North Node in Cancer: meaning, Moon Node, retrograde North Node and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the North Node in Cancer

Those who have the North Node (or Dragon's Head) in Cancer feel difficulties to deal with family and show aversion to traditions. This happens because the subjects to which this sign is attracted do not arouse the same interest in these people.

It is possible to point out that the Node works as a kind of karma. Therefore, what is simple for the sign in which it is located, automatically becomes an obstacle. So, the person feels involved in situations that push him/her towards familiarity, but tries to sabotage them. Next, more details about the North Node in Cancer will be discussed. Read on.

The Lunar Nodes

The Lunar Nodes affect significantly the life of people and in former times were treated with as much importance as the planets in the Astrological Chart. They are points of convergence between the Sun and the Moon.

Therefore, these are two imaginary points in the sky, so the exact location can be given from imaginary lines on the place arc and the solar arc. Each arc takes a month to complete and therefore, a lunar node remains in the same position for a year. To know more about lunar nodes and their meaning, keep reading.

Meaning of Lunar Nodes for astrology

In astrology, the lunar nodes are called North Node and South Node or, respectively, Head of the Dragon and Tail of the Dragon. They are opposite in the Astrological Chart and exert opposite energies that will need to be worked out throughout life.

Thus, the nodes represent challenges that all people need to follow, as well as the natural behaviors that need to find balance. It is worth noting that the nodes have a very intimate relationship and connect the past and the future, offering hints about each person's journey.

South Node, the comfort zone

The South Node is called the Descending Node, it represents the past and indicates previous experiences, besides talking about the characteristics that are already part of one's personality, being connected to memory and repetitive aspects of daily life.

Therefore, this node is the comfort zone due to the feeling of familiarity and satisfaction. Therefore, it is the representation of what makes people feel safe and the place, physical or not, to which they flee.

North Node, the soul's purpose

The North Node is connected to the future and points to the direction that each one must follow. It also highlights the experiences that must be taken in this process and has positive aspects in general, being connected to the idea of evolution and resolution.

However, this path to be followed is not explicit and still needs to be discovered, so the North Node speaks about the search for personal development so that life challenges can be met and goals achieved.

North Node retrograde

The North Node is indicative of what one must seek in his life to discover his true purpose, so when it is retrograde, it indicates that something from the past, that should have been abandoned, has come to the present.

Therefore, this position hinders the individual to move forward. But, it is worth mentioning that in general the Nodes appear in retrograde motion. The opposite is quite rare and, in the case of the North Node, it indicates a rupture with the past.

Retrograde South Node

Like the North Node, the South Node is also almost always in its retrograde motion. Therefore it indicates strengthening of your talents and your past life. This position tends to be more influential during the first half of a person's life.

However, retrogradation tends to influence this somewhat and creates a sense of monotony, so that comfort turns to boredom because of the repetition of events and subjects, something which hampers evolutionary development as a whole.

North Node in Cancer

Family is something very present in the life of those who have the North Node in Cancer. This is linked to the characteristics of the sign, but will not necessarily follow the same logic, since the North Node indicates the challenges to be overcome for personal growth.

Soon, family conflicts will arise to show the importance of being responsible for one's own life, discovering an identity that no longer has so much to do with the home. This, in fact, does not depend on the relationship with the parents, but rather is linked to a life mission. Read on to find out more.

How to identify the North Node in Cancer in your birth chart

Lunar Nodes are based on the transits of the Moon as it travels around the Earth and take into consideration its position relative to the Sun. Also, karmic periods are 18 months long, so your birth date is the most efficient way to know your North Node.

Therefore, there are several different intervals that can count on the North Node in Cancer. Among them, 08/04/2000 to 09/10/2001 and 26/08/1981 and 14/03/1983.

North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn

This combination shows that the main challenge will be pride, something that is identified by the South Node in Capricorn. Therefore, the tendency is that those who count on the positioning in question have the tendency to do some things out of interest and only to gain social status.

