Mercury in Pisces: meaning, mythology, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Mercury in Pisces

Western astrology is used for several purposes: general predictions about a person's personality tendencies, behavior, and destiny (in their personal birth chart), general predictions of astral influences on the entire world at the moment, or the best times to perform numerous activities.

In this article, we will mainly talk about the positioning of the planet Mercury in the sign of Pisces, what it means in the personal chart and in the world chart of the moment. So, read on to find out more!

Meaning of Mercury

To better understand the influences of the planet Mercury, we first need to understand where its associations came from in Roman mythology and what attributions it was given in Western astrology. Check it out below!

Mercury in mythology

In the Roman pantheon, Mercury is the messenger god of Jupiter, his father and king of the gods, with dominions over commerce, wealth, magic, travel and roads, logical reasoning and language. Originally, he would have been the Etruscan god Turms or Turmas, who acted as an intermediary between the worlds and seemed to have been seen more as a mythological figure than a fixed god in religious cults.

However, when Rome came in contact with the Hellenic world, absorbed much of its culture and synthesized the new gods with its own, Turms was merged with the image of the god Hermes, being now called Mercury (from the Latin 'merx', meaning "merchandise", "merchant", "trade") and possessing all its other qualities, domains and due cults.

Among the celestial bodies that were seen with the naked eye, the planet closest to the Sun was named after the god Mercury.

Mercury in astrology

In astrology, Mercury has been associated not only with the deity's name, but also with his domains, particularly thought and communication. His influence, then, can affect us in how clearly we can maintain and convey our reasoning to others, and in which areas we focus most.

Depending on the house and sign you are in, and your alignment with the other stars, we may see this influence changing, and according to our own natal charts, each person would be affected in a different way.

Mercury in Pisces Basics

With the position, history and attributions of Mercury explained, now it's time to understand the particularities of this planet when aligned with the sign of Pisces. Read on to find out more!

How to find out my Mercury

The simplest way to find out the position of Mercury in your natal chart is to find a website or a person who forms the chart for you (which can be by following the tropic or sidereal alignment, which can generate slightly different positions).

For this, all you will need is your date, time and place of birth, with the necessary changes if it was during daylight saving time. Each site has the unique guidelines to be followed in these cases. With everything filled in, soon your entire astrological chart will be available following western astrology.

What Mercury reveals in the Birth Chart

In Western astrology, the positioning of Mercury indicates how a person's method of reasoning works, as well as their communication, language and learning.

Depending on the sign and astrological house in which it is aligned in each person's birth chart, Mercury can show both how the person's rational processes are organized and for which areas of life he would be more inclined to show his full capacity.

Mercury in Pisces in the birth chart

People who have Mercury in Pisces in their birth chart usually have a vivid imagination, strong intuition and a great capacity for abstraction. Their method of reasoning is much more subjective and imagistic than objective - which can become a great boost for artistic minds.

Those with Mercury in Pisces are also very empathetic, but they need to be careful not to absorb too much of other people's thoughts and emotions, or get lost in their imaginations and memories that could be harmful to them.

It is worth pointing out that, as Mercury is associated with logical thinking and clear language, while the sign of Pisces is more linked to emotions and intuition, it is possible that people born under this combination do not express themselves as well as they wish (which obviously does not mean that they are not logical, just that they tend more towards emotional communication).

Solar revolution of Mercury in Pisces

The solar revolution, in astrology, would be the moment when the astrological chart is exactly the same as it was on the day you were born. With such an alignment, this would be a moment of very strong influences on someone, accentuating all their natural traits energized by astrology.

For people with Mercury in Pisces, a solar revolution would result in a peak of imagination, creativity and intuition such as has rarely been experienced. This will be the time to catch up on all your projects and use the peak of creativity to your full advantage.

But be careful, because just as the positive sides will be at their peak, so will the negative ones. Be careful not to get lost "in the world of the Moon" and forget practical matters, nor to get confused by messages received by your intuition or empathic attention to the attitudes of others. Try to keep everything in its proper balance.

Mercury in Pisces in different areas of life

Now that we have all the details about Mercury in Pisces, it is possible to understand how this position is reflected in the various areas of life. We will talk about areas such as love, friendships, family and professional relationships. Check it out!

In love

As Mercury in Pisces favors sensitive thinking, more connected to intuition and perception of feelings, people with this placement in their charts can be lovers very connected to the emotions of their partners, being able to identify and understand them more easily.

However, there is still the risk of misunderstanding the attitudes or speech of partners, and it is very common to take some things personally, which can lead to misunderstandings and arguments, if not corrected by the person himself.

