What does it mean to dream of a cat in spiritualism? Black, kitten and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of a cat in spiritualism?

According to spiritualism, you need to analyze what feeling arose while you were dreaming about the cat, because dreams are results of journeys that the spirit makes.

Therefore, when identifying negative feelings such as anger, grief, insecurity and anxiety, you need to find the best way to resolve them. As cats have a strong connection with the spiritual world, they can act as an important wake-up call for your life.

However, you need to remember all the details to interpret the message that the dream brought. In this article, you will understand the relationship of the cat with spiritualism during the dream, as well as the worship of various ancient peoples.

More about spiritualism

Next, it will be possible to understand what spiritualism is about and what the spiritual meaning of the cat is. Learn how these felines have a keen perception between the world of matter and spirit.

What is spiritism?

Spiritism is considered a doctrine that extends to beliefs that claim to be possible the communication between the living and the dead, performed by mediums. The religion was founded by Allan Kardec in the 19th century, when he wrote the Spirits' Book, following other studies to explain such complexity.

Therefore, spiritism is molded on charity and love for the neighbor, as well as on spiritual evolution, surpassing several generations with moral and philosophical teachings of the ancestors, explaining imperceptible reasons to the human eyes about the incarnation of this and other lives.

What is the spiritual significance of the cat?

It is not possible to be exact, but it is believed that cats started to be domesticated around 8,000 B.C. He is an enigmatic animal, elegant, curious, playful, independent, partner, protective and transmits a lot of balance. Therefore, it is impossible not to fall in love with a kitten.

With so many qualities, the cat's spiritual significance is linked to beliefs that they are not chosen by their guardians, but actually choose people by spiritual affinity, which may have a connection to other lives. Therefore, many people believe that they are reincarnations of past lives.

With a keen intuition, there are still beliefs stating that if the cat does not like a person, it means that he is not so reliable. In addition, they can see beyond the material world.

To dream with cat in spiritualism and various situations

In this section, you will discover the meanings about dreaming about cat with the spiritualism view. Learn all about dreaming about black cat, white cat, hurt cat, meowing cat, kitten, attacking cat and more!

To dream with black cat in spiritualism

From a spiritualist's point of view, to dream of a black cat brings the message that you need to take time to take more care of yourself. You may be working a lot and therefore you may have a lot of headaches, feeling irritated easily, something that hinders even your relationships.

What do you think about leaving a little bit of your work behind and spending some time with the people you love? That would be something comforting. After all, you need to relax more to recharge your energy and come back stronger. Also think about traveling to a quiet place, reading a book, taking care of your appearance, doing physical exercises. This will make all the difference for your well-being.

To dream with white cat in spiritualism

According to spiritualism, dreams with white cats reveal that good surprises are coming. They will be news that will gladden your heart, as they may happen in your love life. So be alert - someone is trying to win you over, but is waiting for an opening from you to take action.

Positive changes will also happen in your professional life. This is an excellent omen that indicates that chances will open up in your path. If you are unemployed, get ready for the opportunities that will arise. With them, you will be able to demonstrate all your professional skills, acting with great focus and discipline. So, enjoy this phase full of good changes!

To dream of injured cat in spiritualism

To see a hurt cat in a dream can make your heart very sad, after all it is a painful scene. For the spiritualism, this dream has connection with the emotions. Be careful with your feelings, because someone may disappoint you, generating hurt and emotional pain.

However, to overcome these difficulties it will be a great help if you respect the moment, feeling what arises. Thus, you will not leave any confused feelings inside you, but allow them to pass. Take time to care for your wounds, letting them heal. Soon you will have the strength to start again with great peace and hope.

To dream of a meowing cat in spiritualism

The dream in which the cat appears meowing brings an important warning about friendships, according to spiritualism. So beware of "friends" who are acting behind your back with falsehood. This person pretends to be concerned about your problems, but deep down, wants you to do badly.

However, the warning that the message of this dream brings asks you to take it easy to analyze who may be doing this, evaluating your relationships and, when you feel ready, taking a distance that will protect you. Therefore, know that there is no need to fight or argue with false people, as this may further feed their ego.

