Major Arcana: Learn all about these cards of the Tarot of Marseille!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Who are the major arcana of the Tarot of Marseille?

The major arcana are a set of 22 cards, considered the basis of the deck. Each of these cards represents karmic messages and lessons from the life of the consulter, as well as pointing to themes and archetypes that influence their journey.

In the Marseille system, they consist of images, most of them enumerated in Roman numerals and exposing the name of the blade in question. The images and the numbers make up the essential symbologies for their interpretation.

They demonstrate the Madman's journey through the deck, encountering guides and witnessing events that help him understand the teachings on his path.

In this article, we present each of these cards. We also include the keys to unlock their meanings, their symbolic description and the interpretations for love, work and health, so that you can, when you finish reading, begin to interpret the secrets of this powerful oracle.

The Madman

The Madman is arcane 0, the number of unlimited potential, and so he has no specific place in the Tarot. He is a wanderer who is apt to explore new paths and experience new adventures.

Visual characteristics

The Tarot of Marseille depicts the Madman as a bearded man wearing what may be a court jester's hat. He carries with him a bundle of his belongings attached to a stick, which he hangs over his back and is being chased by an animal that rips his trousers.

In the Marseille version, this animal can be interpreted as either a dog or a cat.

What does Card 0 mean?

In the natural position, the Madman signifies new beginnings. He indicates a new adventure with optimism and freedom which will require you to take a leap into darkness but which will bring growth as a result of this experience. He is the symbol of innocence and indicates the time to take risks.

In the inverted position, the Madman indicates that you are acting without thinking about the consequences of your actions. You may be in a dangerous position and not realize it.

Card 0 for love, work and health

In love, the Mad signifies a new relationship. It is time to allow yourself to have new experiences with the optimism of this arcane. Inverted, it means lack of commitment or risky relationship.

At work, it indicates that it is time to try something new in the career, even if it is to give a new chance to old projects. Inverted, it indicates unthinking actions at work.

In health, the Mad indicates vitality, but the chance of suffering accidents is increased. If inverted, more risk of accidents.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Crazy card are:

Crazy + Ace of Cups (or the Lovers): new relationship.

Crazy + Three of Cups: surprise party.

Crazy + Six of Wands: unexpected promotion at work.

Crazy + Nine of Cups: fulfillment of wishes in an unexpected way.

Crazy + Five of Diamonds: don't be naive when dealing with finances. An unexpected bill will cause a hole in your budget.

Crazy +Dez of Swords: don't take any chances.

The Magician

The Magician is the card number I, indicating new beginnings and new opportunities. The position of his hands refers to the hermetic maxim "what is above, is below", symbolizing that he establishes the link between the profane and the divine to manifest his goals.

Visual characteristics

In the Tarot of Marseilles, he is represented with six fingers without his left hand, a symbol of recognition and manipulation of reality. Moreover, the Magician is in front of his working tools arranged on the table that has only three feet, suggesting going beyond the possibilities to manifest his action.

Between her feet, there is a small plant, which may represent the feminine creative energy of the mother or nature.

What is the meaning of Letter I?

The Magician signifies potential. You have at your fingertips all the tools and skills you need to achieve success. In this way, it is aligned with the power of change and acting to make it happen. It is important that you use your intelligence and willpower to manifest what you want.

Inverted, the magician means an opportunity not to be missed and someone manipulative.Beware.

Letter I for love, work and health

In love, the Magician means fascination with someone and commitment. If you are single, it will probably create opportunity to fall in love. Inverted, it is an indication that you or your partner is trying to manipulate the relationship.

At work, it means new opportunities and improvement in finances. Inverted, it indicates that you are not fully using your abilities.

In health, it means restoration of strength and help from an experienced professional. If reversed, seek a health professional urgently.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Magician card are:

Wizard + The Wheel of Fortune: creating your own luck will open doors and opportunities.

Magician + Nine of Cups: fulfillment of one's desires through one's own actions.

Mage + Three of Diamonds: mastery of your craft using effort and skill.

Magician + The Devil: manipulation or abuse of power.

Mage + Five of Swords: someone is cheating on you.

The Priestess

The Priestess or Papaless is the number two arcane, associated with accumulation. Her powerful and intriguing figure represents sexuality, mystery, and ultimate power. It is the card of non-action, whose precedence is lack of involvement. Seated, she looks for possibilities and potentialities rather than interfering with events.

Visual characteristics

The Priestess is depicted as a nun sitting near a white egg and reveals the part of us that remains intact. Under her lap is a book, which demonstrates her wisdom and the mysteries of life, as it is hidden by her cloak.

She wears a blue cape and a Red cloak, in contrast to the Pope, who wears a red cape and a blue cloak.

What is the significance of Letter II?

Papisa signifies intuition and mysteries aligned with common sense. She indicates that it is time to trust your instincts and that it is important to pay attention to your dreams, as the answer to your inquiries may come through them.

