Hallelujah Saturday: meaning, red meat, prayer and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the Hallelujah Sabbath mean?

Hallelujah Saturday is the day before the date of Easter. On it, the Easter Vigil is held, a time when the faithful dedicate their day and especially the early morning period to pray in the name of Jesus, looking forward to the arrival of his resurrection. On this day, it is also necessary to light the Easter Candle, which is a large candle.

This candle symbolizes Jesus as the light that came to save and guide the world. Because of this, the Eucharist is not permitted on Friday (the day of Christ's crucifixion and death) nor on Holy Saturday, so the altar is covered up. At night, there is a vigil that is divided into several parts and also the Judas' Thrashing, a form of punishment for betraying the Lord.

Want to learn more details about the Hallelujah Sabbath? Check out this article!

Understanding the Hallelujah Sabbath

The previous topic gave a brief description of what the Hallelujah Sabbath is, but there is still much to talk about this very special day that symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus. Check it out below!

What happened on Hallelujah Saturday?

Although today, the Sabbath of Alleluia is a day of joy, because it symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus, it was a day of great sadness for the disciples of Christ. This is because, the day before, Jesus had been condemned and killed on the cross. He had already been warned that this would happen. Thus, the disciples fled, in fear, when Jesus was arrested.

After all his humiliation and death on the cross, Jesus was hastily buried at the end of the day on Friday. The next day, Saturday, was filled with silence and waiting. There seemed to be no solution, but the next day the greatest miracle of all happened: Jesus rose from the dead and began to appear to his disciples, giving them hope.

What is the symbolism of the Sabbath of Alleluia?

In the Christian religion, the Hallelujah Sabbath is celebrated for taking place between Passion Friday, the day of Christ's crucifixion, and the day of his resurrection, Easter Sunday. Therefore, the Hallelujah Sabbath symbolizes the celebration of the joy for Jesus' resurrection. Although it happened on Sunday, its commemoration begins on Saturday night.

This night is called the Easter Vigil. During Lent, Christians decorate their churches with flowers and do not say the word "hallelujah" either, but as of Alleluia Saturday, they can say it again. Thus, this Saturday symbolizes the faithful waiting for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What is the importance of the Hallelujah Sabbath?

The Hallelujah Sabbath brings to Christians the memory that Jesus really died and rose again, not being just a farce, as many believe. He died, just as every human being will have to die. Jesus, even being the Son of God, identified himself with humanity in an integral way, even in death.

However, Jesus went further, for he was able to break through the barriers of death and rose again. Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus gives hope and the certainty that he loved humanity to the end, so much so that he was able to surrender his own life for its sake. Therefore, the Sabbath of Alleluia serves for the faithful to rejoice in the Savior Jesus Christ.

Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday

According to the Catholic Liturgy, there is a vigil celebration preceding all the major Solemnities. The word "vigil" means to spend "a night watching". In other words, during the Easter Vigil, the faithful spend the night watching as a way of preparing for the Sunday of Jesus' Resurrection. Learn more below!

What is Paschal Vigil?

The Easter Vigil is a major Christian celebration commemorated on the eve of Easter Sunday. During this vigil, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It is part of a very old Catholic tradition and is considered the "mother of all vigils". During this celebration, the faithful recite various passages from the Holy Scriptures.

Therefore, the Easter Vigil is divided into four parts, which are: Liturgy of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Baptismal Liturgy and Eucharistic Liturgy. For the followers of Catholicism, the vigil begins after sunset on Hallelujah Saturday. Thus, the Easter Vigil serves to remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Meaning of the Easter Vigil

The meaning of the word Vigil is "to spend the night keeping watch". This has a very significant meaning on the eve of Easter, because it brings to mind a biblical passage (Mk 16:1-7) in which a group of women approach the tomb of Jesus to embalm him, but do not find his body.

Soon after this an angel appeared, telling them that Jesus was no longer there, for he had risen. Thus, the Easter Vigil is an occasion to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning the Messiah.

The liturgy of the Easter Vigil

The liturgy of the Easter Vigil is divided into four parts, each one being: Liturgy of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Baptismal Liturgy and Eucharistic Liturgy. Each one has its own way of being.

The Liturgy of the Word is the moment when the Bible is read, more specifically with 5 passages from the Old Testament. The Baptismal Liturgy speaks of baptism or rebirth, and at this moment, the blessing of the water and the renewal of baptismal promises take place. Finally, there is the Eucharistic Liturgy, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.

