How to know if I have spiritual connection with a person? Connection and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How do I know if I have a spiritual connection with a person?

When we are in contact with people who are very close to us, we feel such an incredible harmony that sometimes we believe there is a spiritual connection with that person. Little is known about the existence of a spiritual connection between two souls, but it arouses curiosity and generates many doubts about this subject.

Scholars of this theory look to ideas such as reincarnation and realize the existence of spiritual families. Our lives are cyclical manifestations, reincarnations serve to instruct the soul and lead it to enlightenment.

However, we notice that there is also a narrowing of these links between souls, as if in each cycle they were having a contact with other souls, building this link and forming these spiritual families. To know more, continue reading to find out if you have a spiritual link with a person close to you.

The spiritual bond and connection between two people

A spiritual connection between two people goes far beyond the physical, corporeal world. This is the kind of connection that involves your essence to another soul, occurring without apparent explanation.

However, this connection can be deciphered from understanding your past lives and your relationship with the other person. Learn what a spiritual connection is and understand its existence below.

What is spiritual connection

A spiritual bond happens after a mutual contact between two souls who go through multiple reincarnations. They shared several experiences responsible for awakening deep emotions in both souls, thus generating a relationship and, with each cycle, these bonds became deeper and deeper.

All these cycles and sharing of experiences awaken an intense feeling of brotherhood between souls, capable of creating a harmony between them. It also enables the creation of spiritual families, so you are not alone on your journey to enlightenment.

What is the connection between two people

The connection between two people is expressed through the sharing of thoughts, emotions and beliefs which may generate opposite but complementary tendencies to each other. Both represent a force in search of balance, this behaviour gives rise to a connection between these two people.

A deep affinity is thus created between these souls, creating meaningful bonds for both of you. Soon, as you realize that there is this connection between you and the other person, the energy of the environment changes and you feel that you have known each other since your past lives.


When this spiritual bonding occurs, you do not need to hide your emotions. It is so powerful that no external factors can interfere with this relationship, for this bond is based in truth. There is no pretense, there is only understanding and respect between you.

When there is any kind of mismatch or misunderstanding in communication, you deal with it in a gentle way. You do not feel irritated or stressed by what has happened, becoming more understanding and considerate, for the purpose of this connection is to achieve spiritual evolution.

The Instant Connection

This kind of spiritual connection is not common to happen, it is rare that you meet a person and feel any kind of connection. Although, when two souls are connected, this connection happens instantaneously. Soon, it feels like you have known this person for your whole life making all the communication easier.

Professional and personal growth

In the existence of a spiritual connection between two people, they begin to share their values and goals in life. Most of the time, the two souls even share the same dreams. All this sharing then takes place in the sense of support, both want to help simultaneously.

People who identify these spiritual connections tend to grow in all areas of life. All of this occurs in an accelerated manner because in the relationship between you there are no communication blocks, which allows for positive collaboration to achieve your goals.

The result of this experience is the creation of a positive environment, as well as greater motivation and inspiration for the two souls to grow. Thus the dialogue will grow and this will further strengthen the bond between you.

The tranquility of the mind

When there is this meeting between two people with a spiritual connection, the mind is calmed and peace becomes a constant. After all, the two souls complement each other, thus creating a balance. At this point, you become happier and calmer for having this meeting happen.

However, you need to preserve a positive relationship between both of you. Dialogue is the big difference, because each of you will still have to deal with your emotions and the conversation will help you understand them. That way, you will always be in harmony with each other.


Still, there is one very important characteristic for a connection between souls. This characteristic is empathy, it will allow you to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Practicing empathy will help you identify this connection, as well as help you strengthen the bond in this relationship.

Signs that you have a spiritual connection with a person

There are some signs that can indicate if you have a strong spiritual connection with a person close to you. Most likely, you can't even imagine what is happening between your relationship. So, stay tuned to the tips below and find out what these signs are.

As we hold hands, something special happens

The act of holding hands when greeting a person is the first physical contact you will have with that person. If you have a spiritual connection, you will soon feel that something special has happened. Some identify this feeling as a shock, but the magic that occurs in this contact usually brings about a positive euphoria.

Thoughts in tune

Having a spiritual connection doesn't necessarily mean that you possess the ability to read the other person's mind, but your thoughts and emotions flow more intensely. Added to that, there's the fact that you believe you've known each other for a long time, which brings you closer together immediately.

Then, the thoughts between you seem to be in sync, something that demonstrates the existence of a spiritual connection between your souls. Then, every decision, thought or message seems to flow in a synchronized manner, as you don't stop thinking about each other.

Sex is no longer the most important part

The relationship between you becomes very intimate and physical, but this does not mean that you are only involved in sex, as there are other ways of relating to each other. Once you are both connected spiritually, your life seems more romantic and communication fluid and enjoyable.

The spiritual connection with this person will give you the freedom to be who you are. The connection between you is based on a sincere, respectful and loving relationship, you soon recognize each other's gaze and identify thoughts as if you were communicating with your body.

