Sagittarius in love: the man, the woman, the characteristics and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of Sagittarius in love

Sagittarians have an immense heart and a very big and intense way of loving, but for them their freedom always comes first, making that more controlling or jealous partners are not the ones that attract them.

Their desire for knowledge also dictates love. People who are always forward, lively and willing to get out of their comfort zone enchant any native of the sign of Sagittarius making the love story always lively and different.

Sagittarius is a sign of the Fire element and throws himself headlong into everything he does. When he loves someone, the feeling is very ardent, true and deep. There are no shallow relationships with these natives, they give themselves body and soul.

Sagittarius love characteristics

Sagittarius is a very kind and generous sign, but these two characteristics do not always make you get along with everyone, especially when you feel charged. These natives are usually very spontaneous and use intuition to make their decisions.

They are usually very fun and enthusiastic people who seek in a relationship not only a love bond, but also friendship. They like to feel free and don't like routines, so it is common that they are always planning something different to do.

It is always good to keep in mind that this sign is of the Fire element, so their attitudes can be a little impulsive. These natives do not like to be barred when they are going to do something. It is important to always leave them free and without much criticism, because it is the freedom that makes them feel good.

They don't like to be caged

Sagittarian natives give great priority to their own freedom, regardless of the relationship they are in. Because they are very curious about a wide variety of subjects, this thirst to explore the world is very much prioritized by them.

It is common to find Sagittarians that do not like and do not feel well giving satisfaction to other people, neither explaining themselves or anything like that, because for them it is very suffocating to be obliged to do something that in their head does not make sense.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is the planet of mental expansion, therefore this need to be free and own their own nose, which often sounds like irresponsibility and exaggerated detachment. But for these natives it is the only way to live life.

You can't tame the Sagittarian spirit

To relate to Sagittarians, you have to give up control. This sign is usually very self-assured and can also be stubborn if contradicted. So, the best company for them are people who feel comfortable leaving them free to do what they want and be who they are.

It is a frustrated attempt to try to tame this sign, because for them freedom is one of their life values and that is how they believe they are getting closer and closer to their own evolution. Exploring the world is what they came to do and those who try to stop them do not last long in their lives.


However free they may be, selfishness is not a characteristic of these natives. They may be stubborn, but they will never measure efforts to help other people and do what they can for them.

Sagittarians have a great generosity, they are very empathic and are very happy not only to know other people, but to help them if necessary, and, of course, without measuring sympathy and smiles.

Their optimism is contagious and their big heart is the same way. There is always one more in the social cycle of Sagittarius and that is exactly what makes these natives happiest and most alive. Being able to help, shelter and even sacrifice themselves for other people is common and pleasurable for them.

Sagittarius man characteristics in love

Although, in general, the characteristics of the sign of Sagittarius are always very similar regardless of the individual, men have their particularities and uniqueness, just like women.

It is common to find Sagittarius men who gesticulate a lot and love to tell funny stories. In addition, they have a very marked sense of irony. These natives love to make others laugh and have a very intense charm.


Sagittarius natives go on many trips, travel and love to get out of their comfort zones. They usually devour books, and any form of knowledge. They love to analyze in detail any information and are extremely intuitive.

It is common for them to value a good and different culture, to be very curious about the most diverse subjects and to have a great desire to learn and discover new things. For this reason, they love to relate with people very different from them so that they can learn and pass this knowledge on.

For these natives the intellectual life is much more important than anything else, even the basic care of their own health and hygiene. However, they don't like to be teased about anything, not even when they forget to eat or anything like that.

Attraction to Earth signs

Sagittarius is a Fire sign and is usually attracted to Earth signs, i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Sagittarius man with someone by his side being of the Earth sign will probably see him, even if for a while, as a symbol of perseverance, stability and security.

They may not realize it, but it is a very common mistake of these natives to cling to these companions, and this is not healthy, because for Earth people to grow is to have responsibility for themselves and with their own decisions. The Sagittarius man does not know how to make his own decisions, because for him growing means exploring, understanding, knowing.

The natives of this sign do not intend to become adults so soon. For them, being adult means losing part of their freedom and for people of Earth signs this is absurd because they are extremely responsible and committed people. This kind of relationship can be very frustrating for people of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Difficulty in uniting fantasy and reality

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, difficulty for Sagittarius men is to unite romantic fantasy and carnal reality in their relationship. For many natives, the only way out is to continue living in this world of fantasies, especially if they have money to maintain it.