When inverted, it shows that you are ignoring your intuition by being focused on the opinion of others. It is important to connect and trust yourself as you have all the knowledge you need.

Letter II for love, work and health

In love, if you are a man, it means that you will be attracted to a sensual woman or, if you are a woman, that you will be desired by more than one person. Inverted, sexual tension or emotional explosion

At work, you'll learn about important opportunities. Avoid talking about your finances. Inverted, be more cautious when signing contracts.

In health, it is important to listen to what your body has to say. It also means fertility or hormonal rebalancing. Inverted, hormonal and fertility problems.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Priestess card are:

Priestess + the Madman: risky moves.

Inverted Priestess + the Madman: failure by bad advice.

Priestess + the Magician: success.

Priestess + the Empress: possible pregnancy.

Priestess + the Empress inverted: rival women.

Priestess + the Emperor: united couple.

Priestess + the Pope: woman who causes a man to suffer.

Priestess + the Lovers: oppressed love that will come to the surface.

Priestess + the Star + the Tower: death.

The Empress

The Empress is the major arcane number 3. Like all cards with this number, she is the explosion of everything accumulated on the second level. She is the transition between virginity and creation and marks a stage in life of growth and the discovery of sexual desire.

Visual characteristics

The Empress is holding her sceptre and one end of it touches her belly. A small green leaf grows under her hand that rests on her belly, representing the power of nature and fertility.

At the tip of her scepter is a yellow ribbon which is related to her wisdom and creative ability. She is often seen in the position of giving birth, again alluding to her fertile nature.

What is the meaning of Letter III?

The Empress signifies motherhood and femininity. In general, this card seems like a request to connect with your feminine side, through fertility, creativity, and caring nature. It also incorporates abundance, indicating a comfortable life, pregnancy, or a need to connect with nature.

When reversed, it means loss of willpower due to interest in other people's lives or that you have become dependent on others.

Letter III for love, work and health

In love, the Empress indicates a stable relationship or the beginning of a romance, if you are single. It indicates good sex, but beware of chances of pregnancy. When inverted, it means attachment and jealousy.

At work, it indicates creativity, comfort and material wealth. Inverted, it indicates insecurity.

In health, indicates pregnancy, the importance of paying attention to the signals of your body and to relax. If reversed, your emotions are causing apathy, laziness and anxiety.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Empress card are:

Empress + Ace of Wands + Ace of Cups: pregnancy.

Empress + Jack (regardless of suit): mother and son.

Empress + The Emperor: parents.

Empress + The Devil: domestic abuse, creative block.

Empress + The World: success acquired through insistence.

Inverted Empress + The Magician: woman who changes because of love.

Empress + The Pope: resolution to an age-old problem.

The Emperor

The Emperor is the major arcane number 4, the number of stability. He is the counterpart of the Empress and embodies the father figure, the giver of protection, of sustenance, and is associated with discipline. In plays, this arcane usually represents a man.

Visual characteristics

In the Emperor's blade, we see a man in a stable position, sitting or standing before his throne. He is about to act if he wishes. Like the Empress, the Emperor is accompanied by an eagle resting on an egg.

He holds the scepter in his right hand, indicating his dominance, especially since his left hand is smaller. His legs are crossed and form a square, symbol of materiality.

What is the meaning of Letter IV?

The Emperor signifies control, authority, organization, regulation, and fatherhood. He is symbolic of the masculine principle, a father figure who represents strategic thinking and who gives structure, dictates rules, and creates systems. You may be occupying a position of power.

In the inverted position, it signifies abuse of power wielded by a parent, boss, a possessive partner, or a man who wants to have control over your life and make you feel dependent.

Letter IV for love, work and health

In love, it indicates a relationship with an older man who will be a good influence, but not so romantic. It is a sign of monogamy. Inverted, it indicates a controlling partner and toxic patterns.

At work, great opportunities are on the way, bringing stability. Inverted, indicates instability and financial problems.

In health, it means you should decrease your physical activities. Inverted, your routine has brought stress that manifests itself in symptoms like headaches.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Emperor card are:

Emperor + The Lovers: stable relationship.

Emperor + The Hermit: retirement.

Emperor + Justice: judicial system.

Emperor + The World: government.

Emperor + Two of Swords: a diplomat.

Emperor + Four of Swords: a hospital.

Emperor + Five of Swords: a criminal.

Emperor + Ace of Wands: new career.

Emperor + Two of Clubs: promotion.

Emperor +Four of Wands: marriage.

The Pope

The Pope is the arcane number 5, the number that arises from a perfect foundation to go beyond his position. Therefore, he goes beyond the Emperor and creates a bridge that aligns him with the ideal, obeying the heavens and acting on earth.

Visual characteristics

The Pope is seated on his throne. Behind him there are steps like a ladder and it is through this ladder that he connects with body and soul. His three-level cross means that he has transcended the physical world and notions such as sex, intellect and emotions so that only then can he create the sense of unity.

