Numerology and date of birth: understand all the existing relationship!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the relationship between numerology and date of birth?

Numerology uses the date of birth to calculate the destiny number, unveiling potentials that were destined for each person at the moment of birth. In addition, it points out qualities and defects present in the personality, thus, it acts with a great mechanism of self-knowledge.

Also through the date of birth, it is possible to discover the trends for the coming year, thus, being able to walk in the most favorable direction. With these guidelines, choosing a direction becomes an easier task.

Want to know more? Then check out how to calculate your destiny number and personal year, and all the trends for your life from your date of birth below!

Destination number, based on date of birth

Discovering your destiny number is useful for directing your time and attention towards interests and skills that are important to your personality. This way, your choices and decisions tend to be more assertive. Here's how to calculate your destiny number and what each number means.

How to calculate your destination number?

To calculate the destiny number is necessary to do the sum of all numbers that make up the date of birth, arriving in a number from 1 to 9. For example, a person who was born in 21/06/1997 will have the destiny number being the number 8. Soon, the number 8 influences in the abilities and actions of that person. See how to calculate:

2 + 1+ 0 + 6 + 1+ 9 + 9 + 7 = 35 → 3 + 5 = 8 (target number)

Persons with destination number 1

People with destiny number 1 are great leaders, they don't hesitate to take initiatives to gain independence. They do their utmost to succeed in everything they start, as well as being creative and innovative, always coming up with unusual ideas.

They are courageous people, and this characteristic is combined with confidence in themselves, so they can carry out work, projects and plans with maximum excellence. Therefore they are good entrepreneurs, use their qualities to put goals into practice and handle difficult tasks well.

In love relationships they are charismatic, romantic and reliable, they also look for faithful partners to grow together throughout life, but they hate to fall into a routine.

Persons with destination number 2

Fate number 2 shapes intuitive, understanding and empathetic personalities. They are therefore cooperative people, who care about the well-being of others, sacrifice themselves to help people and like to care and transmit affection.

They also like to be around artistic activities, as well as being practical and driven by inspiring people. But they can fall into internal conflicts of low self-esteem, not valuing themselves, so you need to stop following others and believe in yourself. Besides everything, they are easily shaken by social conflicts.

Persons with destination number 3

Having the destiny number 3 positively influences to be an optimistic, calm, patient and sociable person. Therefore, they communicate easily, even being able to choose careers focused on these areas. They are also persistent, not giving up easily when they want to achieve a goal.

In relationships they are attractive, energetic, intense and very expressive. It is easy to understand the personality of these people as they emanate explicit sensations to others, always in a captivating and intense way. Besides everything, they are popular and when they are not careful with what they say, they can hurt other people easily.

Persons with destination number 4

People with destiny number 4 are disciplined, organized and put work in first place. This is because, for them, achieving success in life means having financial and family security. For this reason, they may deprive themselves of new opportunities, for fear of losing what has already been conquered.

On the other hand, they are very hard working, patient and methodical. This makes them reap good fruits over time, as they know very well that things are not achieved easily. In addition, they find very creative ways to solve problems.

In addition, they look for relationships that fit social standards, so they do not like to innovate too much. They value family, so making a standardized home is one of their biggest goals. Furthermore, they have a strong sense of opinion, acting in a rigid way to defend a point of view.

Persons with destination number 5

Number 5, as a destiny number, suggests an adventurous, impatient and versatile personality. They are people who love change and find it very difficult to live in a routine. They like to break free from rules and live freely, so they love to travel and cultivate new experiences.

All this energy to live new things, makes them able to start projects easily, but they cannot finish, because they get discouraged on the way. They are also very friendly, cheerful and communicative.

In love relationships you like to have space, preferring to be alone at times. You don't like to feel trapped and have a lot of sexual energy. Furthermore, you do well in careers which involve communication and which allow you to move around freely.

Persons with destination number 6

Destiny number 6 influences people to be responsible, loving, organized and calm. These individuals resolve conflicts calmly, always seeking to calm the spirits of others around them, as they value cultivating peace, kindness and lovingness.

In this sense, they always try to avoid fights and seek to help others, so that they can feel calm and comfortable. They try to emanate energies of love and unity, seeking harmony among people.

