Cancer Cancer Descendant in your horoscope: meaning, trends and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Cancer descendant in your birth chart

The descendant in Cancer in your birth chart means that you have an ascendant in Capricorn. This ascendant sign suggests that from a very early age you had to deal with a lot of problems and had to take on great responsibilities.

Also, the Cancer Descendant may suggest that you lack safety and security at home, and that you are used to a hostile environment where you have to fight for everything on your own. Because of this you look for partners who can give you support and the emotional security you needed as a child.

The Cancer Descendant indicates that your ideal partner has high emotional intelligence, they are affectionate and caring, and provide you with an emotional base. Check out our article on Cancer Descendant for more details on this placement!

Cancer Descendant Fundamentals

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac, so the Sun transits this sign of the Zodiac between June 21 and July 22. It is a cardinal sign by polarity, which marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere. The planetary ruler of this sign is the Moon. The Moon rules your emotions and the need for security and nourishment in astrology.

The fourth house of roots, home and family, is the house linked to Cancer in the birth chart. Moreover, Cancer is one of the water signs oriented towards emotions, intuition, creativity. Know which signs and characteristics are linked to the descendant in this sign.

What is the descending sign?

The descendant sign in the Zodiac is a concept closely related to the ascendant sign. However, unlike the ascendant, which tells us about our personality socially speaking, the descendant tells us about the type of people who show up in our life and with whom we tend to create connections - i.e. it is related to our partners, co-workers, etc.

The sign of the Zodiac in which our descendant appears reveals a lot of information, such as the qualities we would like to see in our romantic partner or in a business partner. Descendants refer to everything we admire about the other person, yet somehow we feel we lack these qualities.

Meaning of the 7th House

The 7th house represents our expectations in a relationship. The sign ruling the 7th house and the planets in it show the way we present ourselves in these relationships and how we expect others to treat us.

The seventh house shows a person's desire, ability and style to attract and relate to others individually. This may be in friendships, business partnerships or love relationships.

Therefore, those with the Moon in the seventh house, or Cancer in their descendant, often seek relationships with like-minded people who are emotional, caring, and sensitive. Thus, unconsciously, they seek solid, deep relationships with people in order to maintain their own emotional stability.

How do I know my descendant?

To know which is your descendant is simple, as it is directly opposite to the ascendant. In this way, every person who knows his ascendant can easily determine the descendant from there.

However, there is another even simpler and one hundred percent reliable way to calculate: as everyone knows, the horoscope comprises twelve signs of the Zodiac. To check the descendant, you can follow six other signs of the zodiac range in ascending or descending order to arrive at your descendant. You can't go wrong, and you don't even need to look at your birth chart to get a resultcorrect.

Descendant in Cancer and Ascendant in Capricorn

Cancerians are creatures who provide comfort and stability. As a result, they crave a stable domestic unit and value a relationship with a solid foundation.

Therefore, having the ascendant in Capricorn means that they will seek partners who can bring that sense of ambition and protection, so as to ensure a loving home and an ideal family.

However, those with ascendant in Capricorn, before projecting their expectations, need to recognize and embrace their vulnerability in order to build a more fulfilling and lasting relationship, which will provide them with the emotional security they seek.

Positive Tendencies of Descendant in Cancer

The hidden side of a personality with a Cancer descendant is a lack of understanding instability. There is a sense of 'motherhood' behind it and a constant need to take guidance and advice from someone who considers themselves superior.

Moreover, the greatest fear of a Cancer descendant is to show their own authority and strength. Here are the positive trends for the descendant in this sign.

Attraction for loyal partners

The Cancer descendant in your birth chart suggests that your ideal partner is faithful and uninhibited, and that it helps you connect with your emotional side, encouraging you to listen to your intuition from time to time.

If this person does not know how to work with the Cancer energy, it may appear that their partner is temperamental, capricious and insecure. Thus the Cancer descendant in the birth chart indicates that faithfulness is a quality this individual should observe when facing a relationship.

Need to raise a family

Certainly, stability is what someone with a Cancer descendant seeks in a relationship. These people tend to look for partners who have traditional values, and who are very attached to home and family.

Family is very important to them and preferably to their partner as well. This individual is someone who prefers to spend time at home in their private environment and enjoys being close to their loved ones.

In this way, building and valuing family goes beyond a need. It is a strong characteristic which attracts a Cancer-descendant into a relationship.

Attraction to people who care

Having a Cancer descendant, this native is objective and balanced in daily routines. When it comes to love, he seeks tenderness, security and comfort in the relationship. This individual seeks nourishment in his intimate relationships.

He wants to be around people who remind him of his ancestry, and sometimes it can happen that his partner has roots similar to his own, so this placement suggests that he looks for a partner who is a good choice to offer care and to give him the security and protection he needs.

Attraction to people who love the home

Home is the best place for the person with Cancer descendant. She tends to prefer staying at home and enjoying herself in her own space.

Therefore, the ideal partner for her is the one who chooses the music, lighting, temperature and overall vibe, and who can really make her relax and be herself - adapting to every detail of the environment.

Getting out of the house tends to be a calculated occasion for this individual, something more related to some sort of obligation rather than outing or fun.

Negative Tendencies of Descendant in Cancer

People with Cancer descent feel a great need to create a family, as well as to establish a solid bond with it. They are people who love and care for their loved one.

However, they also like to be taken care of. If they don't realize they are being protected, they may feel incomplete in the relationship. They may also attract partners who are insecure, shy, possessive, and afraid of rejection. Check out other negative Cancer descendant tendencies below.

