To dream that you are kissing someone: ex, friend, stranger and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What it means to dream that you are kissing someone

To dream that you are kissing someone can bring a series of doubts. Does it show genuine interest or is it just your unconscious playing a trick? In general, the message behind this dream is of affection and companionship. There may not be a true sexual interest, but there is probably a connection with this person that culminated in this dream.

However, it is essential to interpret other signs that the dream gives you. To dream that kisses a stranger is different from dreaming that kisses a dear friend or ex-boyfriend, for example. The meanings when dreaming of a kiss are between the lines. See some possibilities of interpretations for this dream by reading the contents of the article to the end.

To dream that you are kissing someone

You've come this far because you dreamed that you were kissing someone. It's natural to wake up with curiosity about how to interpret this dream. After all, kissing is a very intimate caress that can carry a sexual connotation.

Regardless of who the person is, the kiss points to an intimate relationship. But, it does not always exist in real life. After all, you may dream that you are kissing a stranger, or a person with whom you do not have close proximity.

Interpreting this dream correctly can help you better understand what is going on in your personal life right now or give clues about what's to come. Here are the meanings of dreaming that you are kissing a friend, an ex, a stranger and more!

To dream that you are kissing a friend

To dream that you are kissing a friend is certainly a good sign. This points to new and good news in your life. But if the kiss was only on the cheek, the meaning is of mutual affection and strengthened relationship.

However, if the kiss you exchanged was on the lips, there are signs of romantic interest on your part. The person is probably arousing desires in you, and it's time to take a close look at this sudden attraction.

To dream that you are kissing someone who has already died

As incredible as it may seem, to dream that you are kissing someone who has already died is a sign of long life and health. It may also indicate that there is a strong spiritual protection acting in your favor.

In other words, the deceased person comes to show you in your dream that he cares for you and that everything will be fine. If you are going through a grief because of this loss, feel at peace. The interpretation is positive and your life is flowing very well. Enjoy.

To dream that you are kissing your ex

To dream that you are kissing your ex is something scary for many people. Its meaning is that it is time to leave this story in the past. You should move on and forget about hurts and disappointments in love.

When you achieve this peace of mind you will finally be ready to live new adventures and love experiences. So take a lesson from this dream: take care of yourself, re-establish your self-love and leave the past behind.

To dream that you are kissing acquaintance

When in a dream you kiss a person you know, it indicates that there is a great affection for this person. Even if it is someone with whom you do not have a very close relationship, there is respect and concern between you.

This is a healthy relationship. It can be the kick to create a closer relationship, strengthen bonds and perhaps find a great friendship - or even something more - in this partnership. Kissing someone you know is a very positive sign.

To dream that you are kissing a stranger

When you dream that you are kissing a stranger, it can be interpreted that there is a feeling of loneliness taking over you. It may be temporary, but it may also last for a long time. It is important to look at this feeling and treat it with attention.

Loneliness does not specifically indicate the need to have a romantic partner. You can approach friends and family, surround yourself with people who are good for you. This will help to give your heart a little calm. The dream shows you that you need to take care of this loneliness and not let it become bigger than it really is.

To dream that you are kissing someone committed

You dreamed that you are kissing a committed person, because you harbor feelings or desires for this person. But if she is an artist or someone for whom you feel nothing, the indication is that you tend to prefer dangerous and forbidden relationships.

To dream that you are kissing someone committed can serve as a warning. Be careful about the relationships in which you have been involved. They are not always really healthy. It is important to look for partners who can give you tranquility and emotional stability. Escape from problems.

To dream that you are forcibly kissing someone

To dream that you are forcibly kissing someone requires attention. This situation shows a violation of your integrity and points out that there are enemies around you.

Friends, co-workers, or even family members could be plotting treachery against you. The sign of this forced kiss is one of warning. Turn on your radar to notice who may be intent on harming you.

To dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex

Even if you are not homosexual, dreaming that you are kissing someone of the same sex has a very deep meaning. It indicates that you are finally accepting your essence and embracing your own existence. In addition, you have been dealing well with your impulses.

