12th house in Taurus in your birth chart: meaning, personality and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to have the 12th house in Taurus in your birth chart?

Having the sign of Taurus in the 12th house of your birth chart means that you are a person who values the senses of life: touch, taste, nature, contact with the earth, everything that involves what is most natural in the world.

It is incredible how peculiar your tastes are, and because of this you probably prefer to do almost everything yourself. The 12th house is succeeded by the Ascendant in Gemini, showing that in addition to these virtues, you cherish dreams and plans, when made in secret. Your happiness should not be spread around, so you prefer to execute rather than tell.

In this article, we will explain the main attributes for those who have the sign of Taurus in the 12th house of the astrological chart. Check it out!

Meaning of the 12th house

The 12th house signifies all that you must and can do alone. It is known to be the house of karma as it carries with it the traces of the past life. It defines your preferences and habits when considering material goods, indicating the expenses you usually make.

Erroneously, the 12th house is known to signify only negative aspects, however it indicates great potentiality in the spiritual foundation. It has much power in showing the strength of intuitions and feelings, and has a direct relationship with isolation and with what is on our hidden side.

Below we will see the main characteristics that the 12th house reveals about a person. Follow along and learn more!

Meaning of life

The meaning of life seen from the 12th house in the astral chart is related to emotional prisons, which have as a symbol hospitals, asylums and large institutions.

These emotional attachments indicate that you are in a new cycle and that various manifestations may occur. The subjectivity present in this house shows that you are more connected with your inner self and that you need to recover and identify your authenticity and identity.

This can bring great sadness, for when you are ready to face yourself, you may come face to face with your fears, faults and "inner monsters". Some people find it difficult to do this, for they will have to see themselves as they really are.

All this happens because the 12th house points to the transition between the old and the new. To evolve, you need to look at yourself and face what is not doing you any good.

Shadows and fears

When learning about the 12th house, we are apprehensive, as it is one of the deepest and most difficult to understand, according to astrologers.

The fears are related to all this desire and will of the soul to return to the customs and vices of the past life. These vices can be bad and bring up many complicated omens. What causes the greatest fear is that this force is very great and intense, and most of the time it is difficult to prevent it from happening.

Spirituality and charity

The spirituality involved in the 12th house serves as an imprint on past lives. Your inner self seeks to return to all that it knew and therefore constantly comes into friction with who you are in this present life.

Charity is a means for you to calm the planets ruling your 12th house, so that they do not dominate over your personality. Keeping an eye on your chart and identifying the days when they will be present will give you a better idea of when and how to offer the appropriate charities.

Hidden Mysteries

The hidden mysteries are those that are stuck to the soul and the ancestor. All the customs, choices, preferences and habits are imprinted in our soul. For those who believe in reincarnation, consider this a very important fact to understand certain aspects of life.

The interesting thing in understanding the hidden mysteries is self-knowledge, because the 12th house helps you to better understand your attitudes, instincts, and often even your manner and personality. This is remarkable, because understanding the depth of your old self helps you to identify the crucial points in your present life.

Hidden Enemies

This is an important part, because hidden enemies can be present right next to you and you may not know it. Usually, these people pose as close friends, but in reality, they only want your harm.

It is important that you pay attention to the 12th house in this sense, because sometimes sabotage comes from ourselves and we don't notice it. There are moments when we doubt our capacity and, consequently, we lose confidence in who we are. All this contributes to undermine our goals and dreams, causing us to fall into self-sabotage.


Known as the house of fish, the 12th is defined exactly because it is that deep part of us, in which we know everything, but without understanding how. In other words, it is about intuition.

It is strong and leads us to convictions which, in general, we do not know how we have, but which are the mysterious certainties which dwell within us. Precisely because it is something so deep and mysterious, the 12th house is complex, so much so that it forces us to go in search of complete answers.

Karma and past lives

The 12th house prepares the person for the new life and offers information about past ones. Knowing what the traces of your old incarnation look like seems daunting, as they may still continue to hang over your current life.

The karma from your past life, that is, the negative points you had, directly interfere in who you are now, and only you can prevent them from becoming relevant. For that, it is recommended to practice self-knowledge and learn to look inside yourself with more objectivity, recognizing your weaknesses. This will make you reach the level of improvement with success.

How do I know which sign my 12th house is in?

To know which sign is present in this position, you need to do your complete birth chart, as the 12th house is the last house of the water element. Therefore, you will be able to see the emotional junction of all your past lives, as it signifies the unconscious.

In this way, you will know and understand what, in fact, are your hidden mysteries, as well as enemies, pressures and inner fears.

Personality of those born with 12th house in Taurus

Those born in the 12th house in Taurus are very stubborn and resistant. They have a very acute logical reasoning, but they are not always honest. There is an excessive search for stability and they have difficulties in letting go.

Taureans in the 12th house are hardly moved by emotions as they are ruled by reason and thought. However, inside, they are needy and require more intense love approaches. To better understand the intimate aspects of those born with Taurus in the 12th house, follow the session below!

Security and stability

For you, with the 12th house in Taurus, it is difficult to feel comfortable with change. The instability of having to readapt brings you great disturbance, especially since you are quite stubborn to accept these modifications.

You hardly feel any real pleasure in situations like this, so as well as not liking to expose your relationships, you also have a strong need to hide these transformations from others.


Money is what dictates the materialities of those who have the 12th house in the sign of Taurus. The dread of losing everything and your financial need is very high, so you can't stay away from it.

This factor is so important that, many times, you treat people dishonestly, only aiming at material goods. Such goods are not always expensive and luxurious, but they bring the greatest comfort and pleasure.

Material pleasures

Often you seek unattainable satisfaction and deprive yourself of enjoying the moments. As someone who has the sign of Taurus in the 12th house, you have secret meetings as well as hidden sexual relations.

The small pleasures that rule your life are the ones that involve comfort. You are a person who doesn't save when the subject is quality of life. You don't think twice before buying a good sofa or making an investment in a new mattress, which is sometimes expensive and comfortable.

Fear of material loss

If you have Taurus in the 12th house of your birth chart, fear of material losses is a great fear of yours. You are a person who values comfort, but this is only attainable with controllable situations. Being stubborn, you are often deceived by other people, which can cause the loss of your money and even bankruptcy.

You are terrified of losing everything which gives you a sense of stability. Your need for money is high, and so you cannot stay away from it. For you, losing material possessions is unplanned and indicates a loss of stability in life, which is what you hate most.

Resistance to new things

Being resistant to new things is typical of someone with the 12th house in Taurus. Because of your stubbornness, you hardly accept that something will change, or that something out of your control will happen.

You feel that you need to live a life where everything happens in order, and the process of adjustment is terribly uncomfortable for you. Detachment is also not very pleasant, as you take comfort in what you are used to.

Focus on weighing all situations, as sometimes it's worth accepting some changes that can bring you new opportunities and growth. Stability is good, but it prevents you from thriving.

Can having the 12th house in Taurus indicate a conservative personality?

Analyzing the statements presented in this article, we can understand that the sign of Taurus, when present in the 12th house of the astrological chart, indicates a strong personality, stubbornness, loneliness, grandiose ideals and several defined objectives.

However, people of this position have a side that hates change and are closely connected to material possessions, feeling comfortable in stability. In this way, Taurus natives in the 12th house tend to be conservative, having their life mapped out in their style of comfort and goals always ruled.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.