Its four-layered crown represents the heart, sex, body and brain.

What is the meaning of the letter V?

The Pope stands for traditional values and institutions. He represents a mentor who will give you wisdom or a spiritual guide. This is a time to act according to convention and tradition. It may mean that you will be part of something traditional.

Inverted, it is time to break tradition and taboos. It may indicate that you are stuck in old conventional moorings or backward thoughts and need to get rid of them.

Letter V for love, work and health

In love, Pope is the card of marriage and commitment, if you are in a relationship. If you are single, it indicates a serious relationship in sight. Inverted, it means unconventional relationship.

At work, it's time to avoid unconventional methods and join a team. It's time to improve yourself by studying. Inverted, it means pressure.

In health, pay attention to your immune system, seeking traditional treatments. Inverted, it's time to try alternative treatments.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Pope's letter are:

Pope + Four of Clubs + The Hierophant + Three of Cups: religious ceremony or marriage.

Pope + The Temperance + Four of Swords: may indicate a hospital.

Pope + Ten of Diamonds: traditional family unit, duty to the family.

Pope + King or Queen of Diamonds: bank manager.

Pope + King or Queen of Spades: government official.

The Lovers

The Lovers are the major arcane number 6. They represent relationships and the initial contact with social life. In this arcane are contained the mysteries of emotional choices, including permanence, consolidation and consolidation. Its original name in French is in the singular, meaning lover, enamored.

Visual characteristics

In this card, there are four characters with human forms, three of them being a person and the other an angel. The enamored to which the name of the card refers is probably the young man in the center of the blade.

It is possible to visualize five distinct hands in the love triangle present in the card, each pointing in different directions, denoting the complexity of the relationships at play.

What is the significance of Letter VI?

The meaning of the Lovers card is relationships and choices. In a drawing it indicates that decisions need to be made, whether they be about a relationship, a temptation or a choice between potential partners. These decisions will involve the sacrifice of an aspect of the consulter's life.

Inverted, they point to a conflict which causes disharmony and makes your life difficult. It may also indicate that you have avoided taking responsibility for your actions.

Letter VI for love, work and health

In love, this card indicates romance, complementary energies and compatibility. However, a sacrifice will have to be made to keep this person. Inverted, it means incompatibility, coldness and detachment.

At work, it means partnership and the possibility of affective involvement with a colleague. When inverted, it indicates conflicts and financial irresponsibility.

In health, the card calls attention to the heart. Check that everything is alright with it. Inverted, it advises you to reconnect with your body.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Lovers card are:

Lovers + Two of Cups: creating deep bonds in the relationship.

Lovers +The Hierophant or Three of Cups: marriage.

Lovers + Four of Cups: dry relationship.

Lovers + Five of Cups: tears and affective disappointment.

Lovers + Four of Swords: time in the relationship.

Lovers + The Devil: toxic relationship.

Lovers + Death: end of relationship.

The Car

The Chariot is the seventh major arcane. The number 7 is divisible only by 1 and by itself and therefore is the most dynamic among the odd numbers. The Chariot carries the dynamic influence of 7, denoting movement and actions in all areas of life.

Visual characteristics

In the Chariot chart, you see two horses, the chariot and the person driving them, probably a prince because of his crown. The chariot moves with the flow of the planet.

Horses represent the animal and instinctive nature, also symbolizing the masculine and feminine energies that complement and consolidate each other. Although their legs point to opposite directions, their head and gaze are united in a single direction.

What is the meaning of Letter VII?

The Chariot stands for action. It is about overcoming challenges and moving towards victory by maintaining control over life. It is precisely control that makes you a winner. It is necessary to use strength and willpower to overcome any obstacles that may come your way.

When inverted, it means aggressiveness and lack of willpower. It may indicate lack of focus, motivation or even direction.

Letter VII for love, work and health

In love, the car shows that it is necessary to master your emotions before getting into a relationship. If you are in a relationship, it is time to practice better communication and balance mind and heart. Inverted, it indicates obsession to get someone.

At work, the car indicates ambition, determination and financial goals. When inverted, it is lack of ambition or thoughtless decisions.

In health, it indicates recovery, but may indicate digestive problems. Inverted also indicates recovery.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Car card are:

Car + The Madman: life on the road, backpacking.

Car + The Empress: pregnancy.

Car + The Justice: success in legal matters.

Car + The Tower: dangerous trip.

Car + The World: travel.

Car + Seven of Swords: pretending to be someone you're not.

Car + Eight of Swords: police.

Car + Ten of Swords: traffic accident.

The Force

The Force is the arcane number 11 in the Tarot de Marseille, something that contrasts with the order of the cards of the Waite deck, which places it as arcane 8. This card opens the way to the subconscious. It symbolizes bravery, compassion, strength, and persuasion.

Visual characteristics

The Force is the only major arcane whose name is written on the left side of the card. At the same time, on the right side, you see 20 stripes that give it the force that names the arcane. Twenty is also the number of the arcane of Judgment, with which the Force is related.