Partners with fear of rejection

With a Cancer descendant, Cancer natives tend to feel dependent and jealous, and often show coldness just to get attention. They are extremely insecure and always think of the end of the relationship as a sad possibility, because the fear of losing their partner consumes them.

In general, these natives look for dedication in the relationship, even if they have a higher degree of mistrust than usual. Besides romanticism, attention and small proofs that your partner will always be at your disposal.

Shy partners

Having a Cancer descendant means running away from popularity or any contact with the public. So, both professionally and in their love life, they are looking for someone who can deal with shyness and introspection.

With the Moon badly positioned, this native can have great emotional difficulties related to his partner. He can feel trapped when talking, unable to expose his feelings and experience a lot of insecurity, among other negative emotions.

Grudging partners

On the premise that Cancerians are sentimental and get hurt very easily, those with a descendant in this sign are certainly looking for a partner who won't hold grudges.

They look for someone who is able to talk nicely, so they don't feel offended or hurt easily. So, the perfect partner for this native must demonstrate maturity, self-love and, mainly, emotional independence.

Possessive partners

If an individual has a Cancer descendant, it is quite possible that he will marry a Cancer person. Such a sign has the qualities that such a person is looking for in a partner.

Moreover, they have a preference for older partners who are willing to care for and protect them at all costs. However, they should avoid these partners being jealous and possessive.

This individual should choose someone who loves him very much and who will always show it clearly and strongly, even in the most difficult circumstances, without putting his freedom at risk.

Cancer Descendant in professional life

Besides revealing about love relationship and friendships, the descendant concerns partnerships and relationships at work.

Even this angle says a lot about our emotional and affective relationship and our expectations about our lives. It indicates characteristics that we need to look for in order to balance our personality.

Those born under the Cancer descendant have a great need to create affective bonds and respect to make the ideal coexistence and communication in the professional environment. See below how this occurs.

Involvement in family business

Being descendant in Cancer means that the individual tends to be involved in the family business. At work, he seeks to take a practical, cautious, yet determined approach. There is often great tenacity here, and he is likely to accomplish what he has set out to do, despite the constant flux and change.

With persistence and also careful strategic planning, this native can easily profit while providing what others need.

In their professional or personal life there can be a tendency to avoid direct confrontation, so with co-workers the person with Cancer as a descendant tries to have a harmonious relationship in an attempt not to overstep emotional boundaries.

Empathy, therapeutic vocation

The attraction which the sign Cancer provokes makes this individual seek to direct his or her sensitivity in a way which is not oppressive but empathetic. So the Cancer-descendant seeks to learn the right way to offer support when necessary, often carrying the burden of being responsible for the emotional well-being of others.

Therapeutic nurturing comes easily to him. Therefore, he does not dismiss opportunities to care for others, for he knows that these people lead him to growth and self-awareness.

Little professional boldness

The descendant in Cancer suggests that this individual is more attracted to artistic or creative work. Despite the sensitivity and delicacy which these branches inspire, professional daring is not this native's strong point. His challenge is to somehow integrate this into his life in a balanced way, to be more dedicated and proactive at work.

The gift of this native is to imagine creative alternatives and to be an instrument of change in regard to the way people care for each other. He may be politically or socially active in education, health, or other areas where protection and care are administered.

Ideal partner of Cancer descendant

With a Cancer descendant, the person is looking for a partner to get in touch with his or her emotional side. However, he or she may end up having to take care of him or her all the time. The lesson for this native is to learn how to let go and be more comfortable expressing his or her emotions.

Thus, the ideal partner can present constant episodes of drama and emotional intensity, but knowing when to dose and draw a limit is also key. Learn more details below.

Search for sweetness

Being attracted to the sign of Cancer, the native of this descendant seeks sweetness, affection and tenderness in a relationship. He feels the need to open up more to see the world through rose-colored lenses, and even create a fantasy of how he would like things to be instead of facing reality.

So this native is attracted to partners who are sentimental, passionate and sensitive. These partners may have a calmer and gentler nature, but are very possessive at times.

Therefore, the person with a Cancer descendant relies on them to provide you with peace and stability, when in fact they need to separate their complex emotions and seek this on their own.

Search for protection

Certainly, a person with Cancer as a descendant looks for a partner who offers security, stability, support and protection. However, this search can attract weak, lying and manipulative people, as well as people in extreme levels of emotional crisis.

Furthermore, this individual may find himself in relationships where one partner plays the role of the adult and the other becomes the child, and this may have something to do with the native's need to feel needed or inability to be self-sufficient.

Healthy relationships need to be formed without guilt or co-dependence. The Cancer-descendant must also learn to trust what their instincts are telling them.

Search for trust

The Cancer descendant will experience the most intense attraction and love for someone who makes him feel safe and nurtured. He seeks partners who convey trust as a way of easing his emotional vulnerability, but at the same time he longs for deep emotional connections.

The tip for these natives is to trust their feelings and learn to decipher between what is real information, and what is just an emotional response. In time, they will learn that intuition is a superior form of knowledge and that their self-confidence is, in fact, their best weapon.

Is Descendant in Cancer a good configuration for profession?

The rising Capricorn makes this native a career-oriented and success-driven person. This individual puts a lot of pressure on himself to achieve his goals and may never feel that he is doing enough. He has a more serious appearance and often people cannot understand how he is feeling.

Therefore, having a descendant in Cancer is not the best configuration for a profession as it shows that this native is more focused on smaller businesses and, if possible, that are linked to the family structure.

However, as this person grows older, the emotion-oriented qualities of this sign must push him or her out into the world to find their own identity and on their own terms.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.