Lenormand deck: understand the cards of the Roma deck and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Why play the deck of Lenormand?

The Lenormand deck reveals another way to peek behind the veil of the present, past, and future. One of the biggest advantages of using it is its intuitive appearance, the reduced number of cards, and the fact that it helps you glimpse the possible outcome or course of actions you wish to take.

Each of its 36 cards is associated with a central figure that is part of the daily life of many people, especially those of Roma origin. For this reason, this deck is also affectionately called "gypsy deck", since it illustrates part of the daily life of this mystical and powerful people.

By having on each blade symbols of the minor arcana, the Lenormand deck is extremely recommended to check about everyday issues. In addition, it can be used to develop self-knowledge and is a darling of many people due to its accuracy and the thoughtful way it usually uses to pass messages.

This article is a kind of introductory manual to the meanings of these cards. We also present their history, origin and reading methods so that you can use it to acquire the answers you need, on a journey with lots of music, joy and mystery of this mystical people.

More about the Lenormand or Gypsy deck

The Lenormand deck is considered a classic tarot. Its atmosphere is very intuitive and, therefore, it is ideal to get clear and objective answers about your personal questions. Ideal for beginners, since it has fewer cards (only 36 in contrast to the 78 of the Marseille Tarot), we reveal its secrets below. Check it out.


The origin of the Lenormand deck dates back to the 19th century. Since then, it has been used as a divinatory tool, similar to its more traditional predecessor, the Tarot of Marseille.

His 36 cards have been used over the last 200 years, especially in the regions of France and Germany, because of their more tangible symbolism, which refers more to matters of the physical plane than those of a psychological or spiritual nature, for example.

Having arisen in France, it refers to the themes of the French countryside, supported by the popular knowledge of the gypsy people. Understand its history below.


The Lenormand Deck was developed by Madame Lenormand in the late 18th century. Her oldest deck, dating between the years 1799 and 1800 is still preserved in the British Museum in London.

Originally, the Lenormand deck was called 'Das Spiel der Hoffnung', a German expression meaning "The Game of Hope", it was used as a parlor game, but over time, the images on the cards were adopted for divinatory and esoteric purposes.

It was only with the death of the then known as the Sibyl of the Halls, that this deck was known as Lenormand, after the surname of the fortune-teller who used it.

Who was Madame Lenormand

Madame Lenormand was born under the name Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand in the year 1772 in France. Considered the greatest fortune teller of all time, she was an extremely important figure for the popularization of French fortune telling, which had its roots at the end of the 18th century.

Born of poor parents, Madame Lenormand achieved fame during the historical period known as the Napoleonic Era, giving advice to extremely influential people of the time.

She died in 1843 in Paris, where she is buried. Her greatest legacy was undoubtedly leaving the secrets of her deck to later generations who could benefit from them.

Lenormand cards in Brazil

The Lenormand deck in Brazil has become increasingly popular. Introduced by the gypsies and people who are adept at the French tradition of cartomancy, this powerful deck is known here as the Gypsy deck.

It is very common not to use the term "Lenormand" to refer to it, since in the Brazilian imaginary, this Tarot belongs to the gypsy people. There are different versions of the Lenormand Deck in Brazil, so choose one that suits you best. Pay attention to the graphic quality of the printing, because it varies according to the edition and the publisher.

How to play the Lenormand deck

To play the deck of Madame Lenormand, you can use different methods. The simplest of them consists in drawing one or three cards to get a more direct answer to your questions.

In addition to this method, we will present another more complex method known as the Pedalan Method. But don't worry: we make your life easier, everything will be well "chewed" for you.

Simple one or three-card draw method

In this method, you will ask a question and draw one or three cards to get the answer you seek. If you have chosen to draw only one card, it means that this card will bring you the answer to your question.

If you decide to draw three consecutive cards, you will have to look at the meaning of each card individually and then "add them up" to get the answer you need. In other words, the answer to the 3-card draw is the sum of the meanings of the cards.

To exemplify this simple method, let's imagine the following situations:

1) You asked the question "Should I go to the gym today?", shuffled your Tarot and pulled out the "Knight" card. This is the energy card, so the answer to your question is "yes".