Dream with kitten cat in spiritualism

In spiritualism, dreams with kitten cat asks you to see the events of your life in a more positive way. Even if you have experienced moments of difficulty, the dream invites you to forget the facts that have hurt you, having a perception of the good things that this has given you, as a learning experience. Thus, you will strengthen yourself to face any obstacle.

Therefore, do not be afraid to review your attitudes, to start a new project, fueling your hopes with positivity and gratitude to face everything with more harmony and smiles.

To dream of attacking cat in spiritualism

For spiritualism, when the cat is attacking you in a dream, there is an important revelation showing that you need to make a decision with an initiative to solve the difficulties that are in your way. Otherwise, everything could get even worse.

So evaluate all situations and find the best way to clear up any misunderstandings. Don't put anything off until later. Other interpretations of seeing a cat attacking in a dream reveal that you need to stay balanced by maintaining focus and discipline at work. Then you can find the recognition you desire.

To dream with yellow cat in spiritualism

To see a yellow cat in a dream brings an important warning about the financial aspects, according to spiritualism. Therefore, be attentive about your priorities, reflecting the weight that the affective and material life has for you. If you are giving more value to material things, it is time to balance the time to enjoy friends, family and love.

Take some space for yourself and reflect. There is also an interpretation about the dream that reveals for you to be more careful with superfluous spending. For this, keep planning so as not to be hampered by an unforeseen event.

To dream of a dead cat in spiritualism

To see the scene of a dead cat in a dream brings a bad feeling, especially for those who have a great love for these companions. However, for spiritualism, this dream reveals that you need to be prepared for adversities that will come your way.

Probably, you are planning something in the professional area, which has possibilities of not happening as expected. However, to prevent these difficulties, keep the focus and planning in what you want. So, do not be discouraged in the face of obstacles, taking everything as a learning experience.

To dream of many cats in spiritualism

According to spiritualism, dreaming of many cats is a good omen. This dream will bring a calming feeling, as these loving beings appear during your sleep to warn you that positive changes will happen soon. So if you are feeling stagnant, know that the time to get out of the comfort zone has come.

Soon, your routine will become more agitated, bringing news that will open your paths. If you are without a job, you can celebrate as new opportunities are coming. So, take advantage of the phase to reinvent yourself and evolve in all aspects.

To dream of a cat biting something in spiritualism

Those who dream that the cat is biting something need to seek more self-confidence to face obstacles. According to spiritualism, the dream brings an omen reinforcing that you need to leave insecurity aside to realize your desires. Even if this process is not resolved immediately, remember that every step you take deserves celebration.

So, don't be afraid to take an initiative to get out of the defensive mode. When someone avoids situations for fear of suffering hurts, they are actually avoiding their own evolution. So, have courage and move forward to accomplish all your goals.

To dream of a cat biting you in spiritualism

When you dream that the cat is biting you, know that you need to take more initiative in your attitudes. According to spiritualism, this dream brings a message emphasizing the importance of standing up for yourself in a considerable way to get what you want.

So don't be afraid to put your ideas into new projects and don't let anyone underestimate you. Cats are domestic and docile animals, but they also remind you of your feline relatives, who act with authority in their actions. So you need to remember your qualities and fight bravely for what you want.

To dream of a bleeding cat in spiritualism

According to spiritualism, dreams in which the cat appears bleeding reveal that it is time to analyze all the attitudes you have already taken, because the consequences are coming. Therefore, reflecting on the past can generate a certain discomfort, but many times this is necessary to avoid repeating mistakes - recognizing your own faults can help your evolution.

With the awareness that it is impossible to change the past, what is left is to learn, asking forgiveness from whoever is needed, something that enables the relief of the weight in life's baggage. Therefore, investigate everything that may be hindering your evolution to have more chances of being a person better and better.

Symbolism of the cat in other traditions

Cats are animals that overflow people with joy, inspire meditation and provide well-being to their guardians, being considered animals that bring good luck, but beyond all that, they are even able to ease depressive states when their company brings joy and play.