They are creative, idealistic and have the ability to create bonds, in addition to this, they like the elderly, children and animals. They also find it necessary to maintain constant contact with nature, as this replenishes their energy, providing well-being. In addition to all this, they are attracted to art, value family well-being and seek stable relationships.

Persons with destination number 7

People with destiny number 7 have their attention focused on mysticism, so they immerse themselves in matters about spirituality, and feel the need to live for self-knowledge. They are curious, intellectual and value knowledge directed towards philosophy and education.

They are realistic individuals, they can face life as it is, always trying to understand the origin and essence of things. They like to study and write about the mysteries of existence, are introspective and prefer to be in quiet places.

They are also detail-oriented and very concentrated, but this characteristic is enhanced in quiet spaces. However, they may find it difficult to relate to each other in the middle of the journey, as they are critical, demanding and unable to show how they feel.

Persons with destination number 8

Having the destiny number 8 favors traits of ambition, persistence and perfectionism. Therefore, they are enterprising people, who do not measure efforts to realize their dreams and conquer material goods.

In view of this, they are very concerned about financial matters, work hard in an organized way and meet goals, to seek favorable results and money. They are good leaders and are not afraid to take risks, as they can analyze situations clearly. On the other hand, in love relationships, they may find it difficult to create bonds.

Persons with destination number 9

In numerology, the number 9 represents an end of a cycle and new beginnings. As the number of destiny, it drives characteristics of altruism, communication and understanding. For this reason, they do well in careers that can give of themselves to others, such as doctors, nurses and NGO work.

They are also easily influenced by others, but they can also interfere in other people's thoughts and can even be manipulative. They always have something to teach and experiences to exchange, their communicative and kind capacity favors good bonds, but they can isolate themselves when they feel they do not fit in.

Persons with destination number 11

The number 11 is considered a master number, for containing two equal digits. There is a belief that people with destiny numbers being master, have already made necessary missions in other lives, thus, came in this life with the purpose of growth and evolution. This logic also applies to the 22 and 33.

Number 11 influences shaping sensitive, intuitive and magnetic personalities. They are good leaders, emanate light in everything they do and therefore gain the admiration of other people. In addition, they like to understand subjects connected to spirituality, esotericism, psychology and the arts.

Therefore they do well as poets, writers, therapists or any other activity that boosts creativity. They seek romantic partners for life, can easily fall into addictions, are sensitive, emotional, have superiority complex and can deny sensitivity, losing their purpose in life.

Persons with destination number 22

The number 22 as a destiny number favors qualities focused on discipline, practicality, intuition and honesty. They are intelligent people who focus on big projects and know they have the ability to accomplish them.

They also try to make the best use of their time, so they avoid procrastination. They want to make their mark and usually succeed, because they have great intellectual capacity.

They are good observers, realistic, delicate, adventurous and intellectual, but they need to trust themselves more. They are interested in people who want serious relationships, so they are careful and like to enter into deep conversations.

Persons with destination number 33

People with destiny number 33 have great spiritual awareness. They are creative, responsible and altruistic. They came into the world with the intention of serving, so professions focused on individual success do not motivate these people. Their life mission is to help others, so they strive to pass on their knowledge.

Their main objective is to accomplish something big, but always to satisfy the collective. In this way, they can become great spiritual leaders. They are loving, caring and detached from material goods. Besides all this, they are idealistic, humble, balanced and inspiring.

They need to learn along the journey how to give of themselves for a greater benefit, since they understand that by serving humanity they can achieve peace of mind. They can be extremely critical, with others or with themselves, as well as when they vibrate negatively, they are aggressive and futile.

Personal influences of date of birth

The date of birth influences shaping the personality of people. Understanding this relationship is important to know their positive and negative points, so, with awareness, you can enhance what is already beneficial and reduce traits that do not contribute to the growth. See below the meaning of birth dates.

Persons with date of birth on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th

Being born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th provides greater dynamism in people's lives, because they are original, creative and restless people. They do not like sameness and are always looking for innovation in various areas of life.

In addition, they are good leaders, so they can excel in their professional career. They can also be rebellious, individualistic and competitive, so it is necessary to pay attention so that these characteristics are not harmful. Finally, they are committed, always looking for growth and independence.