The woman present on the blade represents the conscious trying to dominate its instinctive side, represented by the lion.

What is the meaning of Letter VIII?

Strength signifies the inner power to withstand moments of stress and danger. You remain calm and your resilience will help you achieve what you want, even when it is difficult to stand on your own two feet. It also denotes patience and compassion which will always be rewarded.

When inverted, it means you are about to face a great fear or anger in life. You have forgotten your passions and lost the taste for what you love.

Letter VIII for love, work and health

In love, it indicates a relationship with a Leo or someone with a wild side. If you are single, it indicates that your confidence will make you find someone. If you are in a relationship, it means a strong relationship. Inverted, it means insecurity and low self-esteem.

At work, it's time to control spending and take bold steps in your career. If inverted, a sign of insecurity.

In health, it is a sign of good health and recovery. If it is inverted, beware of bad habits that can harm your health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Strength card are:

Force + Two of Cups: strong relationship.

Strength + Five of Cups: resilience after a difficult situation.

Force + Nine of Cups: live your dreams.

Strength + Nine of Clubs + Knight of Diamonds: perseverance and courage will be rewarded.

Force + Five of Swords: phobias and intense fears.

Strength + Seven of Swords: Use diplomacy to achieve a goal.

The Hermit

The Hermit is the major arcane number 9, the first odd number to be divided by other numbers besides itself. The Hermit carries in itself characteristics such as the search for the soul, introspection or even retreat, since the number 9 is the last before the next ten.

Visual characteristics

In the Hermit's card, an old man is seen, carrying a staff in one hand and a lamp in the other. The lamp is his guide into the darkness of the unknown and is a symbol of wisdom.

With it, he clears away the shadows of the past and gains wisdom as an experienced and wise man. His cloak represents discretion, as he retreats from events to reflect on them and gain strength to follow his path.

What is the significance of Letter IX?

The Hermit means knowledge that comes from within. When it appears, it indicates a journey into the unknown of oneself through periods of solitude. It may indicate a period of existential crisis or even an encounter with a mentor.

In the inverted position, it indicates a moment of seclusion which may bring negative consequences for you and others around you. It may even indicate the beginning of a difficult phase with depression.

Letter IX for love, work and health

In love, it indicates the phase when you are alone to prepare for a relationship. It can also indicate chastity, celibacy and pause of love life. When inverted, it means rejection and loneliness.

At work, it shows the search for a life purpose with less materialism. It may indicate career crisis. Inverted, it indicates alignment between your purposes and your career.

In health, it is time to stop what you are doing or you will become ill. Inverted, it is indicative of mental health problems.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Hermit card are:

Hermit + The Priestess: search for the meaning and mysteries of life.

Hermit + The Empress: grandparents or advice from an older person.

Hermit + The World: success acquired slowly.

Hermit + Four of Swords: retreat, withdrawal.

Hermit + Six of Swords: Travel to a remote location.

Hermit + Four of Diamonds: prudence with finances.

Hermit + Two of Cups: love from the past.

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is the major arcane number 10, which ends the first ten cards of the Tarot. It represents the cycles of life, in a moment of transition from one cycle to the next, closing the past and preparing for the future.

Visual characteristics

The central element of the card is the Wheel of Fortune itself. The crank that turns it is positioned exactly where you can see a rectangle, the focal point of the wheel and symbol of the divine.

There are also three animals that bring the wheel out of its inertia so that the natural change of the universe can occur. The two red and yellow wheels are the symbol that unity must be achieved through duality.

What is the meaning of the Letter X?

The Wheel of Fortune means that life is made up of good times and bad times and nothing lasts forever, so whether you're at the top or the bottom of the pyramid, the wheel of fortune reminds you that everything is fleeting and you should make the most of situations as much as you can.

When inverted, it means that bad luck has followed you. There are negative influences that you cannot control.

X Card for love, work and health

In love, the wheel of fortune indicates changes in the relationship or even a period of adaptation. When inverted, it symbolizes external influences that hinder your relationship and lack of control.

At work, it is a sign of good luck, opportunities and positive changes. Inverted, however, it shows difficulty in adapting to work and unexpected changes.

In health, it indicates change, whether it is a period of health or illness. Inverted, it shows that your health is being affected by stress and pessimism.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Wheel of Fortune card are:

Wheel of Fortune + The Devil: addiction to gambling.

Wheel of Fortune + Five of Diamonds: risks that will result in a loss.

Wheel of Fortune + Four of Hearts + Wheel of Fortune + Four of Diamonds: missed opportunity.

Wheel of Fortune + Ace of Diamonds + Wheel of Fortune + Six of Diamonds: luck. Risk that will bring material gains.


Justice is the arcane number 8. This number encompasses the accumulation of the 2, the materiality of the 4, and the discovery of the 6, embodying perfection between earth and heaven and stability in the material and mental worlds. In Waite's Tarot, Justice is the 11 card.

