How to conquer an Aquarian? The Aquarian woman, in the relationship and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on how to win an Aquarian girl

Aquarius women are fun, unpredictable and have strong opinions. The last point may scare some people, but if your desire is to win an Aquarian woman, you need to know right away that no one changes this woman's mind!

Moreover, Aquarian women have their own vision of love, and for them, freedom is more important than honeyed declarations and bouquets of flowers. So forget what you learned from Hollywood romantic comedies, you're going to need a lot more than that.

If you are ready to start the challenge of winning over the Aquarian woman, you have come to the right place. In this article we have gathered valuable tips that will make you more attractive in the eyes of this woman from the sign of Air, read on to find out!

How to win an Aquarian girl over, make her fall in love and keep a relationship

If an Aquarius woman has caught your attention, take a deep breath and be patient, because there's a long way to go to win an Aquarian. And in this part of the article you'll find some tips to help you during this journey, check it out:

What to do to win an Aquarian girl over

First of all, you need to get rid of prejudices and pre-judgments in your mind, especially if your desire is to win an Aquarius woman. The Aquarian doesn't like, and tends to run away from people who judge before getting to know something or someone.

Another thing Aquarian women like is routine, so don't be monotonous. Surprise her, if necessary, break some rules, Aquarians love this kind of adrenaline, the unpredictable tends to instigate the best side of her, so keep that in mind.

What not to do to win an Aquarian girl over

Don't make her feel cornered in any way. The Aquarian hates to be bossed around, and avoids those who make a mountain out of a molehill. So, if you get into an argument, putting her against the wall won't be the solution, in fact, you'll be pushing her away.

Don't be clingy, an Aquarian's love language doesn't involve cuddling and touching to the extreme, so save the cuddling for the times when you're alone. And don't be jealous either, she loves having a social circle full of friends and you'll have to respect this aspect of her life.

How to make an Aquarian fall in love

If you want to make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you, patience will have to be your best friend during this journey. However cold or even indifferent they may seem, Aquarius women are looking for a great love. However, intensity and overwhelming passions are far from what she wants for herself.

You will have to build a real connection with her, something beyond the carnal, you need to be in sync on an intellectual level. Your political, social and philosophical positions need to be in agreement, the Aquarian loves to be involved in deep and relevant conversations, the kind that stimulate her brain.

Moreover, the Aquarian wants to be with someone who respects her free spirit, and who understands that this is far from being a promiscuous trait of hers. She just likes her freedom, and they seek to keep it, even if they are in a relationship.

How the Aquarius woman likes to be treated

An Aquarius woman loves to be valued and praised for her intelligence, so between praising her looks or wisdom, choose the second option. Show interest in her ideas, opinions and work, by doing so, there's a great chance you'll secure your place in her heart.

You should also nurture her social side, Aquarians are known for being sociable beings, so try to ensure that parties and meetings with friends are frequent events on her agenda.

Challenge her, but moderately, it's important to remember that an Aquarius woman's opinions are strong, and she is unlikely to change them. However, this doesn't stop you from showing other points of view on the same subject, in a natural and light way.

How to maintain a lasting relationship with an Aquarian

To maintain a lasting relationship with an Aquarian woman, jealousy cannot be a present aspect during this relationship. Obviously, it is almost impossible to avoid this green feeling, however, when you are next to an Aquarian woman, try to lock it away, work on your self-confidence.

Be open to trying new things. The adventurous spirit of Aquarius is one of the most striking characteristics of this sign of air, so she expects her partner to also enjoy getting out of the routine, and not be afraid to face the unknown.

If this is not your profile, the chances of this relationship are minimal. But if you want to risk, keep in mind and be prepared for the hurricane that is the Aquarius woman.

Tips for winning an Aquarian girl over

If you've gotten this far, it's because you've already realized that making an Aquarian fall in love is not a simple task. And in this part of the article, we've separated more tips that will make you fall in love with this Aquarian, read on!

Build an intellectual connection

For an Aquarius woman, looks mean nothing, it's intelligence that really attracts her. And if your desire is to win an Aquarian woman, the first step to achieve your goal, is creating an intellectual connection.

As mentioned earlier in this article, people of the sign of Aquarius are sociable, so you will not have difficulty starting a conversation with her. However, to keep her interest, try to involve conversation in subjects that you dominate, or have extensive knowledge about.

And remember, no intensity, before you win an Aquarian girl, first establish a friendship with her. And it is through this intellectual connection that this will be possible.

Take care of the look and seek to stand out among the others

If you want to win an Aquarian girl, you have to stand out from the rest. And the key is to be original, not try to fit into a popular style or follow the advice of those who call themselves Don Juan.

Bet on yourself, be yourself, show that you are not afraid to express yourself, and that you have your own style. By doing this, you will certainly attract the attention you so much desire from this Aquarian.

The moment of conquest

It is at the moment of the conquest that you should reveal your feelings. However, do not put all your cards on the table, Aquarianas love a mystery, just as they are attracted to the conquest. So, turn yourself into a puzzle, and allow her to discover more about you with each piece.

Big gestures or exaggerated statements are also out of the question. But surprises are welcome, as long as they mean a break from routine. This is the time to show that your relationship can be anything but boring and monotonous.

Let her free

Freedom is one of an Aquarian's most prized possessions, so keep that in mind when getting involved with one. If things between you have evolved into something more physical, don't despair, much less pressure her, into turning the relationship into an official commitment.

