Mint bath: what is it for? Recipes with basil, honey and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Have you ever taken a mint bath?

Baths with aromatic herbs are great allies to strengthen our energies. One of them is mint, which has a power to rebalance and realign our chakras, making us return to our focus.

There are specific types of mint baths that will help in various problems. The mint bath with rosemary is intended to renew the energies. The mint bath with basil, for example, serves to restore harmony between the couple. In the case of the junction of mint with coarse salt, it helps to protect against negative energies.

Each mint bath has its function to help you regain your well-being. In order to have positive results, it is necessary to have the ingredients and follow the preparation method to the letter.

Want to know more about the baths with this herb and learn how to perform this ritual? Follow this article, write down all the ingredients and enjoy this bath full of energy, so you can recover your mood and balance!

Instructions on the mint bath

Mint is an aromatic herb native to Asia, known for its therapeutic benefits, especially for relaxation. It is able to survive any circumstance, as long as it has water. It is an herb easily found, favoring at the time of preparation of energetic baths.

The mint bath is an energizing bath, able to realign the energies and put the person back on his way. It purifies the spirit, protects and strengthens the mind. This realignment of your energy brings back the well-being and returns the animation to live.

Check now the main types of mint baths, as bath in Umbanda, mint bath with honey, rosemary, and more!

The mint in Umbanda

In Umbanda, mint is known for having the power to balance and rebuild the energy field. This occurs because it helps to eliminate all the negative energy that we are carrying.

Its therapeutic power is able to combat spiritual and physical ailments, causing a sense of peace and well-being after use.

Because of its power of balance and renewal, mint is the herb of choice in the baths and smokings of Xangô, Oxalá, Yemanjá and Oxóssi. Besides these, it is also used in the line of the Erês.


Mint baths are recommended for people who are feeling down. Daily problems, fear, and negative energy buildup are solved with the help of this herb, making you feel refreshed and ready to face life again.


Check out the benefits of mint bath:

- Helps eliminate negative energies;

- Realigns the chakras;

- Bring back the courage;

- Relieves pain and fatigue;

- It harmonizes relationships;

- Emotional balance;

- It renews the energies;

- It opens the financial paths.

Getting ready for the bath

As with any bathing ritual, it is important to keep your thoughts thoughtful. This is not the time to think about problems or that everything will go wrong. This is the time to have faith and believe that better days will come. While selecting the ingredients and doing the ritual, mentalize positive things, say the prayer of your choice and keep your head focused on this special moment.

Preferably perform this ritual during the day for more promising results. Follow the preparation method strictly so that your bath has the desired effect.

Mint and rosemary bath

The combination of mint and rosemary promotes energy renewal. When you take this bath, you will feel your body charged with positive energy and a deep relaxation. You will be charged with good vibrations and will only attract good energy wherever you go.

Learn here how to perform the mint bath with rosemary, how to handle the ingredients and how to behave after the bath.


The mint and rosemary bath is recommended for people who seek to energize their body and mind. The combination of these two elements will create a positive energy field that you will feel from head to toe. Besides, it is a great ally in the search for prosperity.


- 2 sprigs of mint;

- 3 sprigs of rosemary;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- In a container, pour the 2 liters of water and add the mint and rosemary herbs;

- Let it boil until it turns into a tea, turn off the heat and strain;

- Let this mixture rest for 10 minutes before using it;

- Take your normal hygienic bath and after you are done, pour this mixture from the neck down. Think of good things during the process and, if possible, say a prayer.

After the bath

After your mint and rosemary bath, try not to leave the house. The ritual will leave you relaxed and sleepy, so take this moment to rest and enjoy the calmer energy. If possible, dress in light-colored clothes.

Mint bath with honey

The mint and honey bath is dedicated to the emotional and helps people who are struggling to understand their feelings. The effect of the combination of mint and honey will bring back your emotional balance and ability to deal with problems. Check below the ingredients and how to perform this powerful bath.