There is even a strong possibility that people with North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn get married only to obtain benefits they could not have otherwise, causing damage.

Karmic meaning of the North Node in Cancer

Karmic astrology points out that the lunar nodes speak about the points of our character that are well developed and those that still need to be improved. Thus, the North Node indicates what needs to be improved for personal development.

People who have the North Node in Cancer feel great difficulties in living with their relatives and sometimes have a tendency to withdraw, leaving unfinished business.

Spiritual meaning of the North Node in Cancer

In spiritual terms, the North Node in Cancer represents a person whose soul has become disliked due to the prestige gained in past lives. Thus, nowadays he cannot understand why he no longer has the same respect and believes that to continue being worthy of it.

Therefore your actions end up being motivated to regain this old status, something which tends to happen through retrieving the past, especially memories about suffering to show how much you deserved to have what you want.

Cancer in the North Node and its emotional nature

The emotional nature of people who have the North Node in Cancer is strongly linked to control. It extends to all areas of life of these natives and makes them want to rule those around them, taking all the responsibilities for themselves.

However, this is at odds with their life mission, and because they believe that they are doing only what is necessary to ensure their well-being, they tend to pursue this idea. Therefore, their goals move away from the material and their achievements are more linked to prestige. To learn more about the emotional nature of the North Node in Cancer, read on.

Doing whatever it takes

Due to the pride of the South Node in Capricorn, people who have the North Node in Cancer feel obliged to do whatever it takes to get where they want. Whatever it takes, their greatest desire in life is to earn the respect they believe they deserve.

The astrological placement in question suggests that the burdens of the past will have a major impact on the trajectory of these individuals, and perhaps end up taking the focus off what their true life mission would be.

Following the life mission

Those who have the North Node in Cancer have as a life mission to learn to balance their petty impulses, which originate from the need to gain respect. Therefore, learning not to exploit the weaknesses of others is part of this process and ensures that these individuals do not become calculating.

It is necessary to give new meaning to these negative feelings, abandoning the bad mood generated by them and transforming it into joy and willingness to live new experiences. It is not an easy mission, but learning to apologize is the first step.

Karmic lessons

The main karmic lesson for a person who has the North Node in Cancer is to learn to deal with the failures of life. They must be seen as part of the process of evolution and as things that are inevitable in human existence.

Therefore, once faced with a failure situation, try not to condemn yourself and not blame yourself so much for what did not happen as you expected. Learn the lesson and move on to achieve your still viable goals.

Lessons on addiction

The lessons about dependence are connected with the family, so the North Node in Cancer sends a number of burdens on this sector of life so that people have the opportunity to learn to no longer depend on what brings them stability.

However, it is important to remember not to lose sensitivity when going through this process. Being empathetic to others' issues as well as their emotional needs is key to being able to evolve as a person and coldness is not the way.

Give up the quest for control

There is a great need for control in those whose North Node is positioned in the sign of Cancer. This control extends to all areas of their life and makes these people need to feel that they are responsible for everything that happens around them, including the well-being of others.

However, this should be left aside because it will not be well regarded as it will turn the person with this astrological placement into someone who looks after other people's lives.

Restriction of material ambitions

Many ambitions of people with North Node in Cancer are connected with recognition for their personal qualities and effort. Therefore, what they wish to achieve and their life mission are not connected with the material plane. Thus, there is a lack of material ambitions.

In spite of the positioning of the South Node in Capricorn, a sign attached to money and work, in this specific case what Capricorn desires is also immaterial: status. Therefore, once more, ambitions become very restricted.

To achieve wholeness, does the person with North Node in Cancer need to give up control?

The need for control of people with North Node in Cancer is linked to a kind of armor they use to armor themselves from conflicts in the family environment, something that the sign of Cancer cherishes a lot, but the astrological positioning in question makes it challenging.

Therefore, the care that this sign gives to their loved ones turns into the need to have everything under their responsibility so that their well-being can be guaranteed. However, this is not well interpreted and so, to be able to follow their life mission, those with this sign need to give up control.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.