Repeat numbers 1717: angel's message, equal time and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Messages from the repeated numbers 1717 in your life!

Visualizing repeating numbers is something that happens to many people. If you've recently seen the sequence 1717, know that the Universe is wanting to tell you something powerful. To understand this better, there are other numbers associated with it, in addition to the power of an angel and the meaning of a Tarot card that drives it.

The messages associated with this number are strongly connected to your inner self and what needs to be done from now on. It is a positive sign of the search for intelligence, harmony, charity, empathy and the need to trust in your own power of decision. Read on and find the meaning for 1717!

Synchronicity of equal time 17:17

You may see the sequence 1717 in many areas of your daily life, from the time on the clock, an advertisement on television or an excerpt from a book, but certainly when you come across the time 17:17 you get the message more clearly. Below, you will see what this time represents, and what the universe is trying to tell you!

If you want to delve deeper into knowledge about the time 17:17, and how the universe is communicating with you through this number on the clock, read Equal Time 17:17: numerology, love, spirituality and more!

Lucky sign

Visualizing 1717 is a very positive sign that attracts good things while warning you of bad ones. It is an indication that you are aware of your power in the Universe and that you know it is conspiring favorably in your life.

It is a number of activity, of movement in search of knowledge and autonomy. Thus, you need to stay positive and reap the rewards of your work, which should be prospering or will prosper soon.

Remember that your greatest agents (internal and external) are yourself. Luck exists for those who use positivity and optimism to their own advantage, changing the course of their lives for the better.

Watch the ego!

Humility is a fundamental virtue and is directly linked to the meaning of 1717. Even if you have great attributes and are aware of the power in your hands, you must be careful not to be presumptuous and overly self-confident.

People who hold these feelings and convictions tend to alienate others from their environment and harm themselves. Therefore, be humble. Do not make your achievements and competencies the only fruits of a solitary life laden with the feeling, a reflection of your actions, that others are always against you.

Keep your feet on the ground

Visualizing your desires and dreaming of victories is natural and pleasurable, but don't overdo it. One piece of advice from the number 1717 is to try to keep your feet on the ground, not letting your imagination take you too far away from reality. Perhaps, you are acting euphemistically and were embellishing the world and people too much.

In this way, try to clearly establish your goals and disregard those that are fanciful or implausible. The advice is not to give up on your dreams and believe that you are not capable of achieving them. In fact, it is a warning for you not to overcharge yourself and to be more rational in your choices.

Numbers repeated 1717: Message from the angel Imamiah

There is a message from the angel Imamiah for you. Being associated with the sequence 1717, he exerts influence in the period from 17:00 to 17:20. He is the angel of respect, empathy and strength for new beginnings, being a consoler and guide for the prisoners and the lonely. Read on to find out more about the message from the angel Imamiah!

And if you want to delve deeper into knowledge about Imamiah, how he arises, and what his influence is in your life, read also Angel 1717: meaning, at equal times, synchronicity and more!

Fresh Starts

The angel Imamiah is powerful in helping you recognize failures and complete arduous tasks. Therefore, it is time to resume the execution of an old project, to reevaluate your purposes and to not be afraid when making new choices.

If you believe that a renewal, in any aspect, is necessary for your plans to be realized, do not hesitate to leave your current state. Take new attitudes, because in order to start anything, there must be action. Likewise, even in difficult times, do not stop hoping for the future.

Search for self-confidence

The power of the angel Imamiah influences people to free themselves. There is no progress in life if there is no self-confidence. The guidance, in this case, is for you to analyze yourself and identify the things that torment you or make you doubt your own abilities.

The angel of equal time 17:17 is consoling and liberating from internal prisons. If you believe in your strength and are willing to change your present condition, know that the first step, and perhaps one of the most difficult, will have already been taken.

Getting out of the comfort zone

If you still haven't managed to put your plans into action and keep delaying and finding faults and flaws where none exist, now is the time to leave your comfort zone and whatever is holding you back.

The angel Imamiah, of equal time 17:17, wishes to put your most complicated and challenging plans into practice and encourage your growth. Trust in his power and seek the reasons for your stagnation. Fear and uncertainty cannot be your walls, if you, aided by the angel's strength, follow through and tear them down.

To have empathy

You need respect and empathy as each person is unique and the situations they face may be more difficult than you imagine. This is a message associated with the sequence 1717 and the angel's influence. This is a sign of empathy and compassion, or the lack of it.

So be aware. Understanding the need to put yourself in other people's shoes and to understand their issues is fundamental to being a better human being and, likewise, to being fair to yourself.

To be the absolute author of one's own history

You possess a desire for independence. Your spirit yearns to manifest, to reveal itself and to realize your dreams. The influence of the angel Imamiah at 17:17 comes to control your thoughts, concentrate and run after what awaits you and what strongly depends on you. The Universe is in your favor and recognizes your capacity.

