Meaning of the 6th house: for Astrology, in the birth chart and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of the 6th House in your Star Chart

The 6th house carries a deep meaning concerning the practical and concrete knowledge of the natives, causing a clear influence in these matters.

This positioning is also responsible for pointing out the improvements made throughout life, as a result of different attitudes and thoughts that make up the mind of each person.

Also known as the house responsible for dealing with the routine issues that are part of the life of each native, it reveals the attitudes of these people, such as criticism and self-criticism in relation to various life events. See more details about the 6th house below!

6th house and its influences

The 6th house provokes the good functioning of the native's mind by its strong influences. As it is represented by the sign of Virgo and the planet Mercury, this becomes even clearer, as both value organization and good execution of actions.

Thus, the main influence of the house is in relation to the way the natives deal with practical and common day-to-day issues, such as work. Even if they are not activities that generally bring pleasure, the house reinforces the need to perform such actions for the greater good.

It can be considered as a purifying house because it prepares individuals to face the new directions of their lives, leaving behind what doesn't fit anymore, ending cycles and starting new ones. Want to know more? Read below some important points about the 6th house!

The House VI

The 6th house is part of the cadent houses of the astrological chart and suggests some specific aspects about the native who receives its influence. It is common that with the strength of this influence the native values issues such as privacy and is a reserved person.

This is the house responsible for exposing deeper details of issues involving health and service, and may even show that the native has the aptitude to do voluntary work. It also talks about care, whether it is about health, other people, work or domestic responsibilities.

The relationship of the "I" with the world

People influenced by the 6th house have a relationship with the world guided by their practical actions and the way they work. Depending on the complete positioning, they may show some facilities with certain areas more than in others.

However, this positioning shows in some cases that there is a very high demand in relation to the actions practiced by the native. Thus, this person can be very demanding because of the desire that everything is perfect.

Work and employment in the 6th house

In relation to work, the 6th house can suggest that the native is a person who wants to invest in himself, so he lives a quest to create his own business so that he can develop a work based on what he believes, with standards set by him.

In general, there is a great care in the way of planning in this sector. These people are very demanding and evaluate everything. They are organized and only after being sure that everything is as they wish they put something into practice.

House 6 and relationships with co-workers

The relationship with their co-workers is shown by the 6th house. As they are very demanding people who do everything to have their plans fulfilled, it is common for these natives to face challenges.

Not everyone around you will be able to follow your standards. If you are in a position of power, this may change, but only because you exercise power over others at work. You may end up having misunderstandings because you do not understand how others act.

Relationships with time and atmosphere

The 6th house has been associated with several negative things, even being called an evil house. However, the big issue in relation to it is that it exerts a very great power in issues such as time and perception of the natives.

This house, as it speaks of routine, refers to the issues of time as something that will be changed in the course of the native's understanding, how he sees himself before the world and his daily adjustments. The issues raised by the 6th house is what keeps the native's mind functioning well.

6th house and health

Health is an aspect much discussed by the 6th house. As it deals with matters such as routine and everything that people live, it also charges that this counts with more quality.

The fulfillment of sleeping schedules, good personal hygiene, physical and emotional health care and other points are shown through this house, which also addresses the need to keep up to date with these aspects for the proper functioning of the body and mind. The 6th house requires the native to face these aspects as a responsibility.

The Astrological Houses, their groupings and classifications

Astrological houses are separations made to divide the celestial field into 12 different areas. According to astrology, several systems are used to be able to identify an astrological house within the Astrological Chart.

The simplified way to be able to identify this is to divide the sky into 12 equal areas. Thus, the astrological houses will be established taking into consideration the place and time of birth of a particular person.

The houses do not change their position in any way and each one of them will be influenced by the signs of the zodiac and the planets, which can give more meaning to the defined aspects of each house. Want to know more? See the details below!

What are the Astrological Houses in the Birth Chart

The astrological houses in the Astrological chart begin in the rising sign, which is appearing on the eastern horizon at the time of a person's birth. Thus, the houses will continue going around the chart in an anti-clockwise direction.

They are responsible for determining the events of a person's life and their influences are reinforced by the signs and planets which are positioned in these houses. They are classified according to strength and quality, making it even easier to understand the influences of the planets and the signs positioned in each one of them.