Visual characteristics

Justice is a card of balance. In it, we see a woman seated holding a sword and a scale, between two pillars of different sizes. The pillar on her left side has a yellow sphere that the right one does not have. This indicates that balance is not necessarily synonymous of symmetry.

Both the scales and his necklace are hanging to the left side, drawing attention to how artificially perfect justice can be.

What is the significance of Letter XI?

Justice means that decisions made will have effects for a long time. It indicates that when the time comes for you to be judged, you will get a fair trial. If your actions have caused someone harm, this card is a warning that you will bear the consequences sooner or later.

When inverted, it indicates that you are living in a process of denial and are not accepting the consequences of your actions and those of others.

XI Card for love, work and health

In love, Justice shows commitment and fair treatment, in the sense of getting what you give to the world. When reversed, it denotes unrealistic expectations of the partner and unfairness.

At work, it is a sign of career integrity and financial balance. Take care to balance personal and professional life. When inverted, watch out for dishonesty.

In health, the imbalance is affecting your health. When reversed, your imbalance will have a disastrous effect on your health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Justice card are:

Justice + The Madman: imbalance.

Justice + The Priestess: hidden facts to be revealed.

Justice + The Devil: corruption.

Justice + Judgment: cause in justice that will be judged. change.

Justice + Ten of Clubs: setbacks with legislation, bureaucracy.

Justice + The Empress: inevitable events.

Justice + The Wheel of Fortune: difficulties. Chance of professional change.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is card number 12, the second level of the second dozen major arcana. He points to accumulation, entrapment, and estrangement. Coming from the abyss, his cumulative nature of number 2 has him hanging upside down to get to the root of the matter.

Visual characteristics

In the Hanged Man card, you see a man hanging upside down. The rope that holds him is tied to his foot and he is suspended between heaven and earth. His hands are positioned behind his chest and one of his legs is crossed and the other stretched.

Unlike the Emperor, the Hanged Man does not signify dynamism but a fixed position to understand a situation from another angle.

What is the significance of Letter XII?

The Hanged Man means sacrifice, showing that it is necessary to renounce something in order to move forward. The time in which he to reflect and view a situation through another angle is analogous to a spiritual path, in which it is possible to see the world differently. It is important to stop what you are doing, because there is a lot of indecision.

When inverted, it indicates that you're devoting your time to something that doesn't give you a return or sign of any resolution.

Letter XII for love, work and health

In love, the Hanged Man means sacrifice. This is a time to avoid pressure. Inverted, it is a sign of repetitive negative patterns that require changing perspectives in the love life.

At work, it indicates changes and instability in the career. When inverted, it is a sign of wasted talent, procrastination and indecision. Seek new perspectives.

In health, if you are sick, consider all possible treatments. Allow yourself time to heal. When reversed, think outside the box to improve your health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Hanged Man card are:

Hanged Man + Five of Cups + Seven of Cups or the Devil: drug use.

Hanged + The Pope: wisdom through spirituality.

Hanged Man + The Madman + Tower: suicide.

Hanged + The Lovers: unwanted pressure caused by complacency.

Hanged Man + The Moon: creativity.

Hanged Man + Ace of Diamonds: try something new in your career.

Hangman + Jack of Diamonds: you will return to study.


Death is the arcane number 13. One of the most feared cards because of the stigma of its name, it hardly represents a physical death, except when in conjunction with other very specific cards. It appears as a sign of relief, change, transition, or even transformation.

Visual characteristics

The central figure of Death in the Marseille Tarot is a skeleton with a sickle, symbols traditionally associated with death. However, the arcane of death has no name on its blade.

This card is in the middle of the major arcana and comes after the analysis and reflection of the Hanged Man through understanding the past, the arcane Death brings the power of change. It is the card without name but with number, while the Madman is the card with name but without number.

What is the meaning of Letter XIII?

Death means a natural change and preparation for a new phase of life. Gradually, a necessary process of transition will begin for your world to change completely. It hardly means physical death.

When inverted, it still means change, however you are resisting it. Resisting change will only cause you to have limited beliefs based on the past that will prevent you from having a good future.

Letter XIII for love, work and health

In love, Death is a sign of changes or even the end of a relationship. If it is inverted, resistance to change will only worsen the relationship.

At work, it indicates a period of transition in which there may be financial loss. If it is inverted, it indicates stagnation and the need to change jobs or careers.

In health, it means changes that may require new approaches to your life. If reversed, it indicates resistance to continuing with a treatment or taking care of your health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Death card are:

Death + The Magician: lack of skills.

Death + Justice: taxes.

Death + Ten of Wands: bad situation about to end.

Death + Ten of Diamonds: inheritance, especially if followed by Six of Diamonds.

Death + Three of Cups: cancellation of a party, show or celebration.

Death + Ace of Cups: demotivation.

Death + Two of Cups: end of friendship.