Thus, depth, responsibility and intensity in relationships are left only to the imagination, leaving room only for the surface of the relationship. They often believe that to have a fully happy and good relationship, they need to get all the responsibilities out of the way, because it is impossible to have fun in such a serious and dense relationship.

Therefore, they usually run away from commitment and prefer to stay only in the most superfluous things of a love relationship, without going too far into serious relationships. The fear of giving up can be reality for many natives of this sign, so they feel better and more comfortable being in relationships without many promises and commitment.

But Sagittarians have a heart of gold, they can only be hurt easily, so they prefer to stay away.

Sagittarius woman characteristics in love

Sagittarius women are very adventurous, they love to explore, travel, meet and search. They are super curious and with a great thirst for expansion. They are usually tireless, hungry for experiences and with an extremely high need for personal freedom.

In love, they are not usually very different. They can be intense, but always wanting respect for their own space and way, as well as tending to give it to their partners as well. They do not marry easily or stay at home with domestic chores, on the contrary, they live to explore the world.

Need for personal freedom

Sagittarius women have a great need to have the freedom to be who they are and do exactly what they want to do. It is impossible to control these natives, because for them, the opportunity to get to know new places and new people is exactly what drives them.

To have your own space, to travel a lot, to move around as you wish and to meet interesting people is exactly what makes the heart of the Sagittarian woman pulsate more strongly. For them, if the relationship falls into a routine and there are no adventures, it is a reason for termination.

Careers that offer dynamism

It is common to find Sagittarian women in careers that make them learn something new every day, that can explore things and that require a lot of curiosity in the profession. Moreover, all work that has a lot of freedom and travel, is what most of these natives seek and prefer.

There are natives who are more introverted, who have a thirst for philosophy and who like to pass all this knowledge on to others. Sagittarians are always found in social causes, because for them, being active in groups awakens interest and concern for the welfare of humanity as a whole.

Opinion Women

Having a strong opinion and making it very clear, is one of the strongest characteristics of Sagittarius women. Because they are always thinking, learning, exploring and searching, they have certain convictions and very strong thoughts on different topics.

They are usually very intelligent women and easy to talk to about anything, because besides their exaggerated curiosity, they are very intelligent. It is normal to find a side more focused on matters of religion or spiritual, because these natives love to explore and expand the mind with these topics.

Sagittarian frankness

Like all natives, Sagittarians also have their weak point. For them communication is very difficult to control and to be without aggressiveness, because it is not common for them to think before speaking. For this reason, they tend to sound, many times, as rude and rude, but in truth, they are very sincere women who do not have so many tongues to say what they think and feel.

They are usually women with a very sharp intuition, and therefore, do not tend to measure what they say. For them, the truth is always one and there is no point in beating around the bush. Thus, they end up hurting people around them and often do not even understand why, since for them the sincerity and honesty must be followed.

Combinations of Sagittarius with other signs

All zodiac signs have positive and negative characteristics, and this is no different when they come together. Each sign has its strengths and weaknesses when they are together with Sagittarius natives.

This is defined according to the element, characteristics, ideas, essentials, ruling planets and so on. The sign of Sagittarius may predominate certain characteristics of the other signs and vice versa.

Sagittarius and Aries

When Sagittarius is together with Aries, it is passion and intensity for sure. Both Fire signs are very warm and passionate. It is a burning love, with lots of contact, smiles and laughs, as these two signs understand each other very well.

They are usually inseparable natives for everything, whether for a trip or to rest. They can be competitive, but nothing that goes beyond play, because these two love to play and have fun. You will only have problems at the time of having some responsibility, because, being signs of the Fire element, they are usually not very keen on serious matters, they like action and end up leaving these things aside.

Sagittarius and Taurus

The combination between Sagittarius and Taurus is very different and can be complex, because one is from the Fire element and the other is from the Earth element. For this reason, Taurus is usually calmer and slower, and Sagittarius is more lively and impulsive, so this totally opposite way can be conflicting for both.

Sagittarians love an adventure and prioritize their own freedom, while Taureans are usually more practical and down to earth, so it may be that Sagittarians feel that Taureans try to leave them more under control, resulting in many fights and disagreements.

