Repeating numbers: for angels, equal hours, numerology and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What do the repeated numbers mean?

Suddenly, the numbers start repeating themselves in front of you in the most varied forms: in the time marked on the clock, on the license plates of the cars that pass by you. Coincidence? Curious, to say the least, and makes you think of several possibilities.

Those who are romantic can interpret seeing hours with equal numbers, for example, with heart issues, "that" person is thinking of you.

On the other hand, when we think about numerology, it is important to remember that numbers have energy and each one carries a meaning, an advice. Therefore, it is important to observe which numbers are repeated in order to interpret the information.

After all, synchronicities can indicate that you're close to accomplishing something you want so much, so keep an eye out for messages. Repeated sequences can show that things are starting to line up to get to you.

Information on repeating numbers

Another important point also when talking about numbers is to take into consideration what numerology says in order to understand the message they convey.

Numerology studies numbers and their hidden meanings. Ancient civilizations made use of numbers to explain life. After all, numbers are all around us and to study them is to understand their influence and vibration in life.

Therefore, you can check throughout the article some repeated number combinations that usually arise and end up drawing attention.Keep reading!

Where can I see the repeat numbers?

Suddenly, you look on your cell phone and the clock is striking 12:12. It wouldn't be a big deal if this hadn't already been happening for a week and in different places: on your cell phone, on the street clock.

For some, this means nothing, for others it is a sign that something may happen, so it may be a hint from the universe trying to direct those who see the repeated numbers to something that should be done.

The ideal is to always reflect on your life: your purpose, projects, do a sincere analysis and see what needs adjustment. Always remember that the numbers have an energy of their own, so seeing them in repetition can be a sign of something you need to add or change in your life.

Repeated numbers for numerology

Numerology seeks to study the vibration of numbers and the implicit messages in their combinations. Many answers can be found about our behavior and also ways to understand our attitudes.

Separately, the numbers have their own vibration and meaning. When they repeat themselves, and this is very common, one should analyze and try to interpret the message that the numbers want to convey. The numbers are there and we only notice them when they appear in a different, repeated or constant way. If the numbers repeat themselves, be alert: the angels are trying to get your attention.

If you are anxious because you have seen repeated numbers, try to calm down. There is no exact explanation as to why this happens and what the message is. You have to look at which number is repeated, in what context it appears and, from there, yes, with the tool of numerology to see the message of the repeated number.

Angels and the repeated numbers

The relationship between angels and numbers can be very subtle. Angels try all the time to communicate, that's what we all want. But most of the time we don't pay attention to the messages they give us.

Therefore, to attract attention, angels can call attention by means of repeated numbers. Thus, they communicate messages by showing these numerals, which are presented in: car plates, time on the digital clock, telephone number, among others.

So, through the repeated numbers, the angels communicate their message to you. Now, understanding what they mean requires a little more dedication and study.

Unusual repetitions

Numerology teaches that numbers have their own meaning that must be understood to interpret and understand the message conveyed. There are repetitions of simple, considered more common. They mean repeated journeys, those facts or events that happen in life cyclically.

On the other hand, it is considered unusual repetitions when the number 0 appears, like in 2020, 101010, and it is an indication that it is necessary to focus attention. No more moving from one place to another.

Different sequences of repeated numbers

The presence of repeated numbers is the universe's way of establishing contact, of sending a message. It's always like that. Observe the synchronicity of the numbers in your life and then, try to understand what they have to say.

For this, it helps a lot to know the energy transmitted by the numbers. If, for example, you frequently notice a sequence of repeated numbers, like 444 or 1212, among others, use the individual meaning of these numbers (4, 1, 2), or add them up to one digit. In this way, you will be able to interpret the message embedded in these repeated numbers.

To learn more, keep reading!

Number 0

The number 0 shows the potential, the land to be worked on. Anything can happen. It indicates the beginning of a new stage.

When it comes up repeatedly, it is important to analyze whether you have used your talent. Another important question to think about is if it is not already time to have a more confident posture to start a new cycle.

