Lavender bath: for love, energize life, happiness and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Benefits of lavender bath

Lavender, also known as lavender, is one of the most versatile plants, energetically speaking, for physical and mental health. Its benefits can be extracted in several ways, either by aromatherapy, teas or tinctures, or in the form of baths.

The lavender bath is powerful for many purposes, as the magical powers of this plant range from relaxation to attraction and maintenance of love. In addition, it is very beneficial even for the environment, as it harmonizes family relationships, calming and revitalizing the energies of your home or your work.

In this article, we will see details about this amazing plant and some bath suggestions for you to do and attract what you want for your life. Check it out!

Understanding more about lavender bath

Lavender bath is a very effective way to bring relaxation to body and mind. That's because this plant has properties that induce deep sleep, eliminate stress and anxiety, and even cure insomnia. But its many attributes don't stop there, even more so when it comes to its magical and spiritual powers.

This little purple plant has an extensive list of benefits that we will see below, as well as a little about its origin and tips for using it in baths. Read on!

Origin and history

The exact origin of Lavender, which is a plant of the mint family, is not known. It is believed to be native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East and India. It was brought to the south of France by Greek colonizers, where it made and continues to make history.

The benefits of lavender have been acclaimed since time immemorial and its history is intertwined with humanity's, dating back 2,500 years. In Ancient Egypt, lavender was cultivated in the sacred garden of Thebes. This plant was an important ingredient in embalming and widely used as a perfume and incense.

Legend has it that with the help of lavender's scent, Cleopatra seduced Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. In Rome, the use of lavender was widespread, being used as a perfume and also for personal hygiene and cleaning clothes and homes. It was rubbed on the body to ward off viruses, pestilences and diseases in general.

In addition, the first records of lavender as a healing agent date back to the 1st century A.D. The Roman physician Pedanios Dioscurides put lavender infusion in medical literature as a remedy for muscle and joint pain, and for treatment of some other diseases.

For Native Americans, lavender is a sacred plant, used by shamans for spiritual and soul cleansing to ward off evil spirits and dissolve negative energies. Since ancient times, the benefits of this plant for attracting love, renewing energy and controlling restless states of mind have been highly esteemed.

What is lavender bath for?

Being an extremely versatile plant, lavender is used for many purposes. A bath with this plant can help cure insomnia and other sleep disorders. It promotes deep relaxation and aids in the treatment of illnesses such as anxiety and depression, as well as treating skin problems or healing and cleansing wounds.

In addition to its medicinal benefits, lavender bath is used to promote aura and energy cleansing. It is intended to open and balance the crown chakra, bring protection, attract prosperity, happiness and romantic love, reduce aggressiveness and envy, provide mental balance, open paths and balance relationships.

Ingredients used together

Uniting the elements - water, which is used in the bath; earth, represented by the lavender; fire, which is used to heat the water, and air, the steam resulting from the boiling of the tea - is a complete rite, which energizes your bath not only with the benefits of the plant, but also with the balance between the elements.

Also, in some baths, other herbs or elements are added to add to the potential of lavender, which will make it even more focused on what you want to get out of it. The union between the benefits of herbs, warm water and the aroma of steam will provide a very powerful moment of physical and energetic renewal.

Tips to potentiate the effects of the bath

It is important to take a moment just for the preparation of the bath, one that is quiet and that you can spend a few minutes for. After all, part of the energy that the baths and teas carry is our vital energy returned to them. Therefore, when adding the plants to the water, mentalize that you are carrying the mixture of good energies.

If you feel the need, when preparing the bath, you can pray or say a few prayers, blessing the water. Some people also light a candle in the bathroom for the guardian angel, asking him to protect the energies and the ritual. Proceed as your intuition dictates and as you think is important for your practice.

As with the preparation, when you take your energy bath, mentalize that all the charge and harmful energy is leaving your body towards the drain and that you are entering a new vibration, with the help of the lavender. Mentalize what you want during the bath and ask that your paths be open for fulfillment.

