Lily of the peace: how to care, spiritual significance, Feng Shui and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is lily of the peace?

It is already part of common sense that growing plants indoors brings a number of benefits to the individual. Besides making the home more beautiful and harmonious, plants also help purify the air, drive away negative energies and also enhance the presence of positive energies.

People who are aware of the spiritual and transformative potential that certain plants have, besides making the environment more beautiful and inviting, can still enjoy all the energies and vibrations that these plants offer. The peace lily has a direct relationship with tranquility and positive energies.

Learn more about the secrets of this plant in this article!

How to care for the peace lily

As popular knowledge has it, plants need specific care to grow and survive. With the lily of the valley, it's no different. This plant needs to grow under specific conditions. Learn more in the following topics!


Taking into account that the peace lily is a plant that originated in Central America, it needs a place that has shade, humidity and also heat. These conditions can be found easily in Brazilian homes. However, when we talk about shade for plants, it doesn't mean that it should stay in an environment where there is no sunlight.

This simply means that the exposure of this plant to the sun should be reduced. The peace lily should spend at least two hours exposed to a weak sun. Humidity is also very important, as this lily needs a lot of water. Because of its wide and thin leaves, this plant loses a lot of water, which needs to be replenished.

Wilted lily of the peace

The lily-of-the-valley can wilt in certain circumstances, however, this is not a reason for you to give up on your plant and wait for it to die. When you find your lily-of-the-valley wilting, you should water it urgently. Put the pot the plant is in into a larger container.

After that, you should fill the pot with water until it comes close to the mouth, and keep the plant about two hours there until it recovers. You will notice that over time, the lily-of-the-pearl will recover in an almost magical way.

To make it bloom

If there is something that draws attention to the lily of the peace, it is its white flowers. These flowers appear on stems that are longer than the plant, as if they were a kind of flag. A curiosity about the lily of the peace is that this plant is popularly called the white flag. If green flowers are born on your lily and not white, know that it needs to be more exposed to the sun.

Try to gradually move the plant to a place where the sunlight in the morning or late afternoon can reach it. This slow transition is called rustification, and will make the lily-of-the-valley soon start to give white flowers.

To play

So that your lily-of-the-valley can reproduce, you must make a clump division. To do this, remove the plant from the pot and try to carefully separate the roots from the root ball. After that, plant each of the clumps again in a pot with substrate for seedlings mixed with vermiculite, which is a mineral that helps maintain moisture.

If you are separating an older plant, this is the ideal moment to add compost and also to give more space for the plant to grow. The ideal thing to do in these cases is to use Bokashi, which is a very complete type of fertilizer.

Spiritual meaning of the peace lily

The lily of the peace, as its name already mentions, is a plant that brings various good vibrations and positive energies to the environment. This plant also has a very specific spiritual meaning. Learn more through the following topics!

As the name implies

The peace lily is widely known almost all over the world as a symbol of peace and tranquility. Its flower makes people remember a white flag, which is known worldwide as a symbol of truce and is used in times of war to symbolize that the sides will be at peace.

Therefore, people who are looking to put an end to certain feuds, which have been going on for quite some time, should send peace lilies to the person with whom they are in conflict. There is even a possibility that this plant, when sent to the person with whom you have the feud, will cause their energies to change.

Lily of Peace as symbol of purity

According to some specific knowledge, as well as common sense, the color white symbolizes purity and chastity, so the flowers with this color, such as the lily of the peace, are also considered a symbol of purity and innocence. According to the dictates of Feng Shui, the lily of the peace is associated not only with the purity of the soul, but also of the environment.

According to this ancient Chinese art, it is believed that from the moment someone cultivates this plant in a certain environment, it will help to completely eliminate all negative energies, dissipating them and bringing positive energies. This plant brings tranquility to the environment.

Lily of the peace as a symbol of chastity and virtue

According to Christianity, the peace lily is a plant that is considered to be a symbol of chastity and also of virtue. Therefore, this is a plant that is associated with Christian figures that possess these characteristics, such as Jesus and also the Virgin Mary. This plant is also associated with the delicate nature that women possess.

Therefore, it is considered a great option to be given as a gift for a woman who is getting married, or even that is starting a new stage in her life.

Lily of Peace as a symbol of hope

The peace lily is also considered a symbol of hope. According to Feng Shui, this plant brings peace and harmony to the environment, besides being responsible for bringing positive energy to the place where it is. The ability of this plant to bloom even in difficult situations makes it symbolize hope. It shows that there will always be something good ahead in life.

These plants can be given as a gift to someone who has just had a baby, as they serve as a reminder to symbolize the innocence of the child, as well as bringing hope for a prosperous future for the baby.

Lily of Peace in curing diseases

According to popular culture, the peace lily has yet another meaning. This plant is also related to healing and also to balancing the mind so that the person's life becomes more peaceful and harmonious. These lilies can be given as a gift to people who are recovering from some illness.

There are studies that prove the effectiveness of many plants in the recovery rate of patients with certain diseases, besides reducing physical and psychological symptoms. The lily of the peace is included in this list.

Peace Lily as a symbol of prosperity

The lily of the peace is a plant that also symbolizes prosperity. It has a large foliage, which is endowed with an exuberant green and is also capable of blooming all year round, if the necessary conditions and care are respected. Because of this characteristic, this plant is associated with abundance and also prosperity.

