Prayers of St. Michael the Archangel: protection, 21 days, Lent and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is Saint Michael the Archangel?

Highly revered in various religious and spiritual beliefs, Archangel Michael is one of the most powerful angels when it comes to overcoming the forces of darkness and protecting devotees from evil.

Although he is best known among Catholics, his fame goes beyond Christianity and also reaches other religions, such as Jewish, Spiritism and Umbanda, so strong is the power against evil and the protective energy of St. Michael the Archangel.

Archangel Michael is a warrior angel of the Light and strong performance in the fight against evil, for this reason he is also associated with St. George, because both are always represented with a shield and a sword in hand, in a fight where the warriors subdue and defeat a dragon.

In this article, learn more about this celestial being and learn how to connect with the energy, protection and love of St. Michael the Archangel!

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael appears several times in the Holy Bible and in the Jewish Bible at various times in history, always helping those who request his help. His name means "the one who is similar to God" and that's why Michael has so many devotees, because his importance and divine power are so strong that he is compared to Master Jesus. Understand what the archangels do and know who is SaintMiguel, his history, origin and what he represents.

Who are the archangels?

Firstly, it is important to understand what it means and what an archangel does within spiritual beliefs. In the Christian concept, archangels are part of a kind of celestial hierarchy. They are beings created by God, however, unlike angels, they belong to a higher and more powerful "level".

In other words, the archangels are like angelic leaders whose responsibility towards humanity is of great weight, for they are the ones who guide the other angels and attend to the most difficult and complicated demands of the daily life of human beings.

The category of archangels is composed of several names, but only three of them became better known, they are: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Each one with its specific characteristics, functions and performances.

Origin and history of Archangel Michael

According to the sacred scriptures of various beliefs, Archangel Michael was responsible for facing Lucifer, the renegade angel, when he rebelled against God. That is, Archangel Michael was present at one of the crucial moments of biblical history and fought against darkness in defense of Light, having great prominence as a celestial warrior.

Besides the battle against Lucifer, Archangel Michael is also quoted in several other points in the Holy Bible. Since then, Archangel Michael is worshiped and sought whenever devotees feel they need help in facing difficult causes or when they are seeking divine protection.

What does the Archangel Michael represent?

The main symbolism of Archangel Michael is the strength and courage in the confrontation against darkness and evil. In this sense, when speaking of liberation and spiritual harmonization, it is the name of Archangel Michael that often appears in spiritualist beliefs.

For this same reason, he also represents celestial protection and his prayers have great potential for energetic cleansing, disobsession and even healing, since Saint Michael the Archangel assists in the processes of changing unhealthy patterns that all human beings possess.

As one of the main angels of God and leader in the hierarchy, because he is an archangel, Michael also represents love and divine protection. He is always very sought after by devotees who seek help in facing daily difficulties or moments of great distress.

Visual characteristics of Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is always depicted as a warrior angel with large wings, a sword in his hand, a spear and also a shield. It is common to find also representations of Archangel Michael with a dragon at his feet, symbolizing a won battle against evil, which in this case is represented by the dragon.

The main color associated with the Archangel Michael is royal blue, noticeable in his robes and objects. It is also common to be represented with a flaming sword, whose symbolism refers to the celestial power and cutting the forces of evil.

Curiosities about Archangel Michael

As belonging to the archangels category, Michael is also considered a messenger of God, as well as a great warrior, because the category itself places these beings as responsible for taking important celestial messages to people.

This function leads to a second curiosity about Archangel Michael, which is the fact that he, like the other archangels, despite being a celestial and divine being, is still very close to humans, possessing the ability to feel earthly pains and act in aid of the devotees with great strength and compassion.

Besides the sword, the shield and the dragon, some images of Archangel Michael have a scale in his hands, also representing the Divine Justice. It is for this reason that he is also called "fisher of souls", because he always acts within what is fair, besides being responsible for taking souls to Paradise, many times saving them from negative places.

Another curiosity about Archangel Michael, a very Brazilian one, is the fact that in the city of Bandeirantes, in the state of Paraná, there is a shrine in his honor. The place is also well known for reports of apparitions of angelic figures.

