See the meaning of the Nordic Odin runes: how to play, read and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of the Norse runes of Odin?

The Nordic Odin runes are one of the best known forms of oracle, being a path to gain self-knowledge, as well as providing a link to the Sacred. They can even help to find answers and solutions, as well as predict the possibilities of the future.

There are 24 symbols or letters, divided into three large groups, which refer to Scandinavia and the centre of ancient Europe. According to legend, Odin took the tree of life (of knowledge or of the world) from the ground and cut his own skin to make them.

As his blood dripped on the ground, the runes emerged and revealed themselves to be powerful. Then, he negotiated with wisdom, leaving one of his eyes in exchange for a drop of the fountain of wisdom and the runes began to function as practical oracles, of direct and assertive answers.

Just like the gypsy deck or other forms of oracle, each piece has a unique meaning and can bring positive or negative interpretations, depending on each one. Also its position at the time of drawing the pieces and whether it is inverted or not, can change the meaning.

In general, Nordic runes are divided into three groups: physical achievements or Freyr Aett; emotional achievements or Heimdall's Aett; and finally, spiritual achievements or Haeg's Aett. Understand each one in detail and learn how to interpret runes correctly!

Meaning of the runes of the 1st group: physical achievements

Called Freyr Aett (where Aett means family), the runes of physical achievements speak of how to discover your footing in the material world, being related to financial achievements and possession of physical resources. So you have runes like cattle, which was a sign of great wealth, and others related to disposition and communication skills. Learn what they are:

Fehu: the cattle

The cattle means prosperity, wealth. This fortune is in the material sense, either with capital or with goods. It also represents good luck and success, both financial and social. If it is inverted, it represents exactly the opposite. Losses or obstacles that are about to arrive.

If used in closed questions, it represents yes, if in its normal position and no, if it is inverted. If you are looking for daily advice, it is telling you that today will be a prosperous day, if taken upwards, or to be cautious with spending and borrowing, if taken downwards.

Uruz: the wild bull

Uruz is the rune of the wild, brave bull. It represents strength, vigor, endurance and dedication at work. Other relations are persistence, motivation and the fighting spirit, present in those who never give up. It is health and the representation of the masculine. When inverted, the rune represents sickness, blockage and evil in its direction.

When used in closed questions, it represents yes, if in its normal position and no, if it is inverted. In the search for daily advice, it is telling you that today is a perfect day to start a project or face that difficulty you were putting off, but if it is inverted, take care of your health.

Thurisaz: the thorns

This Norse rune represents not only thorns, but also Thor's hammer. It is a powerful energy, a unique and intense force. It can be used for both good and evil. In other words, it can be in the form of catharsis and purification or conflict. If it is inverted, it represents lack of strength, ostracism and betrayal.

If used in closed questions, it represents yes, if in its normal position and no, if it is inverted. When used in the search for daily advice, it is telling you that today you must be attentive to all situations, because they may not seem exactly what they are. And if it is inverted, beware of betrayals.

Ansuz: The Words of Odin

The rune Ansuz represents the word, communication, revelations and intuition. It is the message of the Sacred, with wisdom and truth. If it is inverted, it represents difficulties and barriers in communication, manipulation of the word and lies. It can also represent the possibility of being deceived.

When using it in closed-ended questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if it is inverted. If the search for daily advice, it is telling you that today you need to reconnect, but if it is inverted, be careful what you say.

Raidho: the chariot

Representing the movement of energies, the cycle of endings and beginnings, growth and new perspectives, the rune Raidho can also indicate travel or physical changes. Another possible interpretation is the expansion of perspective and the scope of your actions, whether on the physical or spiritual plane. When inverted, the rune shows a lack of flexibility, lack of reasoning and rupture.

In direct questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if it is inverted. If you are looking for daily advice, it tells you that today some change may happen, but if it is inverted, keep calm.

Kenaz: the torch

The main meaning of the rune Kenaz is enlightenment, wisdom and the reunion of the Self with the Truth. When it is taken away, it is a sign that the truth may soon appear or some secret will be exposed.

In addition, it may be that your life mission is close to presenting itself. It is related to creativity, vitality and innovation. When inverted, it represents reasoning limitation, distorted vision and instability.

If used in closed-ended questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if it is inverted. If seeking daily advice, it is telling you today to be resilient, but if it is inverted, seek empathy.

Gebo: the gift

Generosity is the main meaning of the Gebo rune, indicating that you will soon receive a blessing, bringing more abundance into your life. It also represents healthy and prosperous relationships, as well as balance.

