Equal time 12:12: meaning in numerology, angels and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the equal time 12:12 mean

The equal hours 12:12 are particularly interesting because they are connected to the noon time, when the subconscious can take over part of consciousness and cause you to look at time, experiencing this kind of synchronicity.

When this kind of experience starts happening more frequently, it tends to become a bit disconcerting for people who don't yet know what it means. Therefore, knowing more about it is interesting to know what the equal time 12:12 is trying to warn you about.

Thus, the present article will address these issues in more detail. Read on to know more about it.

What numerology says about the equal time 12:12

The time 12:12, in numerology, represents the number 24 due to the sum of the digits. Thus, it can be considered positive for various areas of life, such as love and career. So, once someone visualizes this number frequently, they should take the time to focus on their personal needs.

Therefore, the message is that you should remember what the pillars of your life are and invest your communication skills in exactly those sectors. But, there are also messages linked to self-love and personal fulfillment within the equal hours 12:12. To learn more about this, continue reading the article.

Search for self-love

The number 24 obtained from the sum of each 12 present in the schedule suggests the need to search for self-love more intensely. Visualizing the equal hours in question frequently is indicative that you have been dedicating more time to others and leaving your needs in the background.

So, remember to set aside time and space that are yours alone, without the intervention of others. Keep in mind that you deserve this special care and dedication and have been needing it these days.

The power of communication

The hours equal 12:12 indicate that those who visualize it regularly have an excellent power of communication. Therefore, it should be used at the present time in order to enhance social life, making it more agitated than it has been.

This will be able to provide new, even more interesting experiences, which will enrich your life and perhaps pave the way for even greater and more meaningful adventures alongside important people.

Determination for realization

People who visualize the time equal 12:12 frequently have determination to achieve their goals. But in addition, the time also indicates that your wishes can be fulfilled through a request whenever it is seen on the clock.

The 12:12 indicates that the forces of the universe are willing to reach out to you to help you realise your wishes. So take this opportunity to act and also know how to accept the support offered by fate.

Responsibility to the nature of things

Another message brought by number 24 is connected to the responsibility with nature. Those who frequently visualize this schedule are people who are attached to this cause and are very concerned about sustainability.

But beyond this, these people know how to wait for things to happen and believe that everything will come to fruition when the time is right. Therefore you try to honour your word in all situations and avoid making promises you cannot keep as this can lead to disappointment.

What the angels say about equal time 12:12

Those who see the hours equal 12:12 frequently are receiving a message from their guardian angels regarding their most ambitious plans. The guardians are indicating that they may come true, even if you think they are distant projects.

Furthermore, protectors wish to emphasize that you have the right to desire these things and to act to achieve them even if circumstances point to a contrary scenario, so even if you suffer criticism for it, don't give up on succeeding.

Next, the angels' messages about the equal time 12:12 will be covered in more detail.Read on.

Aniel the guardian angel from 12:00 to 12:20

The corresponding angel of 12:12 is Aniel, whose schedule extends from 12:00 to 12:20. He is considered a symbol of bravery and divine breath. Because of that, he allows his protégés to absorb the knowledge contained in the Laws of Creation, responsible for ruling life in general.

In addition, Aniel helps people overcome challenges that arise in their life by giving them the courage to do so. Aniel offers outlets for his protégés. To learn more about the angel 1212, Aniel, his time of influence, and his messages, read Angel 1212: meanings, message, equal hours, numerology, and more!

Strong spiritual connection

The time 12:12 has a very deep spiritual connection. It is understood to be a time of day when clairvoyance and mediumship are at their peak. Therefore, people who have closer connections with these aspects and with the higher planes tend to feel this even more acutely after viewing this time frequently.

In addition, the equal hours 12:12 also carries an important message about investing in more knowledge in these areas to develop spirituality further.

Time to get rid of bad habits

During the hours of 12:12, the angels offer the necessary encouragement for you to work on your bad habits in order to be able to abandon them. Due to the clairvoyant ability brought by the equal hours, you will be able to find exactly what is harming you.

It may be the presence of a person, an addiction or even something ordinary that is slowing down your routine significantly. From the message brought by the timetable you will be able to get rid of it and move on to more prosperous paths.

Message for the love life

People who visualize the hours equal 12:12 frequently are receiving a very positive message from the angels about their love life. It will undergo a number of positive changes in the near future. Such changes may be associated with a meeting with someone new.

But in case you are a committed person, the timetable warns you that your relationship is about to enter a very positive phase. Your romantic life will become even better and you will feel closer to your partner.

Message for professional life

The professional life of people who visualize the 12:12 also undergoes a considerable improvement. The angels are warning you about an idea that you will have in the near future which should be given full attention, since it will make a difference in your career and direct you towards new horizons.

So no matter how ambitious and bold it may seem right now, don't immediately dismiss it. Try to reflect on the feasibility and know that you will have the spiritual support you need to move forward.

What the Tarot says about the equal time 12:12

The equal hours 12:12 find their correspondence in three different Tarot cards. The first of these is The Hanged Man, which is the arcane number 12. However, The Magician, card 1, and The Priestess, card 2, also interfere with the meaning of the hours, expanding their possibilities.