Cautions with the procedure of the sympathy

It is important to note some care that one should have when doing an energetic bath with lavender, to get the best results. Check some:

- Do not boil the herbs. Heat the water almost to a boil, then add the herbs and steep, until it is at the ideal bath temperature.

- The average amount of water to be used is two liters, but this is not a rule of thumb. If you feel the need to do more, follow your intuition. However, try not to exceed three liters.

- The energy bath is not a hygienic bath. Therefore, take your bath first, as usual, and only after you are completely clean, proceed with the bath that has been prepared.

- You don't need to take a bath if you don't have access to a bathtub. It can be done in the shower stall, slowly pouring the water over your body.

- Only throw the water from the shoulders down, as it is not recommended to throw it over your head.

- Do your bath at a time when you no longer need to leave the house, preferably at night, before you go to bed to sleep.

- Try to stay as concentrated as possible during your bath. Choose a time when you will not be interrupted. Relax, as it is a time for you alone, and forget your worries.

- Do not mix too many herbs in the same bath, so that the energies do not get confused. Put only what is necessary and opt for the simplest, which will evidently be more effective.

- Add only as much herbs as necessary, as adding more will not enhance your bath and may end up causing skin irritations.

- Prefer to dry yourself naturally after bathing, but if this is not possible, you can dry yourself with a clean towel. Do not rub creams or perfumes on your body after bathing, so that the benefits of the herbs are more prolonged.

- If you don't want the herbs to stay on your body, you can strain the mixture or remove the herbs before bathing. You can also put them inside a tied up cloth, leave them in the water as long as you wish and then just remove them.

Lavender bath for love

Lavender, since ancient times, was related to romanticism. In Europe, it was believed that its aroma attracted true love and kept the flame burning in marriages. One of its benefits is to bring happiness and harmonize relationships, being the perfect choice for those who want to revive the romance in the relationship or, like Cleopatra, seduce and attract love. Here's how to preparethis bath with lavender and get personal magnetism for love!


If you want to attract a new love, win your loved one or even revive the bonds of your love relationship, the lavender bath promises to renew your energy and make you open to romance.

This herb changes whatever vibration you are in to positivity, opening your horizons to diverse possibilities and experiences. There is no contraindication, as this bath acts gently but surely.

Ingredients and how to make

To prepare the bath, have on hand two liters of water, a handful of lavender - two to three tablespoons of dried herb or three branches of the fresh plant. Reserve a clean container to put the preparation. If you prefer, you can add 20 drops of lavender essential oil in place of dried or fresh herb.

Then, heat the water until it begins to boil. In the container, pour the water and add the lavender, mentalizing your intentions of love and romance. If possible, cover or stifle it until the water is at the ideal temperature for the bath. If you wish, strain it.

Take the preparation into the bathroom, take your usual shower, then turn off the shower and run the lavender bath from the shoulders down, little by little. Mentalize the energetic cleansing and the energy of love entering your life. No need to rinse. Then, wait to dry naturally or dry yourself with a clean towel and do not use creams or perfumes after the bath.

Lavender bath with rock salt to energize life

One of the main attributes that lavender carries is the relaxation and energization of the body and mind. The lavender bath with coarse salt is very powerful because it combines the dissolution of negative energies that the coarse salt provides, along with reenergization, the high point of lavender. Let's understand what are the indications for using this bath and how to prepare it.


If you are feeling extremely tired, anxious and hopeless with life, the bath of lavender and rock salt is a good idea, because there may be some accumulation of negative energy or someone is draining your vital energy. This bath serves to protect yourself from this possible vampirism and also to recover your energy and vivacity.

The bath with coarse salt is indicated for critical moments and should not be done too often, because it can end up acting in the opposite way, unbalancing the energies. Therefore, it is indicated to be done, at most, once a month, because it is very strong and powerful.

This bath is done in two steps, because the coarse salt leaves the energy field open and the lavender balances it. Observe this indication to the letter, so as not to leave the field unprotected.

