Venus in 11th house in the birth chart: retrograde, solar revolution and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Venus in the 11th house

The planet Venus in the 11th house can symbolize individuals who are more sensitive to other people's issues and are always looking for the welfare of everyone, which ends up hurting you, because you leave your personal interests last.

You will understand in this article the meanings of Venus in the 11th house and how they can affect the life of those who are ruled by them. Next you will understand everything about Venus in the 11th house and why it is so important to perform the birth chart to understand in which sign and house Venus is influencing your life.

Meaning of Venus

Venus is the second planet in the order of distance from the Sun, its orbit is between Earth and Mercury, but it is much more than a planet and has many mythological meanings. You will see below everything about Venus in mythology and astrology.

Venus in mythology

Venus appears in Greek and Roman mythology, in the latter she is a goddess of love and beauty, equivalent to the goddess Aphrodite in Greek mythology. About her origin, there are two theories, one says that she was generated by sea foam inside a shell and another says that she is the daughter of two gods, Jupiter and Dione.

The goddess was the wife of Vulcan, but she had extramarital relations with the god of war, Mars. She was represented as a woman who had a vacant gaze, but her eyes were the most ideal of female beauty. She had a chariot pulled by swans.

Venus in astrology

The planet Venus symbolizes love, beauty, appreciation for aesthetics and material things, as well as pleasure. Venus is the ruler of the signs Taurus and Libra, and can bring to the natives of these signs much beauty, love, sexuality and passion.

It is associated with houses 2 and 7, and house 2 speaks about financial issues and the need to acquire material goods, while house 7 speaks about relationships and partnerships. In your birth chart Venus will indicate the way you express your feelings, how you attract people, how you seduce them and what you value in all relationships.

Basis of Venus in the 11th house

Venus in the 11th house will show how you are dealing with your emotions and relationships, and may show that you are a sensitive person who cares a lot about the well-being of others. Understand more about Venus in the 11th house below.

How to discover my Venus

So that you can find out where Venus is in your birth chart, you need to check the day, month and year of your birth and see in which sign Venus was in that exact period. In some years you will see that the planet can stay stopped for some months in the same signs, but don't worry, this happens due to the movement of the planets as the days go by.

For example, if you were born on February 15, 1980, your Venus is in Aries, another example is if you were born on April 23, 1997, your Venus is in Taurus. It is enough to know your date of birth and consult an astrological chart.

Meaning of the 11th house

The 11th house is the penultimate house of the astrological mandala and it talks mainly about collectivity. It deals with joint actions, the way people show solidarity with each other, how they care for their neighbour and the friendships that mark a lifetime and open up social circles.

So, the purpose of the 11th house is to think about the collective, the community and the people around us, seeking a more just and dignified society for all people. The 11th house is analogous to the sign of Aquarius and the rulers Saturn and Uranus, its main element is air, which brings fluidity, the need to socialize and the power of thoughts.

What Venus reveals in the birth chart

The planet Venus in a woman's birth chart will indicate how she will seduce, it can also show how she will express her affectivity, her tastes and all the things that give her pleasure. For you to connect and tune into the true pattern of seduction that Venus offers, it is important to know the positioning of the planet in the birth chart.

For men, the presence of Venus in their chart will show the type of person they will be attracted to, so it is more related to the person they will be seduced by than their own power of seduction. In men's charts the power of conquest and seduction is represented by Mars.

Venus in the 11th house

People who present Venus in the 11th house in their birth chart will be attractive people, being generally very popular, fair and extremely communicative. For this reason, they are surrounded by friends and people who love them very much.

Sometimes they may end up being influenced by others to behave in a certain way, this may cause them to have standardized tastes and desires by people, and not according to what they really want.

Venus in 11th house in the birth chart

People who have Venus in the 11th house in their birth chart are extremely sociable, with much interest in other people, especially if they come from different environments or have original interests. Because they are always looking for friendships, their social talent gives them many professional advantages and they take great pleasure in social gatherings which are work-related.