The important thing is to have a firm hand in dealing with the contrary and destructive opinions about you. Do not let the condemning gaze of other people reduce your importance or annul your dreams. The dream shows us that it is important to persist and be who you are. Then you will find countless opportunities to shine and live your life intensely.

To dream that you are kissing your boss

Even if you do not have a very good relationship with this leadership figure, the dream shows a latent desire to grow professionally.

You recognize your potential and believe that you can fly higher and higher. So, take advantage of the dream to run after your professional wishes, even if they seem challenging and sometimes even impossible to achieve.

The figure of your boss represents a desire to occupy better positions. This professional ambition should be interpreted positively and should serve as an impetus for you to qualify further to get where you want to go.

To dream that you are kissing your beloved

To dream that you are kissing loved one is nothing more than the visualization of the affection that you have for her. However, if in the dream your kiss is denied, it is important to pay attention to move away, because there is not the same interest of the other party.

However, if the kiss is reciprocated you can invest in this relationship, because it tends to work out very well. If the loved one is not of your sexual interest, it only represents an intense affection. Then, the dream indicates the need to take more care of this relationship, to dialogue and get closer to this person in order not to lose him/her.

To dream that you are kissing a relative

To dream that you are kissing a relative may sound strange, but you have a good sign. A love from the past is returning to your life. You will meet and rediscover feelings that you thought were buried.

But if the relative with whom you exchanged kisses is a person already deceased, interpret it as a good sign concerning your health. Moreover, this apparition shows us an intense spiritual protection.

To dream that you kiss several parts of someone

To dream that you kiss the body of someone you know indicates partnership and closeness. You are looking out for each other, even if there is no sexual or romantic interest in this relationship.

Even if the person in the dream is not someone very close to you, believe that there is a relationship of trust and respect. Therefore, whenever you need this person you can count on him to help you.

But, there are specific interpretations for some parts of the body. Neck, hand, forehead, for example. For each part there may be a different degree of intimacy. Therefore, it is possible to interpret the dream in different ways. Take a look at the following explanations.

To dream of kissing someone on the neck

To dream that you kiss someone's neck or that you see another person making this gesture of affection, means a warning sign of infidelity. A betrayal is in progress or a third person may arise to shake your relationship.

To dream of kissing someone's neck indicates that there is a need to exchange caresses and share moments as a couple. So it's time to meet new people and seek this relationship.

To dream of kissing someone on the cheek

The kiss on the cheek that appears in the dream has as its main meaning the brotherly affection. There is respect and much love between you, but this will not evolve beyond a good friendship and companionship.

If in your dream appeared a friend, know that this person is very loyal to you and will always defend you. Therefore, value this friendship and show the same admiration and care for the person. So you tend to nurture a beautiful partnership relationship.

To dream of kissing someone's hand

There are two possible interpretations to dream of kissing someone's hand. The first is that there is affection and veneration on the part of the person who is kissing for the one receiving the gesture. This admiration is intense and deep. The fraternal bond is very great, and you probably have lived or will live many important things together.

Another possibility is that this dream indicates the arrival of a good financial aid for the one who received the kiss. This money should come as funding for a personal project or a venture that you have been dreaming of for some time.

To dream of kissing someone on the forehead

There is no more beautiful and delicate gesture than dreaming of a kiss on someone's forehead. It proves how much you admire, love and care for this person. This is the most affectionate and loving kiss we can give.

If the kissed person is a friend, you can believe that there is a great fidelity between you. Don't worry about betrayals and gossip, because this person is on your side for whatever. The feelings are sincere and there is no risk of disappointment between you. A great sign.

Does dreaming that I am kissing someone mean that I am attracted?

To dream that you are kissing someone does not always indicate a sexual or romantic attraction. The kiss may be given in a brotherly manner, it may indicate a deep and honest admiration, as well as great care for the other.

To interpret the meaning you need to understand who is the person who receives the kiss, or if you yourself are the one who is receiving the gesture. In any case, with few exceptions, dreaming that you are kissing someone is a positive sign of partnership and companionship.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.