How to de-stress: meditation, breathing, exercises, teas and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What to do to de-stress?

Currently there are many positive and healthy ways to de-stress, each with its different properties and requirements but all effective in the search for a mental, spiritual and physical balance. It is very important to seek relief from stress, since it can cause more serious illnesses and trigger anxiety and depression.

Self-care is your own responsibility and only by knowing the ways to de-stress you will be able to apply, test and adapt them to your routine. So continue reading this complete article and discover the causes, relaxing methods and important tips to achieve this balance. Some of them can be applied today, check it out.

What causes stress

Stress is a condition that can gather several causes, usually when we talk about chronic stress it is because there was an initial event and through this event the symptoms persisted until becoming something chronic. Stress symptoms manifest themselves in a constant and unpredictable way, and may have their peak in punctual episodes.

Stress is a serious and real emotional disorder, much underestimated by most people who believe that it is nothing more than a nervous moment or a more irritated personality, but the truth is that if not treated chronic stress will certainly bring harm to life generating more psychological and even physical diseases.

Working under pressure

Working under intense pressure is something that can cause chronic stress and the reason is very simple, the biochemical reactions in our brain change when we are experiencing a moment of pressure, this happens because the brain prepares the body to fight or run, however if this energy is not used, it begins to harm.

It is worth mentioning that we are not talking about jobs that naturally have moments of pressure, as for example a fireman, as much as he is under pressure, are some moments in which he discharges that adrenaline. But then he returns to his normal state until he receives the next call.

Financial insecurity

Financial insecurity is one of the most personally stressful factors in the midst of relationships, and this insecurity can come from a really difficult phase that the person is going through or from insecurity with fear of losing what they have built over time. The truth is that the relationship with money is somehow stressful for everyone.

However, the essential care that this issue requires is precisely not to let this stress go from something temporary to a bigger and chronic problem because it will lead to physical and emotional wear of the individual and the relationships that permeate it, being recognized that this issue is one of the main reasons for divorce.

Radical changes

Any kind of change is extremely stressful, even if it is for a better or bigger place or a much desired change, stress always happens mainly because of bureaucratic issues, but radical changes are usually accompanied by unpredictability and this can be extremely stressful.

These situations can be especially stressful for some people and this is because of our genetic inheritance of creating, protecting and sustaining a territory, as well as the brain's natural process of staying in the place that will use less energy and when this radical change occurs we can become lost and extremely stressed.

Lack of time to relax

Time will always be a matter of priority, when the individual believes that he has no time to relax is because he is not giving due importance to these moments in his life. Everyone needs moments where individuality prevails to rest and put the brain in a state of relaxation.

Relaxing is much more important for productivity than people think, many people don't relax for "lack of time", but the basic premise is that the more relaxed you are the better your work gets and even more productive, decisions and attitudes become even more effective.

Problems with family

Our home is the safest and strongest place energetically for anyone, but when this home is unstable the instability expands to other areas of life and this will generate a chain reaction where one bad thing pulls another bad thing. And this for sure becomes something extremely stressful.

The delicate issue with family problems is that most of them are prolonged for some time, the ideal is to seek a quick resolution, because the more prolonged is the moment of stress the more chances of evolving into a chronic stress, with greater consequences later.

Health conditions

The diseases that affect us cause natural stress because it totally changes the dynamics of the body. This dynamic already established when it is in disease, must totally change the way it responds to simple commands, for example a toothache interferes in several other points of the body and even the routine of the person.

The irritability then becomes inevitable, another point that generates stress is the uncertainty in the case of more serious diseases, this uncertainty and fear that generates in a person who, for instance, has cancer, aligned with the routine break, for sure will increase stress levels and that needs to be treated together with the disease, because it is not easy.

Search for approval

The human being carries in its genetics a heritage of the need to live in a group and be accepted by society, in the past for our ancestors to live in a group and be accepted was a matter of survival and for different reasons we still need society to survive.

However this constant search for approval is something extremely stressful, especially when to be accepted you need to change your self, if your cycle does not accept you perhaps an alternative is to change the cycle in which you are participating, evolve in your flaws is not to stop being you and when it passes this limit is better to rethink.

Bereavement situation

When talking about grief the first thing that comes to mind is grief over the death of a loved one, but the death of anything can put you in a state of grief, grief over the loss of a job, grief over the ending of a relationship or a friendship. This situation is stressful in itself, but it can be enhanced by your attitude.

The first phase of grief is denial and the more you stay in this phase the harder it will be. The excess of the external means the absence of the internal, plugging a hole that is there and is real, besides not being possible ends up being harmful in the long run. Live your grief properly, without looking for substitute or placebos because the only way to overcome is to pass.

Practices to de-stress

The practices to de-stress is 100% individual to each one, there are several possibilities, but it is important to persist in what you like best. Understand that it is a process that you will go through to relax your body and especially your mind, the mind commands all our processes, everything begins and ends in it.

Neglecting your high level of stress is neglecting life itself and that will not be good for you or the people you love, so take your time to de-stress because it will do good for your life in every possible way, until you decide and persist to change you will only get worse. Know now some methods to de-stress.

Disconnect from social media

Social media has facilitated many things in our society and has brought several benefits, however nothing is 100% positive or negative so of course social media has brought new challenges and new problems. One of these problems is the toxic environment that has been firmed around some specific topics.