2) With the same question in mind, you decided to draw three cards instead of one and received a yes, a no and another yes. Therefore, yes is the prevalent answer, so the answer to your question is yes.

To facilitate reading with three, cards, you can follow the following scheme:

YES response: three yes cards, two yes cards + one no card or two yes cards + one maybe card.

Answer NO: three cards no, two cards no + one card maybe or two cards no + one card yes.

Answer THOUGHT: three cards maybe, two cards maybe + one card yes, two cards maybe + one card no, or one card maybe + one card yes + one card no.

Peladan Method

The Pedalan Method consists of 5 cards, arranged in the shape of a cross. It is used to answer very specific questions within a well-defined period of time. This method was developed by the French author Joséphin Pédalan, who was a Catholic with a fascination for the occult.

To follow along, draw 5 cards from your shuffled Tarot and arrange them like a cross. The card on the left end is number 1, while the card on the right end is number 2.

At the upper end of the cross is the card number 3, while at the lower end is the card 4. At the center of all the cards is the card 5. Understand their meanings according to the following points:

a) Card 1: indicates positive meaning, containing the elements of the consulter's present situation;

b) Letter 2: indicates the negative direction and reveals the factors that are hindering the present;

c) Letter 3: indicates the path that must be followed to solve the problem.

d) Card 4: indicates the result.

e) Card 5: represents the summary of the question, since it is at the center of all the factors.

Card 1, The Knight

The 1st card is the Knight. Representative of energy, the Knight signifies passion, activity and speed, bringing news and messages. Understand what these messages are below.

Answer YES

Because it represents arrival, the answer brought by the rider is "YES". Use your energy and passion to act on the subject of your question. As you suspected, this is exactly what you were thinking.

Positive and negative aspects

The rider shows that something is approaching you, so prepare your way for this arrival. A positive aspect of the rider is that energies that were blocking your path through delays have finally been released. So something is about to happen, instigating the passion and energy that is in you.

The rider also symbolizes a busy day and the news on the way could come through a news, event or even a person. However, a negative aspect is that what is coming will not last long, so be on the lookout to seize the opportunity.

Letter 2, The Clover

The Clover is the 2nd card, representative of luck. It means happiness in small things, opportunities and lightheartedness. In addition, the Clover card is related to fun and the feeling of well-being typical of those who are following smoothly in life.

Answer YES

Being indicative of luck and fortune, the Clover card is a clear "YES". Be prepared for positive changes and events that are explained only as coincidences and fortuitous events.

Positive and negative aspects

Just like finding a clover in real life, this card signals luck or coincidences that bring positive energies into your life. Besides this positive aspect, it is associated with opportunities and the small pleasures of life. So enjoy what you have around you, because these pleasures are transient.

If you've been waiting for a sign to act, this is the card for you. It's important that you take charge of your life and act so you can reap the fruit you so much desire to taste. And you'd better hurry, because time is running against you.

A negative aspect of this card can come from the light nature that it indicates. Although feeling good is a positive thing, not taking on your reponsibilities the way you should is something that can bring problems. Avoid playing too much as there are times when you need to take things seriously.

Letter 3, The Ship

The Ship is the card number 3. Its energy is linked to the seas and indicates themes such as travel (especially over water), adventure and the beginning of a journey. Like any journey, the Ship presupposes distancing, farewell and departure.

Answer YES

The ship represents travel and the beginning of a journey to something new, so it is associated with the answer "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Ship is the card of journeys. It can mean that you will make a journey to a distant place, but it is also associated with your mental state, since it is ruled by the suit of swords.

You may be longing to see new places and gain the world and so you will eventually find yourself on a journey sooner or later in which you will distance yourself from what you are familiar with. It also addresses your desire to distance yourself from something or someone.

In the negative realm, it can signify a storm and issues related to distance. It may indicate estrangement from your core family, long distance relationship or even a business trip which will bring to you the feeling of departure as it will involve goodbyes.

Letter 4, The House

The 4th card is called the House. It represents home, privacy, and a sense of security. Here you can maintain tradition, customs, and re-establish yourself. Learn more about this card below.

Answer YES

Because it is a symbol of safety, the answer brought by the house to your question is a clear "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The House card represents matters connected with domestic and family life. It can represent a family member, your home itself, or even a place where you feel at home. It carries the symbolism of protection and security, as well as meaning belonging and comfort. Therefore, it appears to indicate stability and security.

