretty simple.Check it out:

- 2 dried bay leaves;

- 3 units of cloves;

- 300 ml of water.

How to do

To start the tea recipe, put the bay leaf in a pot, add the water and bring to a boil for five minutes. After that time, you should turn off the heat and add the clove. After that, cover the pot and let it infuse until it is warm or cold, according to your preference.

After that, you should strain it and drink the tea. It is recommended that you should drink bay leaf tea with cloves at least twice a day. However, it is interesting that you should not consume this tea in excess.

How often can I take bay leaf tea?

The ideal is that the bay leaf tea should be consumed 3 to 4 times a day, no more than that, because excessive consumption can bring bad consequences for your health. Therefore, always try to stay alert not to consume the bay leaf tea in large quantities.

Bay leaves have properties that are able to regulate blood sugar levels, making it an important ally in the fight against diabetes. In addition, bay leaf tea is efficient against skin problems, such as dermatitis, for example. There are several other benefits that come from the consumption of bay leaf, but the tea should be consumed in moderation.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.