Pisces meaning in 6th house: astrology, birth chart and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Pisces in 6th House

Natives who have Pisces in the 6th house of their astrological chart need work that is creativity-oriented, something they need to explore. In addition, flexibility is very important for them as they do not do well with too many rules or too much control.

Therefore, they prefer to work on their own or partner with like-minded people. When placed to work in social areas, they can easily stand out.

Throughout the article, more details about the positioning of Pisces in the 6th house will be commented on. To know more about it, keep reading.

Pisces Characteristics in the 6th House

The placement of Pisces in the 6th house reveals people who are understanding and who therefore excel when working in more social activities which require a direct approach to other people. Because of their empathy they can easily establish a connection and use their creativity to communicate.

Below, but details about Pisces in the 6th house will be explored. If you want to know more about this astrological placement, just continue reading the article.

General characteristics and behaviour

People who have Pisces in the 6th house are creative and need to find jobs which allow them to express this side of their personality. They don't like to follow rigid rules and identify more with jobs which allow flexibility. They also don't usually deal well with control.

They believe strongly in the importance of voluntary work and may become involved in this activity. They also tend to do well in art-oriented sectors and may end up working in music or poetry.

Positive aspects

The creativity and sensitivity of Pisces in the 6th house are their great assets at work. They understand the needs of others easily and can make an immediate connection, so they work very well in more socially-oriented areas and can be interested in volunteering.

They need their work environment to be harmonious and full of people who share their values, especially the appreciation of the most human aspects of the activity. Otherwise, they cannot fully develop.

Negative aspects

Natives with Pisces in the 6th house do not do well with regimented routines and fixed rules. They find great difficulties in more formal work environments, in which their creativity does not find a way to be channeled. Therefore they can encounter various difficulties in their career when they do not quickly discover their vocation.

In addition, these natives are disorganized people who cannot have practical approaches to their tasks. Therefore, they end up needing help when they have to develop some project of this nature and cannot put their ideas into practice.

Multi-talented individuals

There are many areas in which natives with Pisces in the 6th house can excel. This is directly linked to their empathy, which means they can do well in sectors related to art as well as education. In fact, if they choose careers as educators, they should prioritize working with children.

The playful aspects of early childhood education will be enchanting for the native with Pisces in the 6th house, who will have the opportunity to apply all his creativity in the activities developed and will know how to find the necessary tools to communicate with children.

Emotions affect health

People who have Pisces in the 6th house need to learn to take more control of their emotions in the work environment, especially since this can end up affecting their health in a significant way. This happens because they start to believe that they are targets of their co-workers and don't have their efforts valued.

Many people cannot understand his way of working and may end up not noticing all the effort that the native puts into what he does. All this causes those who have Pisces in the 6th house to enter into a process of self-victimization.


Health is a point that must have the attention of natives who have Pisces positioned in the 6th house. Much of this is linked to their own behavior, prone to hypochondria and self-medication. These factors have a connection with the issue of work on some occasions, since the more devalued individuals feel, the more they tend to feel stressed and pressured.

Faced with this scenario, they may end up abusing medications such as antidepressants and sedatives to ease the sadness they feel at not having their efforts recognized.

In search of something different

Pisces in the 6th house is a position that makes natives think "outside the box". Therefore, what is common and what everyone is doing is not an interest of these people, who are always looking for a different way to perform tasks that are part of the routine. This search is linked to their creativity.

Natives with this astrological placement need to find a way to give vent to their desire to create, and this can manifest itself in many different ways, especially when they do not find an activity which favours this aspect.

Pisces in the 6th house and love

The astrological placement of Pisces in the 6th house is not exactly favourable for romantic love. Natives are very empathic and generous people who truly care about others. However, they can end up directing this much more towards animals than towards human beings.

Thus, it is not uncommon for them to have several animals or to volunteer at shelters. Despite being a noble sentiment, people with Pisces in the 6th house need to be careful with this kind of relationship with animals because they may end up projecting expectations that they are not able to meet.

Pisces in the 6th house and health

Health is a point that needs constant attention for people who have Pisces in the 6th house. This happens because of their own behavior. They have an intense desire to escape from reality because they want to extrapolate what exists in the world. This escapist feeling can make them resort to medicines to do this.

Therefore, substance abuse is a very recurrent problem in people with this astrological positioning. Antidepressants, sedatives and painkillers are the main drugs in the routine of these people. They can also end up harming their diet with "special diets".

Pisces in the 6th house and work

Work can be very positive or very negative for a native with Pisces in the 6th house. This depends on the job he or she chooses. In bureaucratic and mechanical jobs, he or she will not prosper as this cancels out his or her main qualities which are the ability to connect with people and to use his or her creativity in his or her tasks.

Also, such natives do not deal well with rigidity and need routines in which they can take breaks and exercise other things. Then they resume their activities more energized and can complete them, something that does not happen when they are under pressure.

Experiences needed from Pisces in the 6th House

There are some quite necessary experiences for natives who have Pisces in the 6th house, especially because this is a conflicting positioning. Thus, seeking harmony is fundamental for natives, as well as paying attention to issues related to self-medication.

