Mercury in Capricorn: meaning, mythology, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Mercury in Capricorn

The planet Mercury brings the energy of intellectuality, thoughts, learning and communication. This essence is shaped according to the characteristics of each sign of the zodiac, showing a more open and free form in Aquarius, more mysterious and hidden in Scorpio, or more caring in Cancer.

When Mercury joins Capricorn, an introverted, practical and rational sign, it takes on these characteristics in its environment, that is, in the way of thinking, learning and communication. Here, it is filled with practicality, seriousness, responsibility, inflexibility, among others.

Discover in this article everything about what this astrological positioning brings to those who have it in their birth chart.

Meaning of Mercury

Astrology is the study of the influence of the stars on people's lives, and to do this, it analyzes the position of the stars and planets in relation to the Earth at the time the individual was born.

Each planet or star has a distinct influence on people's lives. Discover below what energy the planet Mercury carries for astrology and what its mythological origin is.

Mercury in mythology

In Roman mythology, Mercury (Hermes in Greek mythology) was the son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Maia, one of the Pleiades. He is the god of travelers, commerce, communication, eloquence and thieves, and the personification of intelligence.

Mercury was the one who carried the messages from one god to the other, especially to Jupiter who, to facilitate his speed, gave him a helmet and sandals with wings, besides a bag, a wand and a caduceus, which became his symbol.

Mercury in astrology

According to astrology, the planet Mercury in the astrological chart reveals the way through which a person communicates, by speech or writing, his movements and gestures, his manual and mental skills, as well as his mode of learning. For astrology, Mercury is the messenger, interpreter and translator of what is inside people's minds and hearts.

In addition, the planet represents everything that is formulated through thoughts, also capturing what is outside the person's mind, so that through the position of Mercury, it is possible to understand the mental equipment of each individual.

Mercury in Capricorn fundamentals

Mercury is a planet that brings the energy of communication and forms of learning, of everything that involves the intellectual sphere. But to understand it more deeply, it is necessary to know its fundamentals first.

Discover below what the basics of this planet are, how to discover the placement in your birth chart, what that position informs, and more specifically what it means to have Mercury in Capricorn in your birth chart, as well as what the solar revolution of Mercury in Capricorn brings.

How to find out my Mercury

To find out in which sign the planet Mercury was at the time you were born, it is necessary to make your astrological chart, with the information of time, day and exact place of your birth, this can be done for free on the internet.

With the result in hand, there are two ways to find out where Mercury is. In a type of astrological chart, the site can only inform the list of planets and the signs they were in when you were born, in this type you must search for the word Mercury and there you will find the corresponding one.

On more complete websites, an image of your birth chart is provided, with the positions of the houses, planets and signs as they were at the time you were born.

In this case, the planets are represented in the chart by small symbols, here you should look for the symbol of Mercury, which is characterized by a caduceus or circle that has upward pointing tips at the top, and a cross at the bottom.

What Mercury reveals in the birth chart

The planet Mercury represents in the astrological chart both the forms and the intellectual and communication possibilities, whether of speech, writing, as well as the learning and studies that will take place in the life of the person.

It is revealed by its positioning, through a sign which will direct the way your native will process and externalize the thoughts and information he receives. It also indicates the interests of the person and in which professional areas he can obtain more success.

Mercury in Capricorn in the Natal chart

When Mercury is under the sign of Capricorn, it shows itself through a mind of great practicality, objectivity, discipline, insight and ambition. People with this Mercury have great capacity for concentration and organization, and can be methodical, with a tendency to do only one thing at a time, but with all their dedication.

Their patience may lead to a facility for dealing with numbers, which may be well used in science or business, for by their characteristics this person has great aptitude for administration of anything. They are very realistic and not very ideological, consider things for what they really are, and are not easily deceived.

These people generally seek financial and social advancement through more traditional forms of education, and their political and social ideas may be more conservative with a propensity to maintain the established order and family traditions.

Mercury's solar revolution in Capricorn

The solar revolution technique seeks to analyze the astrological chart of the person on the exact day, month, year and time in which the Sun will return to the same position in which it was during birth, so that this would be the "personal new year" of the individual.

Thus, the solar revolution of Mercury in Capricorn is nothing more than the moment when the planet Mercury will return to the same positioning of the moment you were born, and this indicates how the new cycle will be in this field of your life.

In the case of Capricorn, it indicates that the person will commit to a plan of action, or a promise, and will have the mental discipline necessary to accomplish whatever goal they set out to pursue.