Feasts and Patrons of Archangel Michael

September 29 is the date when the main feast day for Archangel Michael is celebrated by the Catholic Church. On this day homage is also paid to the Archangels Raphael and Gabriel.

In other beliefs, the celebration of Archangel Michael's day happens on other dates, as is the case of the Orthodox Church, which honors the archangel warrior on November 8 or November 21, for those who still follow the Julian calendar.

Because of his high power against evil, the warrior Saint Michael the Archangel became the patron of several orders of cavalry from ancient times, but which exist to this day.

In France, since the fifteenth century, there is the Order of St. Michael cavalry, as well as in England, since the mid-nineteenth century. Archangel Michael is also the patron saint of a military order in Romania. Not by chance, Archangel Michael is the patron saint of officers and members of the police and also of the military.

Apparitions of Archangel Michael

There are several reports of apparitions of angels, archangels and saints among devotees worldwide. In the case of Archangel Michael, the Brazilian shrine dedicated to the archangel in the city of Bandeirantes itself has in its history the apparition of Archangel Michael in the dreams of the founders of the church, bringing the message that the shrine should be built.

But there are also the older accounts, like the case of Mount Gargano in Italy, which tells the story of a cattle herder who, when going after one of the escaped calves in a cave, threw an arrow into the place. It would have bounced back as if thrown back.

The bishop of the region then asked God for a sign, who sent Archangel Michael to give the message of the construction of a Church in his honor in the exact location of the cave where the arrow had been shot.

Another ancient account of the appearance of archangel Michael would have occurred to a father seeking the healing of his daughter, in the region known in Biblical times as Phrygia, in Laodicea. The archangel would have directed the man to take his daughter to drink water from a fountain where Christians used to drink. The girl was healed after ingesting the water indicated by the archangel.

St Michael Archangel Lent

Traditionally, Lent is the 40-day period preceding Christian Easter, where the faithful prepare for the final date (Easter) with spiritual cleansing and also by performing acts of charity and purification. However, a Lenten season can be held at another time, as the main meaning of preparation, cleansing and connection to the divine is maintained by faith.

In the case of the Lent of St. Michael the Archangel, it is held between August 15 and September 29, ie ending on the feast day of Archangel Michael. Follow how to perform the Lent of Archangel Michael and what prayer prayed over the 40 days.


Archangel Michael's Lent is indicated for periods when penance is desired, that is, it is a long prayer with the intention of purification. It is a tradition that comes from the Franciscan priests. It can be divided into four stages of 10 days each, where the faithful can give more attention to specific themes.

The first stage is usually associated with the release of addictions such as smoking, drugs and compulsion. The second stage focuses on the release and healing of unbalanced or negative ancestral behavioral patterns.

The third phase can be focused on cleansing and deliverance from bad omens and difficulties that are present in one's life. Finally, the completion of Lent can be done with special attention to requests for spiritual and physical deliverance, such as illness.

How to pray Lent

For Lent, take an ordinary white candle or those of 7 days (you can use one with the image of Archangel Michael) and intend on the candle your purpose. Light and offer the candle to Archangel Michael and let it burn in a safe place and not too low, in a kind of altar.

Say the opening prayer of Archangel Michael every day for 40 days, followed by the Litany of St. Michael. Finish by dedicating an Our Father to each archangel.

Change the candles as soon as they burn completely, always remembering to consecrate them, intending the request before lighting them and trying to leave them in high places, because they are candles directed to the connection with spirituality and high thoughts, so the candle can not be below the line of the head.

Opening Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our refuge from the wickedness and snares of the devil. Command you, God, we beseech you; and you, prince of the heavenly militia, by divine virtue cast down to hell satan and the other evil spirits, who go about in the world to perish souls.


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (repeat 3 times).

Litany of St Michael the Archangel

Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, hear us.

Jesus Christ, hear us.

Heavenly Father, who art God, have mercy on us.

Redeemer Son of the World, who art God, have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, who are God, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, who are one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Queen of Angels, pray for us.

Saint Michael, pray for us.

Saint Michael, full of God's grace, pray for us.