On a negative note, the House signals self-indulgence, caused by your fear of stepping outside your comfort zone. Your home has become a kind of bubble that separates you from what's really happening out there. It can also be a sign of alienation and closed-mindedness.

Letter 5, The Tree

Card 5 carries the symbolism of the Tree, therefore it signifies growth, connection with the past and signals a centered nature. It is also a symbol of healing, health, personal development and spirituality.

Answer YES

The Tree card is surrounded by positive attributes and therefore it is interpreted as a "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Tree is about health and well-being. It carries the message that it is important to search for your roots and connect with nature to find the answers you seek.

It may indicate connection with past affairs and how they influence the now. A negative aspect of this card is that it brings the idea of patience, so dreaded these days.

Just like a tree, its growth will come, but it will take time for that to happen. It could mean emotional ties.

Letter 6, The Clouds

The clouds are present in the 6th card. It appears as a sign of confusion, misunderstanding, doubt and insecurity. As we will show, it is a time with lack of clarity due to hidden secrets.

Answer NO

Just as clouds have the power to cover up sunlight, the answer to your question is also covered up, so it means "NO".

Positive and negative aspects

Once the clouds appear to cover up the light, you cannot perceive the true face of what is before you. There is a veil covering the situation that is the subject of your question and there is not much clarity.

Perhaps you are going through a period of reviewing your choices and are therefore without direction. They bring up vague issues and the feeling of being lost.

Letter 7, The Snake

The 7th card is the Snake. It represents sexuality, desire, attraction and forbidden knowledge. It can indicate deception, seduction and wisdom, as we show below.

Answer NO

The clearest answer to the presence of the Snake letter is a "NO." Therefore, I await the appropriate time to act.

Positive and negative aspects

The Snake represents ambition and intense desire. It can indicate, on a positive side, your determination which is very strong and the thirst for knowledge and truth (although truth is forbidden).

Because it is linked to desire, the snake can indicate that something is not under control, which can lead to addiction. It also symbolizes deception generated by a manipulative, jealous and treacherous person.

Letter 8, The Coffin

The coffin is the 8th card. Its meaning is related to death, loss, sadness, mourning, maturation, funerals and terminations. Understand why below.

Answer NO

The Coffin marks the end of a cycle as a natural process and therefore symbolizes a "No".

Positive and negative aspects

The most positive aspect of the Coffin card is maturation through change. In general, the Coffin symbolizes death or a period of emotional transition which can be intense, so it is important to look at the other cards to know the theme of the change process.

It is also linked to suffering, loss and grief. Sometimes it indicates that you can't get rid of something and that you need to let go of that thing in order to make progress.

In love

In love, it symbolizes relationship termination or difficulty freeing yourself from your partner's influence.

At work

At work, the Coffin signifies job loss, so be prepared for intense news in this area.

Letter 9, The Bouquet

The Bouquet is the 9th card, associated with praise, social life, etiquette and cordiality. As we will show, it also means esteem, politeness and friendliness.

Answer YES

As a beautiful gift and symbolizes positivity, charm and gratitude, the 9th card brings a resounding "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The bouquet represents social interactions and relationships. It symbolizes good energy indicating the presence of someone important. Moreover, it signifies friendship and the pleasure that only contact with other people can provide.

It is also a symbol of gratitude, recognition and support. Since bouquets are received on different occasions, it is important to pay attention to the cards to know their real meaning.

Letter 10, The Scythe

The Scythe is the number 10 card. Its energy aligns with the Coffin card, but touches on themes of accidents, dangers, and rash decisions. It comes as a warning about the speed of things and judgment.

Answer NO

Even though it has some positive meanings, the sickle card indicates cuts and therefore represents a "NO".

Positive and negative aspects

The Scythe card indicates sudden changes that are likely to come when you least expect them. Despite the speed of this change, its effects will be long lasting.

On the positive side, the Scythe represents the harvest, in which you will reap the good and bad things you have planted, whether they be in the form of rewards or punishments.

Therefore, it brings a moment to think about our actions and their consequences so that you move towards a better life.

