Energy of the stones: quartz, jasper, opal, tourmaline, agate and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the energy of the stones?

Stones are natural energy sources because they were formed in the depths of the Earth billions of years ago. Therefore, in their composition there are physical and chemical properties that produce energy capable of neutralizing dense and negative energies. Therefore, they can be used to purify water and absorb radiation from electronic devices.

In addition, the stones act in the physical body blocking the bad energies, envy, and keep away ill-intentioned people and conflict. Still, its energy helps in spiritual and mediumistic awakening, relieves tension and anxiety and brings many other benefits that act to balance the emotional state and vibrational field.

Throughout this article, we have selected a wide variation of stones that, in addition to bringing positive effects, are easy to find and use. To learn more, continue reading.

Stone Energy

All stones transmit and absorb energy, but each stone is unique and has its own properties and characteristics, acting with different purposes in the body and environment. Therefore, check out in this topic, the main stones and simply learn how to use them in everyday life. See below.


Aquamarine promotes an energetic cleansing, giving back emotional and spiritual balance. With its energy, it is able to calm the mind and the heart, besides being used in mild cases of depression. For your physical health, this stone strengthens the immune system, bringing more strength and vitality.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is considered a protective stone capable of neutralizing bad vibes of people and the whole environment where it is. In addition, by emitting ions, it absorbs the emission of radiation from electro-electronics such as cell phones, computers, among others. This mineral can also be used to eliminate impurities from water.

The Black Tourmaline, is a stone that contains high energy protection, bringing benefits to your physical and spiritual body, because it increases immunity, activates blood circulation and brings emotional balance. In addition, of course, protect against malicious people and envious, and even to undo spiritual works.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is considered an amulet to elevate spirituality, bring mental clarity, protect against energetic attacks and improve communication, harmonizing interpersonal relationships. In addition, it is able to activate intuition and expand the connection with your inner self.

For the physical body, Lapis lazuli helps in the relief of headaches, throat and larynx pain. In addition, this stone helps combat anxiety, depression and mood swings, aiding in emotional balance and insomnia.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, also known as "The stone of love", has the power to harmonize relationships and strengthen family ties. This crystal is able to promote emotional healing for those who have it, as well as raise self-love and self-esteem. When used on the body or in the environment, this stone channels low vibrations, transforming them into an energy of love and lightness.

Besides neutralizing the negative energy, the Rose Quartz acts in the healing of physical diseases such as poor circulation and kidney problems, for example. Stress and anxiety can trigger other health problems, so the crystal is ideal to soothe and calm the mood disorders.


Agate is a beautiful stone that can be found in various types and colors: blue agate, fire agate, moss and dendrite. In general, it emanates vibrations that bring emotional healing, self-confidence and stimulate positive thinking. In addition, this stone has properties that balance the energy field, aligning the chakras.

For therapeutic purposes, Agate brings numerous health benefits, such as, for example, intestinal diseases, skin, anxiety and stress. Therefore, it is worth having a stone like this near the body and also in the environment, to raise the energy and protect against any negativity that is around.


Moldavite is a rare mineral believed to have originated from the fall of a meteorite and has a high energetic concentration. Therefore, it contains properties that help, mainly, in spiritual elevation, promoting the expansion of personal and planetary consciousness. This crystal is also a powerful source of protection and good luck.

Being a high vibration crystal, its use by holistic therapists is very common, because, besides absorbing bad energies, Moldavite helps to cure physical diseases. However, its use, in some cases, can cause headaches and if this happens, it is due to the restoration of the vibrational field.


Malachite is a stone of healing and energetic expansion, besides aligning the DNA and protecting against bad energies that at all times try to attack the aura. Furthermore, this stone helps in spiritual elevation, promoting greater inner and outer consciousness.

For health, Malachite, contains healing properties that balance the entire functioning of the body. In addition, this stone decreases menstrual cramps and increases the libido of women. However, it can release a toxic substance, so opt for the polished stone and avoid contact with the nasal mucous membranes and mouth.


Fluorite is a beautiful stone that has the power to increase the personal radiance of the wearer, as well as raising self-confidence and self-esteem. This makes the person more attractive to the eyes of others. Intelligence and intuition are also activated when this stone is in contact near the body or present on site.

With this stone, envy and any negative energy are neutralized, bringing lightness to the physical and spiritual body. Fluorite acts on several comorbidities, such as internal wounds, flu and joint problems. With rejuvenating properties, this crystal can also fight premature aging.

Blue Cyanite

Blue Cyanite is one of the most powerful stones, especially because it is associated with the sword of Archangel Michael. It cuts and promotes healing against all evils caused by negative energies and dissolves spiritual works. With this crystal it is also possible to increase intuition and mediumistic capacity.

Being a very special crystal, Blue Cyanite brings benefits that can be felt as soon as you start using it, because it helps calm the heart in difficult moments and brings strength and courage to face fears. Therefore, cultivating good emotions tends to reflect on health, acting on several diseases.


The Amazonite or Amazon stone attracts good energies, opening the way for prosperity and abundance personal and professional. Its gem wards off the evil eye, envy, negative thoughts and bad feelings. In addition, this stone absorbs radiation from electronic equipment.

By using the stone on the body, concentration is enhanced, facilitating learning, creativity and increasing the perception about oneself and external issues. Amazonite also helps the physical body, since it regulates the metabolism, besides improving the symptoms of stress and anxiety.