Below, you will understand about the symbolism of the cat in Wicca, in shamanism - which explains how it can be a power animal, as well as the cat in totem, Hinduism and Ancient Egypt.

Cat in Wicca

Cats have a mystical meaning, carrying a strong connection to spirituality, mystery, intuition and good luck. In Wicca, they carry a symbolism of protection and are faithful companions in their rituals, which require focus and silence.

However, there are historical claims that unfortunately cats once suffered the same repressions as witches, when they were eliminated during the Black Death pandemic or burned with them, as they were believed to bring bad omens.

After all, the main mystical symbolism of the cat is related to healing, protection, luck and the ability to perceive sounds and night visions, activities that are impossible for human nature.

Cat in Shamanism

In shamanism, the cat is an animal that represents healing and mystery. It is connected to the ability to see what is beyond the reach of your eyes, when intuition speaks louder. Felines also provide spiritual protection, as well as analyze your actions very well.

This fact is very noticeable when he calculates well from where he is going to jump or at the moment he prepares to catch the game, being silent in his steps, for instance.

Symbols of balance and self-confidence, cats are beings that meditate a lot and bring an energetic cleansing, as well as teach the importance of independence and love. Next, you will learn how the cat can be a power animal, according to shamanism.

Cat as a power animal

If someone has told you that you actually act like a cat, then there is a good chance that this is your power animal. In this case, to find out exactly, you would need to investigate your attitudes and your way of being, as this can be reflected even in physical aspects.

Therefore, the investigation requires a study that consists of seeing images of cats and even behaving like a feline to understand their affinities. This journey is included within the field of self-knowledge, providing clarity about your decisions.

Cat as a totem

The cat as a totem brings the symbolism of protection, good luck, happiness and harmony. Therefore, the meaning of its image and presence represents that it is possible to achieve the goals you most desire during your journey, with much fluidity and prosperity.

As you read this article, you will be able to understand how the cat was considered a sacred animal in several cultures, being even a symbol of good omens, going beyond the meaning of being a loyal pet, as it involves much mysticism and healing since its domestication.

Cat in Hinduism

In Hindu culture, there is a story recorded in Mahabharata, which states that there was a union between a cat named Lomasa and a mouse named Palita. Unlike the stories where the cat hunts the mouse all the time, Lomasa and Palita were great friends and faced all challenges together.

There is also the image of the Goddess Shashthi, who appears on top of a cat. In Hinduism, she is the goddess of fertility and children. The story goes that Shashthi had a black cat that told her everything that happened, including when he was wrongly blamed by a young girl.

This young girl lied to the goddess' family that it was the cat that ate all the extra food in the house. With this information, Shashthi took revenge by stealing for herself all the children she had.

Cat in Ancient Egypt

If there was a time when cats were worshiped as true gods, it will certainly be remembered when it comes to Ancient Egypt. To represent this worship, there is the image of the Goddess Bastet, who has the head of a cat with the body of a woman. She is the protector of cats, the home and fertility.

In this culture, cats were not seen as mere pets, as they represented mystery and good luck. The protection they provided these people was linked to their ability to kill various dangerous animals, such as snakes.

Treated as true members of the family, they considered cats a true preciousness. When they died, they were mummified so that they could meet in eternity with all the members of the family. In addition, the Egyptians shaved their eyebrows when they suffered the loss of such a beloved animal.

Does dreaming of a cat mean spiritual protection?

Cat dreams bring spiritual protection. As you have reviewed in this article, cats have been and still are considered synonymous with independence, beauty, mystery and healing.

Sacred symbols of various cultures, especially those involving the mystical aspect, these felines were once seen as animals that could bring bad luck. Unfortunately, there are people who mistreat black cats, especially on Friday the 13th. This is the result of a prejudice rooted in the mistaken belief that cats and witches do something evil.

Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to give love and affection to these companions that provide spiritual protection and, as several people claim, are also able to protect their owners in real situations of danger, such as in snake attacks or other dangerous animals. Therefore, give back all the love to the kittens, helping when needed.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.