Venus in 12th house in the birth chart: retrograde, solar revolution and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Venus in 12th house

In astrology, the 12th house of the astrological chart symbolises our unconscious and the places where we do not see clearly, where the light is dim and where our most intimate issues lie. Therefore, it is also where our deepest fears are.

Thus, when the planet Venus is positioned in the 12th house, there will be certain patterns of behavior corresponding to that configuration in a person's natal birth chart.

The position of the stars and planets in your birth chart, therefore, is a determining fact to understand what will be the biggest issues to be faced and worked on during your life. Learn all about it in this article!

Meaning of Venus

Being the second planet of the solar system, goddess of love and popular among many, Venus has different symbologies in mythology and astrology. It is important to know these representations for the subsequent reading of how it presents itself and influences our astrological chart. Follow it!

Venus in mythology

Venus, as she is known in Greek mythology, is also named after Aphrodite, an exquisite seductress who is called the goddess of love. According to one of her myths, Venus was generated inside a mother-of-pearl shell, by the foams of the sea. A reference of beauty, she had Vulcan, the god of fire, as her husband.

However, she was the lover of Mars, the god of war, and of many others besides him. Thus, Venus in mythology, as she is represented, speaks to us of the order of pleasures, sensuality, lust and the lascivious body.

Venus in astrology

In astrology, Venus rules the passions and pleasures, and is also where our sexual energy is expressed.

It is in Venus that there is room for what is sublimated, in counterpoint with more rational matters. It is where our inclinations for love and eventual artistic aspirations are found.

Furthermore, it is from Venus that an essentially feminine energy emanates. Its configuration in an astrological chart says much about a person's emotional patterns and how they behave or what they expect in affective relationships.

Venus in 12th house

It is essential for the understanding of the fundamentals of Venus in the 12th house that we know the aspects that govern this planet, as well as the principles that are inserted in this house. Learn, in this way, what this configuration in an astrological chart has to say about those who live under its rulership!

How to discover my Venus

To discover the position of your Venus, as well as the stars and signs that are associated with it, it is necessary to make a natal chart, known as an astrological chart, which is a reproduction of the image of the sky at the exact instant of your birth.

So, to draw your birth chart and know the correct location of Venus and all the planets and stars, including the Sun and Moon, it is necessary to know the exact date and time of birth. It is the associations of Venus in the signs and stars, within the birth chart, that will determine how the issues related to this planet will be governed.

Meaning of the 12th house

The 12th house in the astrological chart belongs to the element of water and is the last house. It is linked to our unconscious and our truest essence. Furthermore, it is where our fears are harboured and also where our prisons are.

It is our blind spot, where we deposit the things we want to hide, even from ourselves. It is also from where we project our illusions and our deepest dreams. It is the place of internal silence, of reclusion and, therefore, of contact with our most subjective aspects.

What Venus reveals in the birth chart

In the way it appears configured within our birth chart, Venus reveals, mainly, positioning and tendencies within our intimate and personal relationships. It is, therefore, the way we relate, love and get involved what Venus reveals in the birth chart.

It is the planet that rules issues related to pleasures, in general. However, it is necessary to identify to which place, sign or house Venus is associated in your birth chart, to then make an assertive reading about how the issues related to it operate in your life.

Venus in 12th house

Last in the astral chart, the 12th house is like an accumulation of the experiences we have gone through and lived through in all the other houses, which results in a content that is not very tangible for rationality.

In this way, Venus in the 12th house is inserted in an absolutely internal context of the individual, mainly in what concerns his personal relationships and his relation with philosophical and metaphysical questions.

In general, individuals who have Venus in the 12th house are more reserved and spiritual people. They are also expected to be more sympathetic to others.

Venus in 12th house Natal

A person with Venus in the natal 12th house, for all his or her history, will have the tendency to treat intimate and love affairs with a great deal of reserve. In this way, when well balanced, their ruling energies can provide peaceful experiences and protection.

However, when in disharmony, they put the individual at imminent risk of getting lost in escapes, illusions, addictions and storms, which can take him out of the panorama of reality. It is therefore necessary that people with Venus in the 12th house are always very careful when dealing with their emotional issues, so that they do not put themselves in traps.