Card 11, The Whip

The Whip is the 11th card. It represents conflict, objection, opposition, debate, fights and discussions. Besides these meanings, it is also associated with scolding. Understand why below.

Answer SURE

Because it is linked to objections, the Whip brings as an answer the doubt. Therefore, it means "THOUGHT".

Positive and negative aspects

The Whip is usually wrapped in a negative aura. It signals quarrels and aggression, since it is a symbol historically associated with punishment. It symbolizes intrigues, divergence of thoughts, self-flagellation and is related to arguments.

Consequently, it shows verbal attacks to insults and may represent physical abuse as it is associated with destructive behaviors and the motivations that cause pain in others.

Letter 12, The Birds

The Birds card has the number 12. Many times, this card has different interpretations. In general, it means worry, hurry, quick reactions, verbal communication and meetings, lack of focus and chaos. Check it out.

Answer NO

Despite the energy of excitement in this letter, nervousness and anxiety hang over it, so the answer to your question is "NO".

Positive and negative aspects

The Birds card has a lot of energy, due to the restlessness of these animals that move from one place to another very quickly. It brings up issues such as anxiety and nervousness that make the process of finding a stable place to stay difficult.

It may indicate gossip, as it is the card of verbal communication surrounded by noise. It may represent your consciousness and the agitated state of your mind.

Letter 13, The Child

The 13th Card is called The Child. Its meanings revolve around new beginnings, inexperience, immaturity, innocence, games and play, and as the name suggests, a child.

Answer YES

As it represents a new path in your journey and the energy of innocence, the meaning of the Child card is "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Child card indicates a new beginning, but can literally be interpreted as a child. It can indicate a new relationship, friendship, or even a job. Everything depends on the cards that accompany it.

It can also mean naivety, immaturity, and inexperience. You may be in a phase where you trust others more, which implies that you are more vulnerable. Beware. It is also a suitable time for lightness, new perspectives, and curiosity.

Letter 14, The Fox

The Fox is the 14th card. Its meaning is associated with caution, cunning and trickery. As we will show, the Fox can also indicate self-care and even selfishness. Check it out.

Answer NO

By indicates caution, there is some treacherous energy in the air. The answer to your question is "NO", so be careful.

Positive and negative aspects

The Fox card is associated with deception related to someone who is very treacherous. The fox also means cleverness and malice, since it is an animal that needs to use these energies to survive in the wild.

On the positive side, it embodies flexibility and adaptability to situations. It is a symbol of intelligence, but also represents distrust, as it can sense the enemy from afar.

Letter 15, The Bear

The Bear is the 15th card. It rules power, strength of character, influence, leadership and impatience, as shown below.

Answer NO

Bear embraces "NO" as his answer.

Positive and negative aspects

The Bear appears in different positions in society, from a relative to a boss. He can symbolize the protective aspect of this animal, guiding its cubs, as well as someone who cares about you and is investing in your future. Often he appears indicating someone controlling, who likes to make decisions for you and even assault you.

Letter 16, The Star

The Star guides the path towards spirituality, bringing hope, optimism and inspiration. It is related to dreams and progress to achieve your goals

Answer YES

The letter from the Star is a clear "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Star symbolizes achievements and progress. It is an extremely positive card serving as a guide to the realization of dreams and meeting with your ideals. It appears as a sign of hope, bringing the truth even in moments of doubt. So trust your star and continue your journey.

Letter 17, The Stork

The stork appears indicating movements. It is the beginning of a new cycle, a transitional phase in which both recurrence and waiting are present.

Answer YES

The Stork brings as answer the "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Stork brings news and transformations. This transformation may indicate a change of address or even of country as this bird is migratory. You may be in a process of internal change in which you will define your identity. It may indicate the arrival of news or a recurring situation in your life.

Letter 18, The Dog

The Dog card signifies loyalty and friendship. It appears as a sign of obedience, support, devotion and of someone you can count on.

Answer YES

The Dog's meaning is "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

Being man's best friend, the Puppy indicates a true friendship that often tones devotion to the point and focus a lot on the welfare of the other. It may represent a person who wishes to please even the cost of their self-esteem. On the negative side, it may indicate someone dependent on others.

Letter 19, The Tower

The Tower is the card of loneliness, isolation and authority. It is also related to themes such as Ego, arrogance and indifference.

