Money-in-pence: benefits, how to care, sympathies and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Know everything about the plant Dinheiro-em-penca!

One of the most loved plants when it comes to attracting prosperity to the home, the Money-in-Pence can be a good ally to include a green corner at home or to add to your collection. It is a perennial shrub, which looks very good in pendant pots and in full sun it can turn reddish or purplish.

Also known as Tostão, this plant lives up to the name by which it is popularly known, as it has the power to attract prosperity, success and luck when used to decorate the home or work. In addition, it blends very well with other plants and is very easy to care for and propagate.

In this article we will know a little more about the Pennyroyal, its characteristics, uses for Feng Shui and in sympathies, as well as care and cultivation tips. Check it out!

Understanding more about the Cash-in-Pence plant

The Dinheiro-em-penca is a plant much appreciated by decorators and also by Feng Shui practitioners, because in addition to being able to ambience places with all kinds of lighting, it has numerous benefits, only one of which is the promotion of prosperity.

We will see below the characteristics of this plant, its origin and scientific name and its uses in Feng Shui. Read!

Origin and scientific name

Popularly known as Dinheiro-em-penca or Tostão, with scientific name Callisia repens, it belongs to the Commelinaceae family, from which we can highlight the Lambari Roxo and the Erva-de-santa-luzia.

It is native to Mexico and very common in Central and South America. With a tropical and subtropical climate, in some places it has become an invasive plant, such as in South Africa, China and Cuba, and is considered a weed in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Visual characteristics of the plant

The Dinheiro-em-penca is a small bushy perennial shrub with small, semi-succulent, oval leaves, light green on top and purple or reddish underneath. It can reach a height of 5 cm to 15 cm.

It has fast growth and multiplies easily, since it roots at each node. It can have color variations, it can have mixed green and pink leaves. It blooms only under ideal soil and lighting conditions, usually in summer, its flowers are white and small.

Use of the plant Money-in-the-pence

Because it is a plant with very good adaptability, it supports environments with various illuminations, from full sun to shade. Therefore, it is a good choice for both indoor and outdoor areas. However, the summer sun directly on the plant can dry out the leaves and burn them.

They also look good in pots of any size because their roots are small and they don't need much space. They spread in bigger pots and compete with other plants, which can suffocate them. The ideal is a pot just for them, they look especially beautiful in kokedamas and pendant pots.

Money-in-pence and Feng Shui

The symbolism of the Money-in-Pence for Feng Shui is highly auspicious, as its format reminiscent of small coins and accelerated growth symbolizes the money growing rapidly. It is therefore a good choice to activate the area of work and prosperity baguá.

In addition, its benefits of neutralizing negative energies and purifying the air of the environment transform the vibration of the place into something positive, transmitting luck, prosperity and success.

Benefits of the plant

A plant with many benefits, the Pennyroyal not only stands out for boosting prosperity to environments, but also promotes purification of the air, improvement in humidity and temperature, as well as favoring the health of body and mind. Below we will see some of the many benefits that this plant can bring to places and people. Take a look!

Decoration and composition of landscaping

Because it is easy to adapt and requires little maintenance, the Dinheiro-em-penca is widely used as a lining in landscaping projects, because it is very resistant and has a tough cover, besides having delicate and thin leaves. It adapts to various styles of gardens, especially suitable for planting between stones and in humid places.

They also look very beautiful in hanging gardens, vases and hanging baskets, where it exudes its exuberance of beautiful green clusters with hanging branches, purple or red coloration and dense and full aspect.

Encouragement of health of body and mind

In addition to attracting prosperity, the Pennyroyal can benefit the health of the body and mind. This plant is able to absorb pollutants from the air, purifying it. It also acts as a shield to neutralize electromagnetic radiation, protecting people who pass through the environment where it is located.

Only those who have a little plant know how therapeutic it is to take care of them, pruning, watering and tinkering with the soil. These factors can help de-stress and control anxiety, promoting mental health.

Air purification

A pot of Cash-in-Pence at home helps improve air quality as it absorbs and purifies pollutants and toxic gases. It is proven by NASA that plants help purify the air, maintaining a healthy environment for people living or circulating.

The Cash-in-Pence absorbs carbon dioxide - which is harmful to us - from the environment during photosynthesis, and releases oxygen and water in the process. Therefore, an environment with one or more little plants in addition to creating an energized and comfortable place, is a great way to keep the air healthy.