The Hemispheres and Quadrants

The hemispheres and quadrants are components of the Astrological Chart which facilitate the understanding and reading of it. They are fundamental for a correct and assertive reading. To identify the hemispheres in the chart, north, south, east and west, it is necessary to observe in an inverse way, where north would be in the lower half and south in the upper half.

The quadrants on the other hand, can be observed by another division of the astrological chart, which is made in angles, which are separated by the horizontal and vertical axis. These angles count a lot for the astrological delineation because they are responsible for sending a lot of energy.

Second Quadrant: Houses 4 to 6

The second quadrant gathers the houses 4,5 and 5 of the Astrological Chart, which are located between the Bottom of the Sky and the Descendant. Those who count with a very large number or all planets in this second quadrant, usually show themselves as dependent people and that have a great focus on their private lives.

In general, these natives invest their time in the people closest to them, to whom they dedicate themselves immensely and even show satisfaction in caring for and serving. These actions are mechanisms of people, who seek intimacy and closeness with others.

Angular, Succedent and Cadent Houses

The astrological houses can be classified in three ways: angular, successive and cadent. Each one will deal with a specific issue. The angular houses include houses 1, 4, 7 and 10. The planets positioned in this house have much more action and are strong.

The succeeding houses, which are 2, 5, 8 and 11, receive this name because they appear after the angular ones and have a medium force of action. Finally, the cadent houses are 3, 6, 9 and 12, which are considered the weakest in comparison to the others. They act in the distribution and reorganization of what was initiated by the angular houses.

The Falling Houses 3, 6, 9 and 12

The cadent houses are considered those with weaker action and can be associated with different signs, with changing characteristics, such as Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius.

Their main actions are to reorganize everything that was started by the angular houses and later developed by the succeeding houses. Therefore, they are responsible for readjustments. Each one of the houses contained in the cadent houses has distinct and essential aspects.

The elements of the Houses

Each house has the influence of different signs and planets and are also influenced by their specific elements. This element is defined as a result of the planets and signs which, when combined, can guide the greater understanding of the Astrological Chart.

Therefore, the elements of the houses are defined as follows:

1st House - Fire

House 2 - Earth

3rd House - Air

House 4 - Water

5th House - Fire

6th House - Earth

7th House - Air

House 8 - Water

9th House - Fire

10th House - Earth

11th House - Air

House 12 - Water

The Houses of Earth: 2, 6 and 10

The houses of Earth 2, 6 and 10 are marked by characteristics of the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, therefore they exhibit many points of these signs in their actions and determinations. This element is usually associated with issues such as the accumulation of material goods.

Individuals who have several planets in this house, usually show themselves as very practical and centered people. They are extremely grounded and do not get carried away by anything. In general, they do very well in their investments and prosper in business.

The Signs in the 6th House

The 6th house, the last one in the northern hemisphere, prepares the native for the great leap that will be the change to the next house, the 7th. Along the way, the other houses deal with specific aspects and when the 6th house arrives, it is time to become aware of issues of great importance.

This may not be the most special house because it deals with everyday matters, but it leaves some issues necessary for the proper development of the person in a more explicit way.

Identifying the sign that is in your 6th house in your birth chart can help you understand some of your personality traits and also facilitate the understanding of your actions so that they can be improved or in some way changed for your own benefit. See details of the 6th house in each of the zodiac signs!


Natives born with the 6th house in Aries are very impulsive people, especially in areas like work. Because of this, they can be impatient with their colleagues, which can have a negative impact.

If they can control this tendency to lose patience and plumb with their colleagues, natives with this position can stand out and may even become great leaders because they can transmit this attitude to other people, who will respect them.


The 6th house with the sign Taurus positioned in it shows a native with a great tendency to gluttony. These are people who, in general, find great pleasure in eating and it can evolve into unbridled gluttony.

The work environment for them is something that should be comfortable, so it needs to generate a sense of pleasure and that they are doing something that really makes them satisfied and happy. They are calm and seek to perform their tasks in a realistic and practical way.


Gemini in the 6th house of the Astrological Chart shows a very versatile person in the work environment who in general has a very positive ability to carry out several tasks at the same time. This is a very curious person who always tries to delve into everything, especially at work. There is a strong desire to know a little bit about everything in the world.

They are intelligent and the way they act arouses admiration in people around them, such as co-workers, bosses and even their subordinates, who will be inspired by their positioning and action.


The native who has Cancer in the 6th house receives a very strong influence from the position. They are very active people who put emotion in everything they do in their daily life.

