Meaning of Uranus in Scorpio: in your birth chart, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What Uranus in Scorpio means

The planets have a great influence on the signs of the zodiac. Each one of them takes several years to complete its cycle of passage through a sign, Uranus is one of them. This star influences the way ideologies and imposed paradigms are broken throughout the generations.

Therefore, saying that Uranus is in Scorpio means that, at the moment of birth of the native of this sign, the star was in a period of passage. Thus, Uranus starts to influence differentiated characteristics that can transform the personality traits of a person from Scorpio. To know more, check out the following article!

Meaning of Uranus

Uranus is the seventh planet of the solar system, always counting from the distance of the planets from the Sun. The name Uranus has been assigned to the planet since its discovery in 1781 and refers to the name of the Greco-Roman god who represented the sky.

Discover the particularities of this planet in mythology, astrology and how it alters and transforms people born under the sign of Scorpio!

Uranus in mythology

According to Greek mythology, Uranus was the deity who personified the sky. He was spontaneously generated by Gaia (goddess of the Earth) and married her. Both were ancestors of most of the Greek gods, since, from this union, the six Titans, the three Cyclops, the six Titanides and the three Hecatonchians would have been born. Although, during the Hellenistic period, a role ofgreat importance to Uranus, his figure was worshipped throughout Ancient Greece, having been referred to, by Hesiod, as lord of the universe.

Uranus in astrology

In astrology, Uranus is considered a generational planet, that is, with very large orbits, lasting long years in each sign and thus is associated with issues involving the collective, affecting entire generations. Wherever it is in an astrological chart, it points to singular experiences and consequently attracts tension and anxiety.

Uranus exalted in Scorpio

The presence of Uranus in Scorpio represents individuals who deal well with changes, because both the planet and the sign have a nature linked to the power of transformation. They are usually people with a strong personality and very unique ideas, especially on subjects considered taboo, such as death, family, love and sex.

It is a planet recognized for influencing the creation of uniqueness, helping to break standard models of behavior. Read on and learn more about this planet and all the transformations it causes in Scorpio natives.

The characteristics of those born with Uranus in Scorpio

Intelligent and dynamic, those born with Uranus in Scorpio exude sensuality and charm. They are restless people and need to be in constant adjustment in all areas of life, but they accept these challenges and seek to control body and mind to overcome challenges.

The passage of Uranus in Scorpio also brings as a strong characteristic a great capacity to be interested in unique experiences, and consequently those which involve tension and cause anxiety. These feelings are often necessary to avoid imprisonment and accommodation.

To decipher the influences of Uranus, the most important thing is to understand the context in which the Scorpio was raised, what ideas their generation identified with and how they can free themselves from outdated social standards. The planet Uranus imposes on Scorpio the importance of freedom and how it can reinvent life when it becomes ordinary and stagnant. See more below!

The positive aspects of Uranus in Scorpio

You will find that Uranus in Scorpio natives are people who are able to think and make big changes in the various sectors of life, including the internal sectors. In other words, Scorpios can change a lot internally and become very different from what they were before. Uranus shares with Scorpio the wisdom to actually be able to change for the better.

There is also, as a positive aspect, the development of the investigative ability with greater depth. In a moment of great scientific discoveries, Uranus brings an asynchronous association, that is, it is a planet that helps with the break of rhythm, establishing new guidelines to be followed.

The Scorpio, by itself, is already constantly misunderstood by society when it comes to issues perceived as taboo. As Uranus deals with the new, with the non-traditional, it ends up delivering this characteristic also to the Scorpio, who will positively search for innovation.

The negative aspects of Uranus in Scorpio

As a result of the influence of Uranus in Scorpio, the native can have a vengeful, rebellious and even sometimes violent attitude or an intense need for change, and this can make him unpleasant at times. The illusion of possession (to own and control) can flow in the Scorpian, which leads, negatively, to a selfish attitude.

Uranus in Scorpio assists the native in a revolutionary attitude and stance, but care must also be taken with the constant search for change, because this can lead to both constructive and destructive changes.

What to expect from those with the Uranus in Scorpio combination

Naturally, the Scorpio has a personality of extremes, i.e. all or nothing. When in synergy with Uranus, the Scorpio will go through the challenge of becoming more balanced and weighing the extremes to make their decisions and define their choices.

Besides, the influence of Uranus makes the Scorpio more sensitive, intelligent, very dynamic and with the gift of developing multiple knowledge in several areas. They are charismatic people and with a high power of personal conquest.