Therefore, the advice is for you to persevere and identify the best path to independence, in any field, and to the achievement of your goals.

Repeated numbers 1717: Meaning in numerology

The repeated numbers 1717 brings the need to pay more attention to yourself and what you need to improve on. It speaks of fresh starts, the quest for knowledge, and about trusting yourself and your deliberations. Check out the in-depth meaning of the sequence 1717 for numerology below!

Meaning of number 16

Although it is not evident, 16 appears in the second sum of the components of the sequence 1717 (1+7+1+7 = 16) and therefore influences its meaning. The number speaks about care, affection, generosity and charity (not only for others, but for oneself).

It also warns of talents, abilities and indicates that you need to know how to use them in the right way. So, remain in your acts of charity and observe others. But do not forget that in order to help others, you need to take care of yourself. You are a skilled person, but you must know how to use what you have with diligence and attention.

Meaning of the number 1

The number one is the sign of the beginning, of the start, as well as the restart. 1717 tells you not to be afraid to take risks in new ventures and projects. It is with willpower and perseverance that you will accomplish what you have visualized for your life. The beginning of success is the first step you will take on your path.

Life is made of flows and following a current negative state will be a better situation for you, so be active and try to find the best ways to start a process of change.

Meaning of number 7

7 is the number of spirituality, perfection and the desire for intellectual growth (see the presence of this number in other places such as the rainbow, the days of the week and in various passages of the Bible). In addition, this is an indication of the presence of psychic abilities, the feeling of charity, empathy and balance.

From these symbolisms, the message is for you to seek to immerse yourself in content, contacts and environments which promote your desire to expand your intellectual and spiritual capacity. It may be important to act in this way at this time in your life.

Meaning of the number 17

One of the most visible parts of the sequence 1717 is the number 17 itself. This speaks to the fact that you should follow your instincts more and have confidence in your ability to deliberate. It also speaks to the need to communicate better and reveal what is bothering you.

So even if you are a shy or more reserved person, don't be afraid to express thoughts. So that things change and you don't make the mistake of hiding your problems, trust yourself and be a more open person.

Meaning of the repeated numbers 1717 in Tarot

Tarot is a powerful tool that has a card associated with the number 17, of excellent signification. This speaks of virtuous feelings, divine help, the encouragement of hope and understanding of their real needs. To learn more about the meaning of the Tarot card number 17, continue reading.

Card representing the number 17:17

In Tarot, the card that identifies 1717 is, not by chance, number 17: the Star. This card is extremely positive and has the symbolism of kindness, love, tenderness, liberation, and relating to the world around you. It is an indication of luck and warns you that things are conspiring in your favor.

Thus, you need hope and a sense of harmony to achieve your goals. That which is stuck inside you and weighing heavily on your life will soon leave you. Fear and insecurity will be cast out and space will be taken over by renewed feelings. Trust in divinity and what is coming.


The card The Star speaks about divine protection. The path you need to take to fulfill your destiny, consummate your purpose on earth and launch yourself towards your dreams requires the help of the divinity that protects you. So have faith and don't give up on what you believe in. The Universe is on your side, don't forget that.

If you are not in the habit of putting your connection with the divine into practice, look for something that can comfort you and don't lose faith in this support.

Feeding hope

Hope is essential to anyone's life. In this way, the sequence 1717 and the card The Star express that you must trust in the power at your side and that you do not give up on what is good for you or something you know you must pursue.

Therefore, seek spirituality practice prayer. Communication with the best side of yourself is a power that helps to persist and hope for better days.

Harmony in relationships

The Tarot Star card is asking you to be more open and communicative. If something in your relationship is bothering you, or in any area of life you are uncomfortable and feel you could improve, don't hesitate to say so and show your worries.

Remember that human relationships are mutual: if you want them to listen to you, you should always do the same with others. Something may be wrong for them too.

Time to be more introspective

Often it is necessary for you to seek moments of solitude, for example when you need to isolate yourself in order to resolve a delicate matter. The 17th card indicates that this may be the time to temporarily withdraw from the outside world so that you can look inwards more.

There may be unresolved personal conflicts which are troubling you, or perhaps problems with your own mind. Take time to pay more attention to yourself, and do not neglect the eventual need to seek help.

Do the repeated numbers 1717 teach you to control your thoughts?

The sequence 1717 is an important message for your life. You are out of alignment with your thoughts and attitudes, so that you do not trust your own potential. Therefore, the visualization of these repeating numbers is a warning for you to let go of negativity and harmful feelings, and to focus on what is beneficial.

Seek knowledge and practice spirituality, for the harmony you need is connected to this. Furthermore, be understanding of others and do not hesitate to ask for help if needed. You are an individual who matters on this planet and your destiny of success awaits you. All that is needed is for you to take the first step.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.