The mint bath with honey is the ideal ritual for those who seek emotional stability. The combination of mint and honey will be your ally in this journey in search of an emotionally calm life, helping you in possible problems that may shake you in the future.


- 10 fresh mint leaves;

- 1 tablespoon honey;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- Place the water in a container and bring to a boil;

- Add the spoonful of honey, dissolving it in the water;

- When the honey dissolves add the fresh mint leaves, one by one. At that moment, keep your thoughts positive;

- After your hygienic bath, pour this mixture from your neck down while performing your prayers and making positive requests to the universe;

- Finish this ritual by drying yourself calmly and, if there is any mixture left, dispose of it in nature or in running water.

After the bath

The moment after the bath should be of total calm. Avoid situations in which you may get stressed, especially in the first moment. Look for activities that promote relaxation and happiness.

Mint bath with basil

The bath of mint with basil brings back the harmony between couples. Sometimes, routine and day-to-day problems end up wearing down the relationship, causing partners to drift apart. After performing this bath, both will feel closer and in tune again. Want to get back in sync with your partner? Follow the step by step of performing this ritual.


The bath of mint with basil is indicated for people who are experiencing problems in their relationship. You can do this bath individually or with your partner. It is a ritual that aims to restore harmony between two people in a relationship.


- 5 mint leaves;

- 5 basil leaves;

- White rose petals;

- 2 liters of filtered water;

- New towels in blue color.


- In a container, add the mint, basil, white rose petals and water;

- Bring this mixture to a boil and let it boil for a few minutes;

- Turn off the heat and wait a few moments while the mixture becomes warm. When it cools down, strain this infusion.

- Take your hygienic bath together with your partner or alone. When you are clean, pour the mixture from the neck down. Mentalize good things and ask that the harmony between you returns.

- When finished, dry yourselves with the blue towels. For the next 3 months, you must not reuse them.

After the bath

After the ritual with the mint and basil bath, enjoy time with your love and do activities that the two of you used to do before. Make clear your love for your partner and how happy you are when you are in his company.

Mint bath with coarse salt

The union of mint and coarse salt provides a protective field around the person who performs this bath. This shield will bring security and will ward off all the negative energies that may approach. Write down the ingredients for the mint bath with coarse salt and renew your energy!


The mint bath with coarse salt is indicated for those who are overloaded with negative energies and feel the need for an energetic renewal, in order to expel all the negativity of your body and give way to positive vibrations.


- Fresh mint leaves (approximately 10 pieces);

- 2 tablespoons of coarse salt;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- In a container, place the 2 liters of water and the coarse salt;

- Bring to a boil and boil until the salt dissolves, add the mint, wait for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat;

- Cover the container and wait for approximately 20 minutes;

- When you've finished, pour the mixture from your neck down, mentalizing all the negative energies emptying with the water, so that you fill yourself with positive energies.

After the bath

At the end of this protection ritual, get dressed in light-colored clothes and lie down on your bed. Try to take this bath before going to bed, so that you don't have to perform any activity afterwards, and avoid interactions with other people. Use this moment to meditate and mentalize good things.

Mint, guinea and rosemary bath

The combination of mint, guinea and rosemary has the power to open the paths of study for those who perform the bath with these herbs. Students and college students seek this bath to get a good grade on their test. Learn below how to prepare this ritual!


The bath with mint, guinea and rosemary is indicated for people who are going to take a very important test and want to ensure a good grade. Whether it is your final test, the test to enter college or to pass a dreamed public examination, take this bath days before your test, in order to open your mind.


- 10 mint leaves;

- 1 sprig of rosemary;

- 10 guinea leaves;

- 2 liters of filtered water;

- 1 green candle;

- 1 glass of water.


- In a container, mash all the herbs and add the 2 liters of filtered water;

- Take it to the fire and let the mixture boil for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and put it in another container so you can take your bath;

- After taking your hygienic bath, pour this mixture from your neck down, mentalizing the good result in your race.