Among the main challenges for the native of Uranus in Scorpio is the need to seek emotional balance, as well as avoid negative feelings and full of hurt towards others. If you are or know someone with Uranus in Scorpio, pay attention to these details and you will better understand their influences.

The interaction of Uranus in Scorpio in the Birth Chart

In the birth chart, the planet Uranus in Scorpio brings intensity, driven by the need for drastic change. The native constantly faces demands which require him to break barriers and shake up his current structure.

Uranus in Scorpio also suggests occasional moments of introspection and other moments of exploring sexuality in unusual ways, and a greater desire to free people from their fears and get them to overcome their limits. Usually they find clever and constructive ways out of emotional tensions in the course of life.

It can also influence a greater personal need to be in power or have control of things, especially if Uranus conjuncts the Sun, Moon or Midheaven. It is an energy that needs to be well directed so that it can help the native in great deeds. Follow along!

Uranus in Scorpio in love

We already know that Uranus in Scorpio brings sensitivity, multiple abilities, and boldness as main characteristics, but it also helps develop a strength and relentless energy for profound change. The Scorpio will not be afraid or afraid to start a relationship from scratch if need be.

Watch out for impulsiveness in the face of conflict. Pay attention to the steps you want to take in love and choose to evolve only when you are conscious and mature enough, without being carried away by emotion. Otherwise you can behave in a rude or crude way, scaring your partner.

However with so much passion and intensity, in ongoing relationships the Scorpio will generally behave quite creatively. In sex you will enjoy very intense and enjoyable experiences as a couple.

Uranus in Scorpio at work

Uranus in Scorpio influences the tendency to renew and to crave constant changes. Therefore, the Scorpio under the influence of Uranus will have, in his professional life, a studious personality, will seek constant knowledge to generate possibilities of choice and will also present the same characteristic in the treatment and relationship with people in his daily work.

For finances, people ruled by Uranus in Scorpio tend to be very economical. This explains, for example, the fact that they are always thinking about the future and saving money. Once inserted in some area or career, they are good at solving problems using creativity.

Uranus in Scorpio and family

The positive side of Uranus in Scorpio is revealed both in the family aspect and in the love towards the family. Strong bonds are created in family and will always be based on respect and understanding. It is worth remembering that, the Scorpio preys on trust and if even in family, this value is broken, it will hardly be recovered with him.

Uranus in Scorpio and friends

The circle of friendships established by people born under Uranus in Scorpio tends to be unpredictable. This planet in Scorpio potentiates the sense of care and attention in what concerns the other person. With this, they tend to have few great friends and also, because of the difficulties in forgiving, they can end up giving up or discarding some friendships.

Uranus in Scorpio and the routine

On a daily basis, the native of Uranus in Scorpio is very dedicated to his work, likes to be concentrated in his activities and values productivity. As it is a sign of the Water element, the Scorpio is mysterious and has a more reserved profile. Uranus influences so that your routine is also full of discoveries and constant motivation towards the new.

Uranus retrograde in Scorpio

In its retrograde motion, Uranus makes Scorpio experience difficulties in being able to express his emotions and ideas. In addition, the Scorpio will feel more difficulty in committing to eventual important activities and/or commitments.

However, the taste for change will lead the Scorpio, even under the influence of retrograde Uranus, to try daring experiments, the consequences of which may be unpredictable. But in any case, they will prove healthy for the Scorpio's development.

Uranus in house 8: the house ruled by Scorpio

The Scorpio native ruled by Uranus in the 8th house usually has a special talent and sensitivity for research into spirituality and mysteries of the world. He also has a great interest in curious and ancient knowledge, such as history or documentaries.

In your studies you may excel in the fields of psychology, police investigator, scientific researcher and astrology. You tend to deal well with moments of crisis and exercise pragmatism.

As possible disharmonious aspects of Uranus in the 8th house, it is possible to perceive difficulty in adapting totally to society and a somewhat indifferent personality in relationships and long passions which are not innovative.

The personality of those born with Uranus in Scorpio

There is no word that better defines the Scorpio with Uranus influence than change. The natives of this junction are restless and constantly concerned with the transformation they are capable of provoking and leading. Therefore, the personality of those born with Uranus in Scorpio is dynamic, it will go through ups and downs, but it will always be renewed. Check it out!