In these moments, the best is to try to work on more logical thinking, proposing to reflect on situations with a more distant and analytical look, which can be a challenge for those whose way of thinking is naturally more inclined to the emotional.

In friendships

As with love, having Mercury in Pisces can be great for being an empathetic and caring friend, however it can be a problem if you end up leaning too much towards the negative sides of the placement.

The person with Mercury in Pisces is that loyal friend, companion, with whom we find it easy to connect and vent when we need support. He can be a stubborn friend in his impressions of others, but if he is a more flexible person, he can propose to reformulate his ideas.

These people are also those friends who are always "traveling", with distant glances, imagining a thousand curious and creative situations. Some may be annoyed by this, but that's okay - it doesn't mean they don't pay attention or don't care about what you say, just that your imagination is too fertile and you are more easily distracted. Friends with Mercury in Pisces care - anda lot! - with yours.

In the family

Family members with Mercury in Pisces are those parents, siblings, uncles, cousins and grandparents with whom we can easily create affectionate relationships and emotional connections because of their empathetic nature. Their imaginative side can also favor fun relationships, being that relative with whom you can talk to laugh at the best jokes, talk about movies and books, and delve into theories and reflectionscreative.

Sometimes - especially when it comes to close relationships such as with parents, children and siblings - there can be conflict about distraction, or about the person with Mercury in Pisces assuming that he understands everyone around him, even if others tell him that this is not so.

When these discussions arise, remember to stay flexible to listen to the other person. We can all get things wrong and you must always have the humility to accept that mistake.

At work

As stated earlier, Mercury in Pisces is an ideal placement for artists in any field. People born under this alignment can excel in work that involves creativity and understanding other people, such as the fine arts, writing, design, music, graduate school, and psychology.

Even in jobs that are more "analytical" by nature, professionals with Mercury in Pisces are those who can look at the situation differently than their colleagues, finding creative solutions to work challenges.

Any job in which you can exercise your creative, intuitive and emotional traits will be excellent opportunities in these people's lives. On the other hand, jobs in which you feel you do not have the freedom to explore these abilities may make you feel stuck, tired and increase the propensity for depression and other mental and emotional health problems.

Other interpretations of mercury in Pisces

Astrology does not live by standard meanings alone. As every good astrologer knows, the alignments will not write in stone who the person becomes or what they do, they are only inclinations that can be found. All the rest will depend on the person, their environment, those around them, their culture and time.

With that in mind, now let's look at more specific situations involving people with Mercury in Pisces and how the traits of this alignment can play out in our society and what their challenges are. Read on to learn more!

Man with Mercury in Pisces

We all know well that we live in a society which believes that men are naturally more cold, logical or that they should not show their emotions. This can create a painful social context for men with Mercury in Pisces, as they can feel repressed, as if their more intuitive way of thinking makes them "less of a man".

Know that this is nothing but prejudice and sexism. Everyone, regardless of sex or gender identity, has equal abilities and rights to be emotional, intuitive, empathetic and creative, and to demonstrate who they are to the world.

As you work on your self-confidence and shyness, look for ways to free yourself from social expectations. Show your feelings, your creativity and try to stay in environments that value and stimulate you.

On the other hand, our society also has a terrible tendency to not hold men accountable when they seem distant, when they don't pay attention to what others say (especially with women), or when they are impractical, being easily brushed aside with arguments that "men are just like that" or infantilizing, "he hasn't learned yet" lines, even if he's already a grown man.

This is another very sexist line that you, a man with Mercury in Pisces, should get rid of as soon as possible, even if it's comfortable for you.

It is easy for someone with this position in the chart to be distracted, to get lost in imaginations, feelings and memories, and to have difficulties putting plans into practice. However, everyone, of any gender, has equal responsibility for their choices, their attitudes and must assume when these traits hurt the other, even more if they are already an adult.

This is not a "guy thing." These are traits that everyone should work with so that they don't get bogged down in life and work projects, and so that they don't hurt the people close to you. Learn ways to be more pragmatic and do your best to listen to what others are telling you, and above all, take responsibility for your responsibilities and consequences.

Woman with Mercury in Pisces

Women with Mercury in Pisces may also experience various challenges and social stereotypes. Unlike men, our society places more emotional, empathetic and artistic eyes on women, and likewise they are encouraged from an early age to develop these skills.

Thus, they are more likely to find more freedom to express this side of their natural traits and seek careers that fit this. On the other hand, both because of a prejudiced society and their own positioning, these women may find it difficult to be taken seriously, perhaps being easily labeled as "too emotional to be rational" or to exercisespecific tasks or positions.