Number 1

It is normal to say that the number 1 indicates beginnings, so the vibration of this number is of new beginnings. It comes to remind us of the importance of creating through our own actions. It is with it that we have our awakening, as if we activated our release code for new flows.

In addition, the energy of the number 1 is linked to effort and progress. When it appears with insistence or repetition, it is important to ask yourself if it is not time to start a new project. Often, you recognize the need, but lack courage, autonomy. Be honest with yourself to develop the number 1 in your life.

Number 2

The message brought by the number 2 has to do with balance. It represents partnerships, intuition and perception. This number indicates the need for patience. It also brings a positive message and usually appears at important moments of our journey.

In this sense, you know that moment when indecision circulates or doubt in front of a project, this number reminds you that partnerships and good work are the right way.

So, when you start to notice number 2 around your life, stop, analyze if you don't need to value partnerships to achieve your goals. Another important point is how your relationships are going. Evaluate that too.

Number 3

For many, the number 3 is of expansion, it symbolizes growth (a couple having their first child always says "now we are 3", for example). In addition, this number is the aspect wrapped in certain mystique: holy trinity and also represents the body, mind and spirit.

Communication and creativity are part of it, which stimulates you to put sociability into practice to help other people. Number 3 represents abundance and is considered lucky and fortunate. Because it brings the energy of communication, joy and sensitivity, it brings the invitation to discover ways to express these feelings.

Number 4

A square has four sides and all are equal, they have the same measurements. Number 4 brings in the energy of organization and trust. And it is this energy that this number brings. It reinforces the importance of solid foundations, values conservatism and honesty.

In this sense, the challenge of number 4 is to organize situations and tasks, so if you see this numeral a lot it could be that some area of your life is calling for your attention to this item.

Another aspect that number 4 points to is the need for self-care and to value meaningful relationships. Those people who are always by our side or always willing to help and welcome us.

Number 5

Do not be surprised if you are in a moment of deciding something and you start seeing the number 5. This number points to new opportunities arising, challenges. You need to decide what to do.

Because of this need for decision, number 5 calls for confidence in the future. You need to align your purpose with your life mission. At this time, it's important to have focus to enjoy the new phase.

Have a positive attitude.Take advantage of opportunities and don't try to control the flow of life, let go and trust.

Number 6

Family, care and affection are some of the meanings of the energy of the number 6. If you see this number constantly, stop everything and look at your life. Evaluate how your relationships are going.

Family and friendship relationships help personal growth. If this is not the case, it is important to review what is going on. The exchange needs to be fair and provide growth for all involved. Another important point about seeing the number 6 repeatedly concerns the fact that boundaries need to be set in the relationship so as not to compromise your well-being.

The point is that many times, to maintain the well-being of a relationship, the person can cancel himself and be exposed to selfish people who only think about them. Be aware and do not make this mistake.

Number 7

The number 7 brings with it vibration, energy and spirituality. When this number appears, perhaps the message you should understand is that all is well between you and the astral world.

But that doesn't mean you should think that everything is fine and that you don't need to do anything else. Stimulating inner wisdom, studying to understand more about the human psyche should always be on your agenda. After all, knowledge transforms.

Number 8

Numerology defines the number 8 as a number that symbolizes balance and justice. On the other hand, when looking at 8 from another angle, lying down, it becomes the symbol of infinity. Because it is the number linked to the symbolism of infinity, it can represent the abundance of love, energy and other vibrations.

So, if you see this number frequently, maybe the universe wants to call your attention to something, either by demanding an attitude or posture, or by calling your attention to something you should do. In addition, this number indicates determined people who are good at managing resources, materialistic, and self-confident. You need to balance these characteristics so you don't become aarrogant person.

Number 9

Number 9 symbolizes universal love and represents eternity. The energy of this numeral is also related to the end of cycles. It is a reminder to listen to your intuition. In this sense, there are positive energies within you, so have confidence in them.

9 is a reminder to trust in your own potential and not to hesitate in situations.

