Matching Ascendants: love synastry, sign compatibility, elements and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are matching ascendants?

The ascendant sign has great relevance in the way each person places him or herself in the world. This is due to the place of protagonism that the ascendant occupies in the formation of the individual's personality, much more than the sun sign. Therefore, when the ascendants are placed side by side, they can create powerful or very challenging combinations for the couple.

In Astrology, each element has its own characteristics which make coexistence with the others more or less easy, since some traits may not fit. Therefore, when thinking about love synastry, the analysis of each one's ascendant is determinant for the compatibility of the pair.

What are the most promising combinations of ascendants? Which elements work well together? A good astrological chart analysis provides detailed information about the couple and their potential. In this article, you will learn more about this subject in detail, answering these and other questions for a harmonious and healthy relationship.

Compatibility and astrological chart

From the unique characteristics of each sign, element and the position of the stars in the astrological chart, it is possible to identify the compatibility of the couple. The possibilities are infinite, with aspects that can be similar, opposite, complementary or even challenging. Below, learn more about the subject.

What is Love Synastry

Love Synastry is a method which consists in analysing the compatibility of the couple's birth chart. People often evaluate the potential of the relationship only with the sun sign. However, Love Synastry evaluates details which, at first, may go unnoticed.

By comparing the two charts, the astrologer or specialised programme can detect favourable or unfavourable points in the position of the planets and signs in the chart. Aspects such as trines, sextiles and oppositions, as well as the angle which separates the planets, are also decisive to know how compatible the couple is.

Identifying Ascendants who combine through the chart

In the astrological chart, there are numerous aspects that influence the personality of each person. In this way, there are various ways of analysing the compatibility between two people, some of them being more representative than others. In the case of the ascendant, identifying their potential together comprises visualising if the couple works.

To know if the ascendants match, it is necessary to evaluate the element and polarity of the signs. Since the ascendant speaks about the way each person places himself in the world, the combination of them involves a relationship with more understanding and similarity in the way of being of each of the people.

The combination of ascendants and the astrological tripod

The Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs make up what is called the astrological tripod. Together they are aspects which complement each other and mark the particularities of a person's personality. The best way to walk a more harmonious path is to understand how each one of these signs interferes in the day-to-day life and can be balanced, as they all have potential. Find out more below.

The Moon

Often forgotten, the moon has great importance when you think about an astrological chart. It symbolizes the way people deal with their emotions, that is, the way they are perceived in a deeper way. Often, the most striking features of someone's personality are linked to the moon sign.

The moon is the star that represents the mother figure, being mysterious and welcoming. Thus, it brings out the intensity of visible and invisible emotions, with a sensitive symbolism.

The Sun

The sun sign is the sign which identifies the power of the self, therefore it is the sign which influences the capacity of self-affirmation. More deeply, the sun symbolizes the base of the structure of the individual, signaling his personal values and where he feels more secure to grow. It is a sign strongly connected to individuality.

Solar energy also strengthens creative impulses and the confidence to start and follow projects. It is the star which refers to the sign which explains one's consciousness.

The Ascendant Sign

The sky is divided into two parts, one visible and one invisible. The ascendant is the sign which was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, that is to the right of the visible sky. It is in the east that all stars are born, and the rotation of the earth gives the impression that the signs are in motion and consequently rising on the horizon.

There are situations in which the sun sign and the ascendant are equal. This happens when the individual is born near the time the sun rises, so that the star is in the same sign that rises on the horizon at that time. Likewise, when the clock points to sunset, there is a great tendency for the sun and ascendant signs to be opposite.

Metaphorically, the fact that there is a sign rising on the horizon justifies it because it is a kind of public mask. Therefore, the ascendant is the aspect that defines the way each being is seen before others, his unique way of expressing himself and the first impression that is registered. In practice, it is the way of being and creating everything that is unique in each one.

The polarity of the signs

Based on Taoist concepts and on the complementary dynamics of the universe, the signs can be divided into two large groups: masculine and feminine. Their opposite polarities suggest opposite bases of personality and behavior, which can be classified as active or reactive. In the following, find out in which group your sign and your ascendant fit.

Feminine signs

The signs of feminine polarity are those which carry a more introverted and passive energy, equivalent to yin, a concept which refers to looking inwards. The signs of the Earth and Water elements, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are feminine. They represent emotion and practicality, with a deeper personality, intimate and welcoming.

Male signs

Yang energy symbolizes the active side and light, in opposition to the other half of the circle. The male polarity signs, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius belong to the Fire and Air elements. Their nature is enthusiastic, expansive and communicative, with aspects that draw outgoing personalities open to social contact.

