What are the characteristics of those who have Pomba Gira Mulambo? Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the characteristics of Pomba Gira Mulambo?

Pombo Gira Mulambo is a very well-known entity in Umbanda, mainly for her unique characteristics. Her lightness, tenderness and affection towards mediums and consulters are the great hallmark of her personality.

Besides her ability to solve questions about love, she is also requested to break negative spells in Umbanda centers.

Maria Mulambo is an evolved spirit who became an entity to develop and help people on this earthly spiritual plane. For this reason, she is always present in giras on the left, unloading the consulters, advising their hearts, vibrating positive energy and working on breaking spiritual demand.

The history, the characteristics of the mediums who have Pomba Gira Mulambo in their phalanx and much more about this entity are in this article! Read on to find out more!

The Entity Pomba Gira Mulambo

The Pombas Giras are female entities that work on the left side of Umbanda, a line that represents the negative side of creation. It is worth pointing out that when we talk about the negative side, we are not talking about evil, but about a pole of negative energy, like in a battery, which has a positive and a negative side.

So are the right and left lines of Umbanda: both are of light and both do good and complement each other. To learn more about this entity, check out the topics below!


Legend has it that Maria Mulambo was born in a cradle of gold, surrounded by much splendor, wealth and abundance. Her parents were not kings at the time, but were part of the court of the small kingdom. She grew up always delicate, beautiful, lovely and affectionate.

Mary was always called princess because of her way of being, but it was not quite like that. When she turned 15, the king asked her to marry his 40 year old son. She married, but it was a union without love, motivated only by the desire of family unity, in order to increase the fortune.

As time went by, Mary did not become pregnant, but the kingdom needed an heir. She suffered from this, besides staying in a loveless union, because, at that time, the woman who did not bear fruit was called cursed.

Maria Mulambo was a woman who practiced charity and went around the poor villages helping the sick and the poor. During her walks to the poor villages, she met a young man (two years older than her) who was a widower and had three small children. This young man took very good care of his children with much love and affection.

When Mary saw him, she fell in love with him. It was an intense love at first sight, so that the young man also felt the same energy of love for her. However, neither of them had the bravery to assume that true love.

As time passed, the king died, the prince was crowned, and Mary became the queen of that country. The people adored her, but some envious people criticized her for not getting pregnant.

On the day of the coronation, the poor people had nothing to offer Mary, so they decided to make a beautiful carpet of flowers for Mary to walk on. She was quite delighted, but her husband was jealous and when she arrived at the castle, he locked her in a room and gave her a tremendous beating. This beating was to be the first of countless others.

It was enough for her husband to drink a little too much and Mary suffered the attacks of verbal and corporal aggression. Even wounded, she did not stop practicing her goodness, her generosity to the poor people. But, seeing her wounded, the young lover decided to declare his love for her and suggested an escape, so that they could really live the immense love they felt for each other.

So, Mary decided to run away with her great love, only with the clothes on her body, leaving behind jewels, gold and all that life of luxury. At first, the king sent to look for her, but he did not find her, so he decided to give up the case.

Mary was freed from that life of wealth. Now she wore simple garments that were so worn and old that they resembled mulambos. Living this way, she felt very happy and managed to get pregnant. The news spread throughout the country and reached the ears of the king, who, on hearing the news, went into a state of despair knowing that he was the one who was fruitless.

But he had to clear his name and his dignity, so he had his guards arrest Mary, who was then called Maria Mulambo - not as a form of mockery, but because Mary belonged to the people.

The king ordered the guards to tie two stones to Mary's feet and to throw her into the deepest part of the river, but the people did not know about it. Seven days after the crime, on the banks of the river where Mary was killed, flowers began to grow that had never grown before and the fish in the river were only caught at that spot, where they only jumped out of the water.

The mulambos with which Maria was thrown into the river disappeared and her clothes became those of a queen, who was cremated and, at the end, had an appropriate ceremony. Thus was Maria, who, entitled Maria Mulambo, became a legend and is invoked for the protection of impossible loves.

Maria Mulambo is always beautiful, beautiful, feminine, affectionate, delicate, elegant and very charming. She likes cigarettes, high quality cigarillos, soft drinks (sweet wines, liqueurs, rose champagne). She is also very attracted to glitter, luxury and prominence, so she always wears many necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets.

Manifestations and action

Maria Mulambo is one of the best known of the Pombas Gira in Umbanda rituals. She carries with her all the power and magic of the Pombas Gira, making it possible for mediums and consulters to access their emotions and learn to deal with them. Maria Mulambo brings hidden feelings to the surface so that they can be faced and overcome.

It is an entity that works within the irradiation of the Orixá Oxum, giving her the ability to work with the energy of love. When we talk about love, we do not summarize only the carnal, but the Divine love, for nature, for brothers, for family, for life - in other words, all possible forms of love.

