How to remove evil eye? Sympathies to ward off envy, plants and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on how to remove evil eye

The Fat Eye is one of the most destructive ways to direct energies to harm someone's life. Along with envy, it is among the worst evil that someone can nurture for another person. However, even with this negative charge involved in these energies and feelings, it is possible, using simple techniques, nullify its effects quickly, practically and often,permanent.

Whether through plant filters, incense, candles, small rituals or sympathies, you can, if you wish, protect yourself from the evil eye in order to live your life in a lighter way and free from external obstacles.

In this article, we present effective ways to combat the evils of the fat eye. In it, we will teach you different techniques, so you can explore the full potential of your life and achieve what you want. Check it out.

How you act and how to defend yourself against envy and evil eye

To defend yourself against the evil eye and the evil eye, you need to understand how the evil eye, the evil eye and the envy work. From this knowledge, you can easily identify their effects to find the most appropriate way to increase your defenses.

Besides presenting its characteristics in this section, we also present the importance of chakras and beliefs in the process. Check it out.

Does the evil eye and the evil eye exist? How it acts and how to defend yourself

The belief in the evil eye and the evil eye is not new. Therefore, not only do they exist, but they have resisted through time, creating an egregor, a kind of entity tied to places, people, objects or even periods.

The first records of the evil eye happened in Greece, when it was realized that the malevolent look on a person, act or situation can cause disastrous effects on the person who is the target of the evil eye.

Usually, the person who is the victim of the evil eye doesn't know what is happening, because it takes a certain sensitivity to perceive people's true intentions. Therefore, the evil eye can come even from someone close to you, such as a friend or even a relative.

Common symptoms of the evil eye are: plants that wilt, animals that get sick, children that get sick frequently, electronic devices and objects that break for no reason, and a series of events considered as pure bad luck with no apparent explanation.

The importance of staying protected against envy and evil eye

It is extremely important to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye because both come to you in a silent way, as if it were a disease. Like any disease, it is important that you know how to recognize the symptoms, and then find the best remedy for it.

And, just as it is advisable to do with physical and mental health, prevention is better than cure, even when it comes to spiritual matters. The energy of fat eye and envy can cause emotional and material losses and, in more extreme cases, even cause death and madness.

Consequently, it is essential that you keep yourself protected at all times so that when the invisible attack comes, you will not be affected by it.

The importance of keeping the Chakras in harmony

The Chakras are 7 main points of power present in the body, according to the Vedic tradition. Their functioning and balance ensure greater protection and energetic fullness, removing possible problems of your body caused by imbalances or energy blockages.

Because they are sources of energy and are equally associated with specific regions of the body, it is important that they are always kept in harmony, so that you have your natural defenses increased and external negative energies brought by feelings like envy do not affect your physical and energetic health.

The power of thought in the fight against the evil eye

Thought is an extremely powerful mechanism to combat the fat eye. When you are surrounded by positive thoughts or know how to police what you think, you naturally create energetic barriers that prevent low vibration energies from affecting your life. Thought is an extremely powerful outlet of power, as it is mirrored on the astral planes.

If you nurture negative thoughts, your energetic and spiritual defenses are more vulnerable and this makes you more susceptible to being a victim of envy and the evil eye. This also occurs as a consequence of a universal law: the law of attraction.

Contrary to what happens in physics, it is not opposites that attract but equals that are attracted, when dealing with energies. So if you have negative thoughts, negativity will prowl your life, until you break your thought pattern.

How to deal with envy

Feeling envious is, unfortunately, something that is closely linked to human nature, so if you feel envious of someone, follow these tips to deal with it:

- Learn to shift the focus to your own life and value what you already have.

- Avoid living with people who only value the wrong things and who focus exaggeratedly on aspects such as the material world, aesthetics and even power over others.

- Understand that, especially on social media, people tend to promote a life they don't actually live. How about stopping following these people?

- Learn to rejoice in the success of others.

- Not least, be generous. The best way to combat envy is by learning to give.

If you are a victim of envy, it is important to increase your defenses. In addition, it is so important that you notice who nurtures envy towards you. Often, the best option is to disconnect yourself from that person, even if it seems impossible.

Attention to beliefs

It is often important to be careful about believing in envy and the evil eye if you have no real indications that you are falling victim to these energies.

Many people end up using their own beliefs in these energies to attribute their failure to others, afraid to take their share of the blame for what is happening in their lives. This is called self-sabotage.

Therefore, it is essential that you feel empowered and authorized to make your life better than it is. Other limiting beliefs can also interfere with your journey, so it is important to review your role in constructing your own reality to take action to alter it.

How to ward off envy and evil eye

After you have identified symptoms that you have been a victim of envy and evil eye, it is important to act to ward them off and protect yourself from them. Below, we give tips on how you can increase your defense and neutralize the effect of these malicious energies from your life. Check it out.