Saint Michael, perfect adorer of the Divine Word, pray for us.

Saint Michael, crowned with honor and glory, pray for us.

Saint Michael, mighty prince of the armies of the Lord, pray for us.

Saint Michael, standard-bearer of the Holy Trinity, pray for us.

Saint Michael, guardian of Paradise, pray for us.

Saint Michael, guide and comforter of the Israelite people, pray for us.

Saint Michael, splendor and strength of the Church militant, pray for us.

Saint Michael, honor and joy of the Church triumphant, pray for us.

Saint Michael, light of the angels, pray for us.

St. Michael, bulwark of Christians, pray for us.

Saint Michael, strength of those who fight for the banner of the cross, pray for us.

Saint Michael, light and confidence of souls in the last moment of life, pray for us.

Saint Michael, most certain help, pray for us.

Saint Michael, our help in all adversities, pray for us.

Saint Michael, herald of the eternal sentence, pray for us.

Saint Michael, consoler of the souls in Purgatory, pray for us.

St. Michael, whom the Lord entrusted to receive the souls in Purgatory, pray for us.

Saint Michael, our prince, pray for us.

Saint Michael, our advocate, pray for us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, forgive us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord.

Our Father

Pray one Our Father in honor of St. Gabriel, one in honor of St. Michael the Archangel, and one dedicated to St. Raphael. Then recite the following prayer.

Most Glorious Saint Michael, chief and prince of the heavenly hosts, faithful guardian of souls, victorious over rebellious spirits, beloved of the house of God, our admirable guide after Christ; you whose excellence and virtues are most eminent, deign to deliver us from all evils, we who have recourse to you with confidence, and grant, through your incomparable protection, that we may advance each day further infaithfulness in serving God.

Pray for us, O blessed Saint Michael, prince of the Church of Christ.

That we may be worthy of his promises.

God, almighty and eternal, who by a wonder of goodness and mercy for the salvation of men, hast chosen for Prince of Yours

Church the most glorious Archangel St. Michael, make us worthy, we pray thee, to be preserved from all our enemies, that at the hour of our death none of them may disquiet us, but that it may be given us to be brought by him into the presence of thy mighty and august Majesty, through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Saint Michael the Archangel 21 day prayer for spiritual cleansing

One of the most famous prayers related to Archangel Michael is the prayer 21 days for spiritual cleansing. It is a prayer that should be performed for 21 consecutive days in order to effect a great cleansing in the vibrational, energetic and astral fields and create and strengthen a connection with the energy of the egregore of Archangel Michael.

The 21 day prayer of Archangel Michael for spiritual cleansing was psychographed by a medium named Greg Mize. It is quite indicated for difficult times and especially when the person is feeling energetically charged, with sectors of life that never move forward or when you feel that a major change of patterns and behaviors in life is needed.

The 21-day cleansing is not for nothing, as it is the minimum amount of days it takes the human body to learn new habits. In other words, performing Archangel Michael's 21-day cleansing prayer is also a way to direct the mind and body into a new energetic pattern.

Understand better how it works, how to do the cleansing over the 21 days and the phrases that should be said to perform this true astral cleaning.


As the name indicates, the 21-day prayer for spiritual cleansing is indicated for the realization of a true cleaning in the field of spirituality of people. It provides deep changes, with results that reflect on the emotional and consequently on the physical.

The prayer of 21 days of Archangel Michael also helps in unblocking limiting beliefs and also in the referral of obsessors, since it increases the vibrational field and cut ties and enchantments. To enhance its effect, do the prayer out loud.


I call upon the Christ to calm my fears and to erase any external control mechanism that may interfere with this healing. I ask my Higher Self to close my aura and establish a Christed channel for the purposes of my healing, so that only Christed energies may flow to me. No other use may be made of this channel other than for the flow of Divine energies.

I now call to Archangel Michael of the 13th Dimension to completely seal and protect this sacred experience. I now call to the 13th Dimensional Circle of Safety to completely seal, protect and enhance the shield of Archangel Michael and to remove anything that is not of a Christed nature that currently exists within this field.