In carnal love, she is very well known and sought after to mediate in "impossible loves", being the will and the deserving of both parts. But she does not measure her words, in case someone asks her something that goes against the Divine law, always trying to bring reason and understanding to that person.

Is Pomba Gira Mulambo an evil entity?

When the Pombas Gira began to appear in Brazilian rituals, prejudice and judgment immediately accompanied them. In a time when it was a woman's obligation to be submissive and demure, this entity appeared, empowering and showing that women can and should do whatever they want.

Analyzing by this historical context, it is easy to understand why Pomba Giras are called by vulgar names. Even so, they did not let themselves be shaken and continue their mission, providing love and charity.

Maria Mulambo is an entity that manifests within the Umbanda ritual, who can only do good. She is the manifestation of the sacred feminine, being a point of light in the midst of darkness, and works breaking negative energies, helping disincarnate spirits in the low astral and ascending them to the light.

However, it is intolerant with profiteers and ill-intentioned people, because it does not admit that any of its mediums violate free will or use negative spells, taking the responsibility to punish, according to the divine law.

Day and Colors of Pomba Gira Mulambo

Pomba Gira Mulambo's day of celebration is March 8th, International Women's Day. Also, her day of the week is Monday.

The colors of Pomba Gira Mulambo are black, red, yellow and gold.

Offering to Maria Mulambo

To make an offering to Maria Mulambo, you can use her greeting as support, which is "Laróyè Pomba Gira".

For the offering, you can use the following items: black and red towel or cloth, black and red candles, black and red ribbons, black and red threads, black and red pemba, fruits (strawberry, apple, cherry, plum and blackberry) and drinks (apple champagne, grape, cider and liquor).

Prayer to Maria Mulambo

To pray to Pomba-Gira Mulambo, repeat the words given below:

"Hail to all the Orixá Fathers and Mothers, Hail to all the Guardians and Guardians to the left of the divine mystery. I bind my forces and my thoughts at this moment to Pomba Gira Mulambo, I ask her to guide me, keep me and protect me during my spiritual and earthly journey.

May your strength be placed in me and may any and all negative energy, which may be influencing me or my home, be discharged and directed to its deserving place.

I ask the lady to help me deal with my feelings, fears, and anguish, that I may be strong like you. I ask for your divine wisdom so that I may grow and evolve along the path of our father Oxalá. Hail your forces, Laróyè Pomba Gira Mulambo".

Characteristics of those who have Pomba Gira Mulambo

The entities choose their mediums through affinity, however, these characteristics are not mandatory for the mediums who incorporate Maria Mulambo and are not characteristics of the entity.

Therefore, we have listed some of these characteristics that can be observed, but not necessarily all of them are present in a medium or in a represented, only a large part of them. Check them out!

Strong personality

Mediums who incorporate Maria Mulambo usually have a strong personality and it is not easy to dissuade them from their ideas. Idealistic and very intuitive, they listen more to their inner self than to people outside.

Thus, they can cause a certain discomfort for people who are not used to dealing with this type of personality. However, if you have a little patience, you will have a person who can help you at various times.


Seriousness tends to be attributed to mediums who incorporate Maria Mulambo, however this seriousness presents itself in the first moment. Being very observant, they like to first identify and feel the vibration of other people before opening up.

This can sometimes give the impression that they are boring or stuck up, like those people who don't like to communicate with others. But, quite the contrary, once they get the confidence and understand what they can talk about, they tend to open up and be extremely funny people.


Observers and detail-oriented are the characteristics that best describe the mediums of the Maria Mulambo, because no detail escapes their gaze. When they are in an unknown environment, they always try to identify possible dangers or threats, they are in a constant state of alert and only become calm when they are sure that everything is alright around them.

Also, they like to devote attention and are good listeners in a conversation, tending to look at all angles before giving their opinion.


Mediums who carry Pomba Gira Maria Mulambo tend to be extremely intuitive, although they don't always listen. They tend to question themselves a lot and, when they break this barrier, they almost always get the right path or decision to follow.

This turns out to be one of the reasons why it is extremely difficult to get them to change their minds, because if they feel that that path and that decision is the right one, they go all the way and do not let doubts or other people change their judgment.


Fidelity is a characteristic of mediums who carry the Pomba Gira Mulambo in their heart, but this fidelity is not exclusively linked to the relationship, but to the principle of commitment to the agreements signed. For the medium, a word is worth more than any contract and when he makes a commitment, he remains faithful until the end.

Therefore, it is that profile of person who really wears the shirt, whether of the team, school, work or relationship. Harassment to him may exist, but his loyalty comes above personal gain.

He is faithful to the ugly compromise and therefore sees the commitment of both parties as an obligation. If he feels that he is the only one to fulfill the agreement, he soon seeks another way, because loyalty to himself and his ideals is greater.