However, the learning here is twofold. In the same way Sagittarius can learn to be a little more responsible and mature, Taurus can learn to let go more in life and be more spontaneous. One can help the other in several aspects, like the Fire sign having more calm and patience and the Earth sign getting out of its comfort zone more.

Sagittarius and Gemini

Sagittarians relating to Gemini can be very good for both of them. It is possible that they can get along very well together as they have many similar characteristics, for example, they both love freedom, love to travel, are curious and lively!

It is possible that these two signs can even have an open relationship, as they love to experiment and be free. Sagittarius respects Gemini's space and vice versa, as they are very similar even in the need to take some time for themselves, this can be a relief for both sides.

The relationship will be full of chemistry, love, intensity and lots of passion. The tendency is that both of you enjoy everything in a relationship and are extremely companionable with each other. Thus, the relationship is light and harmonious.

Sagittarius and Cancer

The combination between Sagittarius and Cancer may not be so positive as Cancer is a very sentimental Water sign, while Sagittarius' Fire may leave you hurt and fearful, as well as insecure, as it is impossible to leave Sagittarius under control.

Cancerians have a tendency to be more maternal, while Sagittarians are not very fond of being interfered with or restricted in their lives. Besides, Cancerians tend to be more reserved, quiet, in other words, totally the opposite of Sagittarius.

Both of you have a similar interest in spirituality and following your intuition. You may like to explore this theme together, and it may be something that connects and links you in some way. However, it will take a lot of dedication and patience to have a long-lasting and harmonious relationship.

Sagittarius and Leo

Both the sign of Sagittarius and the sign of Leo are of the Fire element and have a lot in common. Both love to party, are very extroverted, love to enjoy life and enjoy all the moments. This relationship can be very successful, warm and passionate.

It is undeniable that they have a physical attraction, which ends up being very intense and passionate, since both love life, they give themselves body and soul to everything. They have a lot of honesty in their ways of acting, thinking and speaking, besides a lot of love. But Sagittarius' freedom can be a problem for Leo, because Leo people are usually very jealous and authoritarian.

Sagittarius and Virgo

This combination can be very pleasant and beneficial for both of them, since Sagittarius is very exaggerated, dreamy, adventurous and Virgo is very reserved, down to earth and organized, so both of them can learn a lot from each other.

It is possible that they feel a strong attraction for each other, because both signs are very intelligent and intellectual, however, the relationship begins to have problems when the impulsive way of Sagittarius makes the sign of Virgo feel insecure.

While Sagittarians want to throw themselves into life, Virgoans need everything very well planned out. This can be something of much conflict in a love relationship between these two natives.

Sagittarius and Libra

When there is a relationship between Libra and Sagittarius it is extremely positive. The two match a lot, as they have a relationship of love and friendship at the same time. Both love to enjoy the good things in life, whether in the form of travel, party, or anything that takes them out of their comfort zone.

Also, even though Sagittarius is a more clumsy sign with a lot of impulses, Libra helps him to center himself, just as Sagittarius helps Libra to give himself more to life without thinking too much about the world around him.

Sagittarius and Scorpio

The relationship between Sagittarius and Scorpio can be very complex. Both signs have a very different nature, for the relationship to last, it takes a lot of dedication on both sides, because Sagittarius is a more free sign while Scorpio is more dependent and possessive.

In the day to day you have to be very careful with fights and arguments because they have a very different way of dealing with things, while Sagittarians are more optimistic and for the world, Scorpios are more withdrawn and pessimistic.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

This combination can be very good, in the same intensity that can be very self-destructive, because Sagittarians do not have much sense of responsibility, so the relationship will always be in the phase of fun, adventure and can be confusing all this love with friendship.

Overall, it is a very joyful, happy and optimistic relationship, with no great responsibilities and lots of travel and knowledge to be explored. So it may end up being a more superfluous relationship, as neither of you will have stimuli that will take you into something more serious and deeper.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

The relationship between these two signs is not so easy because the values and the way of seeing life are extremely different. It is necessary that both have a lot of maturity for this relationship to work out.

Sagittarians, with their freedom, causes Capricorn to view you with a look of irresponsibility, because while the sign of Sagittarius is going to parties and throwing themselves into life, Capricorn is focused on their future and building their life.