Improved humidity and temperature

Plants are great allies for improving the humidity and temperature of the environment, since they act creating microclimates inside the house. One of the first to be listed for this purpose, the Cash-in-Pence, is ideal for creating a comfortable, beautiful and healthy environment, because it improves the breathing of those who live in the environment and attenuates high temperatures.

During photosynthesis oxygen and water are released, while carbon dioxide is absorbed. Because of this exchange, the Cash-in-Pence is acting as an air humidifier all the time, which makes the place maintain a pleasant humidity and temperature.

Shielding against electromagnetic radiation

During photosynthesis, plants absorb electromagnetic radiation by photosynthesizing pigments and return them as oxygen and water. This process allows plants such as the Cash-in-Pence to become shields against radiation from computers, televisions, cell phones, microwaves, among others.

When people are exposed to electromagnetic radiation frequently, the emergence or worsening of diseases can be favored, and can even be related to serious diseases such as cancer. One or more plants can neutralize this radiation and help maintain health.

Contribution to mood

Plants are perfect for creating comfortable, soothing environments full of good energy. In addition, they can contribute to the improvement of several factors, such as mood. Studies conducted at the University of Sydney indicate that in one office, stress levels among research participants fell by 40%, as did the number of medical certificates.

A place with several little plants gives the feeling of being in nature, which promotes relaxation and the centering of energies, contributing to the fight against anxiety, stress and depression. Bet on a pot with Dinheiro-em-penca to restore the good mood and balance of emotions and feelings.

Transformation of energies

Many are the benefits that the Dinheiro-em-penca can provide, and one of the most acclaimed is its power of transmutation of energies, which provides a harmonized place, balanced and full of good vibrations. The plants can neutralize bad energies, replacing them for good ones.

It is because of this energetic transformation that the Pennyroyal is so valued, because it starts at this point the attraction of prosperity. After all, for the good energies to flow, it is necessary that the bad ones are far away - something that a pot of this plant inside or outside the house provides.

How to care for the Tostão plant at home

Although it does not require much care and maintenance, the Dinheiro-em-penca requires that some points are observed to remain healthy and beautiful - such as choosing the ideal place for it to grow and receive the necessary amount of light, the use of the correct fertilizer, among others.

Next we'll look at growing and care tips to keep your little plant healthy to keep all of its many attributes booming. Read on!

Choose the cultivation site

Being a small plant with shallow roots, the Dinheiro-em-penca adapts to all pot sizes, spreading and filling large pots or hanging in small to medium pots. They look exceptionally beautiful in kokedamas and hanging coco fiber baskets.

The ideal are pots with good drainage, with holes and stones to guarantee that the plant doesn't get soaked. It also goes well if planted directly on the ground, if you have a garden. However, it spreads and can end up suffocating other plants, besides not tolerating full sun and frost.

Avoid air-conditioned rooms

The Penny Pennyroyal does not tolerate very cold climates, so leaving it in a place where the air-conditioning is constantly on can harm the health of your plant. If you are in the habit of keeping the air on all the time, find a place near the windows to leave your plant or prefer to keep it outside.

If kept outdoors, care must be taken with the plant during the winter as it cannot withstand frost or very intense cold. On the most severe winter days, collect the Cash-in-Pence.

Also do not expose the plant to the sun too much

Dinheiro-em-penca is adaptable to various climates but prefers milder climates - not too hot and not too cold. It tolerates direct sunlight for a few hours, when its leaves start to show a more intense purplish color.

However, it is preferred in the half shade, little sun per day, otherwise it starts to dry out. In the shade, it develops less, acquiring a lighter shade of green and losing its density. It is recommended to leave it close to the window, if you are indoors.

Do not forget to fertilize the soil

To maintain its exuberance and density, it is important to periodically fertilize your Penny Penny plant. The recommended soil for planting is a substrate rich in organic material. If you want to prepare the soil, it is best to use organic compost or worm humus.

The maintenance of this plant is simple. It can be fertilized every three months with Bokashi - organic fertilizer - or NPK 10-10-10 fertilizer, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium: one tablespoon for every 5 kilos of soil.