Persons with a date of birth on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th

People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th have the ability to reconcile divergent thoughts and ideas, so they can bring peace and balance, thus resulting in more harmonious coexistence.

They are still great friends and companions, helping whenever someone needs help. They are people who feel good making their time available to support others. Besides everything, they do well working in a team, so they create partnerships throughout life, being able to reap good fruits from these agreements.

Persons with date of birth on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th

Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th came into the world with the natural gift of communication. As such, they try to transmit their message in various ways, be it speaking, writing, singing, among other activities.

They do very well in artistic activities, as well as being popular. All these skills can influence their professional life, causing them to choose careers where they can express themselves and communicate.

Persons with a date of birth on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st

Being born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st points to personality focused on professional life, so they are hard-working people who dedicate themselves to the utmost to build a solid career, providing financial security.

They are responsible and helpful, so they carry out tasks with attention and perfection. In addition, they seek family security and social credibility through career success. They do not usually escape social standards and feel good that way.

Persons with date of birth on the 5th, 14th or 23rd

People with birthdate 5, 14 or 23 are curious, as well as do not like to feel bored, this makes them always in search of novelty. Therefore, they are people who do well in various areas and feel happy traveling.

They can do well in many professions, as long as their life does not become dull and boring. They are people who need to have different experiences constantly, as well as not accepting repressive social norms.

Persons with date of birth on the 6th, 15th or 24th

Being born on the 6th, 15th or 24th shapes the personality of people to be loyal to friendships and family. In this way, they are individuals who seek to create many bonds and can relate easily.

In addition, they are concerned with social welfare, so they believe that their existence can mean something greater if they can help others. Therefore, they ally themselves to groups with the same ideals, to feel useful and fulfilled. Besides everything, art must be part of these people's lives.

Persons with a date of birth on the 7th, 16th or 25th

Those born on the 7th, 15th or 25th carry with them the ability to investigate, so they like to understand issues in depth and may become experts on some subject. They may also choose to pursue academic careers.

In addition, they do well as teachers, as they teach with didactics and dedication. They are selective in various aspects of life, they value quality of life, so they make wise choices. In addition, they are reflective and efficient.

Persons with date of birth on the 8th, 17th or 26th

Being born on the 8th, 17th or 16th positively influences shaping your personality to be stubborn, practical and dedicated, so your goals tend to come true as you work hard with a lot of gusto.

On the other hand, they are great leaders because they can manage with mastery, in addition, they can influence other people, because they always put themselves in a useful way, bringing knowledge and valid actions. Besides everything, they are authoritative, favoring their leadership skills.

Persons with a date of birth on the 9th, 18th or 27th

People born on the 9th, 18th or 27th have a humanistic character, so they put social welfare first. They seek to go beyond the barrier of individual desires, to be useful to all beings.

Therefore, along the journey they will have to make sacrifices to align with their life purpose. They are people who live with intensity and surrender, and seek to influence others to live this way, thus reducing suffering in people's lives.

In addition, they have the ability to overcome themselves, which can be perceived by others, even serving as an example. Moreover, they like to engage in artistic activities, are sensitive and have a teaching gift.

Personal influences for the coming year, based on date of birth

Based on the date of birth it is possible to discover the trends for the coming year. Thus, directing energies to what can go right and dodging negative situations. Check out below how to calculate your personal year and the meaning of each year.

How to calculate your personal year?

The universal year rules energy in common, being that 2021 is represented by the number 5 (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5) and the next year will be represented by the number 6 (2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6). To calculate the personal year is necessary to add the day and month of birth, and then add the result with the universal year. See an example to be clearer.

Suppose a person was born 17/02, so the sum that must be made is: 1 + 7 + 0 + 2 = 10 → 1 + 0 = 1 → 1 + 6 (universal year) = 7 (personal year in 2022).

Personal Year 1

Being in personal year 1 suggests changes, which may be the consequences of conscious decisions or inevitable circumstances of life. Therefore it is necessary to be prepared for new possibilities, whether good or bad.

It indicates new opportunities at work, both for those who are employed and for those who are not. In addition, it is necessary to have focus to strengthen skills, study more and more and seek intellectual growth.