Numbers repeated at equal times

Who has never noticed a certain frequency in seeing repeated numbers on their watch? It seems like a strange phenomenon, but don't be alarmed! Just try to understand the message behind the phenomenon.

It is good to keep in mind that there is no right answer to this phenomenon. It is believed that if you look at your watch the instant it strikes 11:11 or 17:17, for example, maybe the universe is trying to warn you about something.

So, keep reading this part of the article to know all about repeated numbers at equal times.


Be ready, for change is about to begin. Seeing 00:00 indicates that you are not alone: there are energetic forces on your side. The angels are protecting your steps. In this sense, zero indicates connection. It is a neutral symbol and the 4 zeros indicate that you must surrender to universal laws, as the cosmic force cannot be controlled.

In addition, the meaning of 00:00 in numerology indicates that success has a great chance of happening. Don't get stuck in your thoughts, take advantage of the opportunities and possibilities that will present themselves before you.


When you look at the clock and it says 01:01, your angel wants to tell you that there is someone in love with you. Look to the side, notice people. Sometimes they get so focused on their lives that they don't notice who is around them.

However, this combination can also indicate a bit of self-centeredness or even loneliness. In other words, it's time to be seen. Whoever doesn't show up, doesn't get established, the saying goes.

Also, seeing 01:01 indicates that you are ready, you can start that project that has been stored in the drawer. Try something new.


Invest in new friendships, new relationships, socialize. Look for new groups and people in your areas of interest. For example, if you like to dance, look for a group of people who have an affinity for dance.

Seeing the time 02:02 indicates that you are aware of what you can achieve in the future. To achieve this, have a solid foundation, hence this suggestion to seek out people with your areas of interest for your relationship. It is a suggestion because then you will have relationships based on a common and genuine interest.

Another advice for those who see this repeating schedule is to analyze what is good or bad for you. Don't be impulsive in your decisions. Take time to decide. Don't be in such a hurry to decide.


If it seems that you always look at the clock when it is 03:03 maybe you are facing an expression of spirituality. If you have come this far you must remember that we talked about the mystical nature of the number 3, that in the clock, you may be facing a powerful form of expression of your religiosity and spirituality.

This numeral asks for balance, so looking at the clock and seeing 03:03 is a request to balance the energy, find the center. Choosing the middle path, as taught by Buddhism is the best alternative. As the number 3 represents communication, constantly seeing 03:03 can also signal a warning from the angels for you to make good use of communication.


For many people repeated times are portal openings, magical moments that can bring a special energy. When these repeated times are noticed, that is, seen by someone, the message has a certain address: the one who visualizes it.

If you were taken until the repetition 04:04 is a sign that your guardian angel is standing by, ready to help you cope with any problems in the emotional area.

In the eyes of numerology, 04:04 is the 8 that represents success in material and financial aspects, but remember that life is made of phases: one on the rise, the next down. You need to go through both moments calmly.


You are sleeping and suddenly, for no reason, you wake up, look at the clock and it says 05:05. Maybe the angels are trying to get your attention because you are in need of some kind of help. Another possibility is that you are not paying attention to your creative power. You need to take care of your imagination too.

So seeing the 05:05 recurrently is a reminder of your love for life. The angels will be ready to help you invest in your creative side. You have a great energy and you should work with it whether it's learning new things or encouraging people to do new things. Life demands that you manifest.


You're feeling a little lonely and you notice that you're drawn to look at your watch at 06:06. Believe me, it's a sign, a special message to remind you that you're not alone: your protector is by your side. Drawing your attention to the instant 06:06 is the way to tell you that.

The numerology shows that 06:06 indicates that you are a reference or example for someone close to you. Look around, try to identify who that person is so that you don't deceive them. We need to take care of our surroundings.

Preserve your intimacy, keep a balance and don't interfere in people's decision. Everyone has the right to make their own choices.


And 07:07 caught his attention. 7 is a special number and has importance in some traditions: the 7 heavens of Islam, or the day of rest of God after he created the world, the seventh day, the contemplation of creation.