Ingredients and how to make

You'll need two containers - because this lavender bath is done in two steps - two liters of water, 7 tablespoons of rock salt, a handful of lavender or two tablespoons if you're using the dried plant, or two fresh branches of the plant. If you prefer, you can use 20 drops of lavender essential oil instead of the herbs.

Then, heat the water until it begins to boil. In a container, put half of the water and the salt and stir, with the help of a spoon, clockwise, mentalizing the energetic cleansing and elimination of negative vibrational patterns. In another container, add the rest of the water and the lavender, mentalizing the reestablishment of vital and positive energy.

Let it rest until the water is at a comfortable temperature. Take your bath as usual and turn off the shower. First, pour the salt water down slowly from the shoulders, feeling the spiritual cleansing and visualizing the harmful energies going down the drain.

Then, from the shoulders down, pour the lavender water in little by little, visualizing the positive energy filling your body and soul and the good vibrations coming to you. No need to rinse. Dry yourself as little as possible and do not use creams or perfume after the bath.

It is important to follow these two steps, because the salt acts zeroing the energies of your body and the lavender restores. Therefore, it is not advisable to do the bath with the salt and the herb together, not to leave your energy field open.

Lavender bath with sugar to attract happiness

By balancing the energies, lavender is an herb that awakens inner joy, taking the weight off responsibilities and worries and emphasizing happiness and lightness. This plant is known to scare away negativity and attract good vibrations.

The lavender bath with sugar has the power to "sweeten" your walk, making the mishaps lighter and giving extra energy to live the best that life can offer. So, see how to prepare it and what are the indications to make the most of it!


It's very common for everyday life and a tiring routine to make you feel down, discouraged to get up and chase your dreams. However, this recurring feeling can lead to a number of problems, and can even trigger depression or panic and anxiety attacks.

The bath of lavender with sugar is very suitable for those who have zero energy, living only in automatic mode, without strength and spirit. This bath restores vital energy and revitalizes the joy, bringing out the strength to seek happiness and end up finding it on the way.

Ingredients and how to make

Set aside a clean container to prepare the lavender bath. You will need two liters of water, one bundle or three tablespoons of dried lavender or three sprigs of the fresh plant and three tablespoons of sugar. In addition, you can choose to use 20 drops of lavender essential oil instead of the plant.

Heat the water until it begins to boil and pour it into the container. Add the lavender and sugar little by little, mentalizing the happy energies you wish to attract. Stir in a clockwise direction, still mentalizing the good vibrations, until the sugar dissolves. If you can, cover the container until the water is at the ideal temperature for the bath.

Then, take your usual hygienic bath and, with the shower off, throw the mixture from your shoulders down, mentalizing all the good that is coming in your direction. There is no need to rinse. If you can, let your body dry naturally or dry yourself as little as possible. Do not use creams or perfumes after the bath.

Lavender bath with white rose to open paths

The white rose, like the lavender, has positive spiritual energies and, together, have the power to open the paths and open the doors of opportunity. The white rose is related to the Archangel Michael and, therefore, carries the symbolism of strength, struggle and strength.

The combination of white rose and lavender in a bath provides an energetic cleansing of everything that may be blocking the progress of your life, removing any and all obstacles between you and your success. Let's understand what the indications of this bath and how to do it, below!


Often, negative energies and vibrations accumulate in the aura or energy field and prevent situations from moving forward, acting like an anchor. When you reach the stage where you can't accomplish anything or feel like you're running out of energy, it's time to review your energies and find a way to restore balance.

Therefore, the bath of white rose with lavender is a powerful ally for those moments when you want to get rid of what is accumulated and return to evolve, without additional weights and with renewed energy. It is a very powerful bath and, therefore, it is not indicated to do more than once a month. In addition, it will not be necessary, because it acts quickly.

Ingredients and how to make

You will need three white roses, or, if you prefer, a handful of dried white rose petals, some dried lavender or three sprigs of the fresh plant, three teaspoons of honey and two liters of water. If you prefer, you can replace the plants with their respective essential oils, 20 drops of each. Separate a clean container to put the mixture.