The woman with Uranus in Scorpio

Women ruled by Uranus tend to be intelligent and at the same time introspective and mysterious. They are also excellent at analysing the universe they live in. They have no interest in conforming to other people's standards and try their best to surprise.

Still in this perspective, Uranus in Scorpio natives are emotionally intuitive and know how to speak exactly about feelings and intentions. Besides being self-assured, they have a great power to put themselves on top because of their strong personality and attitude.

The man with Uranus in Scorpio

It is necessary to be very careful when dealing with men with Uranus in Scorpio, because besides having an explosive temperament, when they are in moments of great pressure or even rage they can be aggressive. Especially when someone breaks their trust.

The opposite is also true. When the Uranus in Scorpio man believes and has respect for someone, he is the best company you can have. If you know how to deal with a strong personality, it will be easy to participate in the group of people loved by a Scorpio man. He will dedicate himself body and soul, with sensitivity and loyalty to this interaction.

Celebrities with Uranus in Scorpio

Check out the list of famous people who share the influence of Uranus in the 8th house of Scorpio below:

- Ryan Reynolds: Canadian actor based in the U.S.A. Birth: 10/23/1976

- Paulo Gustavo: Brazilian comedian. Born: 30/10/1978

- Lázaro Ramos: Brazilian actor and presenter. Birth: 01/11/1978

- Ryan Gosling: Canadian actor, born: 12/11/1980

- Dani Calabresa: Brazilian comedian and presenter. Birth: 12/11/1981

- Carla Perez: Brazilian dancer and presenter. Birth: 16/11/1977

The last passage of Uranus in Scorpio

Learn everything about the last passage of the planet Uranus through the sign of Scorpio in the zodiac. Know the total period (beginning and end), which trends were influenced, how the generation ruled by this junction behaved, its challenges and all the events that marked this moment. Keep reading and deepen your knowledge!

How long was the last passage of Uranus in Scorpio

The planet Uranus takes approximately 7 years to pass through each sign of the zodiac. In Scorpio, the last passage of Uranus occurred from 1975 to 1981. The house where Uranus is located in the birth chart of a person influences its characteristics altering its personality and behavior.

When Uranus will be in Scorpio again

Taking into consideration that the planet spends approximately 7 years in each sign of the zodiac, the next passage of Uranus in Scorpio should happen from the year 2059.

The Uranus in Scorpio generation

Between the years 1975 and 1981, many subjects that were categorized as taboos began to be questioned by society, such as psychoanalysis. Society began to discuss with less prejudice the importance of therapies, which was until then a subject recognized only for people in need of deep medical treatment.

This context shows the strong and transforming vocation of the combination between Uranus and Scorpio. It also explains the emphasis on self-knowledge, a latent element of this period.

In general, the generation born under the influence of Uranus in Scorpio has a tendency to question their relationships, their emotions and spiritual themes. This is another specific character of Uranus in Scorpio: sensitivity, an element very present in this combination full of feeling and emotion.

The challenges of those born with Uranus in Scorpio

People born with Uranus in Scorpio have balance as their main challenge. Scorpio, as we know, has a strong personality and is challenged to take a more Uranian stance, more balanced between extremes and open to what possibilities can offer.

Another challenge is related to containing negative aspects. A coarse posture is not a good addition to your social aspects. Meditation or interaction with relaxing music can soften this aspect.

Finally, the Scorpian must take care that the frequent searches for change are in fact appropriate and that the extreme poles of Scorpio's traits do not become negatively accentuated.

Events that marked the passage of Uranus in Scorpio

The interval between the years 1975 to 1981 was a period that served to introduce society's sense of anxiety about the future and revolutionary attitudes towards issues that were somewhat taboo, such as sexuality, family life, spirituality and death.

It was also a time when there was a strong push to experiment with freedom from the controlling side of government, unions, and the classes with greater purchasing power. On many deep levels, these were times of provocation and breaking down the boundaries imposed by convention.

Why can Uranus be an influential star in Scorpio?

Uranus is a hot, electric planet with intense, revolutionary and transforming vibrations. Under its influence, Scorpio natives feel the urge to break down all barriers in life, to forget the limits of time and space, to let go of any roots which may hold them back.

Although Scorpio possesses a certain conservative quality, its nature is restless, curious and renewing. This is how this sign offers favorable conditions for Uranus and its characteristics to emerge strongly. Uranus comes to benefit Scorpios with its vibrations, bringing unlimited scientific and intellectual possibilities and also encouraging the desire for perfection.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.