Benefits of green tea: weight loss, disease prevention and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the benefits of green tea

Green tea is one of the most traditional in the oriental world. Obtained from the Camellia sinensis leaf, the tea has numerous benefits and is often pointed out as the responsible for oriental longevity. Rich in antioxidant compounds, green tea helps prevent diabetes, premature aging and even some types of cancer.

In addition, it helps in weight loss and improves physical and mental disposition. However, like everything else, it is necessary to be careful when adding it to your diet. Due to these benefits, green tea has become the most consumed drink throughout Asia.

In Japan, green tea plays a fundamental role in the culture, which is concretized in the tea ceremonies, called Chanoyu. To know what the benefits, how to consume and what the contraindications of green tea are, keep reading this article! We will bring all the details for you to put green tea in your life safely.

The bioactive compounds of green tea

Green tea is rich in beneficial compounds for the human body. Among them are polyphenols, natural compounds that bring benefits to health, such as reducing inflammation and help fight cancer. Discover now what the main compounds and how they act in our body!


There is a small amount of caffeine in green tea. It is capable of reproducing a series of benefits of the substance itself, without generating the negative effects associated with coffee consumption, such as anxiety and insomnia.

Caffeine is able to affect the brain by blocking the neurotransmitter known as adenosine. By inhibiting its function, a firing of neurons and an increase in the concentration of dopamine and noradrenaline occurs in the body.

In this way, caffeine is capable of improving several aspects of your brain function, such as mood, reaction time, memory, and keeping you more awake. Another important point of this relationship with green tea is in its antioxidant potential, and if you take a regular dose it will be able to reduce oxidative stress in cells.


L-Theanine is an amino acid that exerts several benefits on the central nervous system ensuring better health for your brain. It is responsible for increasing the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA which has relaxation properties, stimulates the release of alpha waves and serves as a potential anxiolytic.

In addition, the caffeine and L-theanine present in green tea have complementary effects. This means that the two combine and generate powerful effects for the body, especially in relation to its brain functions. Thus, they are able to increase wakefulness, improve concentration and relieve stress.


In green tea there are substances known as catechins. They are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties capable of acting in the body preventing cell damage, due to their capacities to neutralize free radicals such as catalase, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase.

Catechins are abundant in green tea, which justifies its power and performance in fighting aging and preventing several types of diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases.

The recognized benefits of green tea

There are numerous benefits of this drink, this is because it has a formidable concentration of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins able to strengthen your autoimmune system and prevent a number of diseases. Discover the recognized benefits of green tea in the following!

Acts in the prevention of cancer

Since green tea is rich in substances such as antioxidants, they become capable of reducing the damage caused by free radicals that are dispersed inside the cells. Added to this the high concentration of catechins, the immune system is strengthened and the formation of cancer cells is prevented.

Therefore, regular consumption of green tea helps to prevent several types of cancer such as prostate, stomach, breast, lung, ovarian and bladder cancer.

Prevents premature aging

The catechins in green tea assist in reducing inflammation and preventing sagging skin. This is due to their active effect on the production of advanced glycation products, AGEs. Another property that is strongly associated with the prevention of premature aging is the action of antioxidants, which also assists in the rejuvenation of the skin.

The antioxidant action also improves blood cholesterol rates, preventing it from oxidizing or accumulating on the artery walls causing circulatory and heart diseases. The stimulation of the metabolism also reduces body fat, and all this allows those who consume green tea to live better and longer.

Prevents heart disease

Green tea is also able to help regulate your cholesterol levels, especially low-density lipoprotein, LDL, which at a high concentration in the blood could trigger a heart attack or stroke.

In addition, it is able to inhibit the appearance of blood clots, preventing various diseases of the heart and reducing the risks of heart attack and stroke. According to the Buddhist monk Eisai, responsible for adding the spiritual issue to the consumption of green tea in Japan, green tea promotes the health of five organs, but especially the heart.

Helps in weight loss

One of the properties that make it so popular among those who want to lose weight is in its diuretic effect, helping in the elimination of excess body fluid and deflating the body.

There are also bioactive compounds such as caffeine, flavonoids and catechins. These substances help in the metabolic work of your body, allowing your body to spend more energy and, consequently, stimulates weight loss.

Improves the health of the mouth

Another benefit of green tea is in its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which prevents the formation of cavities, dental plaque, as well as inflammation of the gums.

Its substances actively act on your oral hygiene, even decreasing the chances of developing periodontitis, a disease that affects the gums and bones that support the teeth.

There are studies inclusive, to produce mouth rinses with the catechin epigallocatechin-3-gallate, antimicrobial substance, anti-inflammatory and anti-erosive of the green tea.

