House 8 in Pisces: meaning for astrology, birth chart, sex and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of having the 8th house in Pisces

The 8th House in Pisces highlights the fears of these natives, especially in relation to unforeseen and devastating events, such as death. The sign of Pisces is very emotional and the association with this house brings even more reinforcement to these aspects.

The issues dealt with by this house are all very psychologically charged, so this will be the central theme of this Astrological House, which speaks of all the most intimate points of the natives. And it is important because it raises difficult issues to be faced and prepare the natives for the challenges of their journeys. Do you want to know more? Read on!

Effects of the placement of the 8th House in Pisces

The sign of Pisces positioned in the 8th house causes very notable impacts and effects in the behaviour of the natives who have this configuration in their astrological chart. The characteristics of the sign of Pisces already show a great sentimentality, and this house highlights even more the emotional transformations obtained by the native's relationships.

There is a need sometimes of these natives to use addictions and other means to escape from reality and escape from intense emotions. That is why it is important to know in depth the aspects of the houses, for that, keep reading below!

The 8th House in Pisces

The 8th House in the sign of Pisces exposes a great difficulty and fragility of these natives when facing events of great impact in their lives, such as death. These people choose at various times to use artifices that allow them to escape from reality, because they live immersed in many emotions and feelings.

There is also a strong connection with issues involving sexuality and pleasure, which is not seen only as something carnal in this case.

Positive aspects

Regarding the positive aspects of Pisces positioned in House 8 of the Astrological Chart, we must emphasize that these are people who believe that they will be rewarded for the goodness they do. They have great faith that they will receive what belongs to them.

They are very sensitive people who have many talents and skills that use creativity to be executed, because they are not very good at more practical and objective activities, and therefore they end up working in areas that favor them in this respect.

Negative aspects

The negative side of natives with the configuration of Pisces in the 8th house is shown through the difficulties they have in dealing with financial matters. It is common for these people to live their lives in debt and with constant problems in this sector.

A common form of these natives can make people uncomfortable, as they end up positioning themselves as victims at various times in their lives in order to gain the compassion of those around them.

In sex

The 8th House also speaks to the sexuality of those who have this sign of Pisces. For these people this is a time of much experience, where they also go deeper emotionally with others.

Therefore, this moment can be seen in the view of these natives as something that transcends and goes beyond limits and rules, almost as if it were a sacred moment in the lives of these people.

Characteristics of a Pisces in the 8th house

Natives with Pisces in the 8th house demonstrate in their attitudes some of their characteristics in a very clear way, and expose what both the astrological house and the sign impact in their lives.

So it is very valid to understand what are the common characteristics of the 8th house and when it is being influenced by a specific sign, which in this case is Pisces. The two merge in their definitions and specifications and form a very creative and empathetic individual. Read more below!

General features

Natives with Pisces in the 8th house show their characteristics through sentimental actions. They are affectionate, cautious with their loved ones and show this in many different ways.

But also, they are people of many talents and with a keen creativity. This positioning does not favor them to be practical people, because the vision they have of much is guided much more by these creative and sensitive characteristics.

They learn from their mistakes

For those natives who have Pisces positioned in the 8th house, some practical situations in their lives can be a big challenge, due to the way they think and act. But something that is very present in the lives of these people is the recognition of mistakes.

When they realize that they are mistaken about something or have taken an incorrect attitude, they quickly absorb the information so that they never comment on the same type of mistake again.

They are considerate

People who have Pisces in the 8th house have a caring way of acting, they are people who pay a lot of attention to details and are always willing to stay close to the people they love.

This characteristic is also something very common of the natives of the sign of Pisces, therefore, with this association with the 8th house this becomes even more present, because it is also something shown by this house in its characteristics.

Strong intuition

The strong intuition present in these natives comes from the characteristics of the 8th house. Pisceans are very sentimental people and can end up creating a connection with matters of spirituality and esotericism, so this house can cause so much effect in this sense.

Therefore people who have this configuration in their birth chart can be influenced by these aspects, and there is a strong tendency that as time goes by this intuition will become stronger and stronger.

The Astrological Houses and the 8th House

The Astrological Houses are divisions of the Astrological Charts which are of great importance in defining and understanding the behaviour of natives. This is because when a person has their chart done, they find out in which houses certain signs and planets are positioned and what they can influence in their lives.

There is a clear definition of the matters dealt with by each of the 12 Astrological Houses, but it is also necessary to understand that they may suffer small changes in these characteristics according to the signs and planets positioned. See more!

What are Astrological Houses

The Astrological Houses are 12 divisions of the sky, which are determined taking into consideration the time and place of birth of each person. In the Astrological Charts they are shown by their characteristics, elements and various other aspects, such as the signs and planets which govern them.

The positioning of these houses is always the same, what will change in this case are the influences of other signs and planets in them. So, when a certain sign is in the 8th house, for example, it will intensify or alter in some way the typical actions of this house.

The 8th house, the house of sex, death and shared resources

The 8th house is popularly known as the worldly house, and can also be referred to at times as the house of sex, as it deals with this subject as well. In this house the native will deal with more intense matters, such as their personal interactions.

This is a house that also charges some points from the native, because it asks for relationships to be deeper so that people can share these feelings and visions, so it is considered as the house that deals with all types of relationships.

And finally, it highlights death because it is in it that the natives work the difficulty in relation to this event.

The relationship between the 8th House and the Sign of Scorpio

The relationship between the 8th house and the sign of Scorpio comes from the fact that it is analogous to this sign, because both have similar characteristics in their descriptions and visions.

Therefore, the connection between this house and the sign of Scorpio comes from this fact and also because it is ruled by it. All houses are ruled by a sign and a planet, and in this case the 8th house suffers with the influence of Scorpio and Mars.

Does having the 8th House in Pisces indicate that I will have difficulty trusting my relationships?

The natives who have the 8th house in the sign of Pisces have characteristics that can facilitate their relationships in many ways, because they are sensitive and very creative, and therefore are always willing to face the novelties of relationships. Besides the fact that they are also very sensitive.

But on the other hand these natives have a temperament that can be quite difficult at times and cannot adapt to practical demands of the world.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.