Do energy cleansing baths

One of the best solutions to combat and neutralize the effects of the envy and the evil eye is to do energy cleansing baths. Popularly known as descargargo baths, they combine aromatic herbs, flowers and even other ingredients like salt and drops of your own perfume to promote a cleansing of your aura.

These baths can also be done in your home, to cleanse the energies of your home. Just remember two important things:

1) Drainage baths are very powerful and should be taken at most twice a month. Besides, it is necessary to have a period of at least 2 weeks between them;

2) because it is about pushing away energies, it is important that you take your cleansing baths when the moon is waning.

Pray Psalm 91

If you are a Christian or recognize the power of the Bible, you can turn to the book of Psalms and pray Psalm 91. Pray it whenever you wake up and before you go to sleep so that your protection is fortified during the day and while you sleep at night.

If you are a practitioner of other religions, say your personal prayers or repeat a traditional prayer belonging to the religion you follow.

Use protective amulets

Amulets are enchanted objects that have as their main function to free the user of any evil. Some examples of powerful amulets are:

- Cross: both the Christian cross (with its different arms) and the Celtic cross (with its equal arms) are equally effective. In the case of the Celtic cross, it also brings balance by representing the 4 elements in harmony;

- Seal of Solomon: also known as the Star of David, it is a 6-pointed star of Jewish origin;

- Pentagram: five-pointed star used by witches and neo-pagans in general as a symbol of balance of protection;

- Eye of Horus: of Egyptian origin, this amulet brings the graces of the god Horus and protects against the evil eye;

- Greek Eye: ideal to ward off envy and evil eye.

But beware: as envy and the evil eye are launched by invisible attacks, nothing more practical than leaving your personal protection amulet (like a pendant) away from the eyes of your enemies (inside your pocket or under your shirt/blouse, for example).

Light an incense

Lighting an incense is an excellent strategy to cleanse your aura and inspire positive energies. When you light it, say prayers to your god (or gods) of devotion and turn it counterclockwise so that it wards off the bad energies of the evil eye and envy.

Examples of scents that are excellent to burn are: lavender, rosemary, rue, benzoin, basil, myrrh, frankincense, olibanum, palo santo, sage, and sandalwood. Burn them whenever you feel charged.

Use plants in the environment

Plants are extremely sensitive to energies, so they easily fall victim to negative energies. Filling your home with plants will not only bring a bit of nature into your life, but will also create a natural defense to protect the residents of your home.

Leave them in strategic places, especially near the front door, and always do their proper watering and nourishment so that they serve their purpose. Aromatic herbs such as rosemary and rue are excellent for fighting the evil eye.

The main plants to protect the house and ward off evil eye

Plants are powerful allies in the fight against the evil eye. Therefore, we present in this section six of the main plants used to protect your home from all evil.

Whether it's through the strength of rosemary, the fragrance of rue, the defensive powers of the sword-of-st. George and meadowsweet, the energy of pepper or even the beauty of the peace lily, you'll find all your secrets below.


Rosemary is a famous spice in the home of many Brazilians, whose origin is traced to the Mediterranean. Ruled by the Sun, it is associated with protection, healing, wisdom, exorcism and protection. In addition, being ruled by the element of fire, rosemary is an excellent herb for purification.

If you want to protect your home, plant it near the entrance gate or leave little pots in your kitchen. Its smell is powerful, improving breathing and driving away sadness and depression. It is an herb that should also be left in places where you study, because it helps concentration.

In addition, you can burn it as incense to ward off all negativity, promote balance, and promote energetic and physical healing.


Rue is another powerful herb native to the Mediterranean region. Its powers are attributed to its rulers, the planet Mars and the element fire. It should be used to bring protection, promote astral cleansing and ensure more happiness.

Leave a vase of rue in a place in front of the front door of your house so that anyone entering can see it. This will cause all the evil directed at your home or its residents to be neutralized.

You can carry its leaves in your pocket whenever you want to ward off negative entities and break the effects of envy and the evil eye. If the leaves of your arruda start to dry up for no apparent reason or wilt, it is a sign that negative energy has been sent to your home. Be careful when working with it, as it is toxic.

St. George's Sword

The sword-of-Saint-Jorge is a powerful decorative plant. Ruled by Mars and the Fire element, it works as a kind of antenna to capture, hold and neutralize negative energies. Being native of the arid regions of Africa, it has an easy maintenance and therefore is widely cultivated in our country.

When planted at home, the sword of St. George protects, purifies and exorcises the bad energies of the place. It is extremely effective against the evil eye and envy, acting as a real sword to cut them.

In addition, it is excellent for filtering the air, improving its quality, as well as combating the negative influence of electromagnetic fields emitted by electronic devices and that can affect the quality of your sleep. Be careful when handling this plant as it is toxic.


The Mejito-ninguém-pode is a very effective plant to combat the evil eye. By acting in astral cleaning, this powerful plant creates an energy filter capable of sucking all the negative influences of the environment. Therefore, it is essential to be left at home, especially near the access ways to the house as doors, gates and windows.