Therefore, it could be that the relationship is very complicated and full of conflicts, since Capricorn will want Sagittarius' sense of responsibility that will not always be delivered as he would like.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

This could be a great combination for both of them, as they both love freedom and have a lot of mental and sentimental intelligence. They are spontaneous and lively signs and love novelty. It is possible that the relationship will be without much romance and drama, as they are not so attached to these things. That is why they can have few fights and disagreements.

Because they have many similar characteristics, they can have a very harmonious relationship, because they have the same rhythm and way of thinking, and live in a very similar way. So they can live many adventures together, go on many trips, meet many different people.

Sagittarius and Pisces

What these two signs have in common is spirituality. This can be the strong point of the relationship between Sagittarius and Pisces as they both seek a connection with something much greater than themselves.

It is common that this relationship is focused on the search for the meaning of life, the difference here is because Pisces thinks more with the heart and Sagittarius looks more for the mental. This can be something positive, to the point that both complement each other, or negative, if there is lack of understanding on one side.

The relationship tends to be very intense and even illusory, as both signs can idealize much of the love that surrounds them. With time in the relationship, it is possible that differences will emerge more strongly.

The sign of Sagittarius

The sign of Sagittarius is of the Fire element and ruled by the planet Jupiter which is of good luck and mental expansion. This sign is very optimistic, cheerful, adventurous, likes to explore everything and know everything. They throw themselves into life with all their heart and soul.

These natives usually have a great desire for expansion, so their whole life revolves around getting out of their comfort zone and getting to know as many things, places, and people as they can. Thus, they can give off an air of lack of responsibility, as they are not very attached to material things, but rather to the experiences of life.

They are very generous and do not measure efforts to help others. The heart of the Sagittarian is worth gold, they are always willing to do everything for those they love and even for those they do not even know. For them humanity has many riches in terms of culture, religion and philosophy. Subjects that these natives are furious to be always knowing.

General features

It is very common for people of this sign to have a great thirst for freedom. They are very curious people, and therefore, always want to throw themselves into life to know and explore the world, so they do not like to be or feel tied to something or someone.

Sagittarians have a contagious good mood, they are always hopeful and look at life from a positive point of view, so it is very difficult to find these natives sad or discouraged about something, because for them it is very important to keep faith.

The most famous myth comes from Greek mythology, which is about Chiron, who was a kind of King of the Centaurs, half man, half horse, and lived in his tribe in the middle of the Thracian forest. He was renowned for his wisdom in various subjects, so he received many gifts and even the children of the kings of Greece for him to educate them.

One of the legends says that Chiron was wounded by a poisoned arrow and it was because of his wisdom that he received immortality from the gods. Thus, the figure of Chiron is the one who heals and the wise man with an incurable wound.

Because of this mythological figure we can have a very wide vision of the sign, because the intuition and spirituality of the Sagittarians is very sharp and of great focus in their lives. Their way of seeing everything with the eyes of optimism also comes from everything that Chiron has already passed in his myths.

The shadow of Sagittarius

All signs have their positive and negative points in their characteristics. With Sagittarius, their shadows are in the places where things are happening, and at times when everything happens, because for these natives the movement of life is what makes them comfortable, knowing that they will have what to do and venture is what makes them happy.

This can be a very selfish characteristic, because when everything is at a standstill and for these natives certain people are no longer useful, they are discarded by them. There are no scruples for them to remove people from their lives, just feel the boredom and convenience that this occurs.

Besides, they can be very stubborn and irrational in several moments of life that ask for responsibility and maturity. For Sagittarians, responsibility makes life serious and this is synonymous to a boring and stopped life, so they tend to be inconsequential many times throughout life.

How to deal with the shadow so that it does not affect Sagittarius in Love

All negative characteristics can be transmuted and transformed. Often the only thing that is needed for this to occur is the will. With the will to change, everything changes. To deal with Sagittarius shadows in love requires a lot of patience.

Natives of this sign are not usually so transparent about their own fears, it is common for them to be very sincere and honest, but when it comes to opening their hearts, it is more complicated for them.

Vulnerability is something very challenging for Sagittarius, so it's important to have a lot of patience and willingness for shadows not to be a problem, because for these natives it will be necessary to give up a lot of baggage of fear of feeling charged and fear of feeling pressured, as well as the fear of letting go of the life of adventure to live something more linear.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.