Temperance is the major arcane number 14. It brings with it the need to have your own space, with a message of peace and balance. In the original Tarot of Marseille, it has no article or gender and symbolizes balance, harmony, moderation, patience, purpose and serenity.

Visual characteristics

In the Temperance card, one sees a central figure representing an angel who is both male and female. Like the Emperor, she carries the energy of stability brought by the number 4. The angel's feet are on the earth, though her blue wings are ready to fly.

Temperance has yellow eyes, representing the conscious. She pours water into two goblets symbolizing the flow of energies.

What is the meaning of Letter XIV?

Temperance means clarity about where you want to go. It shows that if you find peace in what you do, things will happen exactly as they should. It shows your adaptability to situations and people around you, alerting you that it is also time to reassess your choices and priorities.

When inverted, it is an indication of imbalance, stress and anxiety. It can also be interpreted as a warning that your choices will affect your peace and balance.

Letter XIV for love, work and health

In love, Temperance shows a balanced relationship, governed by care and patience. However, inverted it shows a period of conflict generated by imbalance and impatience.

In work, it indicates slow but consistent progress. When inverted, it warns of imprudence and imbalance in this area.

In health, moderation is the key to a healthy and balanced life. Inverted, it is a sign of excesses that harm your health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Temperance card are:

Temperance + Six of Cups + The Judgement: reconciliation and renewal.

Temperance + The Hierophant + Four of Swords: hospitalization.

Temperance + The Star + Four of Swords: healing or convalescence process.

Temperance + The Devil: abstention, falling into temptation.

Temperance + Two of Wands: successful idea or venture.

Temperance + Kings of Wands: travel abroad.

The Devil

The Devil is the card of number 15, being the fifth level of this new ten of arcana. It is parallel to the card of the Pope, which also occupies level 5, but of the previous ten. It is a card that indicates the bridge and is related to obsession, sexuality, personal shadow, attachment and addiction.

Visual characteristics

In the Devil card, we see a figure half human, half animal, an allusion to our primitive nature. He holds a torch and has bat wings, elements that refer to the darkness of the subconscious.

His hat has a red brim, referring to desires, and the hat itself, orange in color, symbolizes the receptive nature of the mind and intuition. The Devil traps his minions, and both on his face and on the face on his belly, one can see that he has nothing to hide.

What is the significance of Letter XV?

The Devil represents a path that leads to the abyss and is linked to instincts and the material world. On a drawing, he indicates imprisonment, emptiness and lack of fulfillment in life. He can indicate ostentation and that you have no control over your desires or actions.

In the inverted position, it indicates independence and awareness to get rid of bad habits and addictions. Although it may bring pain at first, change is necessary for you to connect with your true self again.

Letter XV for love, work and health

In love, the Devil indicates a period of lust and heightened sexuality. It is also a phase of hedonism. If it appears inverted, it is a sign of dependence and passion.

At work, beware of bad habits and especially self-sabotage. You're stuck in a job you hate. Inverted, however, is a sign of independence.

In health, indicates addictions and problems generated by drugs and compulsive behaviors. If inverted, indicates end of negative habits.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Devil card are:

Devil + Temperance: resistance to addictions or falling into temptation.

Devil + Six of Cups: obsession with someone from the past.

Devil + The Hierophant: corrupt institution.

Devil + Ace of Diamonds: false document, forgery.

Devil + The Magician: manipulation, deceiver.

Devil + Nine of Cups: be careful what you wish for.

Devil + The Tower: violence or abuse.

The Tower

The Tower is the arcane number 16. It is usually a very feared card because it indicates sudden changes, agitation, chaos, disaster and revelation. In the French version of the Tarot de Marseille, this card is called 'La Maison Dieu', the house of God, and is associated with the Tower of Babel.

Visual characteristics

In the Tower, you see two people thrown falling out of it. The open door with a yellow light coming out indicates the light of consciousness that will illuminate the body and the facts.

Like the hanged man, the human figures are upside down because they see the world differently. The tower has been struck by a kind of lightning, causing fire and aligning itself with the crown of creation. This indicates the transformative power of this card.

What is the significance of Letter XVI?

The Tower signifies a sudden change or emergence of something that was confined. It may indicate change, separation, a desire to change jobs, change of country, or a secret that will be revealed. It is usually a sign of disaster or loss.

When reversed, it shows a crisis on the way that you have been avoiding. It is important to get rid of false resilience and embrace change, as it will be more beneficial than it seems.

Letter XVI for love, work and health

In love, the Tower indicates a sudden change of perspective or even termination of a relationship. When inverted, it is time for readjustments, but may indicate abandonment.

At work, be careful, as it may be loss of job or money. If it is inverted, it is a good sign: it indicates survival from financial disasters.

In health, it indicates a sudden illness or incident which will affect your well-being. It also indicates mental problems. If inverted, stop ignoring your illness and seek treatment for it.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Tower card are:

Tower + The Emperor: an unpredictable and temperamental leader.