The characteristic of loyalty is both positive and negative for the mediums of Maria Mulambo. The unconditional loyalty they have is above all to themselves and their ideals, as they do not accept with good eyes sudden changes of route in pre-established agreements. Being idealistic, they have a worldview in which coherence between speech and actions is the most important thing.

If they find connections that follow this path, the relationship can be long and prosperous, but if this is not the case, they do not hesitate to give up their commitment and look for something or someone who fits their values. In this way they give the impression of being indecisive, but in fact they are constantly looking for similarity.

Sense of justice

With a high sense of justice, those represented by Pomba-Gira Mulambo may give their place to others who they feel are more deserving than they are. But by the same token, they feel extremely frustrated when they are wronged.

Like the scales of Shango, they always try to balance things out, to weigh all sides and understand all views before giving their opinion. Even if the medium is talking about a person they like very much or about themselves, they will always take the right side of the story.

Maternity Hospitals

Due to the influence of the orixá Oxum in the entity Pomba Gira Mulambo, the mediums end up carrying a maternity and vibrating in this energy. Oxum is love and Patroness of maternity and divine conception. Because of this, these mediums tend to be overprotective with those they love, really protecting and guarding even against themselves.

Sometimes, this feeling makes them seem bossy or arrogant and think they are always right, but all the advice and "tips" they give is always in search of protecting or helping the evolution of the one they love.


The mediums at Maria Mulambo are extremely charming and carry a distinct beauty. They may not be the most physically beautiful people on the scene, but you certainly won't fail to notice them for their charm, which manifests itself in their smiles, looks and manner of conversation, not something they have much control over.

This charm can easily be mistaken for some sign of romantic interest, however this is not always true.


The smile and look are the trademarks of those who are represented by Maria Mulambo. They are sensual, even if they don't want to be, in a non vulgar way and transcend physical seduction. Generally, they are those people who, when they arrive in the environment, bring light along with them and this makes them be noticed.


Elegance is part of the life of the mediums of Pomba Gira Mulambo, because they admire everything that is beautiful, not necessarily what is fashionable or what everyone likes, but what is beautiful for them.

Therefore, they tend to be elegant, regardless of the style they adopt, and always keep the way they behave and act, as well as the clothes they wear, as an armor of empowerment.


The mediums of Maria Mulambo are charitable and kind and do their best to please in every way. If someone is sad, they don't like to leave that person alone, especially if it is a shoulder they need.

In addition, they are always getting involved in social causes and seeking to help their community and the neighborhood where they live and city. They are constantly thinking about improvements, so that everyone has more equal opportunities and does not suffer from lack of supplies.


The gentleness is a characteristic that can only be observed in some mediums of the Pomba Gira Mulambo. It is part of the sensuality and elegance that they present, but it is not that sweet cuddly one, but the kind that makes you want to care, hug and kiss, being used as a form of seduction by them, when they identify that the other person likes that.


Because they love beauty, Maria Mulambo representatives tend to see everything in the smallest details. Therefore, they are extremely delicate and cautious, and you will possibly witness the complaint of some small detail that is not correct in the room.

Some of them have excellent skills in handicrafts, painting, sculpture and all those manifestations that require delicacy.


Because they are fair and combine several sensory characteristics, the mediums of Maria Mulambo are excellent advisors and listen to all sides and from all angles, giving the advice that is not pleasant to hear, but that is needed, at that moment.

They'll go out of their way to help you, just as they're not shy about telling you if you're wrong or if that outfit doesn't suit you. In other words, only ask them for advice if you really want to hear the truth.


Maria Mulambo mediums tend to be idealistic and when they buy into a fight or an idea, they carry it through to the end. They can't stand injustice, so if you are unfair to one of them and they feel hurt, you can be sure that it will be extremely difficult to regain their trust or their presence.

When they feel hurt, they simply have the ability to exclude the person from their life, regardless of who it is.


Despite all the positive points, mediums who carry Maria Mulambo are debauched and, when they identify that a conversation or a person is not interested in seriousness, they end up appealing to debauchery, being exquisite in this sense.

Maria Mulambo of Souls is also known as the Witch of Souls!

Maria Mulambo carries all the qualities described in this article, but with a mitigating factor, she also vibrates within the energy of the Orixá Obaluaê, who is known for being the orixá of healing, death and portals, and is associated with the exact moment a person disincarnates.

Also known as Xapanã, he is an extremely powerful orixá with ancestral knowledge that Maria Mulambo das Almas brings to her work within the Umbanda line, being known for her spells and associated for a long time with a witch.

Therefore, she is a powerful crusher and expert at cutting black magic spells, routing all those energies to the power point of the cemetery, to be discharged and forwarded to their deserving place.

The self-knowledge that seeks to teach all who seek this entity is a very important legacy of this entity, but it is also a foundation practiced by all within Umbanda. Her light and welcoming spirit makes the whole environment flow, just as in her story, as if flowers were rising from the ground and prosperity and love were beginning to happen in the air, like magic!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.