Children of Nanã: characteristics, love, business, socializing and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the personality of the children of the orixá Nanã like?

The children of Nanã are rarer than other Orixás worshiped in the religions of African matrix, as Oxalá, Iansã and Oxumaré, for example. But even if they are less common, they exist and share some characteristics with the mother that do not go unnoticed.

This fact regarding the rarity of Nanã's children is because the Orixá is the most demanding in the choice of her children. She is associated with the image of a protective and nurturing mother, but in reality she relates more approximately with the elderly. Therefore, she can be seen more as a grandmother.

Another important fact is that besides being rare, more women than men are seen as daughters of Nanã. This point has to do with the protective characteristic of the Orixá and the fact that she is seen as a mother or grandmother due to some personality traits. Are you curious? Read more about the sons of Nanã below!

Characteristics of the sons and daughters of Nanã

In Umbanda and Candomblé, the children of the Orixás end up inheriting a good part of the personality of their fathers and mothers. Therefore, the outstanding characteristics that make up the whole of an Orixá are passed on to the people considered their children.

This kind of characteristic is what makes it easier to identify if a person is daughter of a certain Orixá, something that is done by the Mães and Pais de Santo in the terreiros. This identification requires knowledge. However, some characteristic details call the attention to the fact.

Therefore, the children of Nanã inherit some characteristic points of the mother and soon one realizes that they are in fact children of the Orixá, because her way of acting is quite particular. To understand more, continue reading below some remarkable characteristics of Nanã!

Strong sense of responsibility

The sense of responsibility is something very strong and present in the personality of the children of Nanã. This is one of the oldest Orixás and because of this she carries a great deal of knowledge. Her children demonstrate in their actions that they are aware of the responsibility they carry with them.

Therefore, it is very difficult to see a son of Nanã committing acts of irresponsibility, failing to do something that should be done or even failing to meet deadlines. They are people who take their responsibilities and commitments very seriously. And if they commit any fault in this sense, they are the first to assume the error.

Apparent calm

Calmness is something very present in the personality of the children of Nanã. They are people who have a light and calm spirit and hardly ever lose their patience or head about something, except if they are pushed to the limit.

To see a child of Nanã getting stressed over little things is a very rare sight, for these people hardly get stressed and do not even show anxious behaviors. Just like their mother, their attitudes are guided by the knowledge they possess and they do not get desperate before even thinking about the situation that may afflict them.

Fragile health

The health of the children of Nanã may be somewhat fragile in some aspects. In general, these people suffer from tiredness in the feet and legs and may also develop some intestinal and stomach problems throughout their lives.

These problems eventually arise because these people tend to think a lot about other people's problems and worry about them, no matter how calm they are. They need to look for a way to relax a little more and maintain a good diet to keep potential health problems at bay.

Generosity and dignity

The most striking characteristics of the children of Nanã and for which they are most recognized are their dignity and generosity. They are noble of heart and show this through their simplest attitudes. The inability to wish evil, even for those who one day did something bad to them, is a very valuable trait of the personality of these people.

This way of seeing life that the children of Nanã inherited from their mother comes from a very great spiritual evolution through which they have passed in their journeys. That is why they are called old souls, since they have acquired experience from other lives to the one they are in now.


The way of living life with tranquility and calmness makes the children of Nanã live longer. Like their mother, who is seen through the image of an elderly woman, these people live many years due to their characteristics.

For the children of Nanã, the elderly phase of life is also a time to enjoy the best of life and they do not cultivate regrets and grudges. For these people, life is something to be valued and for this reason they remain generous, dignified and kind throughout their lives.


Nanan's children inherit a very clear personality trait from their mother, because as she is the oldest Orixá and is considered the grandmother, she has lived a long time and can have grumpy and stubborn attitudes.

Your children are the same way, and when they put something into their minds they are hardly persuaded to do otherwise, unless they understand that it is necessary. Otherwise they are stubborn and insistent. And if something along the way goes wrong, they will still complain a lot about the situation.


The authoritarianism of Nanan's children comes from their old soul, because they believe they have the necessary knowledge about everything. Therefore, their opinions are very strong. One way to see this kind of attitude in action is when faced with a situation that requires a firm hand.

Even if it is something very difficult to resolve, they will not give up and will act seriously until the situation is concluded. For some people this way of acting makes the children of Nanã be seen as serious and introverted people, being even difficult for them to create new friendships.

Sons and daughters of Nanã in love

Even though they are old souls, the children of Nanã in love behave very differently from what one might expect. The love life of these people is of great importance to them.