Other rituals of the Sabbath of Alleluia

Besides the paschal liturgy, the Saturday of Alleluia also has some other rituals, such as, for example, the Holy Fire and the Judas Churning. You will get to know them in more detail in the following topics. Check them out!

The holy fire of the Sabbath of Alleluia

Traditionally, on Hallelujah Saturday, all the lights of the church are turned off and outside a bonfire is lit with the sparks of a stone. The embers of the bonfire represent the Holy Spirit. During Holy Saturday, the faithful must remain close to the Lord, meditating on his passion and death, awaiting his resurrection.

The church itself does not demand prolonged fasts, however it is advisable, in this period of total recollection and recognition, that no alcoholic beverages or red meat be ingested, because it is not yet the time for celebration, but for penitence and to remember the last moments of Jesus Christ among all.

Judas Maltings on Hallelujah Saturday

The Malhação de Judas (Judas casting) is a popular festival that symbolizes the death of Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ. In Brazil, this celebration is done with the confection of cloth dolls, or some other material, with features of personalities that displease the population.

After that, people gather to "thrash Judas", that is, to torture the dummy in various ways, either by hanging it from trees or burning it on bonfires. This is seen as a kind of popular revenge against Judas' betrayal of Jesus Christ.

Prayer for the Sabbath of Alleluia

Below, check out the prayer to use on the Hallelujah Sabbath:

"Lord Jesus Christ, in the darkness of death Thou hast made light; in the abyss of deepest solitude now forever dwells the mighty protection of Thy love; amidst Thy hiding, we may already sing the hallelujah of the saved.

Grant us the humble simplicity of faith, which does not allow itself to be sidetracked when You call us in the hours of darkness, of abandonment, when everything seems problematic; grant us, in this time in which a mortal struggle is being fought around You, sufficient light so as not to lose You; sufficient light so that we can give it to all those who need it even more.

Let the mystery of your Paschal joy, like the dawn of morning, shine in our days; grant that we may truly be Paschal men in the midst of the Holy Saturday of history. Grant that through the bright and dark days of this time we may always with a joyful spirit find ourselves on the way towards your future glory.

Questions about the Hallelujah Sabbath

There are some very common questions surrounding the celebration of the Hallelujah Sabbath. The following topics aim to clarify several issues. For example, is it permitted to eat meat and listen to music? These and more questions will be answered. Check them out!

Can you eat meat on Hallelujah Saturday?

There is no specific rule stating that the faithful cannot eat red meat or that they must eat only fish during Holy Week. There is no such rule in the Catholic Church's Code of Canon Law, but what the church does recommend is that Christians should abstain from meat or other food during this period.

Since the Sabbath of Alleluia is a day of reflection, prayer and penitence on the part of the faithful, they should abstain from luxurious pleasures as well. Therefore, it is recommended that they perform a fast and abstentions during the Sabbath. This is a day when we are invited to reflect on the passion and death of Christ.

Can you listen to music on Hallelujah Saturday?

For the question of listening to music, there is no specific rule stating that this is forbidden. What the church preaches is that the day before Easter should be devoted to reflection and prayer. Therefore, secular pleasures should be set aside.

Hallelujah Saturday is a time for people to feel the sorrow and grief over the death of Jesus, just as Mary and his disciples did, so try to devote the hours of that day to reflection on the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the practice of prayer.

What not to do on Hallelujah Saturday?

According to the Catholic tradition, the Saturday of Alleluia is a day that should be dedicated to reflection, as a moment to be close to Mary, mother of Jesus, who saw her son die and who awaits the resurrection. Therefore, this is a day to take refuge and pray. Because of this, it is not convenient that the faithful eat pleasurable foods, go to parties or consume alcohol.

Thus, the behavior of the faithful for the Saturday of Alleluia should be one of silence and reflection. There should be no celebration or gathering, except for the Easter Vigil during the night. We should live this day together with Mary, the mother who contemplated the death of her son and awaited his resurrection.

Is it good to avoid parties on Hallelujah Saturday?

The Sabbath of Alleluia is an occasion that invites the faithful to reflect on the life, death, passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid secular pleasures on this day, and this includes feasts. This is an occasion for the faithful to seek refuge and prayer, awaiting with Mary the resurrection of Jesus.

Besides not going to parties, the church guides the faithful not to drink alcoholic beverages, not to eat meat, to fast, to keep guard and to pray. Thus, the church guides to give up secular pleasures and to relive the last moments of Jesus and have communion with him.

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