Safety to talk about everything

A spiritual connection makes anyone more secure with themselves, so they become more open in their relationship and honest with their feelings. This is the kind of connection that makes relationships lighter, as they eliminate with trust any kind of insecurity or anxiety that you would feel with another person.

Most likely, you will feel free to talk about everything because you don't fear the other's judgment, since you will always consider the other's opinion and will do your best to make each other feel good.

You trust like you've never trusted before

When you find yourself in the presence of a person you have known since other lives, you trust them as you never have before. It becomes impossible to disguise your intentions or emotions. You feel free to be whoever you want to be, without having to fear being judged or misunderstood by the other person.

This feeling of security is one of the most present signs for those who have found a spiritual connection. Thus, you feel embraced by the other person, as if nothing can affect this relationship. This welcoming energy between two spirits is unique, you will soon realize.

There are no secrets

There will be no secrets that you will be able to hide from the person with whom you have a spiritual connection. You may even try, but you will soon realize that it can be negative for your relationship and this will hinder the evolution of your souls. Thus, sincerity is mutual and all dialogue takes place in a clear and direct manner.

This means that your spiritual connection dispenses with any kind of emotion or negative thought. There is no room for pretense or deceit between you. Truth is a value which you seek to preserve, as there is a mutual desire to work together for the well-being of both of you.

The universe seems to conspire for them to be together

When there is a spiritual connection between two beings, you feel that your attitudes and decisions are leading you down the best possible path in your life. It seems that the universe conspires for you to be together. Your bond is so powerful that you are destined to be together in this incarnation and those to come.

However, it is very good to maintain these positive thoughts and an optimistic attitude towards your reality, but it will also require individual preparation, as it is often a risk to act incorrectly and end up letting opportunities pass you by.

It will therefore be necessary for you to behave positively and deal with situations in a way that solves them, not feeding any feelings such as stress or distress within you. This will put you on the path to finding your spiritual connection.

There's a mental connection

You get the feeling that your partner is close to you, even if you are miles apart. The emotions you each feel also seem to be in sync, even if only for a few moments. Your souls seem to communicate and share your emotions and feelings constantly.

Whatever subject there is between you ends up taking hours of discussion, the dialogue is natural and you take pleasure in it. The spiritual bond between you goes beyond the physical world, you are always in contact with each other.

Discussions, when they occur, are short-lived

Every relationship has its moment of arguments. However, for people who have a spiritual connection, they tend to be more tolerant of their partner and problems do not directly affect your relationship.

You realise that being in conflict or irritated with the other person will only bring negative things for you, so you look for a solution to get on well with each other and enjoy this connection.

How to connect with a person and find out if there is spiritual connection

The first rule of creating a connection with a person is to not force a relationship. Especially if the other person you want to connect with doesn't care about you. But what about when you find out it's worth it?

Check out below how you can connect with a person and find out if there is a spiritual connection between you!

The good impression

The first impression happens with body language, for example by your gaze, facial expressions or gestures. The way you carry yourself says a lot about yourself, so it is important to make a good impression on the first date.

In this way, it is worth betting on a more positive attitude and keep an interesting conversation with this person, always remembering to be sincere, because only by opening up will you realize the signs that will tell if there is a spiritual connection between you or not.

Interesting Questions

It is common to feel nervous on a first date, show confidence in your words and stimulate dialogue through questions. Seek to encourage the person you are talking to, find out more about their life and their goals.

The care and attention will help you break the ice of that first contact. If you feel that the other person is gaining trust and the dialogue is flowing positively, it means that you are succeeding in creating a connection with them.

Learning from each other and making connections

It's essential that you pay attention to the person you want to connect with. You'll end up noticing a lot of details in their behavior, as well as learning about their manner and the things they like. Observation is a great way to show interest.

If you feel ready to make contact, try in your conversations to learn as much as possible from each other. In this way you will be able to make connections and discover if there is a spiritual connection between you.

Treat as you would like to be treated

A basic rule is to treat the person as you would like to be treated. This rule is fundamental for any relationship to be healthy. So, observe the personality and tastes of the other person so as not to be disrespectful, doing everything possible so that you maintain a harmonious coexistence between the two of you.

Every kind of interaction you have with other people will require empathy from you, because just like you, they also have their own desires, dreams and needs. Therefore, it is so important to treat others with respect and politeness, so that mismatches do not happen and create conflicts in the relationship.

Is having a spiritual connection with a person a guarantee that the relationship will work out?

As much as there are several signs to discover whether or not you have a spiritual connection with this person, you will need to focus on your thoughts and emotions, keeping in mind what your heart is feeling about this encounter. Be open to new experiences and seek to treat everyone with respect.

The way you will behave in front of people will make the difference in the first contact. Therefore, it is important to seek to be sincere with yourself, because only when you are feeling comfortable with the other soul, you will realize whether or not there is a spiritual connection.

Therefore, having a spiritual connection does not always mean that your relationship will work out. Souls are perpetually changing, cycles change, and ties built in past lives can be lost, so it is important to preserve positive attitudes so that you are always open to creating new connections.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.