Mercury in Capricorn in different areas of life

The planet Mercury has as its essence communication and thought, and the way this is placed in the world can change according to the environment and the relationship between people. For example, its influence can change in the love or friendship field, in the family or professional field. Discover below how Mercury in Capricorn shows itself in each of these situations.

In love

In the love field, those with Mercury in Capricorn are big fans of stability, but they don't really like the feeling of being emotionally dependent on someone. They don't like someone telling them what to do or making demands on them. They like to feel free to be who they are, and if the relationship doesn't give him that possibility, he'd rather withdraw.

When in a relationship they give themselves away, they are very affectionate, caring, responsible and hardworking, but they may find it difficult to express their true feelings, so they express their love through old-fashioned romantic acts.

In friendships

People with Mercury in Capricorn are very honest in their friendships, and care deeply about each one of them, being extremely loyal friends. Because they are not very communicative, they can have difficulty starting new friendships.

But when this happens he is the type that proposes to solve the problems of friends in a financial way or giving gifts to compensate for not listening to advice. Although they like things their way, they are not selfish, quite the contrary, they always seek to please their friends and value them, knowing that it is essential to cooperate and help those who need it.

In the family

In the family environment, those who have Mercury in Capricorn tend to respect family traditions and their hierarchy, being very attached to their relatives, always attending meetings. In general, they do not have a large number of friends, and as they need company, they turn to the arms of their family for love, companionship and happiness.

At work

In the work environment, people with Mercury in Capricorn are the ones who do everything meticulously and work hard to achieve their goals. In this environment, they are very proactive and always offer to do tasks that are not even in their area.

They get annoyed by people who make excuses to roll over to do their own work. These people are drawn to challenges, and sometimes take time to rise in their career, but when it happens it's something that will last a long time.

Other interpretations of mercury in Capricorn

The influence of Mercury, which is the planet of communication and thought, is not in its ideal place in the sign of Capricorn, which is by nature a more closed, introverted and conservative sign.

Read below how Mercury appears over Capricorn in women and men who have this placement, as well as the challenges they carry and some tips for dealing with them.

Man with Mercury in Capricorn

Unlike other planets like Mars, whose influence changes somewhat according to a person's gender, Mercury does not, because it is a planet that does not have an energy linked to sexuality or essence of a specific gender. Thus, the way it affects men and women is the same.

Among the main characteristics are bringing to their native the discipline, objectivity, a great sense of responsibility, as well as a logical, rational and analytical mind.

Woman with Mercury in Capricorn

Unlike Venus, the planet Mercury does not influence women in a different way from men. Therefore, they also bring with them the characteristics of practicality, objectivity, organization, being always willing to plan everything and frustrated when their expectations are not met, being suspicious, the type that needs to see to believe.

Because they are discreet, the type that speaks less and observes more, they keep their feelings under lock and key, as they fear vulnerability, the possibility of someone hurting them using their weaknesses. Therefore, they can accumulate a lot of feelings within themselves, which can bring mental and physical health problems.

Challenges of Mercury in Capricorn

The challenges that people with Mercury in Capricorn must face are those coming from their own mind, which is always trying to understand the world and life through logic, when logic hardly exists in the real world. Looking for objective answers to subjective problems will always result in a dead end, which can even cause sentimental problems.

Another challenge is to be more flexible and realize that not everything can be planned, and when it is, it may have a different outcome than the one you expected, but instead of feeling anger and frustration, try to adapt to the situation and do the best you can with it.

Tips for those who have Mercury in Capricorn

Those with Mercury in Capricorn have a certain mistrust of everything and everyone, as they are the kind of people who want proof, they want to see to believe. Perhaps it would be interesting to relax a little more and not try to keep everything under their control.

Sometimes this can be positive, especially if you forward this natural trait into a professional area, such as science, for example, there, your mistrust and need for proof will certainly be rewarded.

In addition, these people also tend to be always worried about something, tense, thinking about some responsibility, so they can end up missing the fun of life. So you should allow yourself to relax more often so as not to miss the good side of things.

Is Mercury in Capricorn a good configuration for love?

The planet Mercury with the sign of Capricorn may frighten, after all such a rational and logical person can be given to the levities of romance? The answer is yes.

Despite being reserved and rational, when in a relationship the person with this positioning gives herself body and soul, and everything she does for herself like seeking security and stability, she will do for her partner. She is an old-fashioned romantic.

In this article, you have found out everything about what Mercury in Capricorn means. As well as the mythological and astrological origins of the planet, what it indicates in the birth chart, how it relates to the sign of Capricorn and how this junction shows itself in relationships. To learn more about the other placements of Mercury or astrology in general, visit the astrology category of DreamAstral!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.