Amethyst is a crystal linked to wisdom, emotional and spiritual balance. The strong energy that this stone emanates can dissipate all the negative charge and protect against evil spirits. Its use raises the intuitive power, in addition to expanding consciousness, being able to bring revealing and transformative answers.

Furthermore, Amethyst helps to fight addictions and sabotaging feelings that tend to weaken not only the physical body but also the spiritual energy. Therefore, this stone is excellent to meditate and control anxiety crises, decreasing the heart rate and relieving tension, besides providing a good night's sleep.


Citrine is a solar crystal whose energy is capable of energizing even other stones. This stone has a high power to attract success, financial prosperity and personal fulfillment. It also cuts the vibrations of fear and insecurity and brings motivation to go in pursuit of goals.

The Citrine stone also acts on health as an excellent detox, that is, it eliminates toxins present in the body, accelerating the metabolism and thus promoting vitality and joy of life. Moreover, for those who live overloaded on the verge of mental fatigue, this crystal is ideal to bring concentration and emotional balance.


Jasper is one of the few stones that can be found in different parts of the world, where there is a wide variation of colors and textures, which makes it one of the most complete stones to carry with you. In general, this stone protects against evil and attracts good energies, besides harmonizing the chakras and emotions.

The therapeutic effects of Jasper are many, as it renews the cells of the body, brings cheerfulness, improves blood circulation, and renews sexual energy. Both in the environment and on the body, it raises the energy vibrations, blocking the envy and people who are not resonating in the same tune.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper has the power to fight bad energies and break spells or any work of spiritual nature. Its energy is able to purify any place, causing it to attract good vibrations that are compatible with the place.

In addition, this stone has effects that benefit and bring well-being, such as, for example, calms the mind and heart, eliminates limiting beliefs, eases family conflicts and improves the quality of sleep.


Obsidian is known as a powerful protective shield capable of neutralizing any energetic attack. In addition, it activates personal power, attracting personal and professional success and recognition. This stone close to the body tends to bring mental clarity, stimulating intuition and mediumship.

Having an Obsidian as a personal amulet or as an object of decoration will bring healing of the soul, good communication and harmonious social coexistence. Its power is also beneficial to neutralize the tension that triggers physical and emotional problems.


Onyx is a stone of personal attraction, its energy brings self-confidence and emotional security to achieve what you want. In addition, it transmutes the bad energies that try to attack the vibrational field both personal and the environment in which it is.

In the physical body, this stone decreases anxiety, insomnia and impulsive behavior, stimulating self-control and good decision making. In addition, it increases immunity and benefits health as a whole, bringing more willingness and vigor.


The energy of the Opal stone offers protection against harmful vibrations that can disturb the physical and emotional balance. Thus, the aura is strengthened against energetic attacks, in addition to awakening to spiritual gifts and expanding the perception about oneself and the universe as a whole.

Opal also stimulates self-love and harmony in relationships, especially affective ones. The couple tends to become more in tune with each other, causing the passion to remain intense and prolonged. Therefore, if your relationship is going through a crisis, leave the stone in a place in your room.

Tiger Eye

The Tiger Eye stone absorbs the negative energies of envy and evil eye, transmuting into good vibrations for those who have it and throughout the environment. In addition, it brings vitality, self-esteem and eases the fights and conflicts, internal and external.

Tiger Eye stimulates you to live without fear, overcoming obstacles and thus being able to see the true purpose of life. This stone is also considered an amulet that brings good luck, financial and personal prosperity.

Moon Stone

The energy of the Moonstone is associated with feminine power, stimulating the mediumistic and intuitive powers, besides being beneficial to balance the physical and emotional health, especially for women.

This stone also has the ability to raise the energy field, making the person who uses it increase personal magnetism and become more attractive. In addition, it strengthens and awakens the mind to find the resolution of problems difficult to solve.

To make use of the energy of the stones

To extract the energy of the stones, it is necessary to use them correctly. However, it is very simple and easy to handle them to bring the effects that you want to attract. Below, check how the energies of the stones work, how to use them and the secret to enhance the results. Follow.

How the energies of stones work

Stones are elements of nature and due to their chemical and physical properties absorb and transmute the vibrations of people and the environment. Thus, the stones have been used since ancient peoples, because its high energetic power promotes cleaning and vibrational harmony.

Moreover, everything on planet Earth emanates positive and negative energies. The role of stones is precisely to balance the polarities in order to stimulate and spread good fluids to promote energetic protection, prosperity, healthy relationships and a full life, connecting humans with the power of nature and the universe.

How to use the energies of the stones

To use the energies of the stones in your favor, you can simply leave them near your body or hold them for a few minutes. It is also favorable to place the stones in the environment, in a place, preferably near or facing the entrance door, as this will ensure maximum energetic protection.

The secret to stronger results

The secret to having stronger results with the energies of the stones is to program them so that they attract exactly what you want. Therefore, before using the stones, it is necessary to mentalize good things and firm the thought in the benefits to manifest the power that the stone has over you and the place of your choice.

What is the source of the stones' energy?

The source of energy of the stones, firstly, comes from their chemical and physical composition. Moreover, everything on Earth emanates positive and negative energies. The stones have properties capable of absorbing bad energies and transmuting good vibrations.

Thus, both for the person who holds the stone and for the environment, it harmonizes thoughts and brings various benefits that awaken to spirituality and raise intuition, increases personal power, and opens paths to material prosperity.

Therefore, stones have been recognized for their power since ancient times and are used not only to ward off envy and evil spirits, but also for therapeutic purposes that, although not scientifically proven, it is known that the stones emanate vibrations that can assist in healing physical and emotional ailments.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.