The natural introspection and shyness of this alignment, together with the social idea that women should take more orders from their superiors (even more so if they are men), can make these situations even worse, as these women may find it difficult to stand up more firmly against those who demean them.

Learning to stand up for yourself should go hand in hand with working on your self-confidence. Don't ever let others put you down or put you in the "overly emotional woman" box. Don't give up and fight to show these people how wrong they are-or else, as soon as you find ways to walk away from them, walk away!

It is always best to keep yourself among those who recognize your value, your capacity and, especially in these cases, your intelligence. Another common problem involves the role that society places on women of being the safe harbor of emotions in a relationship, be it a friendship, romance or family relationship, as if they were the ones responsible for embracing, protecting, healing or changing everyone around them.around you.

Since Mercury in Pisces favors the emotional side and that of absorbing the feelings you pick up from the people around you, this kind of social role will wear you out very quickly. But always remember: no one, of any gender, has any obligation to live for the sake of other people's feelings while leaving yours aside, much less to be the emotional nanny of your romantic partners, friends orrelatives.

There is a big gap between being empathetic and caring for others, and seeing oneself in the role of caring for others. Women with this position should, also in this area of life, learn to set their limits for others, making it clear how much they can or cannot help their loved ones.

Challenges of Mercury in Pisces

People with Mercury in Pisces, for being connected with an emotional and more introspective sign, can be more shy. And, precisely because they have a more sentimental sign aligned with a rational planet, they are prone to have less confident thoughts about themselves in some more logical questions.

The challenge in these cases is to build their self-confidence in their ability to reason. It is not because they are more intuitive that they would be unable to act rationally or be analytical. Remember that a planetary alignment does not make anyone less intelligent.

Another mishap involves your belief that you understand the emotions of the people around you, which can easily culminate in disagreements. As stated before, stay flexible and accept when someone presents you with convincing arguments that you understand them the wrong way. Being empathic and intuitive doesn't mean you will always understand everyone the best.

This alignment can also encounter conflicts in putting your ideas into practice or even when you find yourself in situations where mind and feelings clash. The best tip is to find out what are the best techniques for you personally, to not get lost in ideas and to find practical ways to solve your problems, and try not to get involved in too many confusionsothers.

Mercury in Pisces in exile

In Western astrology, a planet is in exile when it aligns with signs that have energies understood to be opposite to its own.

In the case of Mercury, Pisces is its position of exile. On one hand, we have a planet aligned to the mind, the rational, the logical, quick thinking and communication. On the other hand, an emotional sign, introspective, much more connected to sensations than to reflections.

Precisely because of this, in more practical situations, which involve logical or even commercial communication, the person with Mercury in Pisces must remain much more conscious than usual, to prevent the natural disagreements of this position from damaging him or her - sometimes seriously.

Tips for those who have Mercury in Pisces

The biggest jobs for those with Mercury in Pisces are sure to be focused on developing your self-confidence, overcoming shyness, keeping your mind firmly on a single plan and putting your projects into practice.

Each person will find unique techniques to overcome these obstacles. For this, it may be interesting the help of a psychotherapist in some situations. Research on productivity techniques is also a way, but don't get stuck on a single practice - search, test, adapt, set up your own way, since you are so creative.

Free courses in oratory and drama are also good ways to practice your communication, and in the case of drama, it is a great stimulant for your imaginative inclinations and an excellent way to put your feelings out there.

In professional areas, the best tip is: try to stay in jobs that give you the freedom to use your natural abilities to the fullest. Life is hard and for most people choices are limited. But if you have a choice, don't stop using it!

Don't get stuck in jobs that make you sick. If you can find a place where you can be who you are and that makes you feel good, go for it!

Is Mercury in Pisces a good configuration for love?

As people born under Mercury in Pisces have a great inclination for emotional communication, empathy and intuition, they may have an easier time expressing themselves emotionally to their partners, as well as understanding what they are feeling without having to say it in words.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for these people to misunderstand a sign or to take personally a gesture or speech that was not really directed at them. In addition, as mentioned before, they must be careful not to absorb any and all emotions of those around them or to immerse themselves in memories, especially negative ones.

So, as in everything in life, you need to seek balance so that these characteristics can be used to your advantage in a love relationship. Your empathy will help you a lot to maintain a respectful, healthy relationship, considering what the other person feels; but be careful not to dwell on arguments or get carried away by signals that can be misleading.

As the verbal communication of those with Mercury in Pisces can be a little confusing, stop for a moment and think, organize your thoughts as best suits you, and then ask your partner if you've understood something correctly or not, and work it out clearly. But don't let yourself get immersed in negative thoughts.

With self-awareness and emotional control strategies, this positioning can certainly be a good ally in love.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.