This is an essentially good rune, as all of its meanings are positive, without having an inverted version. If you pull it out in your search for daily advice, it's telling you that you'll have good news today. So take the time to practice gratitude.

Wunjo: the joy

Representing joy, parties, and the pleasures of life - whether they are small or not, the Wunjo rune brings the idea of belonging. It also indicates that you are safe and secure. On the other hand, if it is inverted, it indicates unhappiness and loss.

If used in closed-ended questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if it is upside down. In cases of the daily advice, allow happiness to enter your life. But if it is upside down, maintain resilience.

Meaning of the runes of the 2nd Group: emotional achievements

The second group of runes is the Aett of Heimdall, which deals with growth and emotional development. It also deals with problems that may be hindering you or possible obstacles on the way. The runes in this group talk about destiny and abundance. Get to know each one!

Hagalaz: the hail

The rune Hagalaz means sudden, abrupt change - neither good nor bad, just the characteristic of change. Like hail, it forms without warning and can enchant the beholder or destroy roofs and crops. The big question here is how you will handle these transformations that are completely out of your control.

It stands for testing, resilience and learning and has no reversed version. If the search for a daily advice, pay attention to how you react to the world and try to stay present at all times, so that you can notice the changes around you.

Naudhiz: the need

Naudhiz is the rune of necessity, of difficulties and restrictions. It is also related to the ability to survive these moments, resistance and resilience. Another meaning is that of essential needs, with balance between work and leisure, problems and tranquility. When inverted, it means deep sadness, failure and anguish. A need to look at yourself and find yourself again.

If used in closed-ended questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if it is inverted. As a daily advice, practice resilience. But if it is inverted, don't hesitate to look for someone to talk to and remember to take care of yourself.

Isa: the ice

Although the Isa rune represents slowness, delay, cancellation or even frustration, it can also be interpreted as the need to stop for a moment and put one's life or situation in perspective. It is a time to stop, breathe and evaluate the situation before taking action or making a decision.

It does not present its inverted version. If the search for a daily advice, practice conscious breathing whenever you feel the need, taking small breaks throughout the day and analyzing your thoughts and emotions.

Jera: the harvest of the year

Jera is the rune of the harvest - it represents the return of what was done, no matter if positive or negative. If the seeds were good, it brings abundance and blessings, being related to gratitude. Another possible interpretation is the cycle of nature itself, with life and death, harvest and planting.

This rune has no inverse version. If you seek daily advice, practice gratitude, regardless of the outcome that returns to your life. After all, if it's positive, it's cause for celebration, otherwise, for introspection. But always be grateful for the learning.

Eihwaz: the yew tree

Yew is a sacred tree for many cultures and the rune Eihwaz has it as a symbol. Strong and persevering, it indicates resistance and wisdom, together with access to the most sacred aspects of existence. Another possible meaning is that of trust and purpose. On the other hand, when inverted, it represents destruction and the end of a cycle.

If used in closed questions, it represents yes, if in its normal position it is no, if it is inverted. In cases of the daily advice, it indicates that today you need to be persevering, because the result will come. But if it is inverted, try to see the good side of the situation and your learning.

Perdhro: something hidden

Perdhro is the rune linked to women's fertility as well as to what is mysterious and hidden or fate. Its basic interpretation is that no one can control fate and one should make the best of the opportunities that come their way, thus giving rise to fortune or luck. Its inverted version represents lack of faith and being stagnant in life.

If used in closed questions, it represents yes, if in its normal position it is no if it is inverted. In cases of the daily advice, accept life's changes as a reality and always adapt. But if it is inverted, it is time to start thinking about shaking things up a bit in your life.

Sowelo: the sun

Sowelo is considered the rune of happiness. It represents good luck, prosperity and abundance. It is also linked to good health and achievements, always bringing good news. It is the power and vigor of the sun, indicating clearer days and a life of enlightenment.

It is always positive and does not have an inverted version. In cases of the daily advice, pay attention to the opportunities that present themselves today, it may be a great chance to realize that dream or improve your quality of life.

Algiz: the protection of the moose

Algiz is the elk rune, which mainly represents strength and protection. Inner strength can also be a form of interpretation, when related to spiritual growth and moral stamina. Your guides are protecting your path and your dreams may manifest soon. When inverted, it indicates that something dangerous is in your path and hidden from your eyes.

Meaning of the runes of the 3rd group: spiritual realizations

The third group of Nordic Odin runes is Haeg's Aett, which is related to spiritual realizations. They deal not only with spirituality, but also with the legacy you will leave before you depart. Consequently, some of the themes it deals with are transformations, birth, the notion of oneness, intuition and ancestry.