The way they act in their relationships makes these people remembered by their partners. The calmness that comes from the children of Nanã is a very positive point for them to be able to develop good relationships throughout their lives.

Therefore, the children of Nanã are very passionate and passionate people, and the way they face love is very beautiful to see. Read on to learn more about the children of this powerful Orixá!

They can be very romantic

Children of Nanan are very romantic when they fall in love. The love life is something very prominent in their lives and they value it very much. The old soul brings to these people a very great responsibility.

That is why in their relationships, the children of Nanã manage to maintain the calm that is common to them to understand that people are different and can create very strong bonds. They are passionate, dedicated and make a point of demonstrating to the people they are with through their attitudes.

Long-term relationship

Because they seek stability and quiet in their lives, the children of Nanã prefer long-lasting relationships. This is because when they develop trust in a person they want to take the relationship to other levels.

When they fall in love, they are very dedicated to a relationship and this makes their relationships long lasting, because the children of Nanã, with all the calmness that is natural to them, surrender, show sentimentality and always seek to connect with their partners through their attitudes.

Love is something very important in the lives of these people and that is why they want to live firm relationships that have the potential to last a long time.

Dedicated to the relationship

The dedication to their relationships is something very common among the children of Nanã. They believe so much in love that they give themselves without any fear. When they fall in love, the children of this powerful Orixá make it a point to show that the person they are with is important for their life.

They emphasize this at all times and make their loved one feel this way. They are loving and affectionate people who like to bring the comfort of care to their partners in life. This way of acting makes the children of Nanã live very positive relationships and just like them, guided by calmness, peace and quiet.

A certain control

The control they exercise in their relationships, in general, is so that situations of disagreements and problems that can be solved without conflict do not happen. The children of Nanã are not favorable to conflicting situations and prefer to solve everything on the basis of dialogue, with a good conversation where everything can be explained and understood.

This way of wanting to control things so that they don't end up going wrong can be seen as a need to exercise control, but for these people it is a way to avoid problems such as speculation, jealousy and other bad situations for the relationship.

Acknowledge their mistakes

As much as they are people of great wisdom, the children of Nanã, like all people, are liable to make mistakes in their lives. But the responsibility they carry is so great that these people will hardly make a mistake and pretend that nothing happened.

When they make a mistake, they don't think twice before apologizing for the error and taking responsibility. In their relationships they are also like this, because they are not proud people with these issues and prefer to solve something that they are clearly wrong instead of cultivating an even bigger problem.

Sons and daughters of Nanã in business

At work or in their career, the children of Nanana are dedicated, but do not expect them to be people who will take risks, seek new adventures and live many experiences because for these people it does not work that way.

The children of Nanã seek the quietness and peace that is common to them and part of their personalities. Therefore, for these people it is important that this is something present in their days and in their life in general, and especially in the work sector.

In this way, the greatest search in the lives of the children of Nanã will always be for stability, as this makes them feel good and in control of their lives. See some more of her characteristics below!

Always cautious

The caution with which the children of Nanã act in various sectors of their lives is something very remarkable. They are people who seek the comfort that quiet and peace provide. Therefore, you will hardly see these people committing an act of imprudence at work or risking an adventure that they are not sure if it will work out or not.

For these people the risk is not worth it and they prefer to tread on firm ground. In this way, the children of Nanã seek safe attitudes at work, which do not complicate them in any way or can harm the performance of their activities.

Dedication to the domain area

The dedication with which the children of Nanã carry out their activities is something admirable. When they decide to do something, these people go deep, seek knowledge about the subject and want to be holders of deep knowledge about what they are doing.

This is a characteristic inherited from the mother, who is an Orixá of great wisdom and who always seeks to be guided by the knowledge that was acquired throughout her journey. Therefore, the children of Nanã also act in this way. They are dedicated and always seek to know more about the area they already master because for them this is something primordial and necessary.

Natural leadership

They may even have the gift for leadership, as they are people who seek to be experienced in their areas. But it is common for the children of Nanã to prefer to act alone in their tasks. Although they can play a very positive role in work done in groups, their preference will always be to act alone.

They manage to command groups and lead because they have a wise soul and people in general respect their knowledge because they know they are people who have baggage and experiences about what they are talking about.

Professions that make money

The children of Nanã, in general, seek comfort in their lives. Therefore, they end up dedicating themselves to professions in which there is a fair recognition through good salaries and income. It is common for these people to feel satisfied in prestigious positions.