Governed by the element of Fire and the planet Mars, the jasmine is excellent to break the effect of envy, returning the energy to the person who sent it. If the leaves of this plant dry up or turn yellow quickly, be attentive, it is a sign that some energetic attack was sent to you.

Like the sword-of-Saint-Jorge, it is excellent for purifying the air. Be careful with this plant as it is poisonous.

Peace Lily

The peace lily is a powerful protective plant. When left in the house, it filters negative energies, neutralizing their harmful effects. Therefore, when it dries or withers, it is a sign that it has protected all the residents of the house from possible energetic attacks.

It is ideal to be left in charged environments, to ensure protection against obsessive spirits, astral larvae and the effects of spells and curses. In addition, as the name suggests, it brings peace and inspires harmony to your home.

Another powerful property of the peace lily is to bring prosperity. It should be kept out of reach of children and pets, as its ingestion is toxic and can be deadly.

Chili Pepper

The pepper tree is another excellent plant to fight the evil eye. Ruled by the element Fire and Mars, the fruits are not only appreciated because of their flavors, but also because of their protective energies. Therefore, it protects, cleans, discharges and exorcises negative energies from your home.

Left in the environment, the chili pepper combats envy and protects against evil. When it dries out, it's because some negative person came into contact with it (and it's no wonder that the expression "seca pimenta" (dried chili pepper) came from this).

You can also leave the chili pepper plant in your bedroom to spice up your relationship, increase passion and protect your relationship. The chili pepper plant is a safe plant, but should be handled with care if you have sensitive skin.

The main sympathies to end the envy and evil eye

This is the most practical part of this article, in which you will learn the main sympathies to get rid of the envy and the evil eye. As you will see, they are simple to practice and use ingredients easily accessible. Be careful to follow the instructions exactly as described to not guarantee your result.

Sympathy to ward off envy and evil eye

When the moon is waning, buy or harvest rue. Then, choose three pretty branches and place them into a vase, along with 3 spoons of sugar.

Leave this pot in a high place in your home, preferably facing the front door or a window, so that the arruda neutralize and ward off the envy and evil eye directed at you, your home and everyone in it.

Sympathy to cut the envy

To cut the envy, find a pot or a small vase and fill it with coarse salt (it cannot be refined salt). Then, on top of the salt, you should place inside it three cloves of garlic. On top of the salt, leave one quartz crystal and two black onyx crystals.

You should leave this powerful protective amulet in a central place in your home, so that it will serve as a trap to neutralize the envy and cut it out of your life. If the salt melts, discard the liquid and eyes, and wash the crystals well. Then, do the sympathy again.

Sympathy to remove the evil eye of the house

If you want to remove the evil eye from your home, take a glass of water and add in it 2 colors of rock salt and a piece of charcoal. Then, leave this powerful room purifier behind the entrance door or in the meeting space between the walls of a room.

Practice this spell when the moon is waning. When the water dries up or the salt crystallizes at the top of the glass, it is time to change it and do the spell again.

Sympathy to remove envy and evil eye

To remove the effects of envy and evil eye from your life, make the following talisman: in a little bag of white or black cotton fabric, add a clove of garlic, dried lavender flowers, dried rosemary leaves and a small onyx crystal. Then close the bag and carry it in your purse. Perform this sympathy on a waning moon night.

Sympathy to end the envy

To end with the envy, on a Saturday of waning moon, leave a branch of rue and 3 peppers under your bed. Whenever you get up mentalize "The energy of rue and pepper preserves me and protects me from all envy. When the waning moon phase passes, remove the rue and peppers and bury them away from home.

Sympathy to keep away envious people

When you want to ward off envious people, choose a green jiló on a waning moon night. Then, with the help of a knife cut it in half. On a small piece of paper, write in black ink (can be pen or black crayon) the name of the envious person you want to ward off.

If you know the full name, sign and date of birth even better, because the sympathy is stronger and directed. After writing the name, fold the paper and place it inside the jiló. Then, with the help of black line, join the two parts of the jiló, leaving the paper in the center of them. Bury in a place well away from your home.

Can I resort to more than one method to remove fat eye?

Yes. When it comes to evil eye and envy, especially since they are energies launched in a silent way, it is important that you practice more than one method. In some cases, a sympathy can bring only your personal protection, but the effects of envy can bounce back in your house or the beings that inhabit it (people, pets and plants).

Therefore, it is always recommended that you reinforce not only your personal defense but also that of your home, which will be a real fortress to defend you and those you love. Remember that when practicing whatever methods you choose, you need to follow proper instructions and, above all, have faith.

Also, reflect on your life and try to find out which people are causing you harm. If you can, get away from them, after all, it is important not only to treat the symptoms, but to remove the cause. Thus, you will notice how your paths will open and your life, consequently, will change for the better.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.