I now call upon the Ascended Masters and our Christed assistants to completely remove and dissolve each and every implant and its seeded energies, parasites, spiritual weapons and self-imposed limiting devices, both known and unknown. Once this is completed, I call for the complete restoration and repair of the original energy field, infused with thegolden energy of Christ.

I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!

I, the being known as (state your name) in this particular incarnation, hereby revoke and renounce any and all pledges of allegiance, vows, agreements, and/or contracts of association that no longer serve my highest good, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, time periods, and locations.

I now command all entities (that are connected with these contracts, organizations and associations that I now renounce) to cease and desist and to leave my energy field now and forever and retroactively, taking their artifacts, devices and seeded energies.

To ensure this, I now call upon the holy spirit Shekinah to witness the dissolution of all contracts, devices and seeded energies that do not honor God. This includes all covenants that do not honor God as the Supreme Being. Furthermore, I ask that the Holy Spirit "witness" this complete release of all that infringes God's will. I declare this forward andretroactively. So be it.

I now re-guarantee my covenant with God through Christ mastery and dedicate my entire being, my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being to the vibration of Christ, from this moment on and retroactively. Furthermore, I dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say and do, and all things in my environment that still serve me, to the vibration of Christ as well. Furthermore, I dedicatemy being to my own mastery and to the path of ascension, both the planet's and my own.

Having declared all this I now authorize the Christ and my own Higher Self to make changes in my life to accommodate this new dedication and ask the Holy Spirit to witness this also. I declare this to God. Let it be written in the Book of Life. May it be so. Thank God.

To the Universe and the entire Mind of God and every being in It, to all places I have been, experiences I have participated in, and to all beings in need of this healing, whether known or unknown to me, anything that stands between us, I now heal and forgive.

I now call upon the Holy Spirit Shekinah, Lord Metatron, Lord Maitreya and Saint Germain to assist and witness this healing. I forgive you for whatever needs to be forgiven between you and I. I ask you to forgive me, for whatever needs to be forgiven between you and I. Most importantly, I forgive myself, for whatever needs to be forgiven between my incarnationsand my Higher Self.

We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven. We are all now elevated to our Christed beings. We are full and surrounded with the golden love of Christ. We are full and surrounded with the golden light of Christ. We are free from all third and fourth vibration vibrations of pain, fear and anger. All gates and psychic bonds attached tothose entities, implanted devices, contracts or seeded energies are now released and healed. I now call upon Saint Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all my energies that have been taken from me and return them to me now in their purified state.

Once these energies have returned to me, I ask that these channels through which my energy was being drained, be dissolved completely. I ask Lord Metatron to release us from the chains of duality. I ask that the seal of the Christ Realm be placed upon me. I ask the Holy Spirit to witness that this is fulfilled. And so it is.

I now ask the Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask Archangel Michael to mark me with his seal, that I may be protected forever from the influences that keep me from doing the will of Our Creator."

And so be it! I give thanks to God, the Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Sheran command, the Angels and Archangels, and all others who have participated in this ongoing healing and upliftment of my being.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of the universe! Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth!

St Michael the Archangel Prayer for Deliverance

Archangel Michael's prayer for deliverance is also known as "Pope Leo XIII's little exorcism" because of its power to cut off and deliver from evil those who pray it and recite its verses with faith.

According to reports, one fine day Pope Leo XIII suffered a serious fainting spell and overheard a conversation between Jesus and the Devil, in which the latter said that he would manage to destroy the Church. The Pope would have been quite distressed by the episode and for this reason created the verses of the prayer of deliverance to be prayed at the end of all the masses he commanded when he was in the highest office of the ChurchThis is why the prayer became so popular among Catholics over the following decades.

Know the prayer for liberation of St. Michael the Archangel and do it whenever you feel the need, remembering to concentrate at the time of prayer to enhance the connection with the egregoras and divine energies.


Glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, mighty victor of spiritual battles, come to the aid of my spiritual and temporal needs.

Drive out from my presence every evil and every attack and snare of the enemy.

With your mighty sword of light, defeat all evil forces and illuminate my paths with the light of your protection.