After the bath

It is recommended that you do the mint, guinea and rosemary bath before going to bed. When you finish, light the green candle and place the glass of water beside it. It is recommended to pray an Our Father or a prayer of your choice.

Mint, sugar and red roses bath

The union of mint, sugar and red roses will create an attractive aura around the person who does the bath with these ingredients. This ritual will be a great ally at the time of flirting, in order to arouse the interest of other people in you. Want to kill the flirting? Check out the ingredients and preparation method and perform this bath!


The bath of mint, sugar and red roses is loaded in aroma and indicated for people who want to feel more attractive. If drawing attention and attracting all the looks wherever you go is your intention, this ritual is perfect for you.


- 3 sprigs of mint;

- 2 tablespoons of sugar;

- 5 red rose petals;

- A few drops of your favorite perfume;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


Choose a full moon night to perform this ritual;

- In a container of your choice, place all the ingredients and heat for approximately 5 minutes;

- When it boils, turn off the heat and let the mixture rest for a few minutes, until it becomes warm;

- Take your hygienic bath and pour this mixture from your waist down. Attract positive thoughts while bathing. Ideally, do this ritual during a full moon night.

- If there is too much mixture, pour the remainder under running water.

After the bath

When you finish the ritual, do not towel dry yourself but let your body dry naturally. Dress yourself in light clothes and enjoy all the benefits of this bath.

Mint bath, coarse salt and lily petals

The union of mint with rock salt and lily petals will help in building a confident aura. After taking the bath made with these ingredients, you will feel able to accomplish anything and face any situation.

With your body charged with this energy, you will feel agile in performing tasks and ready to make any decision. Check out the ingredients in this recipe and make this bath today!


The mint bath with coarse salt and lily petals is recommended for those who need a little push to make decisions. This bath will bring the necessary energy for you to feel courageous and agile when facing any situation that requires mental concentration.


- 3 mint leaves;

- Petals of a lily flower;

- 1 tablespoon of coarse salt;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- In a bowl, place all the ingredients;

- Take it to the fire and let it boil for about 5 minutes. During this process, put on some music and think about positive things.

- Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool for a few minutes;

- Take your hygienic bath. When finished, pour the mixture from your neck down. While the water runs down, ask the universe for positive energies, power of decision and the necessary courage to face your problems;

- If overmixed, discard under running water.

After the bath

After taking this energy-filled bath, do activities that will lift your mood. Put on some cheerful music or do any activity that will make you happy. Enjoy this moment.

Common questions about mint bath

After knowing several baths with mint, some basic questions may arise, such as who can prepare it and how long can perform it again. See the answers to these questions below.

Can anyone do the mint bath?

The mint bath has no contraindications. Anyone who is feeling overwhelmed and unwell can perform this ritual. However, if you have any allergies to any ingredient, it is indicated caution and the opinion of a doctor.

How often can I do the mint bath?

The bath should be performed whenever you feel mental fatigue, weariness, no desire to perform your daily tasks and when everything seems to be going wrong.

If you prefer, perform this bath once a month, so that your energy is renewed with a certain frequency and you feel more confident.

Does the mint bath really work?

As with any sympathy or ritual, for the mint bath to work, it is necessary that the person believes in it. Nothing that is done with disdain and without faith will work. Performing this process with fear and uncertainty will not help much either.

The more negative energies involved while performing this sympathy, the longer it will take to achieve the desired results. Whereas the more you are focused on your goal and are sure of what you want, the faster you will reap the benefits of your bath.

Mint is a powerful herb that renews your energy and realigns your chakras, so believe in its ability, and you will see the results of its benefits in your life. All the baths listed in this article are to bring improvements to your daily life and contribute to your well being.

Have faith, perform the ritual in the right way, mentalize positive things that soon you will reap all these fruits. Now that you learned all these recipes, make the bath that you need and identifies and make the most of this ritual!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.