Prevents colds and flu

Another feature that is associated with the antimicrobial properties of green tea is in the fight against viruses and bacteria, preventing the onset of diseases such as colds and flu caused by influenza viruses, for example.

In addition to preventing the growth of these bacteria, green tea also improves the immune system, making the body more resistant to diseases like these. There are studies that prove the action of green tea even in fighting the dengue virus.

Prevents diabetes

Because of the antioxidants and catechins present in green tea it is able to reduce oxidative stress, which occurs by an imbalance between oxidant compounds and the defense system active by antioxidants resulting from cellular metabolism.

This makes it able to improve the functioning of the insulin hormone, adjusting blood glucose levels. And besides preventing possible diabetes, it is also able to assist in its treatment.

Fights infections

Due to its antimicrobial properties, the consumption of green tea acts against possible infections in the body. In this way, it is useful in fighting bacteria and inhibits the proliferation of some viruses such as influenza A and B, reducing the symptoms of infections such as fever and body aches.

Controls blood pressure

Some are concerned about the presence of caffeine in green tea and a possible increase in blood pressure. However, besides the concentration being minimal, studies show that the high concentration of catechins causes green tea to have the opposite effect: it controls blood pressure.

Catechins, which are a bioactive composition with similar characteristics to antioxidants, can assist in relaxing blood vessels, decreasing inflammation, cellular oxidation and improving blood circulation.

Consequently, they also serve as a blood pressure regulator. In addition, green tea also decreases stress and anxiety, preventing spikes in high blood pressure.

Improves brain function

There are also scientific studies that prove that regular consumption of tea can improve brain functions. This happens due to several components present in green tea, such as caffeine, which has the ability to put the body in a state of alertness, thus improving performance in cognitive tasks.

Another substance is L-theanine, which if consumed frequently can provide relaxation, being able to improve functions such as concentration and memory. In addition, there are reports of people who indicate having more energy and feel more productive when consuming green tea.

Increases life expectancy

In general, by preventing heart diseases and even cancers, green tea actively acts to increase life expectancy. Other benefits of tea allow those who consume it to live longer and healthier lives, such as controlling blood pressure, decreasing body fat, improving brain activity and even reducing the risk of dementia.

The antioxidant action also fights premature aging, both of the skin and organs. Many researchers attribute the high life expectancy of Asian populations, such as the Japanese, to their balanced diets that include green tea as a staple beverage.

Prevents neurodegenerative diseases

The antioxidant action of catechins and flavonoids help maintain a healthy brain by combating free radicals. Diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia are prevented by the consumption of green tea due to this reducing action of oxidative stress.

What's more, polyphenols improve memory and neuroinflammation causing dementia. Green tea even decreases the aggregation of amyloid beta in the brain, keeping blood vessels healthy and reducing the chances of a stroke.

Improves mood

Another wonderful substance present in green tea is L-theanine, an amino acid that increases the production of dopamine and serotonin, causing well-being. Green tea is one of the main sources of L-theanine, which also has a calming and sedative effect.

The flavonoids control anxiety and stress, favoring a good mood during constant use of the tea.

Improves performance in physical exercises

As seen, green tea acts directly on several aspects of metabolism. One of them is in the consumption of fat, where green tea decreases body fat using it as an energy source. In the practice of exercises this reaction is essential to increase caloric expenditure and promote weight loss.

In addition, caffeine promotes performance in physical activities, has a stimulating and thermogenic effect and diuretic properties, bringing better results for practices that aim to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. Therefore, many have used green tea in pre-workout nutrition, aiming to achieve better results.

How to consume, risks of excessive consumption and when it is not indicated

Green tea can be consumed in several ways. Originally, it was consumed by infusing the leaves, but the Japanese popularized the consumption of its powder form. However, despite its many benefits, green tea should be consumed in moderation and may carry some risks for specific people.

Continue reading to learn how to consume green tea safely and get all the advantages of this drink!

How to consume green tea

Originally, green tea is consumed like other teas, by infusing its leaves in hot water. Nowadays it is also possible to consume the tea in powder form and even in capsules.

Another option are the supplements that contain green tea, especially those aimed at physical activities. In these cases, consumption should be done as recommended by the manufacturer and the specialist who follows the workouts.

The conventional tea is usually consumed between 2 to 4 cups per day, between meals, respecting the interval of 30 minutes before and 2 hours after each meal. However, this frequency should be decreased if the person has any of the contraindications to the use of green tea.