At work, they stand out for the way they act and spare no effort and dedication to accomplish their tasks in the best way possible. For this native, it is important to work with something he likes because only by getting emotionally involved with something will he feel he is doing the right thing.


Leo in the 6th house brings a very strong meaning to the placement. It is notable that this sign has a very strong influence on everything it touches because it is full of energy and this will be seen in the native's actions in his work.

The desire to perform your tasks in such a way that people see you as the center of everything is important for these people, who show a lot of good humor and charisma, something that causes others to be captivated instantly. These people are likely to succeed in taking leadership positions in their lives.


The position of Virgo in the 6th house of the astrological chart reveals a person who is extremely methodical in their work. For this native, everything needs to be organised in the best possible way and the environment where they carry out their tasks should be as clean as possible.

Those born with the Virgo placement in the 6th house are very observant, but they can also adopt a critical stance towards their co-workers that can turn against them.


Natives with Libra in the 6th house like to work in a place which favours them and which guarantees the desired harmony so that they can put their plans in order. They will do anything to seek balance.

People with this position have a more refined and diplomatic attitude with their co-workers and this way of acting is fundamental for these natives, who feel much more satisfied to cultivate good relationships, without friction and disagreements with the people around them.


Those born with Scorpio in the 6th house find in work the opportunity to transform themselves. They are people who are always looking for personal evolution, so these changes will make them feel much better and more satisfied.

This native's way of acting is based on analysis. Therefore, they seek to understand why people act in certain ways. This arouses curiosity in people with this position. They have integrity and work with great strength and dedication.


Sagittarius in the 6th house shows a person who always wants and seeks expansion in their work environment. For these natives, however much they aim to achieve something of great value, they need opportunities in which they can rest and disengage a little from work.

Thus, when they return, they totally transform the environment around them with new ideas and visions. They are always looking for improvement in their actions and professional and personal evolution.


Natives with Capricorn in the 6th house are very demanding and show great responsibility at work. They are very dedicated to become better versions of themselves. But, the level of demand can cause misunderstandings with colleagues.

It is necessary to be careful with these attitudes. As much as they try to be people who will be available for anyone, some people may have in mind that the native is an arrogant person by the attitudes they assume of wanting everything to go as planned.


Aquarius in the 6th house reveals a person who does not count on much patience and organization in their daily life. These are people who feel overwhelmed by their tasks, but at the same time want to develop many new ideas.

The desire to create and put things into practice can make the native get very wrapped up and even get lost in his essence. Besides everything they usually do, they still end up getting involved in volunteer work because they need to feel good, fulfilling their mission to help people in need.


The position of Pisces in the 6th house makes the person desire a freer work environment, without so much pressure in their mind. These natives are not good for jobs in which they need to stay hours and hours inside an office performing bureaucratic tasks because they quickly feel frustrated and irritated with this.

They also tend to sacrifice themselves constantly for their work because they believe in what they are doing, but at the same time, they end up being disappointed because they believe in everything too much and end up being deceived.

The Planets in the 6th House

The 6th house has a direct correspondence with Mercury, which is the ruler of the sign of Virgo. This positioning clearly demonstrates its links with work and health issues.

This house also brings a reminder of the natural limits that can be reached, so that the natives can understand about their priorities and issues such as the use of their abilities.

The presence of the planets in the 6th house, however, doesn't lock them into exploring only aspects centered on health and work because they count on their own strengths and influences and can bring other visions and distinct meanings to be seen and explored. See below the influences of the planets in the 6th house!


The position of the Moon in the 6th house calls for the native to pay more attention to issues such as hereditary illnesses, so there is a possibility of getting ahead and taking preventive measures in this regard, as there is a potential difficulty in the functions of the body, especially in the digestive system.

They are people who bring with them the need to feel emotionally connected with something in order to develop an action and this applies mainly to work. They can adapt to any kind of function and play a very important role in whatever the place they are inserted.


Mercury in the 6th house shows how natives use their time and generally they need to feel busy at all times. But it is necessary for natives to map out their major goals to establish what their priorities for action will be.

In general, these people can develop health problems related to their nerves because they dedicate themselves to so many functions at the same time. This position, however, favors these people to know more about their bodies and seek to respect their limits.


The 6th house linked to Venus reveals a great deal of harmony in daily life, and the native is always optimistic and maintains positive habits which can be considered sophisticated.