Then, heat the water until it begins to boil and place it in the recipient. Gradually add the macerated plants, mentalizing the opening of the paths and the elimination of negative energy. Place the honey and stir clockwise, placing your intentions until it is completely dissolved. Leave it to infuse until it reaches the ideal bath temperature. If you prefer, strain it.

So, take your usual bath and turn off the shower. Slowly pour the mixture from your shoulders down, visualizing the negativity draining down the drain and the path-opening energy being absorbed into your skin. No need to rinse. Dry yourself as little as possible and don't rub any creams or perfumes on yourself after the bath.

Lavender bath with rosemary for prosperity

Rosemary is widely known for its ability to protect an individual from bad energies. In union with lavender, which balances and restores good vibrations, it can assist in the search for prosperity and attracting opportunities.

The two herbs are both calming and energizing at the same time, controlling anxiety and depressive states, while encouraging and working on self-confidence, to achieve goals and achieve success. Let's understand what the indications of rosemary and lavender bath and how to prepare it.


Rosemary and lavender are plants that act by purifying the soul, body and mind in a deep way, clearing any negativity that may be accumulated and changing the vibrational pattern. The bath of these two herbs is very effective to remove energetic charges that you may be carrying and release the space for prosperity to enter.

Therefore, it is a bath that provides courage to fight, work hard and believe in your dreams, with positivity and gratitude. It is very powerful for those who need encouragement, determination and energy for the journey. Because rosemary is a very strong plant, this bath is not indicated to be done more than twice a month.

Ingredients and how to make

Have in hand a clean container to make the bath mixture, two liters of water, a sprig of lavender and a sprig of rosemary, if you are working with dried herbs, or three large branches of each plant, if you are using fresh ones. If you prefer, you can replace the plants with 20 drops of their respective essential oils.

Heat the water until it starts to boil and pour it into the container. Then, add the herbs little by little, mentalizing prosperity and good energies. Leave it to infuse until it reaches the ideal temperature for the bath and, if you wish, strain it.

So, take your usual bath and turn off the shower. Run the herbal bath from the shoulders down slowly, mentalizing the vibrations you wish to attract, such as prosperity, success, and opportunities. No need to rinse. Just dry yourself as little as possible and do not use creams or perfumes after the bath.

Lavender bath with cloves of India for wish fulfillment

The bath of lavender with cloves is special for when you want to fulfill some specific desire. The clove exponentially increases positive vibrations and is considered protective, because it generates a natural shield against negative energies, envy and evil eye.

In union with lavender, works mainly in the achievements and attainment of goals and attracts success and prosperity. Next, you will see how to make the bath of lavender and clove of India, to fulfill desires, and what are its indications!


Sometimes you may feel that you need a little push to make things happen in your life, as if something is holding you back from carrying out a plan or achieving success in some endeavor. In this way, the lavender and clove bath can be an ally to help you achieve your desires.

This bath helps to release harmful energies that may be hindering your achievements and opens the door for opportunities and prosperity to act on your behalf. In addition, it acts as a powerful toner, which gives courage and willingness to go in search of success and happiness.

Ingredients and how to make

To make the bath of lavender and cloves, set aside a container to make the bath mixture, two liters of water, three tablespoons of lavender, if dry, or three branches of the fresh plant and seven cloves. If you prefer, you can replace the lavender with 20 drops of lavender essential oil and cloves with 3 drops of essential oil.

Heat the water until it starts boiling and pour it in the container. Add the lavender and the clove little by little, mentalizing the energies that you want to attract to your life. After that, cover it until it is at a pleasant temperature for the bath and, if you want, strain it.

Take your bath as usual and turn off the shower. Gradually run the energy bath from the shoulders down, mentalizing the harmful energies leaving and the prosperity and positive vibrations being recharged. There is no need to rinse. If possible, let it dry naturally or dry as little as possible. Do not pass creams or perfumes on the skin after the bath.