Tiwaz: God Tyr

Tiwaz is the arrowhead of the Norse God Tyr, representing success and victory. It is the rationality and honor of the warrior, leading to leadership and conquests. It shows open paths and tendency to sacrifice. If this Norse Odin rune appears inverted, then it means creative block, delay in decision, lukewarm life and lack of balance.

Berkana: the birch tree

Berkana is related to birth, fertility and new paths. It may also deal with deliverance from some situation that would consume your days and discourage your spirit. When it comes out inverted, then it deals with quarrels between family members, anxiety, lack of control of life and carelessness.

If used in closed questions, it represents yes, if in its normal position it is no if it is inverted. In cases of the daily advice, accept life's changes as a reality and always adapt. But if it is inverted, it is time to start thinking about shaking things up a bit in your life.

Ehwaz: the horse

The Odin rune Ehwaz indicates progress in some project, professional or personal, movement in some sector of your life and reliability. It refers to harmony, loyalty and fluidity when you need to work with other people. Inverted, this rune denotes lack of tranquility, agitation, lack of confidence and need for change.

When used in closed-ended questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if inverted. In cases of the daily advice, take the opportunity to get a project off the ground. But if it's inverted, then you'd better wait.

Mannaz: the man

The main meaning of the Nordic rune Mannaz is social order, hierarchy and the notion of community. It can also represent the self, the identity that differentiates people, as well as relationships and mortality. If it is inverted, the rune that has man himself as a symbol, refers to loneliness, manipulation and lies.

When using it in closed questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if it is inverted. In cases of the daily advice, take the opportunity to start a social project. But if it is inverted, pay attention and don't be fooled.

for Laguz: water

The Laguz rune is connected to the energy of the waters, involving intuition, imagination, dreaming and mysteries. Totally connected to the emotional, it is also linked to intuition and healing, intensifying the ability to connect with the spiritual. If this Nordic rune is in its inverted form, it indicates fear, failure to judge, creative block and evasive behavior.

In closed questions, it represents yes if in its normal position and no if it is inverted. In cases of the daily advice, try to understand your emotions and find healing for old wounds. But if it is inverted, find your courage.

Ingwaz: fertility

Inguz or Ingwaz is the name of the Nordic Odin rune that represents man's fertility, good sense, strength and family. It is related to peace and personal development. It can also relate to pregnancy, having as its correlate god Ing, deity of the Earth.

This rune has no inverse meaning. In cases of the daily council, it may be a good time to start a course you've been wanting for some time.

Dagaz: the day

The rune of the dawn - Dagaz is about the end of a cycle that leads to maturity, in all senses. It is a sign that changes are coming, with some stability and security. It is a good omen for those who want to start some project, having a positive meaning and related to faith.

In cases of the daily advice, try to keep your feet on the ground, even if you intend to make changes in your life.

Othala: the inheritance

The Othala rune is about heritage in the spiritual sense, both related to karma and the legacy built and left for generations to come. It is also about abundance, success and cyclical renewal. The sense of community and basic values of society are also possible interpretations. If inverted, it represents prejudice and negative karma.

For direct questions, it represents yes, if in its normal position and no, if it is inverted. In the cases of the daily advice, try to reconnect with your essence. But if it is inverted, try to open your mind and see things from new perspectives.

How to read the meaning of the runes

There are two basic ways to read the runes, one is by asking for generalized guidance - which leads to a more open question and leads to several interpretations. The other ideal possibility is for closed questions, in other words, leading to only two answers: yes or no.

These two forms can be used to ask for advice, ask a question expecting a specific answer, or even play for someone else. Understand each of these possibilities!

Rune Council

Nordic rune advice should be sought in more introspective cases, when it comes to particular, deep questions which require guidance rather than an answer. It depends much more on the intuition, experience and expectations of the person playing than on logic. For this, the ideal is to use three or more runes, always multiples of this number.

Question and answer

In a very simple way, this game mode is done through an objective question, seeking a more practical answer. It can be in the style yes / no with only one rune, or even some answer to a situation of the present or what can happen if you take a certain attitude, made in multiples of 3.

Typically, question and answer mode is used to help decide on possibilities or know what the future will look like.

Playing runes for someone else

The process of reading the Nordic runes for another person is practically the same as the personal reading. All the preparation is the same, but who makes the questioning is the consultant, who should be harmonized and with the strong intention of getting your answer.

In addition, he should be concentrated in the moment, with a focused mind. Then, he should be the one to ask the question, out loud, so that the answers are more aligned with his energy.