Do not worry about the toxicity of the plant

The Money-in-the-Box plant is non-toxic, so it is safe for those with small children and pets. Some plants cannot be ingested and should be kept away from homes that have pets or babies, who may end up ingesting the plants.

In the case of Dinheiro-em-penca, there are no contraindications, after all it is not toxic and can be kept safely in environments with children and animals. In addition, it offers no danger at the time of pruning.

Take the opportunity to make new seedlings

The propagation of the Pennyroyal is very simple, it can be done by cuttings or by dividing its branches. Every node of the plant can be rooted, even in branches where the leaves have dried.

To make new seedlings, just repot with a few branches in fertilized soil or in a humid place until it takes roots. Do not expose to direct sunlight until the plant is already rooted. Its propagation and growth are fast, so a few branches are enough.

Sympathies to do with the plant Money-in-the-pence

Many are the benefits of the Pennyroyal, but none are as appreciated as its power to attract prosperity to home and work. In addition to keeping this plant in the environments that you wish to vibrate energies of success and abundance, some sympathies can be done to extract even more power from your Pennyroyal plant.

Let's learn how to do some sympathies for attracting good luck and abundance to your life. next!

Sympathy for abundance at home

To attract even more abundance and good luck to your home, keep a vase of Money-in-a-Pen in a prominent place in your home, such as the living room, or in the reception area of your workplace.

On a Sunday night, bury a coin of any value in the vase of this plant, mentalizing prosperity and success. Each time you pass by it, reaffirm your intention and imagine the abundance entering your home.

Sympathy to ward off problems with money

If you wish to get rid of money-related problems in your life, plant three coins of any value together with a seedling of Dinheiro-em-penca. When you put the soil and arrange it in the vase, mentalize the promotion of prosperity and abundance.

Take care of your plant daily, so that it grows healthy. If it dies or dries out, repeat the spell from the beginning. The ideal is that it grows, as well as your money, in a healthy and fast way.

Sympathy to attract money

If you want to attract money, make a patuá of fabric, preferably green or yellow, and put inside it three coins of any value and put together with a seedling of Dinheiro-em-penca, mentalizing the money coming to you.

Offer a yellow candle to your guardian angel and drip three drops of the melted wax onto the soil around the seedling. Then let the candle burn all the way down. Take care of the plant daily to keep it healthy.

Sympathy to multiply your earnings

To multiply your earnings, for one week give a coin of any value to someone in need. Then bury a grain of rice, a grain of corn and a rock of rock salt in a Money-in-Pence vase.

On the eighth day, light a yellow candle and make a prayer to Saint Edwiges, asking for your earnings to multiply. Let the candle burn until the end and throw the rest away or bury it in an earthen bed.

Sympathy for promotion in employment

To get the long-awaited promotion at work, go to a church and leave two small branches of Money-in-a-penny on the altar, asking for your wishes to be granted. Leave without looking back, reaffirming your requests.

When you arrive at your workplace, say a prayer to your devotion saint and give thanks for the conquest that you will soon achieve.

Tips for potentiating the effects of sympathies

To enhance the effects of your sympathy, keep your vibration high and positive mind to achieve the achievements. When making the sympathy, mentalize what you want as if it had already been achieved.

To enhance your sympathy, you can take a herbal bath before, light a candle for your guardian angel or even drink tea, which will ensure that no negative energy hinders the success of the sympathy.

Cautions with the procedure of sympathies

Do not do sympathy on days that are feeling negative or low energy, because these vibrations can interfere negatively. It is important to choose a quiet time and preferably alone to do the sympathy, so that no external energy hinders.

Some people believe that you should not tell anyone about the sympathy, so that the energy of another person does not interfere. Try to avoid thoughts of doubt and disbelief during the time of making the sympathy and even after. Keep your faith focused on the result, always mentalizing positive things and gratitude.

The Cash-in-Pence plant is a great option for your home!

The Dinheiro-em-penca is a perfect choice to decorate your home or work with charm and get several benefits on several levels - from physical to spiritual. It purifies the air, absorbs bad energy, electromagnetic radiation and pollutants and returns moisture and oxygen, improving the quality of air and vibrations.

Besides, it is a great ally to attract prosperity, fortune, good luck and success to your life. Even to have in the work environment, where it exponentially decreases stress levels and improves productivity. It can also be used as an element for sympathy, attracting money and achievements.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.