Tower + The Car: Escape from danger.

Tower + The Force: resistance and strength in difficult periods under stress.

Tower + The Hermit: learning through mistakes. Spiritual leader in a crisis situation.

Tower + The Star: restoration of life itself.

Tower + Ace of Wands: new plans that fail.

The Star

The Star is the major arcane of number 17. In the French deck, its name is written ambiguously, so it can be interpreted as 'Le Toille', 'Le Toulle' (source and origin in Occitan), 'Le Toi Île' (the island of you), as well as 'L'étoile' (the star).

Visual characteristics

The Star shows a naked woman kneeling before a fountain under a starry sky. Her nakedness shows that she has nothing to hide. Her position refers to devotion and obedience. Her knee on the ground may be a sign of grounding, but note that her foot is on water, the element of emotions.

She indicates talent, nurturing and watering the world around her with the jars she carries. The symbol on her navel represents fertility.

What is the meaning of Letter XVII?

The Star signifies a difficult period that has passed. Now you are able to follow the flow of the cosmos, filled with hope and spirituality. It is a symbol of luck, prosperity, fertility, generosity and truth and brings recognition of our place in the world, showing that there is a mysterious part of ourselves to whom we can turn.

When inverted, it indicates that you feel everything is against you as you may have lost faith and hope. Nurture your faith and hope to improve your life.

XVII Letter for love, work and health

In love, the Star marks a period of optimism in which wounds from the past are finally healed. When reversed, it is a sign of hopelessness about love life generated by self-criticism.

At work, it means achievement of goals and the rewards that come with it. If it's reversed, be prepared for a moment of demotivation and pessimism.

In health, it means good health or a time when an illness will finally be cured. If reversed, your health has been impaired by anxiety and pessimism.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Star card are:

Star + The Empress: life improvement.

Star + The Hierophant: renewal of faith.

Star + Four of Wands: healing process or state of convalescence.

Star + Six of Wands: Public recognition.

Star + Seven of Clubs: a motivational teacher.

Star + Ace of Diamonds: a new career.

Star + Knight of Cups: a new love interest.

The Moon

The Moon is the major arcane number 18, a number that when reduced to 1 digit (1 + 8) becomes number 9, associated with the moon. It is the world of dreams, fantasy and the subconscious. Therefore, it is associated with anxiety, illusion, intuition and fears and secrets.

Visual characteristics

On the blade, you see a moon with its face superimposed on a sun. It does not look directly at us and its crescent face indicates that something is covered up. There are two animals staring at each other between two towers. One of them is a wolf and the other is a dog, representing the wild and tamed facets of our personality.

They howl at the moon and feed on it. In water, the element of emotions, we see a crustacean emerging, indicating that something will come up.

What is the significance of Letter XVIII?

The Moon means that imagination is taking over your life. You are walking in the dark and the Moon guides your path. It represents the mysteries of the soul and its realm is the realm of the subconscious, shrouded by a dark energy linked to intuition and illusion. Just as part of your face is hidden, there are hidden secrets about to emerge.

When reversed, it means confusion and unhappiness and that you are anxious and dealing with paranoia.

Letter XVIII for love, work and health

In love, the Moon is a sign of an illusory relationship. It warns of a complicated period with uncertainties. If it is inverted, it indicates paranoia, fears and disappointment in love.

At work, beware of entering a period of confusion and lack of information. If reversed, it indicates career sabotage and disappointment.

In health, it indicates mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression or problems with the menstrual cycle. If inverted, it shows period of recovery of mental health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Moon chart are:

Moon + The Priestess: what is hidden will be revealed. Sign of psychic abilities. Inspiration.

Moon + The Devil: hallucinations, paranoia and revelation of what is hidden.

Moon + Seven of Cups: fantasies. If followed by the devil, obsession.

Moon + Five of Swords: deceptions and dishonesty. Beware.

Moon + The World: social anxiety, dream of success.

Moon + Five of Swords: harassment.

The Sun

The Sun is the major arcane number 19. It represents life and brightness, pointing to unconditional love, prosperity, and awareness in all aspects of life. Like the sun, this card points to a time of optimism, positivity, success, and happiness.

Visual characteristics

In the Sun chart, the central figure is the greatest star in the universe. Here, the sun is represented in the center of the sky, removing all shadows with its 13 rays. On these, you see two figures that crossed the river.

They can be the minions on the Devil card, due to details to the tail of the left figure (the male minion on the Devil card) and the other has the body points of the female domain.

What is the meaning of Letter XIX?

Sun means feeling of optimism and accomplishment. It represents the beginning of a new harmonic and beneficial phase, free from the shadows of the past. It indicates success, happiness and harmony. It can represent a father figure.

When inverted, it shows that you have difficulty accepting positive aspects of your life. There are clouds clouding your sun or you are simply being unrealistic to the things that are happening.