Some types of rune games

To understand the meaning of the Nordic runes, there are a few ways to play the pieces. Among the most common are the one-rune and the three-rune games. After that, you should add multiples of three if you want to make the answer more complex, also showing the more unconscious aspects related to the question. Here's how to play the two most used games!

One rune game

The game of a rune should be done when looking for a more objective answer or even for those of yes or no. To do this, simply prepare the moment by placing the cloth on the surface to be used and holding the rune between your two hands, meditating for a moment.

Then, just play the rune and check the answer. It's a great way to start the day, being mindful of the message passed throughout it.

Three runes game

Also known as the game of the three Norns, Nordic Goddesses of Fate, the game of three runes is ideal for advice or more complex questions. For this, the runes are chosen randomly, placing from left to right: the rune of the past (or the cause), the present (or how the issue is developing) and the future (possible scenarios or solutions).

Then, just interpret, with full attention to the intuition and guidance of your guides or guardian angels.

Common questions about the meaning of runes

Among the most common doubts regarding the game of runes is the understanding if the situation is positive or negative. Here, you will better understand how to understand this issue, as well as learn how to make your own runes and use them in rituals and spells!

How do you know if the situation is positive or negative?

The main way to know if the answer indicates a positive or negative situation is the position of the pieces. Usually, upside down pieces indicate something negative. There are some runes, however, whose meaning is also positive, like Gebo, Jera or Dagaz.

Of course, everything will depend on the interpretation made, based not only on knowledge about the issue itself, but mainly on your intuition and what the guides have to say. So it is important to be focused and with a firm intention when playing the Nordic runes.

How to make your own runes?

The runes made by the consulent himself are more powerful, because they are embedded with his energy and intention. To make the rune at home, you can use various materials, preferably natural, which generate greater efficiency.

For this, you can choose pieces of wood, simple stones, such as those found in backyards, crystals that you have affinity or related to your deity and others. You should avoid plastic and industrialized, due to low conductivity and energetic connection of these materials. It is important that they are all approximately the same size and shape, not to influence the play.

Once you have chosen the material, wash it very well, leaving it in brackish water for a day, then rinse and dry it in the sun. Then carve, scratch, burn or engrave the runes with ink or any other material you find more appropriate.

Then, take your pieces of the runic game carefully, with your energy clean and your hands washed, and place them in an appropriate bag or box, cleaned with sage incense or similar. Consecrate them as you see fit and keep them where no one else can touch them, so as not to alter the energy deposited.

After that, you can use them to do readings or even use them in rituals and spells, regardless of the belief system in which they are based. For example, if you are Christian, you can use angels or saints as your guides at the time of consultation. Similarly, the Gods and guides of the African, Nordic, Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, Hindu or any other pantheon whose energy you identify with.

How do runes work in rituals and spells?

Rituals and spells are completely related to the intention for which they are made. So when you choose a particular rune to work, for example, as a talisman, you are associating the intention (protection, power, healing, etc.) to its meaning.

Consequently, it will emanate that specific energy more intensely, opening up avenues for you to take advantage of it. When you prepare a spell or ritual, you are opening your energy to the results of it if done for you, and the rune is an archetype that helps in strengthening the intention.

So if you are going to do, for example, a ritual of protection for your home, you can use an ornament with the rune Algiz for this, intensifying its intention. And not only stones or ornaments with runes are used in rituals, but can also be written on paper and burned afterwards, increasing its power, always with care and guidance.

Spells can also be maximized with the use of runes. You can use, for example, Algiz in the preparation of a cleansing or banishing water, placing the rune submerged with the other ingredients, straining and applying it around the house with a sprayer. Thus, it will work as an amplifier of the intention, through its archetype and energy involved.

Can playing runes help me make more assertive decisions?

From the moment you decide to take your runes to make a decision, you are already opening yourself up to finding solutions to the question. In this way, even without counting any magic, guides or the energetic aspect, you are already helping your mind to focus on finding an answer.

In addition, you should take into consideration other aspects, such as spiritual guidance, either by your guardian angel, guide or worshiped deity. Their affinities may have a broader view of the situation at stake, and can give a more assertive guidance on the subject, leading to better results.

Another important aspect is your own intuition, especially if the runes were made by you. When you open your energy field to the possibilities that surround you, it is much easier to have new ideas and find more suitable ways for you to reach your goal.

In other words, yes, the meaning of the Nordic runes can help you make better decisions, based not only on material and limited vision, but with the help of spirituality, faith and intuition.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.