Solar and lunar compatibility

The Sun and Moon signs represent two types of love compatibility: on the one hand there is the expressive power of the King Star, and on the other the mystery of its natural satellite. The depth of an individual's personality is therefore a mixture between the manifestation of the being at its maximum potential and its emotions. Learn how these compatibilities come about:

Lunar compatibility

Love synastry involves analysing the combination of various aspects in the birth chart. The Moon sign, although not the first to be thought of, greatly influences the compatibility of the couple. Even in other types of interaction, such as friendship or work, the Moon creates space for more or less fluid relationships. Much friction originates in the perspectives brought about by the Moon sign.

In general, two people with moon in the same sign can find an ideal dynamic in the relationship. Moreover, when the moon sign is of the same element, the chances of a friendly exchange are high. On the other hand, the opposite moon tends to develop complicated relationships, while the others of the complementary element are favorable.

Solar compatibility

The elements of the signs offer one of the pillars of love compatibility analysis. Divided into two pairs of greater similarity, Fire relates better with Air and with itself, while Earth works better with Water and with itself. From this consideration, it is possible to understand why certain relationships encounter obstacles.

Despite being the most well-known level of compatibility, taking into account only the sun sign is not the best way to evaluate if the astrological charts of two people match. Here, specifically, being compatible means minimizing possible friction in each other's way of being.

Feminine signs with Sun in the same sign or feminine

The exchange between feminine signs with the Sun in another feminine sign is favorable. Earth and Water signs are feminine, which allows interactions based on emotions or pragmatism in routine. When the couple has signs of this group, or even both have the same sign, the tendency is that they can live together in a more harmonious and lighter way.

Moreover, the combination between two opposite and complementary signs, in this case, is also quite promising. The challenge is to balance the differences.

Male signs with Sun in the same sign or masculine

Similar in behaviour, Fire and Air signs are masculine and interact well with each other. Their dynamic is more communicative and extroverted, which gives the couple more potential for a pleasant relationship. When both have masculine signs, the relationship has a more active behaviour profile, governed by intensity and communication.

The combinations are compatible regardless of the pair, of complementary opposites can also be in this group. Finding harmony amidst the differences is necessary.

Main compatibilities

Compatibility between the signs is presented in the solar, lunar and ascendant aspects, so the important thing is to understand how the signs interact with each other, since the most and least favourable combinations are the same. The main compatible duo is always that composed of two identical signs, like a fusion of two very similar components.

Together, they find similarities in the way they are and behave, making room for a harmonious relationship. Similarly, other signs of the same element or of the element of similar nature show a high level of compatibility. This is due to the way the natives usually behave and deal with emotions.

These two major groups are: Fire and Air, Earth and Water. In the first are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. In the second are the compatible pairs formed by Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

Ascendants and the elements of each sign

As ascendants in the birth chart, the twelve signs manifest the same characteristics which make them unique in the zodiacal belt. The power of the elements is undeniable, since it guides the construction of the personality of the native.

In the same way, it signals possible challenges in exchanges and relationships with oneself or with ascendants of other elements. See how each sign and element shapes the essence of the being.

The four elements

The signs are divided into trios, each one belonging to one of the elements. Fire, Earth, Air and Water symbolize the way each sign builds and positions itself in relation to the others, a factor which contributes to more or less favorable combinations. Each element has a keyword related to its dominant energy, which makes Fire intense, Earth stable, Air sociable and Water flexible.

Fire element and signs

Fire is an element of a warm and luminous nature, bringing to the corresponding signs the strength of initiative and vitality. In the personality of individuals, it represents joy, extroversion and a unique love of existence. In order to expand, they need freedom and space to show ideas. They are great leaders but in general they have little patience.

Aries, the first sign, represents the energy of fire in the beginning, being immediate and somewhat impulsive natives. In Leo, the brightness of the star and its natural magnetism prevails, which creates a confident and perhaps self-centered aura. The element gives Sagittarius the strength to break through and always seek more, breaking barriers and overcoming challenges.

Earth element and signs

As in nature, the Earth element is the one that refers to the solidity of the physical foundations. Natives of Earth signs usually value security, stability and everything that is tangible, since they do not know how to deal with fluctuations and uncertainties. Objective and practical, they know how to find solutions to problems, although they seem cold and distant from others.

In Taurus, the element speaks about nutrition and material comfort, besides the known obstinacy. In the methodical sign of Virgo, Earth brings the capacity of improvement and expands the possibilities so that things work properly. To Capricornians, nature adds resilience and feet on the ground to their personality, fan of tireless work and visible limits.

Air and signs

Air symbolizes the whole, impacting the signs with a wide capacity to expand and communicate. Its natives have a tendency to quick thinking and communication, which grants them the necessary skills for association with other people. Its limits are fluid and reach the collectivity in its most solidary potency.