Work for these natives needs to sound like something pleasurable, much more than a boring obligation to be fulfilled. It is common that these people seek throughout their entire lives to improve themselves and always manage to be the best versions of themselves.


The 6th house is not a good position for the Sun and this is because in this place the vitality brought by this great star is diminished. The person has some limitations, especially in exposing himself to the world and showing his personality.

As in this case it is considered a bad aspect for the Sun, it is necessary for this native to take more care of his health in general because he will be more prone to face some illnesses throughout his life which could be frequent and of long duration.


Mars in the house shows a very dynamic and active native. They are people who have a great ability to carry out their tasks at work quickly and totally efficiently. On the other hand, they can get irritated very easily and show impatience with others.

The personality of people with this position can also be seen as competitive. This way of acting can cause them some problems with their superiors or colleagues. But in general they are people who excel in tasks which require care and precision.


The positioning of Jupiter in the 6th house shows very positive aspects in relation to work and this native will achieve all the desired success through his efforts. In general, these people build good relationships with their colleagues, who are peaceful and quiet.

The way they are seen by others serves as an inspiration because they are very loyal to their ideals and the people around them. Thus, these people are respected for the way they act and manage to ensure exponential growth in their careers.


Saturn in the 6th house causes the native to be seen as an organized person, but sometimes he is also noted as a person who ends up imposing his almost compulsive need for everything to be in order. However, this definition is about what he believes to be organization.

The actions of these people are almost always guided by rationality. Therefore, when they need to face the obstacles in their way, they manage to go through the situations in a cool and decisive way, to the point that they are unlikely to make a wrong decision with bad consequences.


The positioning of Uranus in the 6th house makes the native a very dynamic person who generally takes a position of taking the initiative in anything. They do not expect this to be done by other people if they feel able to do it.

This house benefits Uranus because it guarantees a greater understanding that everything is connected and that in order to change something in your external environment it is also necessary to change your way of thinking and acting. Therefore, it is also necessary to change the internal part in order to obtain the desired results.


Natives with Neptune in the 6th house have a highly developed intuition and are people who value thought. To those around them they can even be seen as true geniuses because of their reasoning ability and highly developed thinking.

A challenge for these natives is to learn to compromise. Some things need to be left behind and for these people this is something very difficult, but necessary to be learned so that they do not suffer too much.


Pluto in the 6th house suggests a person who will potentially have to face problems of a psychological nature. This will be one of these natives and may affect the other fields of your life.

But, despite the obstacles, they are people who have a very great capacity to work and dedicate themselves to their duties with total focus. They hardly end up being distracted from their final goals in this sector of life. This is so strong that there is a potential for them to become obsessive.


The houses on planet Earth can show some karmic aspects of the native's life and what they must do in this plan. Through planet Earth it becomes possible that the native can explore the maximum potential of the Sun, which is its exact opposite in the Astrological Chart.

Therefore, as each house has its specificity and something that takes into consideration in a larger way, the planet Earth in each of these houses will cause an influence of karmic nature, exposing important aspects of the native's experience in his earthly journey.

North Node

The well-known Moon Nodes assume a position of great importance in the Astrological Chart, standing next to the Sun and other planets. The North Node represents everything that the soul of the native needs to be in life in order to fulfill its purpose on Earth.

The Nodes talk about the purposes of life of people and also about the potential for growth of each one. Therefore, they are elements of great importance for astrology and for the understanding of the Astrological Chart of each individual.

South Node

The South Node, in the same way as the North, speaks about issues involving the purposes of each being. In this case, this Node raises aspects that have already passed in the life of the native and should be evaluated for a better understanding of his essence.

Faced with these possibilities, it is possible for the native to get a greater glimpse of the difficulties which could slow down his life and the attitudes which will favour his performance in life.

How does the 6th House present the natural limits of our lives?

The 6th house is responsible for providing deeper thought so that the individual can perceive the needs that brought him to this plane. Therefore, it can exemplify in various ways his goals and expose the person's desires.

Gradually, these people will go through their evolution processes, to the point that they can build a way of seeing the situations of their lives in a clearer way, respecting their natural limits of everything that is inevitable to happen in life.

Understanding their boundaries and that one should not cross them in any way, makes natives with this positioning able to understand more clearly who they really are, building a clear identity.

This house encourages natives to seek deep insights into their visions and personalities in order to see themselves as they truly are.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.