Queen of Swords in Tarot: meaning, love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the Queen of Swords card mean in Tarot?

The Queen of Swords card represents focus, the rational, communication, intellectuality and justice. When it appears in a general Tarot reading, it indicates the use of reason, not emotion, to solve problems. When it represents the consulter, it talks about someone colder or harsher, since this is a rational card. It says that it is essential to be more fair at the moment, without taking sides when takingdecisions.

So, because it is an air card, when it comes out in a reading about another person, it can signal someone who is not very trustworthy or even should not trust others. Read more about the Queen of Swords card below and learn about its fundamentals, meanings and more.

Basics of the Queen of Swords in Tarot

The Queen of Swords is a card that presents negative interpretations, but also has positive interpretations, depending on the point of view. The suit of swords is considered the most negative and tragic of the Tarot because of its impacting meanings, but when observed with other eyes, can have milder representations.

The person represented by this card is one who gives good advice, has a good conversation, is intelligent and demanding. The card says that this is a propitious moment to invest in studies and literature. In addition, the Queen of Swords is a sign for you to be more attentive to your surroundings and avoid distractions.

To learn more about the history of the letter and its interpretations, continue your reading.


The exact date of origin of the Tarot is still unknown, but there are studies that point to its emergence in the early fourteenth century in Italy. The Queen of Spades is part of the minor arcana of the Tarot that are 56 cards, while with the major arcana, are 22 cards, making 78 in total. The cards can also be called blades.

The Tarot divides the cards into four elements: Fire, Air, Earth and Water. Each element is symbolized by a suit, they are the suits of clubs, swords, diamonds and hearts.


In the Rider Waite deck, the Queen of Spades is presented with the image of a woman sitting on a throne towards the right with a sword in her hand, while the other is raised directing a place, as if to give a direction. It symbolizes clarity and high intellect.

Beside him appear many clouds with a bird flying far above his head, while behind his throne there is a river and some trees. This landscape depicts full thinking above difficulties, fairness, focus and a broad view of a situation.

The images of an angel, moon, and butterfly on her throne symbolize blessings, intuition, and transformation. Her cloud-printed cloak symbolizes change, while her white clothing characterizes purity. The iconography of this card in other Tarot decks may have changes, however, this does not interfere with the interpretations.

Queen of Swords Tarot Meaning

In the Tarot, the Queen of Swords talks about pragmatism and rigidity. You need to keep a firm head, have conviction in what you say, in the ideas you present without appearing to be a cold and rude person. Of course, all extremism is not healthy, so don't neglect your emotions. Keep a balance and examine situations in the smallest detail before deciding which path to follow.

This card also symbolizes independence and the ability to more easily overcome daily difficulties with courage and balance. Your morals and principles are not easily shaken by the opinions and judgments of others.

In the next topics, important representations for the interpretations of the Queen of Swords card will be covered, read on.


In the general context, this card indicates victory in some case that is in justice. There are situations in which you must use your critical and rational sense not to become biased in conflicts and decision-making, so be impartial and honest. Justice always comes, either by men or by the divine.


It is normal to be frightened by this card when it represents a more severe person, sometimes it is not easy to deal with someone like that, but, there is always something to learn from it.

If this card comes out in a general Tarot reading, it suggests that you are a little more severe and that you have a firm hand at the moment. Following standards and rules is part of the characteristics presented by the Queen of Swords.


The Queen of Swords is linked to the element of air, so the people represented by this card are more intelligent, are always learning something new and exercising the mind.

For these people it is easier to concentrate and reason when they are alone, away from distractions and unfounded opinions. Some hobbies that are attractive to those who are more rational are reading, writing, games that use logical thinking, such as chess.


The Queen of Swords represents the most rational side of the human being. The person represented by this card can be colder, more intelligent, severe, fair, repressing their own feelings. In addition, even if the person has a lot of wisdom and is calm, they also go straight to the point and their tongue can be very sharp. Those around them can judge them as someone indifferent.

Bright side

All the cards in the Tarot have positive meanings, and this is no different with the Queen of Swords. This card shows the benefits of stimulating intellect, knowledge, wisdom, always learning something new and being able to see beyond to solve a situation.

However, it is necessary to have an open mind to obtain knowledge and wisdom. The use of reason in balance with emotion only brings benefits and takes you further and further forward, reaching goals.