Gemini absorbs from the element the strength to fragment and multiply possibilities, making the native adaptable and communicative. In Libra, the desire to touch everything the eye sees predominates, combining pondering and a good dose of indecision to the typical harmony of the sign. Free and plural, Aquarius symbolizes the avant-garde movement, in search of everything that is new and ideal.

Water element and signs

Like water in nature, this element speaks about fluidity as a way of positioning oneself. In Astrology, Water is the one who presents the emotional dimension of beings, bringing a personality dynamic known for constant oscillation. They are natives who find unobvious paths and know how to position themselves without exaggerating.

In Cancer, the element reinforces the value of affection, care and affection, making people sensitive and welcoming. Water gives Scorpio the power of transformation, being an intense sign that relates to the mystery of the invisible. Pisceans are characterized by the breadth of paths, fantasy and the unique ability to dream and idealize.

Matching Ascendants and their elements

In order to understand which ascendants do or don't go together, we need to remember the division of the signs according to their element. This division represents the maximum level of similarity between them, although each one represents a specific aspect of the element itself. In the same way as in sun and moon signs, ascendants may or may not facilitate exchanges.

Fire with Fire

It is a favorable combination due to the similarities between the two. It stands out for the intensity and known impulsiveness that governs the decisions made by these natives. They are usually pairs with remarkable self-confidence, and who do not hesitate when faced with situations that demand delivery and leadership. They bring dynamism to the relationship, but can be competitive.

Fire with Earth

Fire and Earth Ascendants are very different from each other, which makes the relationship challenging for both. The Earth native's feet on the ground can quench the energy and vigor of Fire, which needs stimulation. Likewise, Earth is hardly open to Fire's boldness. When the interaction is positive, learning allows both to loosen their own rigid beliefs.

Fire with Air

Fire and Air are elements which interact well together in all spheres. When ascendants belong to these groups, the couple finds a good opportunity for balance and partnership. The desire to start something new and the impulsiveness of the Fire ascendant are highly compatible with the agile and creative thinking of the personality of the Air signs.

Fire with Water

When Fire and Water ascendants are involved in love, there is a duality between the fiery drive for achievement and the depth of human emotions. The possibility of friction is great, unless the couple works to reduce personality differences. These are signs which are generally not highly compatible.

Earth with Earth

In its highest expression being in the two ascending signs, Earth is the element which brings the couple a base which needs security and stability. Together they work well because they do not delve into intense or impulsive issues. It is a partnership of wide possibilities, compatible and which can become inflexible, requiring more balance on the part of those involved.

Earth with Air

Flexible boundaries on one side, somewhat rigid methodology on the other. For couples with Earth and Air ascendants, the combination is not as favorable as the others. If the partners find ways to balance impulsiveness and the need for control, the harmony between two such different personalities has more potential to work.

Earth with Water

Both in nature and in the astrological chart, Earth and Water have each other's support. Together they are able to create life and prosper, uniting practicality with an intense emotional sense. They are couples with pleasant and gentle tendencies, composing a highly harmonious combination among those possible for both elements, with emotion at the service of accomplishment.

Air with Air

When an air ascendant is in a relationship with another, the chances of it working out are great. Astrologically, they find in each other the same desire for socialization, movement and openness to the new, which confers love compatibility. Because they are very similar, their difficulty is to bring the innovative ideas that occupy their minds into the concrete world.

Air with Water

Air and Water build a dynamic that allows for great learning when in balance. For couples with ascendants in signs of these elements, the counterpoint is between reason and emotion, as the desire to innovate present in Air clashes with the sentimental limits of Water. Together, they can overcome this difference to transform with more empathy.

Water with Water

Water is the element that refers to emotions and, when present in both ascending signs, has a favorable dynamic. The couple can easily connect with the depth of the other's feelings, with welcome and sensitivity. When it becomes excessive, it can compromise the naturalness of the encounter and make the exchange heavy.

What to do if my partner's ascendant is not listed among the ascendants that match mine?

The combination of the ascendant signs is subtle, as it signifies a receptive approach. The ascendant, rather than the way each person shows themselves to the world, represents the way in which the individual can be approached in a gentle way. Therefore, matching ascendants create a very favourable scenario for couples.

There are situations in which the couple's ascending signs are in elements of opposite nature. Since this chart trait is fundamental in building the personality, there are great chances of friction or completely different world views. Astrologically, these combinations do not indicate good possibilities for love success.

However, the key to a relationship with mismatched ascendants is dedication. It is up to the couple to understand where the main differences are that compromise the fluidity of the relationship, so they can balance the points that cause friction. With dedication and understanding, the couple can perfectly build something solid and lasting.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.