Answer SURE

Tower has neutral response, so it means "SOON".

Positive and negative aspects

The meaning of this card depends on where the consulter sees the Tower. When seen from above, it represents institutions, authorities and bureaucracy. It is an almost impenetrable environment, with its own mysteries.

If you see her from inside the Tower, you have collected yourself to increase your sense of protection. Stop your running life for a while so you can survive, but beware of arrogance and feeling isolated.

Letter 20, The Garden

The Garden represents society, culture fame and group work. It can also signify social networks and public affairs.

Answer YES

Like a beautiful garden, the subject of your question tends to bloom so the answer is "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

Also known as "Park", the Garden shows everything that is under the public eye and opinion. It therefore indicates public spaces and media outlets. It can signify the unveiling of something important like an award, wedding or the result of a contest.

Letter 21, The Mountain

The Mountain appears showing obstacles, difficulties and problems. It can mean efforts and even challenges and impairment.

Answer SURE

The Mountain brings a neutral answer, so it means "THOUGHT".

Positive and negative aspects

When the Mountain appears, expect delays and obstacles. The positive side of them is that once overcome, they will make you progress. It can symbolize persistence and also the importance of challenges to change perspectives on life.

Letter 22, The Way

The Path card represents the choices that present themselves in life. It signifies opportunities, travel, hesitation, separation, and decisions.

Answer YES

The Way brings the answer "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

This is a card about choices and the doubts they entail. It is a card about making decisions that need to be made in order for you to progress. It is a card of free will, opportunities, and the burdens arising from choices made in the course of life.

Letter 23, The Rats

The Rat card represents disease, destruction, defect, diminishment and deficiency. It is one of the most negative cards in this deck.

Answer NO

The Rats' answer is a clear " NO".

Positive and negative aspects

Rats bring out decadence. They are symbols of filth, disease and even theft. Although they are beautiful and seemingly harmless, they bring dirt and run out of household supplies. You have to be careful what is going on in your life or there will be intense destruction.

Letter 24, The Heart

The Heart is the card of romance, friendship, reconciliation, tenderness and charity. It also represents love and forgiveness.

Answer YES

The answer brought by the Heart is "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Heart represents love, but not necessarily romantic. It is the most positive card for readings on heart themes, as it indicates connection. Despite being positive, it warns not to let yourself be carried away only by your feelings, as they can cause flaws to go unnoticed. It is also a sign of empathy and compassion.

Letter 25, The Alliance

The Alliance is the card of commitments. It also means promise, partnership, honor, cooperation and cycles.

Answer YES

The Alliance commits to the "YES" answer.

Positive and negative aspects

The Alliance represents bond. From its emergence, new partnerships (professional or personal) will be formed. There is a commitment to be signed, in terms of honor or through the law. It may also indicate repetitive stages of your life, which prevents you from leaving the place where you are.

Letter 26, The Book

The Book is the card of wisdom. In it is contained information about various areas including education and culture. It can also represent secrets.

Answer YES

The Book brings "YES" as an answer.

Positive and negative aspects

The Book is the card of knowledge, often connected to truth and secrets. It is the card of those who search for truth and may indicate study or preparation for tests. It is the symbol of formal education and may indicate someone snobbish, who uses his or her knowledge to humiliate others.

Letter 27, The Letter

Letter means news that will be given through conversations, emails or even correspondence. It can mean a document, the transmission of information and communication.

Answer YES

The Letter carries in its content the answer "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Letter is the letter of communication and information that is shared. To understand the content of the message of this letter, pay attention to the letters that appear next to it. It can mean documentation and proof, from diplomas to resumes and invoices.

Card 28, The Gypsy

The Gypsy represents a man in your life as a friend, partner or relative. It can represent yourself if you identify with the male gender. It is a symbol of masculinity.

Answer SURE

Gypsy has a neutral answer, so it means "THOUGHT".

Positive and negative aspects

The Gypsy card is linked to logic, aggression, autonomy and physicality. It can represent either the consulter or someone who embodies these characteristics regarded as "masculine" and not necessarily being a man. You will need to look at the cards that accompany the Gypsy to know who he represents.