When you find yourself facing the 7 by the hour mark on the clock, the message from numerology is that you should explore the subjects you are curious about. The time has come to learn in order to create something new.

It is the search for balance. Remember that each phase of life demands something from us. Each phase brings a lesson. The message of 07:07 is that it is time to wake up, seek who you want to be.


When you see the number 8 you immediately think of material prosperity. Seeing the time 08:08 is also liberation. When this repetition appears, they are angels saying that this difficult period you are going through is ending.

08:08 is a reminder for you to check if you are doing your part, if you did what was within your power. Sometimes we don't use the tools that are available to solve a problem or eliminate something that bothers us.

Having the frequency of 08:08 is also an indication that it is time to work on your spiritual side. This means that you should listen to your intuition, understand the frequency and functioning of the energies.

Your spiritual development can help you develop your potential to help others either by providing guidance or well being.


Seeing 09:09 often indicates that you are living life to its full potential. This is good because it can serve as a reference for other people. By noticing 09:09, the angels signal that you need to take breaks to look at the inner world, for it is there that you find welcome and strength when you need it.

And one simple thing can help you on your way: meditate. Sit for a few moments, close your eyes and breathe. Get in touch with your inner self to find your balance point.

Everyone needs to take some time for themselves. Seeing the time 09:09 indicates that your perseverance is seen and recognized. Don't pay attention to the voices that say you won't make it. It's your determination and strength that will get you where you want to go.


When we see that 10:10 repetition you need to pay attention to the message. The focus should be on the present moment. That's all that matters. Forget about the past and don't worry about the future.

To get used to the here-now you can start cleaning out the closets, discarding what you no longer use. Keep only what is useful. Be available to the new that can only enter if you have space for it to happen.


The number 11 signifies a spiritual awakening. And when 11:11 appears, it can be the repetition of a cycle in our lives. But remember also to analyze the number in isolation. In this case, the 1 signifies a new beginning.

Another possibility when seeing 11:11 is a confirmation. If you are wrapped up in an important topic and 11:11 appears on the clock, it could be a sign from the universe that your idea is special.

Therefore, seeing 11:11 is an indication that you are on the right path. This sequence indicates an open portal, an essence of your "I." Amazing things can happen.


We can call the repeated schedule a mirror since the numbers are the same. In the case of the repetition of number 12, it is important to note that the energies of 1, which symbolizes a new beginning and 2, which means balance, cooperation, are present.

This combination also comes loaded with mysticism. In Judaism there are 12 tribes of Israel; in the Christian faith, the New Testament tells that Jesus chose 12 apostles and in Islam, the Koran also speaks of the 12 imams. In addition, numerology points out that the number 12 indicates that one should not be attached to the past.


When the repeated - or mirrored - number is 13:13 the message is one of expansion and the ability to express oneself and communicate with others. Looking at it in isolation, the number 3 is related to growth and expansion.

If you looked at the clock at the instant 13:13, maybe you should look for new things in your life. Venture out to new bars, new ways, listen to new music.

Maybe it's that movement you need to feel like you're moving forward toward your goals. 13:13 also carries the meaning of death and resurrection. It's a "shattered earth" when everything changes and a new direction arises in life.


Coherence. This is what the presence of number 14 indicates. Its energy also indicates determination to achieve goals. According to numerology, 4 is a number linked to practicality, organization, and building solid bases, and 1 indicates a new beginning.

Remember to always look at the numbers in isolation to complete the message they are conveying. The number 14 therefore asks for balance, harmony, temperance and prudence in new tasks.


Do not give so much importance to what people think about you. Make your choices based on your wants and needs. The opinion of others should not have great weight in your life. Take responsibility for your actions and choices.

By numerology, when we reduce 15:15 the result is 30. The number that reveals that communication and expression are your gifts and this can provide good opportunities on your path!

Having this repetition on the clock signals that you are in a phase of questioning your thoughts. Focus your attention on what is most important.