XIX Card for love, work and health

In love, the Sun shows a period of happiness and personal radiance, which, if you are single, will make you more attractive. If it is inverted, it is a sign of dissatisfaction and boredom.

At work, it is a sign of success and stability, including promotion or raise. If reversed, it is an indicator of failure, unfounded beliefs or temporary difficulties.

In health, it indicates vitality and great state of health. If ill, it indicates recovery. If inverted, your attitude and negativity is affecting your health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Sun chart are:

Sun + The Madman: a child.

Sun + The Devil: Ambitions.

Sun + Six of Wands + The Star: public recognition, fame.

Sun + Two of Cups: happy and harmonious relationship, serious plans for the future.

Sun + Three of Cups: happy celebrations.

Sun + Ten of Cups: happy marriage.

Sun + Five of Diamonds: change of luck.

The Trial

Judgement is the number 20 card, the penultimate major arcane. It represents the union of the forces of the Moon and the South and a period of rebirth and awakening. Judgement is inevitable and has influence from the planet Pluto and the arcane of Death.

Visual characteristics

In the Judgment card, one sees a man and a woman, representing the conscious and subconscious respectively. They have found peace through faith and have been summoned by an angel with his trumpet, representing the call of the superconscious.

Among the people, there is a creature interpreted as bisexual, which arises from the depths. The blue cloud surrounding the angel and the head of this creature symbolizes open-mindedness.

What is the significance of Letter XX?

Judgment means time to reflect and evaluate on your own actions. It is time to change and to be true to yourself and your needs. This implies changes that will affect your life and those close to you.

When inverted, it means that you doubt your potential and judge yourself too harshly. This causes you to miss precious opportunities. It may also indicate a need to get out of your routine and reflect on your life.

XX Letter for love, work and health

In love, Judgment shows period of adjustments due to excessive judgment. It is a sign of renewal in love life. If reversed, it means period of denial or transference of blame for relationship problems.

At work, it is time to evaluate, act responsibly and reflect on actions and spending. If reversed, judgment means doubts, pride or even negationism.

In health, it is period of healing after long recovery. If reversed, get rid of negativity or your health will be affected by it.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the Judgment card are:

Judgement + The Wheel of Fortune: karmic cycle.

Judgement + 8 of Diamonds: need to retry.

Judgement + Five of Diamonds: help someone in need.

Judgement + Ten of Cups: past relationship that generates permanence.

Judgement + Jack of Hearts: discovery of creative talents.

Judgement + Ace of Wands: competition.

Judgement + Five of Swords: desire for revenge.

The World

The World is the number 21 card, the highest number in the Tarot deck. It represents supreme consciousness, also indicating completion, wholeness, fulfillment, and even travel. As the last stage on the Tarot path, the World calls for deep reality, acceptance, completeness, and awareness.

Visual characteristics

On the card, there is a woman dancing inside a blue garland. She holds a male element in her left hand (a stick) and a female element in her left hand (a small ornamental vase).

The garland is considered a representation of the Mandorla, an Italian symbol in the shape of an almond that refers to eternity and the female genitalia. In this sense, the letter is a rediscovery of the unity of the world in its fullness.

What is the significance of Charter XXI?

The World means completeness and completion. It symbolizes achievements, balance and moving evolution. It is an indicator of a great change, in which the inner and outer worlds meet. It can mean marriage, children or a journey to explore the world.

When inverted, it indicates that you are approaching the end of a stage in life. However, you are not feeling complete. Reflect on what would make you complete.

Letter XXI for love, work and health

In love, the World indicates a relationship which brings satisfaction and gratitude because you have reached an important goal. If reversed, you are feeling incomplete and the relationship is stagnating.

At work, it indicates fulfillment of professional and financial goals, bringing relief and success. If it is inverted, the World warns of dissatisfaction generated by a false notion of success.

In health, it is a great sign of recovery and good health. If reversed, avoid taking shortcuts and finish what you started to improve your health.

Main combinations

The main combinations for the World card are:

World + The Madman: international travel.

World + The Lovers: romance around the world.

World + The Hermit: a master or teacher.

World + The Sun: self-realization.

World + Ace of Swords: language teacher, learning a new language.

World + Five of Swords: dangerous place.

World + Three of Cups: foreign friends.

World + Two of Clubs: opportunity.

The Major Arcana reveal the spiritual lessons for learning!

Because they are tied to life lessons and karmic influences, the Major Arcana reveal spiritual lessons of learning.

When they appear in your reading, they call attention to important themes of a spiritual nature, as well as the cosmic influences that are occurring in the life of the consulter at the time of the reading.

In addition, they tend to illustrate the focal point of the reading, teaching important lessons for understanding the current conjuncture of events the consulter is witnessing and experiencing.When a reading is predominantly made up of major arcana, it is a sign that these events will have lasting effects.

Therefore, always pay attention to their meanings, so that you can understand what is reflected in the Tarot and learn the lesson that is being put before you, so that you can move on to the next stage of your journey.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.