About The Hanged Man, the main card, it is worth noting that the messages do not tend towards a positive side. In fact, the card suggests inertia on the part of the person who encounters it and can be a real obstacle to their progress in life.

Below, we will comment more aspects about the representation of the 12:12 in the Tarot. Read on.

The 12th card "The Hanged Man"

The Hanged Man is a card that speaks about incapacity. It represents a consulter who finds himself trapped and unable to find a way out of a specific situation, which is very uncomfortable and from which he cannot find a way out.

However, the letter does point to the prospect that a period of waiting may be enough for the arrival of liberation, whether physical or psychological. But, it is worth noting that this is one of the few positive points of The Hanged Man.

The card 1 "The Magician"

The Tarot Card 1, The Magician, has all the necessary tools to be able to unlock the unknown possibilities which arise in your life. It is a very objective arcane which speaks about communicative talents and the ability to learn new skills.

In addition, the ideas of willpower and cleverness are present in The Magician, pointing to a consulent who is able to materialize his wishes if the opportunities that present themselves are properly grasped by him.

The card 2 "The Priestess"

The Priestess is considered a feminine card that speaks about patience, wisdom and the ability to listen before drawing conclusions about a certain subject. It also has a very strong connection with intuition and piety.

In general, its attributes are all associated with women. Besides the characteristics mentioned above, The Priestess is also a mysterious card, capable of revealing a lot about the nature of the consulter and speaks about wisdom and faith.

What beliefs say about the number 12

The number 12 is present in several religions and has several messages. For example, the apostles who followed Jesus Christ were 12 and even after Judas' betrayal, he was replaced by Matthias so that the number remained the same, confirming his connection with the divine.

But, besides the Judeo-Christian religions, 12 is also present in the Afro-Brazilian religions, in Islam and in Greek mythology, buying the importance of this number and the power that its messages can bring to the life of those who frequently see it at the same time. Read on to know more about it.

For Judaism

In addition to the apostles, which are also part of Jewish tradition, the number finds significance in Judaism due to the 12 tribes of Israel. According to the religion, they originated the 12 sons of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, and received their names because of this.

According to the story, each of the 12 families of Jacob's sons maintained a different culture and identity and, therefore, they functioned as completely independent tribes. Thus, there was no identification of unity among them.

For Christianity

According to the Holy Bible, after the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection, Jesus Christ had 12 different appearances. Besides appearing to the apostles Matthew, Luke, John and Mark, he also has other passages throughout the New Testament.

These passages, in turn, are present in the book of Acts, in Corinthians (1:15) and in the Apocalypse. In addition, it is also possible to count an apparition to Mary Magdalene and some that happened were from the New Testament, as is the case of the Gospel of the Hebrews.

For Islam

The numbers 1 and 2 are linked to the ideas of masculine and feminine. Thus, their duality is present in the meaning of strength, power and ambition marked by the 1, which is masculine, against the ambiguity and mystery of the feminine.

So while 1 would represent a connection to the heavens, 2 would be the bottom of the sea, as well as being directly linked to the idea of reflection. In addition, once mirrored it forms a heart, giving the idea of two people who are in love.

For Afro-Brazilian religions

In some Afro-Brazilian religions, 12 is linked to the Odu Eli Laxeborá, which is ruled by Xangô. In addition, it has a very strong sense of justice inside and likes to do things correctly, something that is corroborated by its ruler.

These characteristics are reflected in the personality of people who are ruled by this Odu, who also tend to be dedicated to the things they believe in and seek to do what they can to help those around them.

For Greek mythology

The number 12 finds several echoes in Greek mythology, such as the 12 labours of Hercules, but, without a doubt, the most obvious is related to the 12 Gods of Olympus. All of them lived on Mount Olympus and that's exactly why they received this name.

It is worth mentioning that these gods are considered the main Greek divinities and lived in a huge palace, in which they had some other gods that served them. In addition, they consumed some foods, such as nectar and ambrosia, which acquired a sacred connotation.

The integral numbers of the hour 12:12

The meanings of the equal hours 12:12 are also connected with the numbers that compose it. Therefore, the meaning of 1, 2 and 121 add other meanings to this time and help to amplify the messages brought by the numeral.

Thus, it is important to know the meanings of these numbers to better understand the messages that guardian angels send through the 12:12 and also what numerology has to say about the numerals in question.

Thus, the meanings will be covered throughout the next section of the article. So, if you want to know more about the equal time 12:12, read on.

Meaning of the number 1

In numerology, the 1 speaks about beginnings, especially of new cycles. Thus the numeral is considered unique and absolute, having connection with the creative energy of people, as well as with their originality and power.

It is also worth mentioning that the 1 is a masculine energy number and therefore has the necessary impetus and strength to achieve his goals, being very focused on practical actions. It can also be associated with courage and self-confidence.

Meaning of the number 2

2 is a number that represents duality. Therefore, the negative and the positive meet within this number, but in a way that can be considered balanced since both are in search of harmony. So, by essence, 2 can be considered a positive number.

In general, your energy can be considered passive and focused on characteristics associated with the feminine, such as passivity, the ability to ponder and the search for knowledge. It is also associated with intuition.