They have a talent for working in groups, even more so when the group is made up of women, they also have many humanitarian values and would be extremely happy to help people in any way. They are people with kind and tolerant attitudes towards others.

In more intimate relationships, the social life will be very important as they are not comfortable channelling all their love and affection to just one person, so you need to continue with social connections. However, you can be a little cold when it comes to affection and affection.

Venus in 11th house in transit

The transit of Venus through the signs and houses can be considered auspicious, since this planet usually radiates harmony, balance, beauty, is able to activate tastes, values and invites us to live with great joy.

When Venus transits a sign, it will radiate in it its qualities and attributes. All the activities of the sign will be blessed by the charms and balance of Venus. This planet is the portal to love, riches, seduction and harmony.

When he transits, he will enhance the issues and attributes with their qualities and functions, but can also exacerbate some negative aspects of his personality. When he transits the houses, will indicate in which sector of life will act, for example, if he is in the seventh house will express itself in marriage and relationships, if in the fourth house will express itself in the home.

Personality traits of those who have Venus in the 11th house

Venus in the 11th house can end up influencing the personality of those who have this ruler. Some aspects can be considered positive, but others can be interpreted as negative. You will see the negative and positive characteristics of the planet in the 11th house below.

Positive features

The 11th house is one of the most beneficial of the Zodiac, because it shows the gains and fruits of hard work, even more if Venus is in contact with Jupiter, it can indicate that friendships strengthen and awaken moments of leisure.

Those who know the natives of the 11th house in Venus know that they are very captivating people, both by their appearance and by their good conversation. They are very useful friends and faithful partners.

Negative characteristics

One of the negative points is that people ruled by this planet in the 11th house can end up idealizing their partners too much. Because they have tastes focused on material things, they can be superficial and futile.

Besides idealizing their partners, they don't give much affection, so they can be considered colder and drier, which many times, for a relationship, is something very bad.

The influence of Venus in the 11th house

As the planet Venus can affect the personality of those ruled by it, it is clear that it will also influence how people see life, how they behave in love and at work. Learn more about this, below.

In love and relationships

Venus in the 11th house will provide true friendships and relationships established through group activities. Being very generous people, you will receive this gesture in double from your friends.

Natives with Venus in this house usually have friendships with the opposite sex, and usually the partner in marriage is introduced by friends or acquaintances in group activities. So, very often friends become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Collective view of life

Because they are people who enjoy relationships, the natives with Venus in the 11th house will be people who believe that life is better when you have friends. They are very concerned about their fellow man and believe that it is possible to change the world if people unite for a greater good, because they believe in the power of collectivity.

A little more about Venus in the 11th house

So far you have learned everything about Venus in the 11th house, but there are still some aspects that can influence this planet even more, such as whether it is retrograde or not and if the 11th house is going through a solar revolution. See more, below.

Venus retrograde in the 11th house

The native may present a curiosity to live without direction, so he or she will seek satisfaction in many different directions. You want to try everything, but you can't make up your mind about what. You end up expressing a lot of personal rejection, and this will cause you to withdraw.

In past incarnations he experienced different things which pleased him greatly, so he has become a person who is constantly seeking new experiences. His future will be based on how much he still clings to his fantasies of the past. He needs to learn discernment and choose more refined relationships.

Venus in solar revolution in the 11th house

Venus in solar revolution in the 11th house will facilitate the most insignificant successes, the fulfilment of desires and also the fulfilment of hopes. You may be marking a fruitful but passing female friendship which will bring you promises of satisfactions coming from friends and relationships.

Can people with Venus in the 11th house have problems with gossip?

If Venus is in a bad aspect, they may have little discrimination when it comes to choosing friends, this will cause people with bad intentions and interests to approach and want at all costs to take advantage of their collectivity, so it is very likely that they will have problems with these people and the gossip that will arise.

In general, Venus in the 11th house is very peaceful and brings many benefits to the life of his natives. Good friends, attractive, trustworthy and very communicative, certainly being friends or relating to these people can be very good, but beware, because he will test your limits to believe you are trustworthy.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.