Archangel Michael,

from evil: deliver me;

from the enemy: deliver me;

from the storms: help me;

from the dangers: protect me;

from persecution: save me!

Glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, by the heavenly power vested in you, be for me the valiant warrior and lead me in the paths of peace.


The Powerful Prayer of Saint Michael the Archangel

There are some versions of the prayer of St. Michael the Archangel, but all have great potential for connection and action in people's lives, because the egregore, ie, the energy field related to the energy of the archangel, is already formed.

In this way, anyone who accesses this energy through any of the archangel Michael prayers, will be able to connect with his protection and action. Below, you can see one of the versions of the prayer of St. Michael the Archangel. Use it whenever you feel the need for support and protection.


Prince Guardian and Warrior, defend me and protect me with Your Sword.

Do not let any harm come to me.

Protect me against assault, robbery, accidents, and against all acts of violence.

Deliver me from negative people and spread your mantle and your shield of protection in my home, my children and family. Guard my work, my business and my property.

Bring peace and harmony.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in this combat, cover us with your shield against the deceptions and snares of the devil.

We instantaneously and humbly beseech you, that God may rule over him, and you, Prince of the heavenly militia, with that divine power, precipitate into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who roam the world to the perdition of souls.


Consecration Prayer of Saint Michael the Archangel

A consecration prayer is a prayer made as a form of dedication to the being, entity, saint, etc., to which connection is desired. Because of its great importance within spirituality, Archangel Michael also has a consecration prayer, which should be recited whenever you wish to honor, serve and dedicate yourself to the archangel warrior. Know the verses below.


O most noble Prince of the Angels, valiant warrior of the Most High, zealous defender of the glory of the Lord, terror of rebellious spirits, love and delight of all righteous Angels, my most beloved Archangel St. Michael, desiring to be of the number of your devotees and servants, to you today I consecrate, give and offer myself, and place myself, my family and all that belongs to me, under theyour mighty protection.

The offering of my service is small, being as I am a miserable sinner, but you will magnify the affection of my heart; remember that from this day forward I am under your sustenance and you must assist me in all my life and obtain for me the forgiveness of my many grave sins, the grace to love God with all my heart, my dear Saviour Jesus Christ and my Mother Mary Most Holy, obtain for meme those aids which are necessary for me to obtain the crown of eternal glory.

Defend me from the enemies of the soul, especially in the hour of death. Come, O most glorious prince, assist me in the last struggle, and with your mighty weapon cast far away into the abysses of hell that promise-breaking and haughty angel whom you once prostrated in battle in heaven.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle lest we perish in the supreme judgment.

St Michael the Archangel prayer for protection of home and family

As the archangel protector, warrior and fighter of the forces of evil, Archangel Michael has a special prayer that can be used to create an egregore of protection for the home and family.

By requesting the divine protection of Archangel Michael, an energy field is formed in the property, which is under the vibration of the energy of protection of St. Michael. But always remember that the energy maintenance and family relationships of the place is also the responsibility of the residents of the house, who should be attentive to maintain good harmony.


This home is protected and guarded by guardian angels under the guidance of Saint Michael the Archangel.

Their swords are placed over the entrance doors so that no negative presence and no evil can enter here, their wings are spread around this house supporting and protecting us.

His mantles are stretched over each of the members of this family so that we may participate in all of our daily activities in complete safety and deep well-being, over this house, is the great protective light of Saint Michael the Archangel.

His angels are placed in the four corners of this house protecting it up and down, right and left, front and back. Under the blessings of St. Michael the Archangel each person who enters here will feel enveloped by love, health, prosperity.


How to make a prayer of St. Michael the Archangel correctly?

A consensus among all religions and in faith in general is: concentrate and pray from the heart. Regardless of the rules, the words and also the elements used, whether they are candles, offerings, crystals, etc., if the prayer is done automatically and without focus, it loses strength.

So, the correct way to pray a prayer of St. Michael the Archangel is to put love in the words and request. So, take a time out of your day, a quiet corner of your house and make the prayer a unique moment of connection with Archangel Michael.

The elements work to potentiate the action, but what connects the due to the divine energies is and always will be the dedication to the act of praying.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.