Meaning of number 12

The number 12 is a number that has symbology in several different cultures and its meaning is associated with justice, balance and elevation in general. It is the zenith number of the Sun and represents the moment in which the king star reaches its high point of light.

In addition, the 12 still finds representation in Tarot, astrology and ancient alchemy, proving its status as a divine number and reinforcing the potency of the 12:12 messages.

Meaning of number 121

121 is composed of a combination between the energies of 1 and 2. However, the influence of 1 is amplified due to the fact that it appears doubled to make up the number in question. Thus, the idea of new beginnings, creativity and motivation is much stronger within 121.

But, the balance present in 2, as well as its ambiguity and focus on relationships do not disappear completely and continue to be part of the messages brought by the number in question.

Meaning of number 212

212 is also composed of the energies of 1 and 2. However, the scenario changes and 2 becomes dominant. Therefore, it is a number that speaks about success, about consideration and also has an idea of intrinsic adventure. People who resonate in 212 are diplomatic and have good social skills.

Moreover, these people like to experiment and explore other possibilities to do their activities. Due to these characteristics they tend to work very well in teams and become good leaders.

Meaning of number 6 (1+2+1+2)

Number 6 is associated with the idea of harmony and balance. It is a very conciliatory number which also has close ties with justice, honesty and truth. Moreover, its harmonious aspects are associated with the family and the home.

It can be said that people who resonate in 6 have art-oriented aptitudes and tend to have good lives as far as love and fidelity of their partners are concerned. They are tolerant, intelligent and caring.

Meaning of number 3 (1+2)

3 is a number geared towards communication. Therefore, it works towards expanding creativity and improving sociability between people, putting the lives of those who resonate with 3 in constant motion.

In the religious sense, it represents the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of each person's soul.

Meaning of hours with 1212

Besides the 12:12 itself, there are several other times throughout the day that have a combination of the numbers 1 and 2. However, their meanings and the messages sent by angels through these times are quite different.

Thus, the equal hours 21:21, for example, speak about important projects and indicate that the patience of those who visualize frequently will finally be rewarded, justifying their effort, a very different meaning from that brought by 12:12.

Next, the messages of the remaining hours containing the numbers 1 and 2 will be explored in more detail. Read on to learn more about this.

Meaning of the hour 12:12

The meaning of the hours 12:12 are associated with the achievement of goals, no matter how impossible they may sound to those viewing the time. By sending these messages the angels wish to communicate that they support these plans and will stand by their protégés on their journey.

Therefore, the time is an indication of progress and is very connected to the idea of spirituality, being favorable for clairvoyance and mediumship in general. Even those who see the 12:!2 should invest in these areas.

Meaning of the hour 21:21

The message at 21:21 is very important and talks about an important project. Therefore, the equal time indicates that if you are working on it, go ahead and you will be very successful.

If you are seeing this number now, it is a sign that you have proven yourself patient and will be rewarded for it. This is the ideal time to reap the rewards of your hard work. This is the time to see prosperity coming into your life and it is possible that you will be promoted.

Meaning of the hour 12:21

If you are frequently seeing the time 12:21, do not ignore this warning. This is a very special time and a reversed time that wishes to alert you to the fact that your guardian angel will be present to help you assert yourself in a situation that this will be necessary.

However, there is a negative message about a person who has been spreading rumors about you. In this sense, the angels suggest that you should avoid contact with such people and try to choose your friends with more criteria.

Meaning of the hour 21:12

The inverted hour 21:12 is a sign of harmony, so your relationships with others will go through a positive phase as long as you know how to regulate your interactions in the most varied situations, always aiming to keep things in balance.

The time therefore highlights a moment of optimism and plenty of courage, which will be essential for your routine. As long as you follow this way, you will be seen as an enlightened person by those around you and will be admired more.

Meaning of the hour 11:22

The time of 11:22 is a dream manifestation and indicates that you are going through a phase of spiritual growth. This all tends to lead you to a series of personal improvements, so that you will end this journey as an improved version of yourself.

In addition, the number aims to help you see your goals more clearly and seeks to remind you of the importance of staying positive because it can help you reach your goals.

Meaning of the hour 22:11

The message brought by the time of 10:11pm is quite positive. The guardian angels are trying to communicate that you will be a more productive person at this stage of your life. In addition, you will be more willing to embrace the opportunities that come your way.

It's worth noting that one of these opportunities will be to improve your family life. So try to be more optimistic about this and your energies will remain balanced and may even lead you towards a leadership position at work.

What is the main message of the equal time 12:12?

One of the main messages of the 12:12 is connected to karma. Since your guardian angel shows you this schedule often, it means you are getting an opportunity to keep it balanced.

Thus, your energies will allow the imbalances that are preventing you from achieving the desired success will disappear from the help of your protectors from the spiritual plane.

In this way it will be possible to let go of negative habits, even those you have been cultivating for some time. 12:12 indicates renewal from a spiritual point of view and therefore your creative energy will be high.

To better understand other possible meanings of the number 1212, continue reading at Meaning of the number 1212: synchronicity, equal time, angel 1212 and more!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.