You need to understand that women of this sign have their own rhythm, and hate to be pressured, so don't be clingy and let things flow naturally.

Create and maintain an atmosphere of harmony

Aquarius is one of the least dramatic signs of the zodiac, so if you want to get involved and win an Aquarius girl, don't be a person who loves to make drama for everything. Be controlled, show that you have some emotional intelligence.

This will make her feel more comfortable and want to stay by your side, however, remember that Aquarians like to be discreet, so leave the caresses reserved for intimate moments where only the two of you are.

Aquarius woman's personalities and characteristics

The Aquarian woman can be considered one of the strongest personality women of the zodiac. If you feel like getting to know an Aquarian woman in depth, this part of the article will help you, see below the characteristics of an Aquarian woman.

General characteristics of the Aquarius woman

Women of this sign are firm and sure of their opinions. The Aquarian woman does not measure efforts to defend what she believes in, and makes a point of using her voice to make the impact she wants.

They think of doing good to those around them, and are not attached to social status, for them all human beings have the same value. However, even with this empathic thinking, they preserve their individuality, and oppose following any kind of fashion or social norm that does not suit them.

The kiss of the Aquarian

Being an unpredictable person, there is no way to define an Aquarian's kiss, so be prepared to be taken by surprise. She likes challenges, and loves to instigate her partner's imagination. For this reason, she is not afraid to take risks and a simple touch of lips can become a whirlwind of feelings in the mouth of this woman.

The Aquarian in sex

The Aquarian's imagination runs wild between the walls, so in order to have a sexual relationship with a woman of this sign, you need to be open minded. The relationship begins before any touch is necessary. The Aquarian gets excited and involved by talking first, so remember to approach topics that stimulate her thoughts.

Foreplay is also important, she loves to be seduced in a creative way. Toys and challenging positions, if well executed, can drive an Aquarius woman crazy between the walls. It is important that you are ready and willing to fulfill her fantasies.

At work

At work, Aquarians stand out for their logical thinking and vast creativity in solving problems that may come their way. They do not feel comfortable in conservative environments with many rules, and are not capable of being productive if they are pressured.

But that doesn't mean they are not competent, in fact, they are extremely responsible with what they commit to do. Especially if they have freedom to execute projects.

In friendships

The Aquarius woman is the type who will do anything, there is no bad time for her, she can count on your presence in a last minute trip, after all, she loves spontaneity. But I don't expect much affection from her, sentimentality is not part of her language.

And don't be surprised if she disappears for a while and comes back as if nothing happened. She needs some time alone, and for her friendship is a relationship without obligation, so be prepared for the roller coaster that this friendship is.

The mother of Aquarius

Not at all traditional, the Aquarian mother falls into the cool category. The Aquarian mother can understand her children better, and they know that school grades do not define their genius.

She also prefers her children to develop emotionally, so she raises them in a way so that they grow up to be empathetic people who think about those around them. Without giving up their own personality and originality.

The daughter of Aquarius

For an Aquarian, family is much more than a blood tie. In fact, they prefer to stay away from their relatives if they feel pressured to follow rules which do not agree with their thinking, or if their positions are not respected.

Intolerance is also frowned upon by an Aquarian daughter, so don't expect her to choose family life over her inner peace.

The sign of Aquarius and its characteristics

Aquarians are known for their adventurous spirit, but they are much more than that. And in this part of the article, we will show both the good and bad sides of this sign of the air.

The Aquarius profile

To go against the expectations imposed by others, is typical of the person of the sign of Aquarius. They are the most unpredictable of the zodiac, and have their own way of seeing the world and reality, and for this, they use their logic and rational thinking.

Aquarians can have a reputation for being rebellious, this is because when they believe faithfully in something, they do not measure efforts to defend it, and you can expect good arguments from this sign.

General positive features

For Aquarians there is no such thing as bad weather, they know how to face the challenges of life with a lot of lightness and responsibility, so they tend not to get stressed when something does not go as agreed. They are not the kind of people who like to follow rules, and do not shut up before prejudiced or disrespectful situations.

They are great people to talk to, if they feel a connection, they can spend hours, but he will always have something to talk about. Besides being one of the most sincere signs of the zodiac, so don't expect him to beat around the bush, because it's not part of the Aquarius profile.

General negative characteristics

It couldn't be different with Aquarians, as quality is not the only thing a person is made of. At the same time that it is a virtue, the rationality of this sign can easily become its greatest defect.

They have difficulty understanding emotions, and because they act logically, sometimes they can't realize that they are hurting those around them. And because they hate to be contradicted, for some people, they are difficult to live with.

How to know if an Aquarian is interested?

To know if an Aquarian is interested in you, you need to pay attention to the small details, after all, we are talking about a discreet woman. If she invites you to be part of her social circle it means that you are making progress in your conquest.

If she trusts you, and feels comfortable enough in your presence to share a secret with you, that is the biggest sign that you have won not only her trust, but also her heart.

If the interest is real, don't worry, she'll come to you. Especially in social situations, and if she spends most of her time talking to you, celebrate! Because this is a great sign that her heart has been hooked, and by your hook.

And finally, if she asks you out, just the two of you, there's no doubt that you've won her over. After all, she enjoys having the company of those she loves on her adventures.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.