The time 16:16 indicates that you are not currently where you should be in your profession. You need to show determination and perseverance. The question is why you are not where you should be? Overwork, exhaustion. Lack of detachment from a situation-especially when it concerns our own lives-can prevent an honest analysis of which path is being taken.

In addition, the number 16 also indicates a possibility of spiritual growth. Individually, the number 6 indicates the bonds at home and with others.


Suddenly, for several days in a row, you look at the clock and 17:17. The number 17 is connected to a life lesson that needs to be learned, so this time is the instant when your angel is trying to send you a message. Destiny is on your side and will help you improve the current situation, whatever it may be.

The indication is that you will have enough willpower to achieve your goals. Just remember to control your ego so you don't get into trouble or alienate you from other people.


Related to business, the number 18 indicates that it's time to let go and also signals a message of support for personal growth. This mirror time also indicates that the time has come to put a stop to what is hindering your growth.

Another possibility is that 18:18 is the approach of a disappointment that may prevent the experience of relationship in all its potentiality. A distrust or a doubt, for example.

Do not be afraid. Allow yourself to experience, accept the imperfections of your partner. Making a relationship work requires dedication and understanding.


The same times can be linked to the angels. It is the way they communicate. In the case of 19:19 the message is the beginning, existence, freedom and will. The message of this repetition is that you can lead because you have the determination and motivation.

So the message of this combination is not to be afraid or worry about negative issues. When viewed in isolation, numerology indicates that the number 9 calls for optimism because it is an end of cycle, new things may be on the way. So 19:19 also indicates the need for reflection on life. If you are following your life mission, your role in the world.


The first time we notice time with matching numbers sequenced together comes a sense of surprise. It seems that the numbers come into focus and there comes an expectation that something special might happen at any moment.

However, in the case of seeing 20:20 the "happen" is for those who see the numbers. This combination calls for action. It is necessary to act and then, it is also necessary to go towards your dreams and projects. Standing still will not make things happen. Therefore, analyze your life, see where you can make a difference and move! The solution depends on you.


It would be great if we could know when a new phase is going to begin. In fact, if we listened to our intuition it would be possible to direct our life in a more natural way, but regularly noticing 21:21 is a good sign.

Looking at the clock when it strikes 9:21 is an incredible message, just like the Tarot card World, this combination marks the time of the harvest. Your time has come, your efforts will be recognized. The question is whether this leaves you worried or relieved.

It is necessary to keep calm. Do not program your attitudes depending on what you are going to receive. It is necessary to help other people to find their own way. Sometimes a kind word of support can already make a difference in someone's life.


Just like 11:11, the hour 22:22 causes the feeling that something special is going to happen. If you use the principles of numerology, you realize that the total of the mirror hour 22:22 is 44 and indicates the ability to create great things.

Seeing this combination may indicate that that position at work that you've been waiting for for so long is coming, or that you need to have stable relationships. Analyze how your relationships are going, if you have valued friends, your love partner, among others.

Another interpretation is that you need to pay attention to your health. Take care of your diet, do some physical activity.


Being surprised by the combination 23:23 is an indication that the angels are watching you. If you have something you want to put into practice, they will be your allies. Another indication of meaning is that you need to be more flexible. Those affected by this hour have the ability to communicate ideas and also those around them.

So 23:23 is the reminder that you can so much more than you believe, go beyond, you can do it.

Could the repeated numbers be a message from the Angels?

One of the ways of communicating with the angels are the repeated numbers, especially the guardian angel. When you study the numbers it is possible to understand a little of the message that the angels want to transmit to us.

It is not enough to understand that the repetitions. It is necessary to understand the energy involved in the numbers. The numbers work as the language of the angels to transmit the message and numerology is the mechanism to decode the message.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we pass unnoticed by the constant messages we receive from the angels, so they try to draw attention by making repeated numbers catch our eye.

Numerology teaches that each number has an energetic frequency. When we understand and use this to our advantage we can make our journey lighter and with a constant learning. So, the next time you notice a repeated sequence, remember: your angel is trying to send you a message.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.