Venus in transiting 12th house

Venus is in transit through the signs of the zodiac for approximately 12 months, and as it passes through them and their houses, it collaborates, through its attributes, with the particularities of each one. Venus in the 12th house in transit will radiate a strong energy of harmonization with the affective aspects.

It is therefore illustrative of the workings of one of the key postures of the Venus condition: giving and selflessness towards others and towards things that are meaningful.

Personality traits of those who have Venus in 12th house

The personality traits of those who have Venus in the 12th house will be reflected in all their life processes. Having this position in the astrological chart results in easily recognizable characteristics and behaviors. Learn more about it below!

Positive features

The person who has Venus in the 12th house has a tendency to be more spiritual and to have more elevated behaviors, of altruism and compassion, for example. In this way, he or she is seen as a more generous and human person.

So, it is common that someone with Venus in the 12th house deals better with solitude, understanding it, most of the times, as a pleasurable moment of search for self-knowledge. Once he assumes behaviors of greater nobility, the person who has Venus in the 12th house is more prone to the practice of detachment, especially with material goods.

Negative characteristics

The tendency to solitude, which to some extent can be a good thing, can also cause a person with Venus in the 12th house to acquire habits of seclusion. To an exaggerated degree these can be quite negative for personal development.

So, a person with Venus in the 12th house sustains an exacerbated search for self-satisfaction, which can lead him/her to look for ways to escape from reality, having a tendency to addictions. Other negative characteristics that can assume a person with Venus in the 12th house are melancholy and anxiety.

The influence of Venus in the 12th house

The influence of Venus in the 12th house is, in general, associated to more subjective matters of the constitution of the being. There are, therefore, several aspects in which the intervention of Venus in the 12th house will operate.

In love and relationships

Those who have Venus in the 12th house are those who cannot escape romantic ideals in love and relationships. They are therefore people who are prone to suffering and emotional stress because they place very fragile expectations on their relationships.

So people with Venus in the 12th house need a lot of intimacy and surrender and are extremely sensitive to the reactions and attitudes of their partners and those they are intimate with. They are therefore dreamy and romantic, cultivating illusions easily, devoting themselves in a not very rational way within relationships and idealising their loves too much.

Life philosophy

Those who have Venus in the 12th house have compassion as their philosophy of life. Sometimes it can be compassion for themselves, since they need to deal with dense feelings that cannot be rationalized in the field of affections.

So, always in search of harmony between the mind and their emotional state, people with Venus in the 12th house usually develop great artistic inclination, as a way to sublimate their subjective baggage.

Therefore, the search for understanding, the symbolism of the slow work of the oyster closed in on itself and the compassionate and loving gaze are the points that guide the rulership of Venus in the 12th house.

A little more about Venus in the 12th house

Other interpretations of Venus in the 12th house are very important in the understanding of the individual, such as its cyclical movements. Thus, people with Venus in the 12th house have specific challenges in their path. Learn what these challenges are and how to deal with them below!

Venus retrograde in the 12th house

Venus retrograde in the 12th house speaks of a feeling of inadequacy in relation to love. In this configuration, the person feels rejected at the slightest sign of unrequited love. In this way, a strong feeling of incompleteness and emptiness is present. We can, here, make a reference to the oyster present in the myth of the birth of Venus: a person who closes herself up.

So although this is a person in search of love, having Venus retrograde in the 12th house, this search is accompanied by restrained and guarded emotions and a sense of loss of a love that does not seem possible to experience in this lifetime.

Venus in solar revolution in the 12th house

Some kind of transformation is what is invoked with Venus in solar revolution in the 12th house. Regarding love, the person with this position can experience a very rewarding love relationship, but one that requires discretion.

Thus it is in the sphere of the affections that conversions or mutations will take place. This period will facilitate assimilation and understanding of inner inner processes. With Venus in solar revolution in the 12th house, the beginning of a propitious time opens for the re-establishment of some faculties of being and for new productive activities of knowledge.

How to win over someone with Venus in the 12th house?

In order to win over a person who has Venus in the 12th house, you must keep in mind that these are more reserved individuals. It is expected that this person needs to create a considerable degree of intimacy with the other person in order to become involved.

However, once involvement has been established, it will be necessary to deal with the romanticisation of the relationship, which can be excessive. Understand this important point and make an effort to take an honest approach which does not give rise to false expectations.

Be an open person enough for trust to be established. However, act sincerely and try to keep in line with all the giving that may be received!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.