Card 29, The Gypsy

The Gypsy is the female counterpart of the previous card. It represents a woman in the life of the consulter, as a friend, partner or relative. If you identify with the female gender, it can represent yourself. It is a symbol of femininity.

Answer SURE

Gypsy has a neutral essence, so it means "THOUGHT".

Positive and negative aspects

The Gypsy card is related to care, the emotional side, receptivity, spirituality and greater dependence, attributes considered more "feminine".

She can represent either the consulter or someone who embodies these characteristics and not necessarily represent a woman. You will need to look at the cards that accompany the Gypsy to find out who she represents.

Letter 30, The Lilies

Lilies are the card that represents sex, sensuality, wisdom, ethics, virtue, morality and even virginity. Find out why below.

Answer YES

The Lilies perfume your life with a "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Lily card reveals the paradox between latent sexuality and coy innocence. Therefore, it represents the feminine effort between treading the path of her sensuality and dealing with society's pressure on her purity.

When it appears, it symbolizes sex, pleasure and the material world. However, it also signals themes such as virtue, purity and morality.

Card 31, The Sun

Considered the most positive card, the Sun signifies victory, success, light, truth, happiness and power.Check it out.

Answer YES

The sun shines indicating the answer "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

The Sun appears to indicate light on the consulent's path. It is a sign of success and optimism. If your life was experiencing problems, this card shows that you are taking a new direction, even when surrounded by negative cards. It can mean recognition.

Letter 32, The Moon

The Moon is the card of desires, emotions and fantasy. It can also signify fears, the subconscious and intuition as we show below.

Answer SURE

The Moon has means "THOUGHT", as its response is neutral.

Positive and negative aspects

The Moon signifies the hidden part of the mind that gives wings to the imagination. In its realm, there is no room for logic and it reveals everything that was not shown during the day. It represents the emotional life and the darkest aspect of the Self. Find answers in your intuition and in the contact with your feminine energy.

Letter 33, The Key

The Key means revelation. It unlocks doors, freeing what was confined and presenting a resolution.

Answer YES

The Key opens the doors of the "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

You are facing something that will open your horizons. Obstacles are finally disappearing and you will have the answer you need to your problems. The Key also symbolizes freedom and the ability to achieve your goals.

Letter 34, The Fishes

Pisces symbolize finance, business and wealth. They are also indicators of abundance, material gain, as well as values.

Answer YES

Pisces brings "YES" as an answer.

Positive and negative aspects

The Pisces card appears when the theme is material goods. However, it can also indicate values and when they assume this sense, they can symbolize something of emotional value, independent of the price.

Letter 35, The Anchor

The Anchor represents stability. Depending on the context, it can mean restraint, security, durability, resilience and the act of putting down roots.

Answer YES

The answer to your question is anchored in a "YES".

Positive and negative aspects

When the Anchor appears, it signals the achievement of a goal, so you are in a position of stability, focusing on your life goals and creating a secure environment. However, while it brings security, it can also mean stagnation, so follow the other cards to understand its meaning more precisely.

Letter 36, The Cross

The Cross is the last card of the deck and deals with themes of suffering, conviction, indoctrination, principles, duty and suffering,

Answer NO

The Cross carries for you a " NO" as an answer.

Positive and negative aspects

The Cross represents ideologies and responsibilities which determine your values and direct your goals. It warns about Karma and issues related to religious or spiritual doctrines which may restrict your view of the world. Beware of extremism so that your spirituality or convictions do not become burdensome.

Can anyone play the Lenormand deck?

Yes, because it is an extremely intuitive deck, both its reading and its interpretation are more direct and assertive. Consequently, the Lenormand deck is suitable for beginners.

In addition, his letters are connected to human nature, his attitudes, the environment that surrounds him, and themes of everyday life. Therefore, he reflects life on earth, bringing messages that are easier to understand, since they deal with tangible and easily decoded themes.

Remember that, like any Tarot, learning the meanings of the cards and tuning into your energies from your deck will require study, as it is not only a tool to predict the future, but also a mirror in which you can reflect the fragments of your soul to then understand it, on a journey of self-knowledge.

Whenever you need to, read and re-read this introductory article, search for other sources here at Astral Dreaming, and not least, start doing your own readings. This way, you will align yourself with your intuition and be able to benefit from the powers of this powerful oracle.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.