In relationships, it suggests new cycles, making room for different and profitable experiences. However, for singles, the best option is to remain alone, as it is an ideal year to focus on personal projects and cultivate freedom. However, if a new love arrives and shakes your heart, there is no need to deprive yourself of anything.

Personal Year 2

The personal year 2 is connected with the focus on the professional career, and can occur impasses with partners, as well as negative and sudden changes. So, there is no need to wait for the worst to happen, it is ideal to focus on studies, to learn new skills and stand out.

One tip is to use the internet to boost business, or perhaps look for job opportunities through the internet if you are not working. For more, it represents the desire to relate in a more fluid way, without restrictions and with a lot of companionship.

Personal Year 3

Living in personal year 3 indicates good connections, through healthy and sincere bonds. Also, novelties and opportunities may arise leading to different experiences.

In employment it symbolizes that positive changes can occur. It also suggests freedom to express yourself and produce something original and innovative. But for everything to happen, it is necessary to leave the comfort zone, trying to overcome yourself.

Personal Year 4

Personal year 4 represents a cycle of transformations, either in personal life or at work. This is because things can begin to change in professional life, you need to adapt and develop skills to work in a team, as great opportunities may arise that require cooperation.

In personal life you need to be open to new things and embrace this new phase, so make room for different possibilities in your relationship or marriage. For singles this is likely to be a time of questioning whether you should get into a serious relationship. Think calmly and don't run away from your true desires.

Personal Year 5

Personal year 5 is a year of transition and breakups, so crises and difficulty in dealing with difficult moments can occur. You need strength to get through the obstacles in this phase. In addition, positive transformations can occur, so it is necessary to make room for these novelties.

In relationships, for both single and committed people, it is ideal to cultivate a sense of freedom, allowing yourself to feel and experience different experiences. This can contribute to the happiness of the couple as well as individual well-being.

Personal Year 6

The personal year 6 is a year of unforeseen events, surprises, and new developments, so there may be chances for professional growth, in which it is important to be able to work in a team.

It also indicates that this is the time to seek emotional security. Family and marital relationships tend to grow stronger, so try to give attention and affection to the people closest to you. Furthermore, you need to know how to deal with impasses as difficult moments can arise.

Personal Year 7

The personal year 7 influences initiatives, so the best choice is to start something new, a course, a project, among other possibilities. This is because it is a cycle of thirst for knowledge, so this energy should be directed in a beneficial way. Trying to specialize in some area at this time can bring good fruits in the future.

Also, in personal life there is a great desire to create deeper and more intimate relationships, so don't limit yourself if an interesting person comes along. But remember that personal year 7 is geared to individual growth, so don't want to get into a relationship with just anyone, be selective and honest with yourself.

On top of everything else, beliefs and opinions can undergo transformation. These are worldviews that have become obsolete and must be discarded, breaking away from rules that have been imposed, it's a time to think for yourself and select which points of view to keep.

Personal Year 8

Being living in personal year 8 suggests a great desire to grow professionally, so you need to be responsible, moving towards independence and maturity. You can then be more secure in your finances.

Technological tools can contribute to growth, so new possibilities should be considered. Furthermore, in personal life a person from the past can appear to re-establish a relationship or to close a cycle once and for all, and in this year it is fundamental to dedicate yourself to the people closest to you.

Personal Year 9

When you go through personal year 9 it is necessary to detach yourself from the past. New habits and bonds should be created, putting into practice everything you have learned along the way. It also suggests radical change in the professional sphere.

It will be a year of much growth, but to do well you need to leave behind what doesn't work anymore. Besides everything, new romantic adventures may arise, you need to relearn how to give and receive affection, seeking healthy, intense and transforming connections.

Can understanding the numerology behind your birthdate help you in your life?

Numerology uses the representation of numbers to understand events in the life of each being, so the date of birth can assist in choices and bring clarity. Through the destination number, year of staff or just the date of birth, it is possible to find positive and negative trends that interfere in the life of each one.

Numerology can help in the process of self-knowledge, discovering inherent personality traits of each person, so it is connected to the essence of things. In this sense, the date of birth can help uncover the purpose of life.

The energies which affect a person at the moment of birth can and should be directed towards beneficial and profitable actions, thus achieving personal satisfaction and serenity. So use the information in this article to discover trends and directions for your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.