Another aspect that should be observed by natives is practicality. All these issues will be detailed in the next section of the article. If you want to know more about it, just continue reading.

The conflicts between Pisces and the 6th house

The 6th house is the house of the Virgo sign and of its ruling planet, Mercury, so your messages about work, health and routine are all about the practical side of things. However, Pisces is not a sign given to practicality and when it is positioned in the 6th house, it generates conflicts.

The excess of emotion in Pisces means that this sign needs to find ways of giving vent to this feeling in areas which should be viewed in a more pragmatic way. Thus problems such as substance abuse can arise.

Being in harmony with boundaries

A very important aspect of the experiences which the native with Pisces in the 6th house must live is related to boundaries. These people need to learn to recognise their own, especially when talking about the emotional needs of other people.

Because of their conciliatory attitude and their desire to avoid conflict, these people can put themselves in the background. So it is not a question of limiting emotional sensitivity, but of using it in a way which is not harmful to the native himself.

Immunological susceptibility and drug sensitivity

When feelings of frustration arise, especially when they are linked to career, the native with Pisces in the 6th house tends to abuse substances. In addition, he becomes more vulnerable to opportunistic diseases, which arise in contexts in which the body is weakened because of stress.

Whenever you feel any change in your body, it is best that you look for a doctor rather than resorting to self-medication, even if it is common in your life.

Vocation for work in the health area

Care and attention to the needs of others are part of the personality of Pisces in the 6th house also in the work environment. They like to make sure that everyone is comfortable with their activities and tend to become mediators of small conflicts due to their conciliatory and appeasing attitude.

Therefore, one area in which they can stand out a lot is healthcare. This is also thanks to their ease in working with the public and understanding the pains of others, which makes them connect easily with patients.

Practicality in daily life

Practicality is one of the most recurring themes of house 6, especially when talking about routine. However, it is not very present in natives who have Pisces as sign occupying this space of the astrological chart. In general, they are disorganized people with their work environment and their home. They don't usually pay much attention to the places where they keep important things.

All this can lead to a series of problems and embarrassing situations, so it is an experience that the native needs to go through to learn the importance of developing a practical sense as much as their creativity.

6th house, the personal last house

The 6th house is considered the last personal house of the astrological chart. It is ruled by the sign of Virgo and the planet Mercury, therefore it deals with work, routine and health aspects, having a direct relationship with practical issues of daily life.

Another point addressed by this house is how the native deals with all this. Below, more aspects about the 6th house will be commented on. If you want to know more about it, continue reading the article.

The Astrological Houses

In general terms, the astrological houses can be described as the spaces in the astrological chart which deal with various areas of the native's life. There are 12 different houses and each one is occupied by a sign of the zodiac and its respective ruling planet.

The space in question is considered the domicile of the sign. Even if the occupants at the time of a person's birth are different, the rulers of this space of the chart will still exert their influence on the native's behaviour.

House 6, house of work and health

Health and work are among the themes of the 6th house, which talks about things that are part of the routine. So this space of the astrological chart also deals with issues related to body care and the practice of physical activities, which are indispensable for the maintenance of health.

As far as careers are concerned, this house is responsible for determining a person's success. However, it is worth pointing out that the messages are more associated with the way the native carries out his or her tasks. Thus, the position is not a sentence of failure or success.

Correlations between the internal and external world

The 6th house is the last of the personal houses, so it works as a kind of connection between the inner world of each native and the outer world. It is the space which prepares people to deal with the collective and closes the individuality present in the astrological chart.

Therefore, it is possible to understand house 6 as a place of purification. However, this does not happen exactly the same way as in house 12, since this purification is more associated with the body than with the spirit, requiring internal organization.

Interaction of the 6th house with the signs

It is possible to affirm that the interaction of the 6th house with the signs happens in the sense of helping them to understand the importance that a career has for their lives. It also works in the sense of increasing attention to health and making the native realize what he/she is doing wrong.

Therefore, the sign present in this space can be less or more favorable for these issues. In the case of Pisces, its sentimental and inner life side can generate some obstacles when the sign is positioned in the 6th house.

Relationship between the 6th House and the sign of Virgo

The 6th house is the domicile of the sign of Virgo, so he is more comfortable occupying this space than any other in the birth chart. So in this house his characteristics are expressed and valued as never before. And even if he is sharing the space with another, his influences still manifest.

Therefore, this house talks about performing activities and highlights whether or not natives are people endowed with practical sense.

Does having Pisces in the 6th house indicate that I will have health problems?

Health problems are quite common for people who have Pisces in the 6th house of their birth chart. They usually arise due to emotional factors and are generated by stress and feelings of devaluation. Often these issues are connected to career and have to do with the native not feeling that his efforts are valued.

When this happens, those who have Pisces in the 6th house tend to resort to self-medication as a form of escape from reality. Thus, antidepressants and sedatives are the main drugs used by these individuals, who need to pay attention to this habit due to their propensity to substance abuse.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.