On the negative side, the Queen of Swords signals that repressing feelings only makes things worse, so take the time to think about them and welcome them.

She also says that you should be careful with self-criticism, it is good for analyzing attitudes and ideas, but, it can become severe self-judgment. If mental health and emotional issues are not addressed, the person tends to become more bitter and rude, refusing acts of affection.

Queen of Swords in Tarot in different areas of life

The Queen of Swords has different meanings for each area of life, for each situation. The interpretations of this and other cards of the Tarot deck depend on the question that is asked to know about a particular person, issue or advice.

When representing the consulter, depending on the question, this card indicates a suffering and that this should be analyzed. To learn more about the Queen of Swords read the topics below to learn about this card in love, at work, reversed and more.

In love

When it comes to the love area, the Queen of Swords represents a person who is more rational than emotional, and this trait can be natural to her personality, or a result of traumatic situations in relationships, causing the repression of her own emotions for fear of getting hurt again.

If you are single, now is not the best time to invest in a new love, there are psychological and emotional issues to be solved first. Take time to recover and to invest more in yourself before looking for a new partner.

If you are in a relationship, this chart is a sign that the relationship is not very good and a separation can happen, however, it suggests finding the problems that are present in the relationship to be able to solve them. For this, you need to have a good conversation and clarification with your partner.

At work

In reading about work, this chart requires more concentration, organization, self-confidence, sincerity, and suggests to expose your ideas in an objective and clear way. The best areas to invest in are those which use and stimulate the intellect, for example, teacher, manager, librarian, writer, journalist and systems analyst.

For those who are working, it is necessary to maintain a firm posture and be less demanding, with less complaints. Believe in yourself and in your ideas, as this will pass an image of a good professional to your colleagues and superiors.

For those who are unemployed or looking for a new job, the best thing to do is to demonstrate sincerity, competence and good conversation in the interviews you are able to conduct. It is a favorable time for good proposals and new opportunities.

In health

It may be controversial, but this card in a health reading is a sign to take care of the emotional area, besides mental health. There are people who repress their own feelings and this brings problems to them at some point in life. The Queen of Swords indicates the use of reason in a healthy way, because everything in excess is bad for you.

A little more about the Queen of Swords card in Tarot

When the Queen of Swords represents someone, it indicates a rude, oppressive person, who may be putting psychological pressure and who is not trustworthy. This card is a warning about someone who wants to harm you.

When a card of the suit of swords appears in a love or work reading, for example, it tends to have more negative meanings, however, it can only signal a conflict, lack of understanding on both sides or even a release.

An interesting tip is to have more practicality in the day to day, lead a lighter life with less worries. What you have to solve with a good conversation, talk and solve. Check below the negative aspects about the Queen of Swords.

Inverted card

When this card is inverted, it represents communication problems, not knowing how to express your ideas and arguments very well. The person usually says something without having checked the facts first.

By hiding your emotions behind reason because of past traumas or not wanting to deal with them, they can come back much more intense at some point, so seek to have a balance between reason and emotion.

In addition, the reversed Queen of Swords in a work reading is a warning for the arrival of moments of loss, conflict, and even layoffs. So always try to give your best.


The Queen of Swords presents challenges, such as separating what is important from what is frivolous. There may be a difficulty in saying "no" to a person, but understand that there is a limit to everything, and if you don't enforce those limits, they will abuse your goodwill.

Make clear everything you explain and need, problems in communication and understanding information are complicated to be solved in the future. Be prepared for a period of losses and difficulties that are coming.


The Queen of Swords card brings good tips for any situation in life, for example, to have more tolerance, to know how to listen to constructive criticism, to have a firm mind not to be shaken by anything and not to let sorrows block your emotions, preventing you from opening up to a new love.

Always being learning something new and being on the move helps to lessen the fear of choosing new paths and changes.

Does Queen of Spades mean I need to be less emotional?

Yes and no, everything will depend on the question and the context in the reading in which the Queen of Swords appears. Yes, because the person can be very emotional and needs to work more on the reason not to be taken by feelings, and no, because emotions cannot be repressed, because they are natural and should be felt without causing damage.

It is worth noting that no extreme is healthy, and when this card appears in Tarot readings, it signals an ease in hiding emotions in order to be more rational.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.