But they can also be excellent professionals in areas such as psychology and education, as they have a natural gift for teaching, besides having a great connection with children due to Nanã's influence and her characteristics as a grandmother.

Sons and daughters of Nanã in the conviviality

Living close to a son of Nanan can be considered a gift because these people bring calmness to the lives of those who live with them. They are people that are certainly worth keeping in your life, because they will always have a good word or advice to give.

But to really like the children of Nanã you must understand that they have many qualities, but they are not the most sociable people at all times and can isolate themselves and remain more focused on their goals in some corner.

Generally speaking, living with the children of Nanã is very easy. If you can understand their serious way of acting, it is always important to remember that these people have very old souls. See more below!

Good listeners

Because they are people who carry a certain experience with them, since they are considered old souls, the children of Nanã are good listeners and are also excellent counselors.

These people always have something to say to you, whether it's to calm you down, find a way to resolve a complex situation, or solve an issue that seems too difficult to complete. They will always be there for you to listen and help you in whatever it takes.

Little social interaction

Nanã's children may have a little difficulty in social interaction. This comes from their mother, who brings this grumpier characteristic to them, so they end up being very complaining when they are in a bad mood.

Social interactions for these people also end up being a challenge because they can't stand people who like to show off. Therefore, they will hardly like to participate in large events and parties. For these people, the good times are usually with family and friends in small gatherings.

Advocates for your family

The family for the children of Nanã is something that is at the top of their priorities. These people value a lot the presence and interaction with their family members.

Therefore, they like to enjoy their free time having family gatherings in which they can enjoy a good meal, share moments, tell stories and live to the fullest near the people who matter most in their lives.

The children of Nanã value family aspects very much and are extremely attached to the people who make up their family and will always have these as their priorities in life.

Caring people

The affection and care of Nanan's people are very present characteristics in their attitudes. As these are calm people who value this, in general the way to show that they like someone or care is through affectionate gestures. The children of Nanan are entirely dedicated to the people they love, whether in their relationships, friends or family.

People who are important in their lives will always be loved and will receive as much affection as possible to make them feel that way. Through their attitudes, these people show interest in the preferences of the people in their lives and may even take on something with them that they have never done before just to show how much they care.

A lot of sincerity

Sincerity is a very present quality in the children of Nanã, who cannot use half words. People who live with them know very well that they cannot act in a false way or omit their opinions just to avoid being contrary to something they do not believe in.

This way of acting is part of Nanã's temperament, who passes on to her children this quality of always wanting to know the truth, no matter how much it may hurt.

Baths for the sons and daughters of Nanã

The baths that are made in Umbanda or Candomblé, in general, are for cleansing, energizing and to free the person from all the evil that may be being thrown at them in some way. Thus, the baths dedicated to the children of Nanã are intended to protect them and are also made for the discharge, which is in charge of ridding them of the bad energies that are around them.

It is recommended that these baths be done in the week of Nanã's day, that is, they must be done in the week of July 26. See below how the bath is prepared for the children of Nanã!

Discharge bath

For the bath of discharge, the materials needed are: alfavaca, old man's cinnamon, alteia malvarisco, coônia, purple basil, birdwort and parsley beach. Gather all these herbs and pay attention to the preparation.

First, boil the water that will be used for the bath and put into the container all the herbs that were mentioned. Stir the preparation clockwise. It is necessary to use a wooden spoon for this.

Then leave the pot covered for 3 hours so that it can be infused. Before using the preparation, take a bath and then pour the strained water from this infusion from head to toe and ask for positive energies for Nanã.

Protective bath

For the protective bath, the herbs that will be used are: cologne, birdsfoot grass, jasmine, purple basil and cinnamon. To prepare, boil the water and place the herbs into the container afterwards.

Remember to always stir everything clockwise, using a wooden spoon, for 5 minutes. After that, cover the pot that was used and leave it to infuse for 6 hours. Take your bath to sanitize and then, with the drained water, throw the preparation from the neck down and ask for the protection of Nanã.

Is it possible to say that the children of Nanã have an elderly spirit?

Because of the characteristics that are inherited from their mother, Nanã, the Orixá's children generally have a vision of older people, as well as their attitudes will also be very similar to those of older people.

Because of this, it is common that the children of Nanã are seen as people who have an old soul, an ancient spirit. This is reflected through the attitudes of these people, who always show themselves very wise, just like the Orixá, because they have this old soul full of knowledge about life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.