So if you are looking for the ideal way to wish a loved one or a friend that they have a happy and prosperous life, the best gift to give is a peace lily, as this plant transmits this energy.

Peace Lily as a symbol of longevity

Peace lilies are also tropical perennial plants. This means that they live in specific climates and they also have a long life cycle, so if you take good care of your plant, it will keep blooming more and more for years. If it lives in favorable conditions, this plant can survive for more than ten years.

Because of this, the lily of the peace is associated with longevity, because it is a perennial plant. Therefore, if you are intending to wish a person a long and healthy life, give them a lily of the peace, it is an excellent option.

Lily of Peace as a symbol of rebirth

The peace lily is a plant that can also be seen as a symbol of rebirth. They bloom in all seasons and remain beautiful and lush for several years. The growth of this plant also does not cease, they simply keep growing throughout their existence.

These characteristics make the peace lily associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, this is a plant that can be seen as a symbol of the rebirth of the soul and also of the passage from the earthly to the spiritual plane.

Lily of peace in Umbanda

Umbanda is a religion of African origin that originated in the state of Rio de Janeiro. It is a religious belief that mixes elements present in Christianity and also in African and indigenous religions. Learn more about the participation of the peace lily in the rituals of this religion!


The peace lily is present in some types of rituals and traditions of Umbanda. This plant can be used for different purposes within this religion, as well as other plants. The peace lily, within Umbanda, is very associated with the energy transmitted by the Water Orixás Oxum and Iemanjá.

However, besides being associated with these two Orixás, this plant also carries the vibration of Oxalá, who is considered the most important of all Orixás within the Umbandist religion.

In the rites

In the religious rites of Umbanda, the lily of peace can be used in the "descarrego", baths and also in the "bate folha". During these sessions, this plant is indicated for bringing a broader understanding that all things have a right time to happen, bringing an experience of maturity, calmness and tranquility.

Therefore, the symbolism of the lily of peace in Umbanda is deeply related to the search for a certain mental clarity, peace of mind and also maturity, both spiritual and emotional.

Peace Lily in Feng Shui

The literal translation of "Feng Shui" to Portuguese means "wind and water". This is an ancient practice that originated in China, and aims to balance the energies between people and the environment. The lily of the peace is also used in this art, learn how to follow!

Purifies environments

There are several ways to use Feng Shui, this ancient Chinese art, to decorate the environments and generate a certain harmony in it. One of the methods is through the plants that transmit positive energy, one of them is the peace lily. The energy brought by this plant is able to purify the entire environment.

The peace lily is able to ward off negative energies. In addition to disperse all negativity, this plant also attracts positive vibrations to the house, causing the energy balance to be improved and providing more prosperity, joy, peace and also health.

Chi circulation

The "Chi" is the force that circulates throughout the space that surrounds people. This energy is capable of moving in a similar way to the way air circulates and the flow of Chi is directed according to the way objects are arranged within a given environment.

When the peace lily is used in the right way in Feng Shui, this plant favors the circulation of Chi through the environment, which is the energy that helps bring balance and well-being to people's lives.

Where to use

For the plant to be well taken care of, it is necessary to place it away from a place where there is a direct incidence of light, however, it must be placed in a bright environment, because the lily of the peace is a shade plant. Despite these specificities, this plant can be used in any room of the house.

In addition, it is important that the soil of the peace lily is always kept moist, however, it should not be soaked. It should be watered 3 to 4 times a week. If some yellowish leaves appear, it is necessary to change the place of the plant or even prune it.

Other meanings of lily of the peace

The peace lily is a plant that has several meanings, including peace, prosperity, rebirth, among others that are attributed to this plant because of its characteristics. Check out some more below!

Peace Lily to express sympathy

The peace lily has among its popular symbolism sympathy, so this plant can be used as a thoughtful gesture of condolence. It is very common to see this plant being offered to the relatives of a person who has passed away as an expression of sympathy and also of solidarity with the family.

Giving a peace lily to someone can also be considered as a gesture of tribute to a person who has passed away, as it is also a kind way to express sympathy for someone who has lost a loved one.

Peace Lily as a gift

The peace lily can be given as a gift to the people you love. As this plant has several symbolisms, it can be given to someone you wish to have prosperity, health, success, among other good things. This is a plant that transmits positive energies.

With that in mind, by giving the peace lily to someone, you are wishing for positive energies to flow into that person's life abundantly. Peace is the main symbolism of this plant, so by gifting someone with it, you are saying that you wish that person to have a lot of peace.

Peace Lily symbolizes beauty

The lily of the peace is also a symbol of beauty. This is due to the fact that this plant has a great vivacity, besides being exotic and stunning because of its white flowers and also its dark green leaves. The beauty of this plant is such that many artists use it to describe the beauty of their loves.

If you are feeling fascinated by someone right now, this is an excellent plant to let that person know how special they are to you and also understand how beautiful you find them.

Does the lily of the peace represent only peace?

The answer to this question is a resounding "no", because the peace lily, due to its remarkable and unique characteristics, has several symbolisms. Among them, of course, the symbol of peace, as the name says. This is also a plant that is seen as a symbol of prosperity, because of its abundant flowers and leaves, of beauty, due to its exuberance, of purity and innocence,due to its white color, among others.

The peace lily is a plant full of meaning. It can be given as a gift to wish a number of things for loved ones. Therefore, it cannot be said that this plant only represents peace. The richness of meaning of the peace lily goes far beyond this meaning.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.