If you're the type of person who argues a lot on social media, take some time to stop and breathe, focusing on you. You can position yourself according to your views, but stop permeating the toxic environment of the discussion because the vast majority of the time it's no use, this feeling is frustrating and potentially increases the level of stress.

Relaxing games

Interacting through games is great for socializing or to put the brain to work in a different way. The important thing is that you look for a game that will relax you and that is individual for each person, some can relax with strategy games, others with racing games and others with fighting game, but the important thing is the state of relaxation.

The only warning is to be careful with the excesses because living only in the world of games will not leave you more relaxed and balanced in life, this will only be a placebo to try to hide the problem of fact. Run away from the problem is not the solution, face and overcome is what will really bring you to evolve in life.

Physical exercises

Physical exercise is one of the most powerful weapons against stress, depression and others, because the practice of exercise itself releases a mix of hormones known as the happiness hormone, besides oxygenating the brain and increasing your resistance on all levels, physical, mental and even spiritual.

The big challenge of exercising is precisely the adaptation period because the first thing that comes to mind is a gym, but don't just focus on the gym, focus on doing activities you like like like dancing, fighting, biking, playing ball or something similar, the important thing is you move and create a routine.

Keep a hobby

A hobby is something that you enjoy and do solely and exclusively for you without expecting anything but having fun at that moment, keeping that hobby is important because usually that is the escape valve that allows you to connect with something at that moment, and that something is what can help you relax and feel good about yourself.

Deep breathing

Breathing exercises are underestimated because basically the only thing you need to do is to breathe in a correct way that helps in oxygenation of the brain and above all brings peace and tranquility, but just like any other exercise what will bring the real improvement, is the constancy and the continuous movement.

In cases of stress, a panic attack can happen and along with it hyperventilation, which is when breathing becomes rapid and short, can be controlled through these exercises, leading to a sense of well-being and control in difficult moments of panic.

A good sleep routine helps

Sleep is another natural tool of our brain to keep things in order, the balance of the brain is something fundamental for the proper functioning of the whole body and the moment that the brain has to put everything in balance is during sleep and that is exactly why it is important to have a good sleep health.

Having a good sleep health means having a quality sleep and not just hours counted, this means that all the elements, such as location, light, sound and etc, count and a lot in the end of everything. Sleeping well is sleeping in a healthy way, where the body can really rest and have the regeneration and balance needed.

Make time for you

During the routine of everyday life, with work, children, friends and family everything goes through a process so automatic that sometimes we forget to devote time to the person who really matters that is ourselves, and this is something extremely wrong because our individuality charges us all the time for this time.

The act of taking time for yourself, like going to a movie alone, a park, even a store or a special place just for you may seem like a selfish act, but this selfishness in this sense is sometimes really necessary so that you can take care of yourself before taking care of others.

Practice meditation

Meditation delivers something unique and extremely special that is the ability to internalize, this ability can have several benefits, but one of the main ones is to find the answers needed to actually face the problem and not just be fighting with the symptoms that accompany it.

Stress is a perfect example of this, stress by itself is not the real problem to be dealt with, there is something that is the cause behind that stress and causes it to manifest. If you don't find the cause you can even cure yourself of stress but that cause can lead to anxiety, depression or another major problem.

Teas to de-stress

Teas have been used for hundreds of thousands of years by several different tribes to end various ailments that present in the physical and mental. Herbs have medicinal properties that are used by the pharmaceutical industry as miracles of chemistry but are actually just properties that have been used for a long time.

For example, few people know that Novalgina and Dipyrone are herbs and that if taken the tea of these herbs they have the same effect as medicines. And like this example there are several other herbs that can help in the treatment and cure of various diseases.

Rosemary tea

Rosemary is a herb known and widespread throughout Brazil, is what we call herb of smell, which brings a special seasoning to the food besides being extremely nutritious, but otherwise it also holds calming properties that help combat the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

Passionflower tea

It is difficult to find a person who has never heard about the calming property of passion fruit, most popularly consumed the juice of the fruit, another alternative is the passion fruit flower tea that also delivers a substance called flavonoid that acts on the nervous system as a form of natural relaxant.

Chamomile tea with mint

Two powerful and well-known herbs that together have a magical effect to treat stress, anxiety and depression, this is because the mint has menthol that helps relax the muscles and mind, while chamomile is rich in glycerin that helps fight insomnia and problems caused by stress.

Lavender tea

Lavender tea generates a very good experience because besides being beautiful in its lilac color and extremely aromatic, the properties that exist in lavender are highly relaxing and calming, being indicated to calm the mind, relax the muscles, treat insomnia problems and even help in the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Valerian tea

Valerian is a herb not very well known, but it is one of the most indicated in the treatment of anxiety, stress and depression. All this because of its relaxing properties and is also known as catnip being widely used to combat migraines and acute menstrual cramps.

What is the best way to de-stress?

The best way to de-stress for sure is the one that works for you, each person will have their best way and the important thing is that you test the most varied possible and then find the one that works and makes sense for you. This should happen naturally and lightly, de-stressing should not be another reason for stress.

The basic thing you need to do is to exercise your mind and body as well as seek self-knowledge. These 3 things will bring you improvement and healing, feel free to test and learn what suits you best, start slowly and slowly come up with the answer, keep it steady.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.