Lavender energy bath for the environment

The environments also need energizing and you can do this in various ways - spraying some mixture, energetically cleaning the floor and furniture, positioning room diffusers in strategic places and also using fresh flowers as decoration.

One way or another, it's important to protect your surroundings from harmful energies, or even if you take a lavender bath, the outside energies will still affect you. You'll see how simple it is to energize your surroundings with lavender below!


It is common to enter a place and, right away, feel that it is charged. This occurs in places with a large flow of people or where there are frequent conflicts. It is extremely important to take care of the places we frequent, because no one is comfortable in a place full of harmful vibrations.

Know that there is no contraindication to the energetic cleaning with lavender, because you can do it every day, if you want. Besides keeping the space with flow of good vibes, the fresh scent of lavender is cozy and promotes calm, relaxation, harmony and unity between people.

Ingredients and how to make

There are three options to energetically cleanse the room with lavender, using a spray bottle, positioning a room diffuser or preparing a mixture and wiping the floor, as is usually done for cleaning the house. Here's how to prepare these recipes:

Using a spray bottle or room diffuser, for both cases, the preparation is the same. You will need 100ml of grain alcohol, 30 drops of lavender essential oil and 100ml of distilled water. If you don't have access to essential oil, you can leave a packet of lavender or a tablespoon of the dried herb in the grain alcohol for a week, in the dark.

Then, strain and add the distilled water. Put it in the sprayer and spread it around the house, as desired, or put it in the diffuser with toothpicks in strategic places where there is more movement of people. Turn the toothpicks frequently.

If you want to use it on the floor, for every litre of water in the mixture, add 6 drops of lavender essential oil. If you don't have access to essential oil, you can boil a bunch of fresh lavender or two spoonfuls of dried lavender in a litre of water for a few minutes. Let it dry and you can use the mixture.

So, do the physical cleaning of the environment as usual, with the cleaning products you usually use, avoiding only scented products. After having the environment sanitized, wipe the mixture of water and lavender with a clean cloth and wait to dry naturally.

Lavender tea

To get the benefits of lavender from the inside out, it is recommended to use teas. Lavender is a holy remedy in cases of stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other psychological issues. It has relaxing, calming, antispasmodic, analgesic, antidepressant and many other properties.

In addition, it helps to control fevers, reduces blood pressure, stabilizes the heartbeat, reduces migraine pain, reduces nausea and aids in the intestinal tract. As far as its attributes for the soul and spirit are concerned, the list stretches even longer. Below, we will look at what the indications are and how to prepare lavender tea!


Lavender is a safe herb and can be used from babies to the elderly, without contraindication. The tea of this plant can help calm and treat various diseases, as well as balance the energies of the body and soul and away negative vibrations. It is ideal to take before bedtime, as it promotes a deep and calm sleep.

It is indicated to consume a maximum of three cups of lavender tea a day, so as not to alter the functions of the body, which needs its energy peaks and productivity. In addition, it is ideal to rest the mind, after an exhausting day, and combat symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Ingredients and how to make

A shallow tablespoon of lavender flowers is ideal for a cup of tea, on average 250 ml. Let the water heat until boiling, then turn off. Infuse the tea for a few minutes, until the temperature is pleasant for consumption. Then, strain and it's ready.

In addition, it is indicated to consume the tea pure, but if you feel the need, sweeten it - preferably with honey.

How the lavender bath can assist in your life?

Lavender has numerous benefits ranging from relaxation to the opening of paths. The bath with this plant neutralizes accumulated harmful energies that prevent projects to move forward and achieve success. In addition, it is also a great ally to find true love or cultivate it with affection and romance.

It is not for nothing that lavender has a long history, which is confused with that of humanity itself. It is a safe herb, even for babies, and extends a long performance in traditional and alternative medicine, being one of the most versatile plants within aromatherapy and magic, with a wide field of action.

Therefore, the lavender bath provides purification and energetic renewal, strengthening the immune system and activating vital energy. This is essential for personal protection and the achievement of goals and success in undertakings and relationships.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.