Risks of consuming green tea in excess

Like all foods and beverages, if consumed in excess green tea can bring harm and discomfort. Some of the effects of excess consumption of green tea are nausea, headaches, insomnia, difficulty absorbing nutrients and stomach irritation.

So, keep a moderate use, and always add green tea in your diet little by little. Start by taking one cup a day and progressively increase it, always observing the limits of your body and possible side effects, besides not exceeding four cups a day.

Possible side effects of green tea

Although green tea is well tolerated by most people, it can cause insomnia in people with high sensitivity to caffeine. In these cases, it is recommended to use it during the day, preferably before physical activities, and in smaller quantities.

Green tea can also bring problems for the stomach and liver, especially when consumed in excess. However, the most frequent side effect of green tea consumption is the decreased absorption of nutrients, especially iron and calcium. That is why it is so important to consume it between meals, and never during them.

Who should not consume green tea

Green tea should not be consumed by pregnant women, because some substances in the tea can decrease the blood flow to the placenta, harming the baby. In addition, women who are breastfeeding should not consume it either, to prevent the substances from being passed to the baby.

People with gastrointestinal problems should also avoid consuming the tea, or consume it in extreme moderation to avoid worsening the symptoms of ulcers and gastritis. Those with liver function problems should also avoid the tea, since it can be overloaded.

In addition, people with chronic problems of insomnia, or high sensitivity to caffeine, should avoid or control the use of green tea. Individuals who take anticoagulant medications should also not consume green tea, because as it acts in reducing clots can cause even bleeding.

Finally, people with problems in the functioning of the thyroid, especially with hyperthyroidism should also avoid the tea. This is because these people already have faster metabolism, which can be potentiated by the tea and cause problems.

Tips for preparing green tea

Now that you know the benefits of green tea, its contraindications and care when consuming it, we will teach you the best tips to prepare your tea properly. It is essential to prepare your tea the best way possible to get all the advantages of its consumption. Read and understand!

Choose good tea leaves and use in the right quantity

The quality of the green tea leaves is crucial to the result of its consumption. The sachets sold on a large scale do not have fresh leaves and often also use the stem when grinding.

Therefore, give preference to fresh leaves and, if you are going to consume powdered or crushed tea, look for products of proven origin. The quality of the leaves used influences even the taste of the tea, making its consumption more pleasant.

Another important point is the correct amount of leaves to make the tea. Generally, 2 grams of tea leaves are used for 170 mL of water. However, adjust according to your preference, since the change in the ratio of leaves and water can modify the final taste of the tea.

Use water at the right temperature

For a tasty and nutritious tea, also pay attention to the temperature of the water. Overly hot water can make the tea more bitter, in addition to harming the substances in the tea.

However, water that is too cold will not be able to extract the flavor and nutrients from the leaves. The ideal is to wait until the water begins to boil and, as soon as it starts to bubble, turn off the heat. Then, add the leaves and cover the pot or kettle.

Make infusions for up to three minutes

Because green tea leaves are sensitive, leaving them infused for too long can also alter the flavor and composition, so when you turn off the heat and add the leaves, wait a maximum of 3 minutes to strain them.

Leaving it less than 3 minutes will also impair the extraction of flavor and nutrients, but if it goes over 3 minutes the tea will turn bitter and may lose its antioxidant action, according to studies. With time you will have enough practice to prepare your tea the proper way to get all the benefits and wonderful flavors.

Add mint or lemon juice

Green tea naturally has bitter notes. This may displease some people, and to facilitate consumption, you can mix it with lemon juice or mint leaves.

In addition to making the flavor even more delicious, these combinations enhance the benefits of tea. If you have trouble drinking tea, you can also sweeten it with sugar or honey.

Despite the benefits of green tea, are there any contraindications to its consumption?

The consumption of green tea is an ancient practice for oriental cultures. For the Japanese, for example, green tea is not only nutritional but also spiritual.

Its benefits have been recognized by several generations and, more recently, have been verified by scientific studies. Camellia sinensis has a high concentration of antioxidants and other substances such as amino acids and vitamins. Its daily use protects the heart, gives more disposition, improves the immune system and even delays premature aging.

However, like any product, it must be used in moderation, because excessive consumption can bring damages, such as insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, liver overload and even difficulties to absorb nutrients.

In addition, pregnant or nursing women, children, and people with pre-existing medical conditions should avoid consuming the tea, or do so only with a doctor's prescription. Green tea can also have side effects when used in combination with medications, such as anticoagulants.

Therefore, before adding any food or drink in your diet, it is important to consult with a nutritionist and perform periodic tests. Thus, you can take advantage of the benefits of green tea consumption and avoid possible side effects.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.